i don't do fake love (but i'l...

By AngelofWinter6

513 21 15

When people win a honeymoon cruise, they usually are overjoyed. Anadil and Hester aren't. Joining the competi... More



86 8 4
By AngelofWinter6

Disclaimer: the second half is just shameless smut so,,,,reader discretion advised?

First, they tried to play it cool. Casual day, going to die at the sea, far away from everyone, bodies forever lost. Happens. But after thirty minutes of constant movement, they were both slowly going insane. They didn't panic. Panic wasn't an easy thing to handle, but it struck once and hard, leaving you breathless, air punched out of your lungs. But it left after a while, leaving you crushed, but still alive. Fear was worse- it was the feeling of being stuck in a room, knowing there's no way for oxygen to get inside and you're slowly running out of air. It's the feeling of constant, impending doom. The feeling of someone burying a knife deep in your stomach and twisting it.

"Listen, we could at least talk so we don't go completely insane," suggested Anadil after a while, putting down her phone.

"Talk about what? Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the good ol' oh we are going to die kind of chit-chat, don't know what about you."

"Well, we can figure out some famous last words. Something impactful that everyone will get on their t-shirts as a sign of solidarity. That will be quoted in books and they'll change the author every time cause they wouldn't be able to remember our names." She didn't want to mention the argument earlier. Of all the things that could flash before her eyes, that one was at the lowest possible point. Maybe they could forget it all, the words they said irrelevant.

"Like the ones that always get attributed to Einstein or Steve Jobs?"

"Exactly. Not like there's anyone to hear it, but we can at least sound smart."

"And we're going to do what? Tweet it?"

"Or just write occultist stuff onto the walls so divers that will try to recover our bodies get scared."

"Do you think anyone will bother? We're too far from the land, no one is dumb enough to come here. Not when there are regular killer storms without any warnings, as was never stated anywhere on the poster. "

"Well, killer storms usually come with warnings. Thirty days in advance, so you can manage your schedule well."

"You know what I mean. Besides, no one will come for us. For the ones with rich parents, maybe. Or the celebrities. But who'll be looking for us?"

"Dot," said Hester. The weight of what they just said finally dawned on them. They could die. Just here, just now, everything they hoped to achieve and wanted to do wasted, life uncontinued. Never getting to say goodbye.

"Fuck. Do we have her in our inheritance?"

"You have an inheritance?" asked Hester, in disbelief.

"Of course I don't, what would she inherit? College debts?"

"And neither do I."

"Well. That doesn't really solve anything but, yeah."

They looked at each other again. Another wave, almost sending them flying off the bed. The radio came back to life, their host's voice shaky. "Again, this is perfectly safe. There is no reason to worry. This is a regular situation on ships like these and I can assure you there isn't a safer ship for you to be on. This is-" And with that, the sound only came out full of scratches and cracks.

"We are going to die," said Anadil drily. "Love that."

The whole situation seemed almost laughable. Of all the places they expected to die, a cruise ship that would have them married was the last one they expected. They never ever thought about affording to be on a cruise ship. And about getting married... It was never supposed to be the last thing they'd do.

"There's no signal," commented Anadil again. "Can't text Dot." Her thoughts were racing all over the place, head feeling about to explode.

"Not like she wouldn't find out we died. Guess we'll be all over the news tomorrow. Hope they'll shove our faces everywhere and whine about young love dying or shit." Their facades were cracking, barely kept just to make the other feel better, like there truly was nothing to panic about. But the fear was slowly seeping through.

"I bet my entire family will try to make cash out of me," thought Anadil out loud.

"You can just haunt them."

"Oh, I'm not sticking in this shitshow of a planet for a second longer than I have to."

"You won't haunt this miserable ship along with me for the rest of eternity? I'm offended."

"Might reconsider if you ask nicely. I'll get to you in three business days."

Another wave crashed through. Everything in the room that wasn't attached to the floor was sent flying, crashing against the door. And then back as the aftermath played out. They were being pushed between the waves like a fly through a hurricane. Everything went deadly silent. Another wave crashed against the ship. The impact shook them to the core, sounding louder than thunder.

Someone screamed in the distance. Dead silence. The ship was full of noise before, so lively, everything constantly in movement, chatter sounding through the thin walls. Now they awaited the next hit like sinners waiting for an ancient god's wrath, unable to control the tide of the elements.

Another crash. There was no rhythm to the waves, no beating heart that could show them mercy. They rolled on the bed, like stones falling from a hill, ending up in a tangled mess of limbs. They didn't even try to get back to their starting position. The closer they were, the more comfortable it seemed.

Another wave. For a terrifying second, they could feel the ship tilt much more than felt safe, almost vertical in its position. That was it. They were going to die. They clutched themselves tighter, the passage to afterlife brighter in each other's arms. And then the ship returned. Slowly, creaking. Another wave hit them, with the same strength. Sinking feeling in stomach. The world felt like it stopped.

How were they supposed to exist with the thought that this was the end? Instant death might have been better, because maybe they wouldn't be stuck with so many words unspoken, so many things they wanted to do and never could. If they believed in God, they would have prayed, but no one was watching over them that night. They were just two girls alone together, as they've always been.

It felt fitting to spend their last moments making things right. There was too much stuff left unsaid, things that were slowly poisoning them, filling them with despair. And it didn't matter at all anymore, did it?

Anadil was, surprisingly, the one to speak this time. She has grown into a habit of passivity, rather not acting than to see the consequences of her words, never wanting to be the bringer of news or the one that needed to take accountability. "So, this might not be the best moment, but we won't get that many until we're shark food, so. I've been in love with you for years and this sucks and can we kiss so at least I'll die happily?" she blurted out, a tone so unlike what she'd sound like in normal circumstances. The thoughts going through her head froze, anything she could have planned to say disappearing. She couldn't believe the stupidity of the idea, of just a spontaneous thought provoked into existence by the adrenaline rush.

Hester stopped. Literally. Her brain refused to function, too full of thinking about death to respond anyhow. Anadil saw her reaction. "Okay, no, forget it."

"No, no. I just don't understand. I never noticed how-"

And maybe that was their fault all along. So comfortable with each other, spending so much time with one another that they felt like separate parts of the same person. They thought they knew everything about the other, that they could tell all the emotions the other was hiding. And it was mostly true, their common affection was so sudden and long-lasting that they got comfortable with the concept, never hoping to challenge it. Maybe that was how the feelings got under the radar. Because they both believed they knew everything and didn't want to accept how many mysteries still lied far beyond.

"Because I never said anything. Never should have. Whatever. Listen, I knew all along, just reject me and we can move on and forget this-" At that moment, drowning in ice cold water seemed like a good option.

And then Hester kissed her. The world stopped. This happened before, of course it did, it should have felt familiar. But the feeling was brand new. It was a jump into the unknown. No disguises. No fakeness to it. Just them, together, about to die. But if that was what dying felt like, Anadil would take it anytime. Her body was on the edge, awakening as brand new, buzzing with electricity and excitement and pure, utter confusion, because what even was happening. She wasn't complaining. She gave in easily, with everything she could, like this moment could last forever, as if this all was the last time and they needed to make the most of it. And maybe it was. So she pulled Hester closer and closed her eyes shut and forgot everything else. She tasted like cinnamon, she always did, which made no sense for someone who loathed sweet stuff so much. How has she never noticed before? She wanted to take the taste in, commemorate it and keep it somewhere in her heart to never forget it.

Their lips separated in what felt like forever when another wave sent them tumbling down the edge of the bed. Which wasn't the most comfortable position to be. Hester fell down, her back being harshly pushed onto the cold floor.

Anadil fell right next to her, by some divine chance not falling onto her. It would certainly ruin a good dramatic love confession, a few broken ribs or so. For a short moment, they lied alongside each other, looking straight into each other's eyes. And then they burst out laughing.

A shadow of a smile still laid upon Hester's lips. "Why have you never said anything?"

"Cause that would make everything awkward."

"So you say it when we're seconds away from dying. Lovely."

"How was I supposed to know how you'd react? You could have decided to never speak to me again."

"And I've loved you all along," said Hester, her voice tender. "And we're both stupid, aren't we? I just didn't want to lose you."

"Me neither. And I always thought you'd just reject me. You never once suggested that maybe...I don't know what I thought."

"Because I've slept around," suggested Hester.

"Yeah, it might have caused a lot of doubt. Because how was I supposed to know whether you were not doing the same thing with me? I get too desperate and wouldn't be able to do that."

"If it makes you feel better, I never mentioned something because I thought you weren't into me in the slightest. Because anytime we got drunk and started anything, you'd act as if you've made the biggest mistake of your life and have been awfully distant for the next few days until we've forgotten it. I thought you were always mad at me for that."

"And we could have communicated it right at the beginning."

"A few years ago, really."

"Especially before deciding to go on a fake dating cruise."

"Well, it didn't work out well, did it?"

"At least we confronted our feelings? My therapist would be happy to hear this. If we weren't going to die soon."

"Sucks," said Anadil, her lips curling into another smile. The whole situation seemed more humorous than final at that point. What else are you supposed to do when facing death? Of course, your whole life flashes before your eyes. That was what brought them to that point. But despite that all, you'll just give up or find a bit of humor in whatever was happening. Even if it was being fed to sharks.

"Can I kiss you again?" she asked.

"Of course."

And she kissed her, again and again, until their lips felt the ghost of each other every time they separated, until heat was coloring their cheeks bright red and their bodies pressed together. They kissed as if there was no tomorrow, exploring each other like a wanderer tries to see all of a collapsing empire. And they kissed and kissed until the waves soothed and they stayed in one place, not being constantly moved by the impact of the crashes. And they didn't even notice, everything fading into the background until they heard the sound of static electricity. The lights went on. They could finally see each other's faces, smiling and blushing like teenagers again, lips kiss swollen. Sparks flying, setting a fire into their insides, one that could hardly be extinguished.

The radio went on. "The storm is over. As we've promised, we've traveled safely to calm, coastal waters. Enjoy the night and take a good rest, tomorrow we'll be seeing the glorious beaches of..." They ignored the rest of his announcement, too busy with each other's lips to actually care. Not that there was much that they cared about at the moment, absolutely enamored, addicted. Seems that after years of yearning, all the time in the world wouldn't be enough to catch up. Because they were finally together, even after pushing the thought away so many times. So many years of wanting, needing, all coming to fruition. How were they supposed to get enough so easily?

The soft exploration of each other's lips was turning desperate, teeth scraping against flesh, shaky gasps for breath escaping during breaks. Now that they've given themselves the permission to want each other, it all came with unexplainable urgency, wanting all of it, all at once. Pushing themselves closer with each movement, their pulses joined together, racing wildly.

"We should get back to bed," suggested Anadil. In the sleeping kind of way. Definitely. She wanted to enjoy all of it fully, and the cold, hard floor didn't make it any better.

"You don't want to fuck on the floor?" joked Hester, only then realizing how suggestive the joke actually sounded. Well. Not that she would be complaining either way- Okay, there was no way for the joke to sound non-suggestive.

"If that's your thing, I'm open to new possibilities."

"Sucks, because my thing are big, murderous storms and the threat of death loming over us. I guess we're too late for that."

"Nothing good old roleplays can't solve."

Anadil stood up, reluctantly, her legs trembling. She offered a hand to Hester, who accepted it with a grin. "And I'm the one wanting to get you in my bed?"

"If you lie on the floor any longer, I won't even get retirement benefits as a widow for you if you die."

"Oh, the terrible pneumonia, taking the lives of so many," she muttered as she tried to stand up, letting Anadil take all her weight. She stood straight, but her legs wobbled, a cramp she didn't exactly expect. And her knees gave out. Because of course they did. Anadil caught her, like they were in a cheesy movie, pulling her closer, making her suddenly thankful for her joint's failure.

But she was too close, really. By whatever design she landed, they were touching. Their stomachs were pressed together, her chest was close to Anadil's, feeling the swell of her breasts, warmth radiating off her. Anadil's thigh was anchored between her legs, too close for her thoughts to work.

Heat running through her body, she fought back against the urge to move, to shift herself closer. Her breath caught. The thoughts in her head turned into a comfortable mush, her skin was too hot, too tight. Anadil's fingers traced against her jaw, stopping under her chin. With one gentle motion, she lifted her face up. Their eyes met.

With the look in Anadil's eyes, all thoughts of a peaceful night spent sleeping have swiftly disappeared. She was fully aware of the position they were in. And Anadil leant in, their lips touching, curling into a smile during the kiss. It was dizzying, making her knees go weak yet again, the room spinning around her. Her lips parted, inviting Anadil in. Hester's fingers knotted in the hem of Anadil's sweater, gripping her tight, swaying into her, pulling her in deeper.

But Anadil didn't linger there for long. Her lips traveled lower, spending little time on the edge of her jaw. Hester could feel her breath on her neck, sending shivers down her back in the best possible way.

She wanted to hurry up, to beg her to go faster, take her whole, absolutely fucking wreck her, but the moment was so magical that she didn't dare to ask for anything more. She could feel her heartbeat, so frantic it felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. And it almost did as Anadil leaned into her ear, lips touching skin teasingly. "Let's use the same rule as before. If you're uncomfy, just say it and I'll stop. Do you understand?"

Hester nodded in agreement. Anadil chuckled, sending sweet butterflies flying in Hester's stomach. "Good."

After an excruciating wait, she finally moved lower, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck. Testing the skin with her teeth. She traced along the nape of her neck, nibbling along the way. "Mind if I leave a mark?" Anadil asked, obviously looking forward to do exactly that. But she was gentle so far, showering her with soft kisses, as if she was terrified of scaring her away.

"Please do," breathed out Hester, her voice too thin to even recognize, hands tugging on Anadil's waist to keep her close.

And Anadil wasn't in the mood to ask again. Hester could feel the marks by her teeth forming. She could only imagine what they looked like, but just the thought made the heat between her thighs intensify. God, how she was enjoying this. She wouldn't normally give in this easily, she wouldn't just submit gratefully, but her body was suddenly taken by longing and need and she just wanted to let Anadil do whatever she wanted, just so she was hers and they were together and-

She had her dignity. She always had. And she was holding back the moans forming in her throat, but it was becoming too hard of a task. She let out small whines, just by the way Anadil marked her skin, overwriting everything else she had felt. She could feel her friend's fingers fighting with the button on her collar. She considered helping Anadil, out of pure desperation for more, out of the need for it quicker, faster, but as she tried to help, Anadil's hand flew and pushed her own against the wall.

"I can do it myself," she muttered, another smile forming at her face as her lips didn't leave Hester's skin. Hester wanted her to explore every inch of her skin, however long it took, but now was not the time, she needed it so bad and she needed it now and Anadil was still toying with her, playing with the button with such self-satisfaction as she'd never seen on her before. Finally, it came undone, revealing more of her skin. Anadil didn't waste time now, moving with desperation that reflected Hester's own. She sucked and nibbled and a first moan escaped Hester's lips, so soft it could have been a whimper. And oh, did she enjoy that. Hester could watch her eyes light up as she recreated the motion, harder, rougher. And she didn't even try to control herself, another pant leaving her lips, much louder this time.

Anadil stopped for a while. "Listen, you might want to keep it quiet. The walls here are thin. Or let the whole ship hear what I'm doing to you. Your choice." The last thing Hester cared about at the moment was who hears, her mind running around Anadil's lips tracing along every inch of her skin, the heat in between her legs getting desperately painful.

"I don't care who hears," breathed Hester out.

Anadil smiled. "Then be as loud as you want. For me."

And oh, was Hester ready to do exactly that. Anadil was getting tired of the constant teasing, opening the buttons of Hester's shirt impatiently, almost tearing them apart in the process. Soon her shirt was somewhere on the floor. But Anadil couldn't help but take in the sight of her half naked body, all the wonders they've seen during the cruise unable to compare. She ignored the urge to have her naked entirely, hopefully spread out before her. There was time for that.

"You're so gorgeous," she muttered, saying the one thought lingering on her mind. This was happening, this was all real. She could feel Hester's heartbeat, the trembles of her body as she ached into her lips, the way her breath caught and hitched everytime she moved. "Do you have any idea how long I've been dying to taste you?"

Taking in all the view she needed, she turned all her attention back to her skin. How she couldn't get enough of the taste, the little trembles under her lips. The way Hester moaned after she left small bite marks. And she left a lot out of them, clearly marking her path all the way down. She loved the view, loved the feeling of a painter before a canvas.

And her friend wasn't protesting, loudly supporting her journey. She finally got between the arch of Hester's breasts, considering leaving the trial lower, coming to her stomach... But she couldn't resist the temptation as she reached for her breast, tracing circles along her nipple with her fingers. Out of pure curiosity, she took its tip, twisted it between her fingers. Hester whined, her back forming a perfect arch, biting into her lip.

And the reaction was enough to want her to keep going, to do it all again. "Is it okay?"

Hester nodded, her gaze looking somewhere far away, trying to not embarrass herself, as if she hadn't been whining and gasping in a way that felt obscene for such a long time now. But Anadil didn't find it enough, letting go of her entirely, making her body ache for her touch. "Verbal consent or not happening," she teased.

Hester glanced at her, trying to see if she was serious. Of course she was. She wanted to say something cool, to not seem like such a mess. Yet all that came off her lips was "Please." And that seemed to be enough, Anadil repeating it again and again, until she got bored of the motion. She could then feel her mouth, rounding around her nipple, teeth teasing on the edge. She couldn't help herself but freed one of her hands, wrapping it around Anadil's back, wanting to feel her, wanting to have her beneath her fingers. She didn't protest, too busy. But as she lost the stability of Anadil's hand, she felt herself sink lower, her core pressing against Anadil's thigh, making her moan, grinding lightly just to extinguish the fire that was settling inside of her.

Anadil moved against her, delighting in the way she moaned. She raised her knee up higher, raising the delicious friction, hand cupping her ass. "Tell me, what do you want?" she asked, a smile curling on her lips, ready to give her all that, to bring her the moon if she wanted to.

"Please," tried Hester again, her brain a mush, unable to say anything more.

"I'm afraid that I don't understand. Try again?" God. She moved her leg up and down, teasingly slow, not enough, of course not enough.

"Please, just fuck me. Absolutely wreck me, I do not care, just do something, please," she whined the last words, Anadil's leg hitting her sensitive spot, awfully desperate for any stimulation.

And Anadil wasn't the one to resist for long. Tumbling backwards, they finally reached the bed. In a moment overcome with emotion, she couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten, enjoying the view before her eyes, taking it all in as if this could all disappear in moments. Because she waited so long, imagined this all for so many times.

Not able to hold herself back any longer, she hastily removed Hester's belt, making it slide somewhere on the floor. Hester's legs were spread apart in silent cooperation, body covered only by small panties, barely enough to provide any coverage at all. Her lips touched Hester's skin again, this time with more hurry, more hunger, tracing along her inner thigh. There, the skin was paper white and clean. She savored every second of leaving tiny marks on it, enjoying the corruption she was providing. Hester moved closer to her, shifting closer into her mouth, trying to get her as close to the wetness of her core as possible.

She wasn't in a hurry, no. She focused all the attention to shifting as tormentingly possible to the hem of Hester's panties, trying to ignore the quiet pleads the other girl provided. But after long moments, she got there, toying with the hem, teasing its edge, lifting it up just for it to come down abruptly. Hester's hand reached her hair. She was ready for her to make demands, push her closer for the chase of her own pleasure, but she only toyed with strands of her hair, softly, encouragingly. And Anadil melted inside, unable to toy with the woman she loved so much even more.

Without much ado, she pulled the pantiess off, hearing a small tear, hoping the piece of clothing wasn't going to be ruined. She moved up, her head resting between Hester's thighs. And oh, did she fit there perfectly. She gave the spot she'd just reached a teasing lick, savoring the taste, earning an immediate response, a moan sweeter than the ones before, laced with desperation.

"Hips up," she said, softly, her own voice too tender to recognize, because god, how much she wanted her like this for so long, and there she was, getting all undone before her.

She buried her face between her thighs, licking and sucking and devouring her whole, making her writhe beneath her, hand clutched in her hair as she drove herself closer. And Hester's reaction was even more delicious, eyes deliriously wide, mouth shaped in an Oh as she was reaching her own climax.

For a moment, Anadil separated from her. "Ani, please, don't leave me hanging like this," she muttered, moving herself closer to her, dying for her touch. With a laugh that Hester felt vibrate on her skin, she pulled in even closer, breath warm against her wetness. She licked a path from her entrance all the way to her clit, slender finger replacing her tongue, circling all her sensitive spots.

"Are you always this desperate?" teased Anadil, testing around her entrance. Hester was so slippery with arousal that those fingers sank inside with ease, curling, pressing hard against her front wall, making her thighs tremble. She leaned into her, her hips grinding into her hand, not a moment of a hesitation.

"Just for you," she replied, breathlessly, seeking her own release.

Anadil added a second finger, enjoying the way she stretched around her, enjoying the warm tightness around her knuckles, the way she whined and begged for more. And then a third, filling her girl up, feeling the reaction to it. She pumped in and out, slowly gaining pace. Hester closed her eyes, taking in all the pleasure, head bowed backwards. "Is it good?" Anadil asked, teasingly, seeing the full effect she had on her.

She nodded, working way too hard to keep her eyes from rolling back, not even holding her moans in, not caring who heard. Unable to focus as she felt her girl's fingers curl up inside her, hitting spots that were meant to be hit, pressing on every nerve possible, she couldn't hold onto a thought.

"Full sentences only," teased Anadil, adding up pace, feeling how close Hester was, enjoying the look on her face, her eyes lost in pleasure.

"Yes, I like it, Ani, pleas-" and with that came the most earth-shattering orgams she ever had, taking her body as a storm, shaking her up to the core. For a moment, she just sat straight, body trembling, still not done with the remnants of pleasure. Before she knew, Anadil was right next to her, caressing her back, nose pressed to the top of her head, waiting it out with her. And god, was she in love.

In love, but especially up for another round, waves of tiredness washing over her body not stopping all the feelings buzzing through her head. She pulled Anadil in closer, connecting their lips, feeling a slight taste of herself. The taste of her was so intoxicating, making her desperate for more. The kiss breaking to gasp for air, she whispered: "I think you're wearing too many clothes right now." Her hand reached towards the back of her dress, searching for the zipper.

"And whose fault is that?" Anadil muttered, a slight smile on her face.

Hester took it as her responsibility to not let it stay that way, fighting with the opening of her dress. After moments of struggle that felt too long, making her need burn brighter, she managed to pull the top part off in one quick motion, revealing her bare chest. Her hands flew towards the curve of Anadil's breasts, rubbing circles, touching the bare skin, her thumb sweeping against her nipple, featherlight.

Her brain forgot how to make words entirely when Hester dropped her head, lips skimming over her collarbone, and lower, trailing her chest, pressing wet kisses to her skin.

One of Hester's hands slipped lower between her thighs, cupping over her leggings and damp underwear and pressing, rubbing with the heel of her hand, making her clench and mewl, drawing small circles, rubbing in all the right places, making her gasp out in the process. She was awfully sensitive, feeling each touch a billion times over, pressing into Hester's hand, needing the friction, needing her touch, needing her-

Hester took ahold of her face, turning her chin slightly so they were looking at each other, before connecting their lips. Anadil opened her mouth at the slight brush of her tongue, letting her slip in. And she was desperate, breathy sounds escaping her lips as she pulled in closer, pushing against her, unable to get enough. Anadil felt teeth scrape against her bottom lip, tugging, hard and soft at the same time, feeling real like life itself.

Fingers pushed inside her with ease, the wetness of her core welcoming them, rolling her hips into them, feeling the push deeper, inside and outside in a steady rhythm, making her knees weak. She was so slippery with arousal that those fingers sank inside with ease, curling, pressing hard against her walls, making her thighs tremble and stomach harden. She moaned against Hester's lips, desperate, feeling the rhythm increase, faster and faster until she was crying out, separating from the kiss to gasp for air, her breathing laboured as she waited out her orgasm, taking her whole body at storm, more intense than the one before. Her head rolled back, she still noticed the fingers pull out of her, instantly feeling the emptiness.

Hester was with her the entire time, hands tracing along her body, rubbing small circles on her back, brushing through her hair as she returned from the desire fueled high. She went slack in her grip, for a moment, just relying on her, on the closeness between them.

A moment, they spent just looking into each other's eyes, wondering what this all meant, wondering if what they felt was real, whether the other felt it too, felt so high and happy and lovely, getting lost in the impossible universes awaiting.

But as aggressive knocking came on the walls, they broke out laughing. "Shut the fuck up!" screamed the person at the other side, adding a few more hits to the wall to prove the point.

Hester hit back with the same urgency, earning a string of curse words in response. "I'm filing a noise complaint against you," came another voice, female this time, sounding as if she was already writing it.

"How lovely that they've waited until we're finished to tell us to shut up," said Anadil, loudly enough for them to hear. "Kinda voyeuristic, isn't it?"

The last hit came on the wall, sending them into another wave of cackles. But with that, tiredness washed over them. There were too many words to say at the moment, stuck in their throats sooner than they could say them out loud. Bodies feeling boneless, they finally lied down, not leaving their embrace. Without the adrenaline rushing through their veins, the toughness of their day crashed onto them, pinning them to the mat.

But it felt so special. They weren't just lying in bed. They were going to fall asleep together, heartbeats united, soft smiles on their faces, bodies entangled. Because each other's faces were the last thing they saw before falling asleep, adding a hint of sugar to their dreams.


This took me way too long to edit, simply because it's the first time I've written something even remotely like this, and I currently have no beta readers, so I am just overthinking whether this is absolutely horrendous or not. I would definitely appreciate some feedback! But anyways, thank you for reading to this point and all the support! One chapter left, so, how are we feeling?

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