💖Book Of Servamp Oneshots...

By DilucSimpXD

4.2K 79 3

Welcome to my book of servamp Oneshots & Scenarios! Updates will be on Saturdays or whenever I have time to w... More

💙Kuro x reader💙
🖤Hugh x subclass! reader🖤
💛Lawless x reader💛
💜Licht x reader💜
🌸How you meet🌸
♥️Tsubaki x Belkia's little sister! reader x Kuro💙
🖤Servamps x depressed! reader🖤
💙Kuro x reader x Hugh🖤
💜The mother x subclass! reader💜
🌸He tells you he loves you🌸
💚Sakuya x reader xTsubaki part 1♥️
🌸First Date🌸
🖤Tsubaki x Child! reader♥️
🎄Christmas Special!🎁
🌸First Kiss🌸
🖤New Character🖤
🖤New character 2🖤
💙 You get jealous- [Scenario] - Kuro💙
♥️Tsubaki x demon! reader🖤
🌸When you're mad at him🌸
🌸When you're on your monthly🌸
🖤New Character💚
🖤New Character🖤
🖤Halloween Special! #1🖤
❤️Christmas Special Ones hot🎄
💙Kuro x reader💙

🖤Halloween Special #2🖤

33 1 0
By DilucSimpXD

(Y/n) was happily decorating her house for Halloween since this year she was going to be hosting a Halloween party for her cousin Mahiru and his friends. She had so much fun stuff planned for the party, she couldn't wait until it was time for them to arrive. All that was left for her to do was to change into her black and orange dress she had made especially for this occasion. (Y/n) really loved Halloween, mostly because she didn't have to hide the fact that she was a succubus. Although, unlike her mother and siblings she wanted no part in all the activities they did during the night. Once she made sure everything was where it should be she went to her room to change. She couldn't help but admire herself in front of the mirror, she looked awesome now that she had stopped hiding her wings, tail, and horns. As she was twirling around in front of the mirror her doorbell rang, she gave herself one final look before going to open the door.

" Hi, there guys, it's great to see you again, Mahiru!" (y/n) said excitedly.

Mahiru smiled, " It's great to see you too, your outfit looks great!"

She invited them inside and told them to make themselves at home. Kuro helped himself to the food while (y/n) asked Mahiru what his friends were like, although, as he was going to tell her the doorbell rang. (Y/n) happily went to answer it with Mahiru following closely behind her, only to find some very interesting individuals outside of her house. She greeted them while Mahiru introduced them to her as they walked inside. (Y/n) wondered how they all met and when she asked he simply told her that it was a long story. Even so, she got to know everyone individually during the party, there was Lawless and Licht, who didn't seem to get along with each other. Lily and Misono were more normal that is until Lily wanted to start taking his clothes off. Mikuni and Jeje seemed rather normal but then Mikuni did something that bothered Jeje and he ended up chasing his eve around trying to shoot him. She did Like Hugh and Tetsu though, mostly because Hugh complimented her on her outfit while Tetsu bluntly stated how real her horns looked. And finally, there was Tsubaki and his subclass, while his subclass were more interested in the food and the decorations, Tsubaki was more focused on (y/n's) tail and would constantly try to grab it to see if it was real.

During the night they all had fun with the games (y/n) had planned for them, plus they all voted on who's costume was the best, in the end, they all agreed that (y/n) was the winner because her "accessories" were really authentic. At some point they decided to tell each other some scary stories, they all settled down in the living room, little did they know (y/n) had something special planned. Once it was her turn she told them a story about her close friend (f/n), When (f/n) was a baby she was living with her mother and grandmother in their home country before moving to where they lived now. It was raining late at night when her mother had laid her down to sleep, she went to the kitchen that was dimly lit by a single light and sat there waiting for (f/n)'s grandmother to join her. A few moments later she arrived but she looked completely terrified and immediately asked her where she had left (f/n). Before she could finish her sentence she told (f/n)'s mother to go and get her and meet her in the bedroom. When she tried to ask what was wrong her mother simply said...

" I heard her crying outside my window..."

She knew what her mother meant so she quickly rushed to get (f/n), as she walked into the hallway the light bulb glowed brightly before it shattered as she passed under it. When she reached her daughter's room she quickly picked her up and turned to leave, in that split second she heard someone crying outside the window...

It was a woman....weeping over her lost children...

(Y/n) noticed how everyone was paying attention to her story so much so that they didn't see her friend sneaking up on them dressed up in a white nightgown with her long black hair draped over her face. And when she reached the end of her story she glanced up at her before her friend proceeded to scared the living daylights out of everyone, the two of them laughed at everyone while they screamed and tried to find a place to hide. When they figured out it was all just a little trick that (y/n) had planned they calmed down, they were impressed at how well she had planned this out from the made-up story of her friend almost getting taken by some vengeful spirit to her sneaking up on them. (Y/n) and her friend looked at each other for a moment before turning to look back at them.

" Made up story? That was all true." they both said in unison.

In order to make this better (y/n) decided to tell them about her other surprise, some of her decorations had strings attached to them so she told them to go pull the strings to open them up. When they did as they were told candy spilled out from the inside of the pumpkins, bats, and ghosts (y/n) had hung up earlier. It was only fair they get treats after she scared them all half to death with that little trick of hers. At the end of the night, they all decided to eat their candy while watching some horror movies and everyone thanked (y/n) for hosting such a great party.

She smiled happy that everyone was able to have a good time tonight.

" You're welcome! Let's do this again next yea-.........Tsubaki stop trying to grab my tail!!"


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