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By marblemeth

18.4K 584 675

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Slightly-off Himejima Headcanon
Une question
NEW READERS: start here please
1. hearts
2. green thing in a washing machine
3. devious bird gets a valentine sweetheart
Valentine's Special ๐Ÿ’‹

Halloween special

1.6K 48 44
By marblemeth

<This special doesn't follow the storyline or Y/n's personality. Art isn't mine.>

A lil warning:
There's no smut
but there is a lot of sexual talk and tension
All characters used are canon age and Y/n is 18+

Halloween, 7:00 p.m.

"Hi Obanai!~" I hugged my naga friend from behind as I greeted him. He stiffened under my touch but soon relaxed and coiled his tail around my legs to return the hug while he was faced the other way. 

"H-hey Y/n," he greeted back. "I'm glad you could make it." 

I released him from the hug and he turned around to face me. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this party for the world!" I grinned widely, baring my fangs. He blushed red. I was used to this reaction. I am a succubus, after all. 

"Sooo~ where's everyone else?" I hovered off the ground to reach the same height as him. 
"They're all inside."
"Then why are you all alone out here?" I teased him. 
"...I was waiting for you." he whispered. 'You're too cute, Obanai!'  
"Aww! Let's join them then!" I grabbed his hand and led him up the hill towards the mansion. 

As we reached closer to the mansion, I could hear loud music blaring through the doors. 'Poor Giyuu.' I thought in amusement. The mansion was owned by an ancient vampire named Giyuu Tomioka. He was probably pressured into hosting this party by Tengen because he has the nicest home. 

Me and Obanai entered and were met with the sight of all our friends and acquaintances dancing and partying. Some were dressed in styles that were centuries old, and some were dressed modernly. I was an example of the modern style.  "Ooh!~ This looks like so much fun, Obanai!" I squealed and immediately dragged him deeper into the mansion. 

"What do you wanna do first?!" I asked him over the loud music. He shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, Y/n!" 
"Let's say hi to people first!" I suggested. He only nodded and followed me wherever I went. 

We first went to Giyuu and Shinobu. 

"Y'know Tomioka, people may actually start liking you for hosting this party- Oh, hi Y/n!" Giyuu snapped his head in my direction at hearing my name. I noticed the quick glance he gave my chest. 'Oh brother...c'mon Giyuu, it's totally covered this time.' 

"H-hello, Y/n.." Giyuu greeted me shyly. 
"Hi Giyuu! Shinobu!" I greeted the pair. An immortal witch and a vampire. Shinobu's case was quite interesting. She gained immortality from a potion she accidentally created and now she's been with us ever since. It preserved her beauty and everything after all these years!

"Oh, I see Iguro is with you too! Did you two come together?" Shinobu asked. Giyuu glanced away uncomfortably. 
"Yeah! He was nice enough to wait for me!" I smiled. 
"How considerate!" she smiled too, but hers was forced. I know I have an effect on her even though she's female. It's the same way with Mitsuri, a cute kitsune. 

"Would you..like something to drink Y/n? Water..or blood, perhaps? I even saved up some soul juice." Giyuu offered.

"Soul juice sounds great! Thanks Giyuu!" I kissed his cheek, a little payment of thanks. His pale face flushed a deep red.
"Alright, you old virgin, go get the lady some soul juice!" Shinobu laughed, pushing Giyuu away. 

I felt an intense glare from behind and could already tell who it was from. "Calm down, Obanai." I turned and whispered to him. He stared down at my face.
"Don't treat Tomioka so kindly." he hissed. 
"I'll treat him how I treat everybody else." I hovered up and kissed his cheek. He immediately fell under my spell, a blushing mess. 

"So..." Shinobu interrupted. "I see you two are still as close as ever, hm?" Obanai narrowed his eyes at her. 
"Yes, and it will be that way for quite some time." 
"Right. Well, I hope you don't mind if I steal your friend for a moment then, do you?" Before Obanai could answer, Shinobu snatched me away, teleporting us to a different area with one of her potions. A more secluded area.

"Now Y/n, why don't we catch up?~"  Shinobu whispered. She wrapped her arms around my waist and stuck her nose into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent deeply. 

"Shinobu..you don't wanna do this. It won't end well." I warned her. She didn't care though, and lightly kissed my neck. She kept kissing up until she reached the corner of my lips.
"Hush Y/n, please...just kiss me already. I've waited so long for this...Mark me as yours. Aren't you hungry?~"

I could see all her desires and lusts, radiating off her like a strong perfume. It was all so tempting, to just consume her like this. I almost gave in. But seeing her vulnerable face brought me back to my senses. I had made her feel this way, just by being what I am. But I'm also her friend, and I don't want to ruin her like this. 
"No, Shinobu. You must stop this." my voice went deeper.

She pouted, but didn't move an inch. "Tell me something, Y/n..." she whispered in my ear. "Have you ever slept with a woman before?" 

I had enough and decided to end this myself. I brought my teeth to her neck and bit down. She instantly fell limp into my arms, unconscious. "I'm sorry, Shinobu..but when you wake up, you won't remember this ever happening." I teleported us to one of the many guest bedrooms, laid her on the soft bed, and tucked her in.

"Hopefully you'll wake up before the party ends so you can still enjoy yourself." I smiled warmly at her sleeping form. "Sweet dreams." 

I returned to the crowd and decided to try and have a good time despite what just happened. I quickly found Obanai and rushed up to him. 
"Hey Obanai, sorry about that! Hehe," I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. 
"Where is Shinobu? And-...why do I smell her all over you?" his tone darkened and his pupils turned into slits. I smiled nervously. 

"Y/n..what did she do to you?"
"It was nothing Obanai, really. She just hugged me, is all." I reassured him. He seemed to calm down a little. 
"..Why?" he questioned. 
"She just really missed me...I mean, it has been a year since I've seen her." I defended her. 

"...Fine. I'll believe you."

"Thanks, Obanai!" I grinned. He just turned his head, trying to hide his blush. 'You're too cute, Obanai, honestly.'

"Y/n?! I thought I could smell you somewhere around here! How have you been!?" a familiar voice called out. I turned to find Mitsuri running over with Rengoku and Tengen plus his wives beside her. Rengoku is a phoenix who's able to shift into a human form, while Tengen is a revived Pharaoh and his wives have also been revived with him.  

"Mitsuri!" I exclaimed in delight and embraced the girl. She picked me up and spun me in the air with her amazing strength before bringing me down into a tight hug. We both giggled at the greeting. 

"I've been great, Mitsuri! How about you?" I asked the girl. 
"I've been great, too! Even greater now that I found you!" she smiled brightly. 

I looked over to acknowledge the others with her. "Rengoku! Tengen! Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma!" I grinned. The four rushed to hug me too. 

"It's great to see you again, Y/n!" Rengoku announced and ruffled my hair between my horns.
"It's great to be seen!" I laughed. 

"Hey Y/n, how're you liking the party? You know it was my idea!" Tengen asked, smirking. 
"It's been so much fun, yet it's still the beginning!" I decided to stroke his ego a little. His smirk grew. 
"Glad to hear it! Hey, me and the girls are about to have some special fun in one of the bedrooms, you're always welcome to tag along~" Tengen offered, his wives nodded vigorously in agreement. 

I felt eyes staring intently on me. From Rengoku, Mitsuri, and Obanai from a distance. 
"Thanks guys, but I've already fed myself before coming here. Maybe next time?" 
Tengen's smirk fell a little and the staring eased down.

"Of course! There'll probably be a round 2 later, so even if you're a little hungry, be sure to swing by!" Tengen said before walking away with his wives towards their 'special fun'. 

"Well! May I have this dance, Y/n?" Rengoku asked hopefully. I quickly glanced around for Obanai, but he was no where to be seen. I had wanted to stick by his side and keep him company throughout the night, but I guess he had something he wanted to do as well. 

I looked back to Rengoku. "You may." I giggled. 
"I wanna come too! Can I, Rengoku??" Mitsuri begged, clinging to my side. Rengoku's smile became a little forced, but he agreed just as heartily as before. 

"Hang on a sec, it'll be too hot on the dance floor," I said, slipping my shirt off, leaving me in a black sleeveless turtleneck, striped sleeves, pink plaid miniskirt, and all my jewelry. (Ur outfit is the pic above) I quickly hung the shirt on a coat hanger and returned to the duo. 
"Alright, let's groove!" 

We made our way to the dance floor and began moving to the lively music. I danced effortlessly, the rhythm making me excited. 
"I love this beat!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she swayed her hips, her tails flowing with her.

Rengoku suddenly grabbed my hand and spun me around, initiating a performance as dance partners. I laughed and went along with it, dancing with Rengoku. 
"You're a very good dancer, Rengoku~" I smirked. His face reddened as I expected, but his moves were just as relaxed as before, he didn't stiffen or flinch even a little bit. 
"You're not so bad yourself!" he winked. I felt a small blush rising to my cheeks. 

At the end of the song, Rengoku dipped me to the floor. We stayed like that for some time, even after the song ended. We stared into each other's eyes, and I could see what he wanted. 

"Rengoku..." my voice was a warning.
"Hello, Y/n..." he smirked mischievously.

The space between us began to close. He was going to kiss me, and I was about to allow it, until a certain voice snapped me back to my senses. 

"Kyaaah!! I LOVE this song!" Oh, Mitsuri...what would I ever do without you? But I feel you knew what was about to happen, and stepped in at just the right moment. What a jealous, but helpful little kitsune you are. 

Rengoku lifted me back up and gently released me. "Ah, sorry about that...I suppose I got a little carried away." he chuckled nervously.
"Don't worry about it," I reassured him. "but I'm gonna take a break from dancing and grab a drink." Rengoku nodded and I left the dancefloor. 

I had made my way over to where drinks were provided. Giyuu was running this station, but no one seemed to be thirsty at this time, so he was all alone. 

"You look lonely...I could fix that." I sat on a stool in front of him and smiled. Giyuu perked up at the sound of my voice and light pink dusted his cheeks. 

"Y/n..! I got your drink but when I came back, you were nowhere to be found, so I-"

"Oh my gosh! Giyuu, I'm so sorry, I was sort of whisked away at the time and never got around to getting back to you until now! I'm so sorry.." I apologized profusely. I genuinely felt bad. 
"If you're still willing, I'd love to have a soul juice right about now."
"Coming right up!" he got to work and prepared the drink in front of me.

He handed me the white fuming liquid in a glass and I took a swig of it. "This hits the spot, Giyuu." I smiled. He returned the gesture and watched me enjoy his drink. 

"Now, what's this, eh?" a gruff voice broke from behind us. A rough hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned my head to see the werewolf, Sanemi. 
"Hey, Sanemi." I greeted him. He looked down at me, a smirk tugged at his lips. 

"Hey, Y/n. What are you doing, hanging around this narcissistic bloodsucker, huh?" he asked. His hand traveled across my back to my other shoulder and pulled me closer to him. 'Not this again...'

Giyuu narrowed his eyes at Sanemi. "She was wanting a drink, Shinazugawa."
"Oh, so she's thirsty? Y'know Y/n, I know something else you'd like much better down your throat-" he started to get more touchy with me as his eyes glared at me lustfully. 

Giyuu slammed his hand onto the counter, cracking it. Me and Sanemi stared at him in slight shock. "Be respectful to Y/n or get out." he growled under his breath. 
"Oh? Like you can speak to me like that! I've seen the way you look at her. There's nothing respectful about it. I know you want her in your coffin just as badly."

"Guys, stop. There's no need to start a scene." I interjected. Sanemi only laughed and glared at Giyuu. 
"See, Tomioka? See how she doesn't care about the way I talk of her slutty nature? She doesn't want us to cause a scene, but that's not true, is it Y/n? You really want the attention, don't you? You wouldn't mind if I took you right here and now, right? That's what to expect from a whore."

I stared at Sanemi in disbelief. He wasn't acting like himself at all. The stench of alcohol explained it to me, though. He was very drunk. 

"You bastard!" Giyuu yelled as he hopped over the counter and knocked Sanemi to the ground. He was drunk enough to not even put up a fight, and he passed out immediately. 

I placed my hand on Giyuu's shoulder. He was breathing heavily and I could see his rage. He was angry as if someone had done something terrible to a precious possession of his. I knew about his desires for me. Most of them had the same desires. I knew about all of it. I knew what they wanted to do with me, how they composed themselves around me, how they acted friendly around me, when in reality they wanted to do some things to me. Even Shinobu and Tengen were bold enough to admit it. 

So why do I stay with them and act friendly? It is because I know this is the closest I'll feel to having friends. It's sad, but that's just how it is for a succubus like me. Maybe one day I'll find real love with someone. But that's silly. Because even so, that love will be overpowered by lust in the end. 

"Don't throw him out like this, Giyuu. He was just drunk." I said softly, trying to ease his frustration. It worked well. 
"He hurt your feelings." 
"No, he didn't." I lied. 

Giyuu turned around and hugged me. He patted the back of my head softly, it was really comforting. 
"Fine. He can sleep in a cage." Giyuu mumbled. I giggled, thinking he was joking. 
"I'm not kidding, I have a whole dungeon below the mansion-"

November 1, 6:22 a.m.

After a long night of partying, the night was coming to an end with the sunrise. Those who couldn't be out in the sunlight left first, except for Giyuu, since this was his home. Shinobu had woken up about an hour before and was disappointed with herself for falling asleep so soon into the party. I avoided her the best I could the rest of the time. Tengen's wives looked absolutely exhausted but satisfied. I never did join them in any of their rounds, and my excuse was that I never got hungry. I was getting exhausted myself and was ready to leave with Obanai. 

I had found him not too long ago, and after we said our goodbyes to everyone, we left. The walk was silent, but I didn't mind because I found myself pretty tired. 

"...smell them...damn them...all over you...defiling..." I picked up random words Obanai was hissing to himself.

"Are you saying something, Obanai?" I yawned. He looked at me for a moment. 

"They're all over you."

My eyes widened slightly. "...What are you talking about?" I asked. 
"All night...these filthy creatures were trying to defile you."
"You didn't mark one, did you??"
"Of course not, Obanai! I-"
"I want you to mark me."

His demand caught me way off guard. I froze in place and stared at the naga. He was lifting himself higher with his tail, seemingly to assert dominance. 

"Mark me, Y/n."

His pupils turned to slits and he came closer to me. His face came to my level and he stared into my soul. "Mark me, Y/n." 
"Stop trying to hypnotize me, Obanai.."
"You're already hypnotized. You didn't even notice my tail wrapping around you." his eyes squinted like he was smiling under his mask. I looked down to see that the lower half of my body was indeed trapped inside his coils. 

"Do you even know what it means to be marked by a succubus?" I asked him pleadingly. 
"It doesn't matter to me as long as you're where I can always protect you." he paid no mind to my words, but I desperately tried to reach him.

"It means you're bound to me for the rest of your life as my slave. You're bound to my demands, to my every desire. And you know what a succubus needs to survive. It would kill you."
"What a heavenly way to be released from such a cruel and sinful world." Obanai sighed longingly.
"Y/n, I've lived such a long and sinful life! I know you're a sinful being by nature, so let me give some of my sins to you...would you deny to redeem me like this? You care for me, don't you?" 

"Obanai, please...don't do this..!" I pleaded with him. He unwrapped the bandages from his face, revealing his slit mouth.
"You're so beautiful when you beg, master." 

He then kissed me deeply, binding himself to me forever. 
"An exchange of sins..." he whispered. "Let's exchange them some more." he kissed me again. And he kissed me. He kissed me. He kissed me...
and I kissed him back. 

I never expected this to come from one night at a party. I wouldn't go next year just to avoid the same mistake happening. And that would be just fine with Obanai, as long as he can keep me to himself. 

A lil note:
Happy Halloween everyone!
This was really long, but I'm actually kinda satisfied with it
The thing about a succubus binding someone to be their slave with a kiss
I have no idea about that. I just kinda came up with it along the way.
Sorry if this made you uncomfy with all the sexual talk and tension
but I know most of you guys are pretty hornknee. 
Thanks, bye.

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