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By marblemeth

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Slightly-off Himejima Headcanon
Halloween special
Une question
NEW READERS: start here please
1. hearts
2. green thing in a washing machine
3. devious bird gets a valentine sweetheart
Valentine's Special ๐Ÿ’‹


1.9K 79 96
By marblemeth

Monday, 8:02 a.m.

'Damn you, Eliza...you did this to me.' I hopelessly massaged my temples, trying to temporarily relieve the pain with the coolness of my fingers. Well, that hangover did kick in. In the middle of homeroom. Feeling pain in dreams is the worst. Speaking of dreams, this one has been really long. I better not wake up right now. 

 I felt my stomach turn. 'Uh oh.' I quickly raised my hand. "Yes, miss L/n?" 
"Bathroom. Ergh- now please!" Obama- Obanai...looked at me weirdly, half concerned. 

Her eyes widened. I must look pretty sick right now. "Yes, take the time you need." she dismissed me quickly. I wasted no time and literally flew out the classroom. 

"Ugh...HRMPH!" I puked into a dirty toilet bowl. I probably puked more than necessary just because of the bowl. 

"Ew, it's so gross- BLECH!"
'Bitch, you're gonna puke your intestines out next if you don't stop-'

I finally emptied the last load and got away from the toilet, not wanting to start all over again. I felt so relieved after that, not gonna lie. 

"Are you okay in there?" a soft voice from the stall next to me asked. 'Oh, fuck me.' 
"...Yeah, I'm good."
"Oh, good. I'm Celeste."

'Who the hell introduces themself in this situation?? Also, Celeste? Celeste the MC's rival? Celeste is abnormal, apparently.'

"What's your name?"

'I don't wanna tell you my name, hoe. You're literally gonna backstab me later.' 

"Uh...BLECH!" yeah, I pretended to throw up again so I wouldn't have to answer. 

"OMG! Are you sure you're okay?!" she screeched in 'worry'.
'Literally shut the fuck up and leave please. I already find you annoying.' 

"I'm fine." I grit my teeth. 'Please, leave me alone.'

"I'm gonna go get a teacher, you sound really sick!" she insisted. 
"No, don't! I'm fine, I just want to deal with it in privacy, please!" I yelled, already fed up with her. 

'Why the hell does she sound hurt by that? Damn.'

"I'll leave then."

I swear I heard her sniffle as she left the bathroom. 'Oh my lord, what a faker.'

I flushed the toilet with all my vomit in it and leaned against the stall. I have a killer migraine, puked almost all my insides out, and met my rival early in the most humiliating way. This is turning into a nightmare. Now that I thought about it, all this physical pain is way too intense for a dream. It worries me. 

All of a sudden, I heard a bing go off and felt a vibration from my shoe. Yeah, I hid my phone in my shoe. Someone had texted me. Sighing, I hunch over and grab my phone to read the message. 

My wife 💍:
Girl, where tf are u??

"Huh? Chloe?" I mumbled. My irl best friend just texted me. Damn, that girl said she'd always be in my life, now she in my nightmares too. 

daddy issues 💸:
wdym babes? Go away, ur ruining my dream
no real ppl alloed

My wife 💍:
No, Y/n, srsly where r u?
I came by ur house to check in and ur gone.
Bitchy is going insane and tried to kill me
I mean, look at this bitch:

daddy issues 💸:
Literally wtf is that
Theres no way thats my precious angel💀

My wife 💍:
You'd be surprised💀
She hates everyone except you
Bitch stop playing games
Where the fuck are you?

daddy issues 💸:
I'm trying to have a good dream
but things start going south
might as well wake up😒

My wife 💍:
Y/n I'm not kissing u

daddy issues 💸:
no, no u got it right the first 2 times babe 😂😘

My wife 💍:
Where are you.
Like, I'm actually panicking rn
I'm deadass abt to call the cops.

daddy issues 💸:
i'll wake up for u
bitch, be grateful,
I wouldn't even wake up for Kilian tbh

Well, this was a weird dream. I thought it'd be good but it ended up turning creepy. Let's see...I've been able to wake up on command before, time to do it again.


I'm still here. In this dirty bathroom. 

Let me try again.


One more time.


"Oh my gosh..." I whisper to myself. Is my body okay? Like, why can't I wake up? I don't think I'm in a coma or anything like that. Maybe I'll have to wait this one out. I got another text from Chloe. 

My wife 💍:
Y/n, this isn't funny
I'm deadass crying right now!

This is real creepy. It's making me shudder. 

daddy issues 💸:
I legit have no idea
I'm trying to wake up,
just calm down, ur freaking me out

My wife 💍:

My phone started ringing. It was Chloe calling me. She never calls me. I immediately picked up. 


She sounded really panicked. Her voice trembled as she yelled and I could tell she was crying right now. This was all too real. I spoke, my voice trembled too. "Chloe, I-I literally have no idea what's going on. You need to calm down, what's going on?" I asked. She inhaled deeply.

"Okay..I..you didn't come to school. The office tried calling you, but you didn't answer so I signed out and went to go check on you. I searched your whole house, Bitchy was awake and in a bad mood, she kept snarling and trying to bite me. You're not here. I'm literally sitting on your bed as we speak." 

I got chills. "Chloe. I'm gonna be brutally honest with you even though I'm 95% sure this ain't real, but, I was up early this morning playing a Demon Slayer based dating simulator. I went to bed and started dreaming of said dating simulator. Then you started texting me and I tried to wake up. I can't wake up. I'm still in this dream."

"Y/n...where the hell are you?" she cried. She was deadass crying like she just went through a bad breakup with a boyfriend and was venting to me about it over phone. 

"I don't know.." I felt tears forming in my eyes. I don't like this dream anymore. 

"Y/n, I'm not playing anymore! If you're hiding, come out already or I'm calling the cops!" 
"I'm not playing! This is some deadass fanfic shit going on or something!" 
"WHAT!? It's kinda true tho..."
"Yeah...I don't know."

There was a short silence between us. 

"But, I mean, I'm literally talking to you over phone. I know this is you talking, so you're fine, right?" she asked, trying to relieve her stress. 
"Yeah, I'm okay..."
"Alright..If you're actually playing around with me I'm going to disown you."

I stifled a chuckle. "Sure thing. I'm really not playing around, though."
"Tell my boyfriend I love him, I guess."
"Get home soon and tell him yourself." 

And then she hung up on me. 'Rude.' I got another text from her though. 

My wife 💍:
Look, I've read enough fanfics about this topic to know how this goes.
Try to get to a successful ending with one of the interests.
Maybe then you'll get home. 
If that doesn't work, try all of them.

Does she seriously think I'm actually in this game and need to get home? I still think I'm dreaming, but just in case, I have priorities. 

daddy issues 💸:
Feed Bitchy for me pls

My wife  💍:

daddy issues 💸:

My wife 💍:
You don't say...
I barely managed to catch this while keeping my life:

daddy issues 💸:
Read 8:23

"Miss L/n, are you okay in there??" the homeroom teacher's voice called from the door of the bathroom. Startled, I quickly turned off my ringer and hid my phone back in my shoe. 

"N-no. I feel really awful.." I said. It wasn't a lie, but I really wanted to convince her to let me go home. It's not really my home, but a place to think things over. 

"Oh my...do you need to be sent home?" she asked worriedly. 
"Y-yeah..I can't take this pain anymore..!" I cried overdramatically. She gasped. "Oh! It's a good thing you told me, miss Celeste!"
'Damn you, Celeste...'

In the end, I was picked up by aunt Eliza and went home. I took some painkillers and stayed home from school even after the pain went away. Obanai and Kabamaru came over as soon as school ended to make sure I was okay. He ended up staying for hours even after aunt Eliza went to work, and we just chilled out together. 

9:52 p.m.

"Why were you sick? The truth this time." Obanai demanded as we slumped on the couch and ate snacks. 

"I don't know. I can't tell when I'll be sick, it was probably just nerves." I lied. 'Aunt Eliza poisoned me with alcohol.'

"Stop lying. Did it have to do with your aunt?" he asked. He didn't like my aunt for some reason.
"Why do you assume that?"
"That woman is irresponsible."


"She does the best she can. You just don't like her because she's a stripper? That's the only job she's able to get right now and she provides for me." I defended her.
"She did something to you, didn't she?" he wasn't giving it up. His eyes bore into mine, trying to find any hesitation to use against me. 

"...I was hungover." I gave in to admit that much.

"Y/n?!" Obanai gasped. "She gave you alcohol?! You're a minor!"
"She didn't give me alcohol, I snuck it out from the cabinet. It's my fault." I lied. She did give me the alcohol, but I didn't want to admit it because I didn't want anything unscripted happening. Wait- why am I worrying about that? This is supposed to be a dream. 

"She was careless enough to leave it around for you, and her habits probably influence you all the time!" he argued. I was actually kinda growing frustrated with him. 

"Can you stop talking smack about my aunt? Damn! She's the only family I have and I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if I started praising your past family for their lifestyle in front of you!" 
'Oh shit, Y/n you imbecile!' 


"Shit, Obanai I'm really sorry-"

"Don't ever talk about those people." his eyes stared at me coldly. I felt bad.

It was silent between us and we even stopped eating.'Welp, this is awkward. I guess I might as well go to bed and end this dream hopefully.' I stood up from the couch and dusted any crumbs off my clothes. I looked down at Obanai who just stared at me. 

"I'm gonna go to bed now. You can stay over if you want, but I'm sure you'd rather go home." I said, turning my back to him. 
"Wait, Y/n." 

I turned around and he stood there right in front of me. He pulled me into a tight hug and Kabamaru slithered onto my shoulder. 
"I'm sorry, I just got so angry." he admitted. I slowly hugged him back and he buried his nose into the crook of my neck. 
"It's fine.." I whispered. "I'm sorry I brought up those people."
"I forgive you. I can never not forgive you. You're too important to me..." 

I felt myself blushing. 'Damn, Obama- Obanai...'
"Thanks..?" I didn't really know how to respond to that. 

He finally released me from the hug and looked up at me. 'Haha, shortie.' 
"If you were going to bed to avoid me, please don't. Let's hang out for a little longer." he insisted. I agreed and we went back to the couch to hang out and talk about random shit. 

"My friends were disappointed they couldn't meet you today." he brought up. 
"Oh shit. That's too bad, I guess I'll meet them tomorrow then." 

We talked a little longer until I was too sluggish to keep up with the conversation. I could feel myself slumping onto his shoulder and dozing off.  

"Heh, good night, Y/n. Sweet dreams..."

A lil note:
Yes, I've made a way for Y/n to communicate with the real world
because in all honesty, it'd take a lot for you to believe you've
actually been transported into a game. 
And yes, you get a boyfriend in the real world (srry if ur lesbian or something)
Also yes, you have a dog named Bitchy. She loves the hell out of you
and is a bitch to everyone else.
Thanks, bye.

<I didn't write a description for Chloe, but here's a depiction of her. Art isn't mine.>

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