By tmbm12

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By tmbm12


— Cregan was bedridden – thanks to whatever drinks he was drinking – but he had let Jacaerys in, thinking of it as a friendly manner, but when he realised it had to do with a political matter, and his sister, he immediately got up, dressed and downstairs to find his sister.

"How dare you!" He screams.

It echoed throughout the hall, when he immediately caught up to [Y/N].

"Cregan, no!" Alysanne stood up, pulling back her husband.

"How dare you, do you honestly believe marrying the heir to Iron Throne will help anything? You're putting yourself as risk!"

"Cregan, back to fucking bed!" Alysanne screamed. "Leave the children alone, you stupid boy!"

Alysanne had to guide him back, as [Y/N] was left standing there, in shock. Perhaps he was going to marry her off.

Jacaerys walked over, bringing her into his arms, and she immediately started crying. She wrapped her arms, letting the tears stain his tunic. And Jacaerys let, rubbing her back, whispering words in her ear.


There was times in the days where [Y/N] wished her mother survived whatever killed her. Maybe if Rickar, her late brother, survived too, then her father would still be here, and they'd all be happy.

[Y/N] and Jacaerys sat in the Crypts. All of the ancestors of the Starks, including the first ever family of them, all stared back at them.

"Is this where you'll go?"

[Y/N] shrugs. "Not certain. If me and you are to marry, I'll be buried in yours."

Jacaerys looks at her. "We don't have Crypts."

[Y/N] turned to him. "So what happens?"

Jacaerys clears his throat. "Well, Targaryen's are burnt, and Velaryons are underwater."

[Y/N] stares at him in shock. "You're jestering."

Jacaerys shakes his head. "Never. My aunt was put in a coffin, then pushed into the water. And my grandsire was burnt, and his ashes are... somewhere. My mother tried teaching me the whole subject of that. But I think it's depressing."

[Y/N] smiles at him. "What would you rather. Burnt, drowned, or buried."

Jacaerys actually took a moment to think. He hums before answering. "I think I'd like a small swim."

[Y/N] laughs. It was contagious, Jacaerys begins laughing, the two sat in front of
[Y/N]'s mother statue. The men who made it made sure she had a smile on, like she always did when she was alive.

"What about you?" Jacaerys calmed down. "Do you prefer to be nice and toasty?"

[Y/N] smiles at him, trying not to laugh. "I'm not so sure. Its rather cold here, but I like being warm."

"Sweat to death?" Jacaerys joked.

"Perfect way to die." [Y/N] cackles.


After Cregan was finished with his man tantrum – which nearly last a week – he held the dreading feast.

[Y/N] was dressed in the Stark colours with her fur cape. She was told Rhaenyra Targaryen, and children would be here.

Which obviously they would because its their son, but still, she didn't realise how big of a deal it would be until the day finally came. And she was literally passing through herself.

Alysanne brushed her hair, two strands of her turned into two twists, which tied together to make a braid, and the hair that laid untouched, was brushed with such delicacy, she could fall asleep.

"You look outstanding, sweet girl." Alysanne rested her hands on the girls shoulders.

"The future Queen is there, Alysanne, I.. what if I say something wrong and she takes my head?"

Alysanne smiles. "Don't worry, dearest. Your house is helping her get the throne. I'm sure she doesn't want scary Ethon coming after her."

[Y/N] laughs. Not because it was funny, it was mostly nerves.

Without her knowledge, Cregan had sent a letter to Rhaenyra, asking for permission to betrothe the two, and marry the two at Winterfell. Which she agreed, only if she could be present at both.

To which he agreed.

Alysanne had warned the girl not to be odd, and answer any and all questions asked, no matter the topic.

And here she sat. [Y/N] felt her knee bounce up and down, as Cregan's voice quite literally echoed throughout the hall.

She wasn't listening to want Cregan was saying, but before long, Cregan was pushing her to stand to meet to her beloved Jacaerys.

The two joined in front of everyone. Jacaerys placed a kiss to her cheek. "Smile. Please."

When he pulled away, she smiled, and lead him to sit beside her. As his family followed in tow.

"Let us feast!" Cregan announces one more, before the servants began doing the rounds of filling up glasses.

"You look lovely, [Y/N]." Jacaerys whispered.

[Y/N] looked at him. "Is this you being nice?"

Jacaerys nods. "Yes. You always look lovely."

[Y/N] felt her cheeks warm up, as she looked away to take a sip of her wine. Cregan tapped her upper arm.

"Don't make a fool of yourself, dear sister."

[Y/N] stared at her brother. "I should be saying that to you."

She sighs before turning to Jacaerys, who was listening intently to what Lucerys was rambling on about.

[Y/N] began to eat whatever food was on the plate, taking smalls sips of her wine, watching as Lords and their wives enjoyed each others company, dancing among each other.

She felt a pat on her shoulder, she turned around, and there she stood, future Queen Rhaenyra.

"Your grace-"

Rhaenyra smiles. "Enough of that, sweet girl. May I have a small talk with you?"

[Y/N] nods, and excused herself from her brother, and Rhaenyra lead her to a corner.

"I've heard so little of you, dear girl. But you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." Rhaenyra smiles at her.

"Thank you, your grace-"

"Rhaenyra is fine, [Y/N]. We are soon to be family, aren't we? I hope we can both confine in each other, as long as both you and Jacaerys are married."

[Y/N] nods. "Of course, Rhaenyra. I hope Jacaerys has explained everything to you." 

Rhaenyra nods. "Sort of. Your brother has explained more about it. I've never seen my son so mature. And how grown of you to think of the strength of your house."

[Y/N] smiles.. when did this happen?

"Tell me, sweet girl. Is Rickon heir to Winterfell?"

"Yes, though Cregan hasn't taught him much of the history. But I believe he'll be an outstanding Lord of Winterfell when the day comes."

Rhaenyra smiles. "For a moment I believed Cregan would name you heir. But perhaps I'm thinking ahead of myself.."

[Y/N] had never thought of herself as an heir to anything. She knew if she were to marry anyone, her children would be heirs. And she would just watch and grow old.

"And if you don't mind me nosing, [Y/N]. But you have bled, yes?"

[Y/N] opened her mouth and shook her head. "I understand it may be disappointing, Rhaenyra, but, my handmaidens have tried giving me teas to help me."

Rhaenyra smiles and places her hands on her shoulders. "It's alright, dear girl. The day will come. And when it does come, children or no children. You are to be my daughter."

Rhaenyra gives her a small laugh. "Now, I don't want to see you stressing over my nosey boys;"

"Lucerys will question you on your knowledge on dragons, Joffrey will ask about your wolf, and Aegon, and Viserys will just give small babbles, and perhaps cry,"

To that [Y/N] gives a small laugh.

"But do not worry, those boys will love you just like I do already. Now go, enjoy your night, Jacaerys will think I've stolen you."

Jacaerys was waiting by the table, his eyes scanned everywhere.

"There you are!" Jacaerys laughs. 

Rhaenyra hugs her son, kissing his head. "Enjoy your night, sweet boy."

Jacaerys smiles at his mother as she walks back up to her husband and children. He then looks at [Y/N], offering a hand.

"Can I offer up a dance, future wife?" Jacaerys smiles.


Alysanne, who was a tiny bit drunk, laughs as she tries to find one last clip in [Y/N]'s hair.

"Who decided it was a good idea to put so many of these cunts in here?" She mumbled.

"You did, Alysanne." [Y/N] laughs.

Alysanne cackles, finally finding it, acting as if it was treasure.

She finally left her to get dressed into her nightgown, [Y/N] used the small bowl of cold water to splash water in her face, dapping her face dry with a towel. And then washing her hands, and drying them, too.

There was a knock at the door, [Y/N] opened it to find Jacaerys, and his little brother Joffrey.

Jacaerys looked ready to pass out. "Joffrey, ask the question?"

Joffrey held his brothers hand, "May i see Ethon tomorrow..?"

[Y/N] smiles before nodding. "Of course, you can, silly boy."

Joffrey looked up at Jacaerys, with wide eyes.

"Say thank you, Joffrey, and run along."

Joffrey did as such, before Jacaerys sighs, leaning against the door frame.

"Rough night..?" [Y/N] jokes.

Jacaerys gives her a tired grin. "I had Joffrey, and Aegon both screaming in my ear when I put them to bed."

[Y/N] laughs, she leaned on the other side of the door frame. The two held their eye contact for as long as their body could let them.

"Mother suggests that you and I get better at our acting.. she knows why I did it."

[Y/N] smiles. "No surprise. Your mother is really smart."

Jacaerys smiles back. His eyes grew darker as his eyes roamed her body. [Y/N] grinned at him, looking him over too.

Over the last moons, he had changed significantly. And he definitely didn't miss the way [Y/N] had changed.

He leaned closer before the tip of their toes were touching. He held her jaw like she was going to break.

"I'm not glass, little Prince." 

Jacaerys looked into her eyes, before he grabbed the back of her head, and brought their lips together with such passion.

[Y/N] reached to hold the back of his neck, as the two kissed. He pushed her inside her chambers, slamming the door, and pushing her against the wall, continuing the kissing.

[Y/N] found her hand slide up his loose shirt, and in a split second, he has a hold on her wrist.

Their lips pull apart, and he rests his forehead on hers.

"Jacaerys.." She mumbles, her eyes still closed.

He laughs, kissing her cheek. "We can't. They'll expect blood on the sheets in the next couple of days, silly girl."

[Y/N] opens her eyes. Jacaerys places one last kiss on her lips with a; "Goodnight, love." Before walking off.

[Y/N] was stuck by herself. Unsure what to do, she blows out her candle and hides under her sheets, face still flustered.


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