Hotel Transylvania 2

By PublishedIndependent

525 34 9

The note is now in Dracula's hands, but he is confused. Dracula notices Carol's eyes change from green to lig... More

Mavis and Johnny's Wedding
Dennis Arrives
Pup's Birthday
Babysitting Dennis

Hotel Improvement

77 5 2
By PublishedIndependent

Dracula POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Carol's eyes. How they kept changing from her lime-green to icy-blue. It seemed every time they changed, I was reminded of... Martha. "Oh, my goodness, Leonard. If you really looked that hideous, I don't think I could hang out with you." The Fly spoke at the front desk. I walk over to them, spotting Carol on the computer typing away.

"Guys, what's the deal? Is this a party? Pick up a phone. I don't care if Johnny said it's a 'cool app.' Johnny's still new here." I scolded; the workers went back to work as I walked up to one of the zombies, "Now, Porridge Head, did you call a hearse for the Gremlinbergs? No, you're checking your Facebook page. Again." Johnny walks up to me with a grin.

I sighed and noticed Carol snickering at me.

"Drac, I told the guys social media is the best way to promote the hotel. Right, Clifton? So, Drac, I wanted to go through some thoughts I had as your new human relations coordinating co-assistant." Johnny stood next to me and crossed his arms.

"Sure. It's a real job. Not a cheap excuse to keep Mavis happy, so you never leave here." I sarcastically answered.

"Right. So, I was thinking, since we have so many humans now, maybe update some of the acts? Like, maybe the magician?"

"What's wrong with Harry Three-Eye?"

"Well, he might be a little old-school for the humans." Carol answered, joining in the conversation. "No, Harry's great. Can't blame Harry for the crowd not being hip." I answered, not noticing what Carol was doing behind me.

"Okay, what about Wayne?"

"Wayne? Are you nuts? He's my boy." I answered Johnny.

"Then maybe something other than tennis?" Carol suggested, "He chases the ball and buries it."


I jump and spun around, "What is that? What's the noise? It's on me!" I glanced at my pocket to see it vibrate. Carol laughs and pulls out a phone, "It's just the cell phone I got you. Clifton's sending you a text so you can practice how to write back." Johnny assured me, showing the phone.

"Oh! What the... It's not doing it." I tried tapping the screen, but nothing was working. "I got it. "Dear Drac, (various groaning sounds)." Now you can text Clifton." Johnny reads the text.

"All right, fine. How do you do this?" I tapped the screen, but it wouldn't do anything, making me frustrated. "Maybe it's your fingernails. It's easy." Carol mentioned. Johnny takes out his phone, "Look. I'll text Mavis. 'Psyched for date night.' See? And now look, she texted right back. 'Gotta cancel. Can't leave Dennis.' Okay. 'Are we never allowed to be alone again? I need to feel loved, too.' And send." Johnny grins up at me.

I sighed, "Okay. All that taught me is that you're pathetic." I snap my head to see Carol snort, "Hahaha!" Johnny sheepishly grins, "Yeah, got it. Maybe you should just get Bluetooth."

"Okay. Blue Tooth, come over here." A large blue tooth walks up to us, "So, now what?"

"He meant this Bluetooth, Drac." Carol pulls up her phone and showed me Bluetooth.



No Pov:

Dracula walked into Dennis's room and gently woke him up, "Rise and shine, my Denisovich."

"Hi, Papa." Dennis yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Hello, my little devil. Did you have sweet nightmares?" Drac asked. Dennis sat up wide awake, "Uh-huh. I dreamed that I saw a stegosaurus."

"Oh... And were you drinking his blood?"


"Just throwing it out there. Hey! You want to do something cool?" Dracula excitingly suggested to Dennis. The four-year-old jumped up from his bed, "Yeah!" The vampire gets his grandson out of bed, "I'm going to teach you how to turn into a bat. Like me. See?" Dracula transforms and flies around Dennis, "Cool."

Dracula turns back and laughs, "Yes! Cool, like I said. Now you try." Dennis flapped his arms up and down, running in a circle, "I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat. I'm a bat."

"I mean, a real bat."

"I'm a bat!" Dennis sticks out his tongue, waving his fingers in front of his face. Dracula sits on his knees, "Denisovich. Take a breath. You can really turn into a bat. Try. Feel the bat." Dennis flaps his arms, then does the electric move, "Not a chicken. What's that? The electric boogaloo? If I show you I can bust a move, will you try to fly, then?" Dracula mentions.


The Vampire King smiled, and the two began to dance. Busting some moves, Dennis tries to do the same, following Dracula's movements. The two stop at the sound of Mavis's voice.

"Dad? Why are you guys dancing?"

Dracula glances up to see Mavis and Carol standing by the door. Thinking up a lie, Drac points to Dennis, "Uh, he was sleep-dancing."

Carol laughed, "Come on, sweetie. Back to bed." She picks up Dennis and sets him back in bed. Drac walked over and stares at the two women, "'Back to bed'? It's already after 8:00 p.m." Mavis turns to her father, "Don't you remember the new sleep schedule? He's going to human classes half the day."


"If he could just sleep till 2:00 a.m. tonight, it'd be so great for him."

"But, honeydeath, six of Wayne's wolf pups are having a birthday party tonight. You wouldn't want him to miss that." Dracula complains. Mavis sighed as Carol stood by the bed, "Dad, I love the wolf pups, but they're a little too rough for Dennis."

"'Too rough'?"

"Haven't you noticed? Dennis is different." Carol points out.

"What are you saying? Denisovich shouldn't be around monsters?"

Dennis sat up with a smile, "I love monsters! Video! Video! Ha!"

"Oh, you wanna show Papa Drac your monster video?" Carol questions.

"Yeah!" Dennis hops out of the bed and to the TV. Carol gets the video ready as Dracula sits next to Dennis.

TV narrator: "Who's the coolest monster?"

Dennis cheers as the TV audience call out the monster's name, "Kakie!"

Kakie makes its appearance on the screen, holding a cake in its hands, "Whee! Kakie one happy monster! Kakie love cake! Yummy! Tummy get a tummyache."

Dracula stands up and turns to Mavis, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. How is that a monster?"

Kakie: "Have some cake, Wuzzlelumplebum. Remember, kids, a real monster always shares."

"'Shares'? Yes! When I think monsters, I think 'shares.' Now, let me tell you what a real monster is, Denisovich." Dracula spoke as Carol was about to turn off the TV.

"Dad, please. He's practically five already. Don't force it."

Kakie: "Slow down, Wuzzlelumplebum."

Mavis picked up Dennis and laid him on the bed singing, "Twinkle, twinkle, little star / How I wonder--"

"Mommy, I'm too old for lullabies."

Dracula gasps, "What? That's not how that one goes." Mavis pulls the sheets over Dennis, "This is the way most people sing it."

"'Most people'? What's wrong with..." Drac starts singing as Carol and Mavis sat next to Dennis, "Suffer, suffer, scream in pain / Blood is spilling from your brain,"


"Come on. You know how I sang it to you girls."

Dracula, Mavis, and Carol began singing, "Zombies gnaw you like a plum / Piercing cries and you succumb,"

Dracula finished singing, "Suffer, suffer, scream in pain / You will never breathe again." He turns his attention to see the girls and Dennis asleep, "Still works. Oh..." Drac whispers and pecks Carol's cheek, "I love you..."

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