secrets ↠ demi lovato / 5h

By arhtsy

437K 13.2K 2.1K

We never saw Season 4 of The X Factor USA, but here's what really happened. Lea, a troubled, insecure girl, a... More

note: casting
[80] - epilogue
the may 2018 edit.


2.7K 110 25
By arhtsy

**this chapter is dedicated to my best friend @Silent_Warrior because she's the most amazing friend to have and deserves all the happiness in the world, so if you guys haven't checked out her story you should go do that, and send some love her way while you're there!**


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all spent in the studio and working. our common goal was for the EP to be all ready to go by the time I left New York. we'd chosen the songs to be on it: Can't Blame a Girl For Trying, The Middle of Starting Over, White Flag, Best Thing I Got, Eyes Wide Open and We'll Be The Stars. on Tuesday we had a photoshoot for the album, on Wednesday we chose from the pictures and by Thursday evening I'd signed 200 copies of the album cover photo for the fan shop on my website.

"the sharpie ran out," I said for the second time that evening. "and so has my energy."

Demi was currently being driven to the airport by Max to pick Naya up. Naya was back from her family holiday in Greece, and we were going back to LA that weekend.

Jaycee tossed me another pen, and I slid the signed photo back to her. I grabbed another one and scribbled my signature on it, writing "I love you!" underneath it, then I slid it over and grabbed another one. my hand was bound to be cramped by the morning.

"thought about performance dates?" Jaycee asked.

Demi and I had an argument about it on Tuesday night when I showed her all the dates and told her that I wanted to do all of them. I explained what had happened to Jaycee.

when I had finished, Jaycee nodded thoughtfully, saying, "I understand where both of you are coming from. while Demi wants you to perform because she knows you love it, she's worried for your health, physically and mentally. and you don't see a problem with performing all the dates, and you think you'll be fine."

"yeah," I said. "Demi's more concerned than usual because I was so tired on Sunday. but I swear it was because of all the meetings plus being at Taylor's, and I'll be fine. the dates stretch out for, like, a month or so. it'll be like a little promo tour."

"what's the verdict, then?"

"Demi said to ask you for advice 'cos you know what you're doing."

"I see." Jaycee neatened up the pile of signed photos. "well, let's see. you have a list of places you definitely want to perform at, don't you?"

"yeah," I said, finishing a signature then reaching for my phone. "I have it in my notes app."

"let's have a look." Jaycee studied the list. "that's a good amount. in fact, even if you just do these and nothing else, it'd be good enough. that's way past the minimum."

I stared at her. "but I want to do more! it was so hard to narrow it done to these."

"and Demi says these are okay?"


"okay," Jaycee said, pulling up a document on her laptop. "let me mark those you want to do. Wango Tango, for sure?"

"yes, please." Wango Tango was a good event to perform at since there were going to be so many people and it was great for introducing myself to new fans that hadn't heard of my music. and, the girls were going to be there, but that totally wasn't why I picked it at all. trust me.

Jaycee put a little star by each date, then I pointed out a few more that I wanted to do. and I was sticking to the number Demi had said was the maximum, so that was good. I didn't want to get in trouble with anyone.

"that's a good mix," Jaycee said. "if you really wanted to, I guess we could do a couple more radio shows. you like those, right?"

"yeah." I searched the list again and picked out two more radio shows, then took a picture of the list to send to Demi to ask for permission so Jaycee could respond to the people there. almost instantly, Demi replied and gave us the go ahead, so I watched excitedly as Jaycee began composing an email to the Wango Tango organizers.

smiling, I scribbled my signature onto the remaining photographs. maybe I'd get to see the girls sooner than we'd anticipated.


that evening, I walked home as quickly as I could before it got dark.

"I'm home!" I called as I shut and locked the door behind me. almost immediately, I could hear running down the hall and Naya rushing towards me.

"Naya!" I squealed, letting her envelope me in a hug. "woah! you got so tan!"

"honey, you look so good!" Naya said. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too," I said. "how was Greece?"

"I thought I'd save the stories for dinner," Naya said excitedly. "Demi made fish and rice and I'm literally dying to have homecooked food. don't get me wrong, Greek food is so amazing, but I've missed Demi's cooking." I was pulled into the kitchen by Naya where Demi was grilling some fish, and Naya placed a kiss on Demi's lips, causing her to tint a slight pink.

"get a room," I said, draping my bag over the back of one of the chairs.

in response to that, Demi just giggled and buried her head into Naya's shoulder.

"oh my god," I muttered, getting a mug of warm water. "save it for tonight, you two. and I don't want to hear any of it through the walls."


the next morning, before I left for the studio, I noticed that both Demi and Naya had started packing things up around the apartment. the little trinkets and pieces that made the house feel more homely were now wrapped up and gone. when I got back from the studio, I walked in on Demi folding up her clothes back into the huge suitcase she'd come with and Naya doing the laundry.

"Lea, baby," Demi called.


"you better start packing, sweetie. we leave tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon."

"it's Friday?"

"yes, it is."

"oh. okay."

I went back into my room, suddenly feeling like crying. as much as I did miss LA, I had grown somewhat attached to New York. I crossed the room and peered out of the window at the horizon of lights stretching into the distance. a few cars drove along the road below, their lazy headlights projecting onto the empty road in front of them. I felt a pang in my heart, and I turned away from the window. suddenly having the lights on in my room seemed too bright and daunting, way too cheery for what I was feeling now, so I turned the bedside lamp on and lit what remained of my candle, then turned the lights off. whilst it had been slightly warm all day, I was now feeling cold. and alone. hesitantly, I pulled on a hoodie that was lying on my bed and zipped it all the way up, then pulling it down as much as I could. I looked around at the room I had called home for months now. Demi had already wheeled my suitcase into my room, and it stood in the corner of my room, waiting to be filled. I opened it up on the floor, and began to pull clothes off hangers and fold them as neatly as I could, stacking them into the huge suitcase. I hadn't noticed how much stuff I bought recently, and how much I had made this room feel like home. I tucked books and envelopes containing birthday cards into the folds of my clothes, and checked every drawer to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. the worst was probably taking down the photos that I had stuck onto my wall. photos from Taylor's house, from the Reflection tour, my birthday, being silly at the studio. the time the girls came to surprise me when I was still wheelchair-ridden.

it was particularly hard, I suppose, because I had been hearing Naya discuss with Demi about selling this apartment. Naya wanted to move to LA and pursue more acting since Glee ended, and the three of us were comfortable there.

an hour and a while later, when I thought that I'd finished packing, I was about to close the suitcase when I found that I didn't pack Lauren's sweater and beanie in, as well as her note. they were still on my bed next to my pillow, the sweater rolled up into a little bundle with the beanie inside of it, and in turn, the note tucked into the beanie.

someone knocked on my door, and I pushed the sweater behind me and sat on the bed, turning to face the door. "yeah?"

Naya pushed the door open. "oh, you're awake. we thought you were asleep since the light was off."

"yeah, I'm packing."

"I see." Naya looked around at my now bare walls and empty room, dimly illuminated by the flickering candle and the glow of the beside lamp. "it's hard packing, isn't it?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. Naya didn't know that I knew she was going to sell the apartment.

"I know, baby." we were quiet for a while as Naya's eyes roamed the walls and the ceiling while she sighed a little bit. "well," Naya said, leaning against the door frame. "I just wanted to remind you to wear something warm tomorrow. it's going to be rainy, and we'll be flying so it'll be pretty cold. sweaters would be good, and you might need a hat of some sort."

"okay. got it." I pushed the sweater further back into the mass of pillows on my bed before I got up to go and give Naya a hug. "goodnight, Naya."

Naya gave me a little kiss on my forehead. "goodnight, sweetie. don't sleep too late, alright? tomorrow's a long day."

"before midnight," I promised.

Naya smiled. "goodnight." she gave me another forehead kiss, then left for her and Demi's room.

I checked the time. 11:18pm.

without even giving it a second thought, my fingers had already dialed Lauren's number off by heart and my phone was pressed to my ear.


"hi, Lo," I said, falling back onto my bed and relaxing. I closed my eyes and listened to her speak.

"hey, Lea. what's up?"

"we're leaving for LA tomorrow. and it sucks."

"damn. already? I swear you're leaving in, like, two weeks... oh." a pause, then, "I just checked the calendar. it is tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes. "no shit."

"but you can go back to New York, can't you?"

I let my voice drop to barely a whisper. "yeah, but Naya might be selling the apartment. so it'd be my last night in this room."

"ohhhh. that really f--ing sucks, doesn't it?"

I agreed. "at least I got my EP stuff done, though. I'd hate to go back and have unfinished discussions. at least it's all ready to go now."

we talked for what felt like just a while more about anything and everything we could think of, including and not limited to my time at Taylor's, Lauren telling me about the last book she read, and us discussing quite random things until my eyelids were beginning to close by themselves and Lauren started yawning too.

"what's the time?" I muttered to myself, pulling my phone away from my ear to check it. "oh s--, it's literally one minute to 1am."

"what? "

"we'd better go to bed," I laughed softly, becoming suddenly aware that the house was entirely quiet and the hallway light was off.

Lauren's raspy giggle came through the phone speaker.

god, that giggle.

Lea, sort yourself out.

"I guess so. text me whenever you can tomorrow okay? I won't be able to call because we're so busy, but just spam me with texts. spam the group chat if you want," Lauren said.

"got it. goodnight, Lo."

as soon as we'd hung up and I plugged my phone into its charger, I slid under the covers and yawned, blowing the candle out and turning the light off. as I drifted off to sleep, only one thought occupied my mind.

everything I'd told Taylor was true.

it wasn't just a phase.






Lauren Jauregui.



FINALLY we're name-dropping ayyy she likes Lolo!


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