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Disclaimer: the second half is just shameless smut so,,,,reader discretion advised?

First, they tried to play it cool. Casual day, going to die at the sea, far away from everyone, bodies forever lost. Happens. But after thirty minutes of constant movement, they were both slowly going insane. They didn't panic. Panic wasn't an easy thing to handle, but it struck once and hard, leaving you breathless, air punched out of your lungs. But it left after a while, leaving you crushed, but still alive. Fear was worse- it was the feeling of being stuck in a room, knowing there's no way for oxygen to get inside and you're slowly running out of air. It's the feeling of constant, impending doom. The feeling of someone burying a knife deep in your stomach and twisting it.

"Listen, we could at least talk so we don't go completely insane," suggested Anadil after a while, putting down her phone.

"Talk about what? Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the good ol' oh we are going to die kind of chit-chat, don't know what about you."

"Well, we can figure out some famous last words. Something impactful that everyone will get on their t-shirts as a sign of solidarity. That will be quoted in books and they'll change the author every time cause they wouldn't be able to remember our names." She didn't want to mention the argument earlier. Of all the things that could flash before her eyes, that one was at the lowest possible point. Maybe they could forget it all, the words they said irrelevant.

"Like the ones that always get attributed to Einstein or Steve Jobs?"

"Exactly. Not like there's anyone to hear it, but we can at least sound smart."

"And we're going to do what? Tweet it?"

"Or just write occultist stuff onto the walls so divers that will try to recover our bodies get scared."

"Do you think anyone will bother? We're too far from the land, no one is dumb enough to come here. Not when there are regular killer storms without any warnings, as was never stated anywhere on the poster. "

"Well, killer storms usually come with warnings. Thirty days in advance, so you can manage your schedule well."

"You know what I mean. Besides, no one will come for us. For the ones with rich parents, maybe. Or the celebrities. But who'll be looking for us?"

"Dot," said Hester. The weight of what they just said finally dawned on them. They could die. Just here, just now, everything they hoped to achieve and wanted to do wasted, life uncontinued. Never getting to say goodbye.

"Fuck. Do we have her in our inheritance?"

"You have an inheritance?" asked Hester, in disbelief.

"Of course I don't, what would she inherit? College debts?"

"And neither do I."

"Well. That doesn't really solve anything but, yeah."

They looked at each other again. Another wave, almost sending them flying off the bed. The radio came back to life, their host's voice shaky. "Again, this is perfectly safe. There is no reason to worry. This is a regular situation on ships like these and I can assure you there isn't a safer ship for you to be on. This is-" And with that, the sound only came out full of scratches and cracks.

"We are going to die," said Anadil drily. "Love that."

The whole situation seemed almost laughable. Of all the places they expected to die, a cruise ship that would have them married was the last one they expected. They never ever thought about affording to be on a cruise ship. And about getting married... It was never supposed to be the last thing they'd do.

i don't do fake love (but i'll take some from you tonight)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz