My Liege And I

By Sunset_vermont

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My love, can you hear that? It is my heart that beats for you. The dew has long settled, where are you? My f... More

Say That Again
Queen And I
No Doubt
Morning After
Drunk Lovers
For The Best
Loving Yu'er
New Mistress
City Gates
Snakes and Porridge
Next Life
Poems and Parting
Till Old
Stained Scrolls
My Liege
The Dragon Poison
Price of War
Sister Nation
The Woman And I
His Weakness
Twin Flames
To Meet Again
Pursuing Favor
The Cause
Get Even
Lord Liege's Desire
Crimson Pendant
To Bear
Tears of Elora
Goat's Heart
Spells and Mirrors
Three Lifetimes
Running in Futility
My Liege

Dimly Lit Embers

654 84 43
By Sunset_vermont

Chapter 52

Bai Yuwen Hong
Bai Shen Hong
Emperor Huizhong

"Luo Meng."

"His Majesty's servant is here."

"You have seen the dramatic events escalate over the past few days. What are your thoughts?" Yuwen Hong abruptly stopped in the Dragon Welcoming Room and looked over at Luo Meng, who followed him. Behind Luo Meng was also about six of the emperor's close attendants, including Eunuch Nam and Court Lady Nam.

"His Majesty is an ocean of infinite wisdom, thus this servant lacks the sagacity to give advice."

"No. Share anything that comes to mind."

Luo Meng's hands massaged his sword, a sign that he was unsure of what he was about to say. "Although a bird has not yet taken flight, when it does, it shall surpass heaven. Although it has not yet sung, when it does, it shall shake the angels."

Yuwen Hong digested the words and sadly smiled at the meaning. Luo Meng was advising him to bide his time in making his decisions because whatever was decided would have a catastrophic impact, be it on the emperor or the empire.

"Time is not something I have. Dimly lit embers can still start a fire." Each passing day produced discontent among the people.

"My apologies, Your Majesty." Luo Meng was solemn.

What a treasured friend.

"Nothing to be sorry for. You did not cause this." It was not Luo Meng who chose Li Lian for himself. He was the one who found her, chose her, and selected her. All of it was him.

A wise man never trusts in appearances. He chose to trust her appearance.

To catch the tiger's cub, one must enter the tiger's den. He was the one who entered the tiger's den, the Borderlands, a part of Huticah, when he found Li Lian. How come he thought he had found a swan in a tiger's den?

"If your servant could ask a question," Luo Meng brought him back from his abusive thoughts.

"Go on."

"In the past, His Majesty would incite fear and silence everyone. No one could do as much as whimper about a protest, or they would be seeking death for themselves." Luo Meng reminded Yuwen Hong of his old self. The unrestrained part of him. "A tiger does not take insults from sheep. This servant trusts this is not the case, probably His Majesty is displaying wisdom by his calmness, but on the naked eye, your servant feels His Majesty has become subdued."

It was true. The old him would have turned the palace upside down. Blood would have been shed and heads would have rolled.

"A great man is hard on himself. A small man is hard on others." Yuwen Hong crossed his hands on his back. "The more I mature, the more humbly I behave. The greater my power, the less I exercise it. The richer my wealth, the more I give away. Thus, I would like to avoid bitterness, spite, and misery." Though, whether that could be easily done was a different story.

At that moment, Luo Meng and all the close attendants that listened-in went on their knees. "His Majesty is benevolent. Nevoria has the son of Heaven, and thus, many glorious days are ahead!"

Yuwen Hong ushered a command for them to rise and led them to the exit.

Stepping outside, he was met by the figure of his mother who knelt before the descending stairs of his palace building. Since the previous night, she adamantly subjected herself to the punishment of holding herself hostage on the one spot she had chosen.

"Muqin, your body's well being is of utter importance to me. Please, rise."

She ignored his words as she observed his black and red official attire for the morning court meeting. "Is today the day you will give your verdict in court?"

His face did not let on any emotions. He was on a mission to be unfeeling on this particular day, unlike yesterday where he was an emotional mess and made a fool of himself by trying to drown himself.

"What have you decided? Will you sentence Li Lian to death?"

Yuwen Hong acted as if he could not hear her as he bent over and tried to pull her up. Her mourning white garments were browned by the dirt of the ground. In the midst of all the chaos, his mother was mourning Noble Consort Qi. They had somewhat of a good friendship.

"Yu'er, my heart is sore. First, it was Noble Consort Qi, and now Li Lian."

"Muqin, I make decisions as the emperor in court and not based on relationships and feelings. Remember that once I enter the hall, I will not be a lover or a son, but just the emperor."

She squeezed his fingers as she pleaded, tears flowing on her reddened cheeks.

"Please respect that," he said, although fully aware no words would get through to her. His mother was led by the heart. She did not care about what consequences it would have if Li Lian went unscathed. It was of no relevance to her that there was a price to pay for every wrong done.

"Yu'er..." she began to wail. "She is your wife and like a daughter to me. Please spare her!"

"Muqin, what are you doing? It's too early to make a scene like this."

"Please spare her, Yu'er! I will never ask for anything else!"

"Court Lady Park, assist your mistress to her palace." He pulled away from her, gently pulling off her hands from his.

"Yu'er!" she cried even louder as he began to walk away.

What a headache it was.

As he exited the gate, he found his huge palanquin awaiting for him. Normally, he preferred walking to court. However, as he now struggled to even eat, his energy reserves were quite low. Engaging in minimal activity was his best chance to survive the already long day that seemed not to end.

"We urge His Majesty to punish the murderer of the Fallen Dragon!" He heard the words before noticing various scholars littered along the path his entourage walked on. Incessantly, the scholars kept kowtowing as they shouted the same words again and again.

"Your Majesty, please give Nevoria the justice it deserves!" The chant changed as he proceeded on his route. Each rank of scholars had their own chant.

By the time he reached the court, his ears rang from the cacophony.

"His Majesty arrives!" The bell attendant announced to the officials in the Dragon Court.

Quickly, everyone in the huge hall went on their knees as Yuwen Hong walked in for his throne.

"Greetings to His Majesty!" They all shouted after he sat on his throne. He was not surprised to find his table bestrewn with endless scrolls. No doubt they were petitions with what each adviser thought was the best punishment for Li Lian.

He sighed and sank a little on his seat. It felt like the world sat on his shoulders.

He nodded at the Court Scholar in-charge, who went on to announce, "The Morning Court begins! May the first official take a stand!"

"Your Majesty!" It was the Minister of Law. "We have long sought for an empress to have the balance between yin and yang. It is important for Nevoria to have the Phoenix seat filled and to have a fortified mother of the nation. However, the foundation of the world lies in the empire, the foundation of the empire lies in the royal family, and the foundation of the royal family lies in the individual. We cannot accept an individual who murdered the Fallen Dragon!"

"Your Majesty, please give Nevoria the justice it deserves!" All the officials backed the Minister of Law.

Satisfied, the Minister of Law bowed and reversed to his original spot.

"Anyone else?" Yuwen Hong asked the quiet room that only consisted of the echoing sound of the protesting scholars from outside.

Another official presented himself to speak by the stairs. "A truly wise man does not display his wisdom. Such is the secret of being well-liked. We believe His Majesty is well-liked for his hidden wisdom and we believe he will make the right decision."

Yuwen Hong scoffed. If that was not holding a sword to his neck, then he did not know what that was.

"Take my decree!" Yuwen Hong alerted the scribe to prepare his writing tools.

He then passed more time as he opened the mountain of scrolls before him. Each argued the facts of Li Lian's crime, the evidence, and the suitable punishment of how she should die.

"There is no victory in winning a hundred battles but there is victory in subduing your enemy without fighting at all. Thus, it is a great victory for Nevoria to have the daughter of the treasonous King Tobba without fighting at all," he began his decree. "Watch your words and your deeds, for your words shall be spoken and your deeds shall be copied. Likewise, it is a disgrace for a man's words to be greater than his deeds."

Yuwen Hong took a moment to breathe as he allowed the pain in his chest to subside. It felt like a thousand needles piercing his heart underneath his chest. He was in unbelievable pain no matter how much he wanted to ignore it.

"My words have always been of a filial son. My deeds have always been of a loyal son of Heaven, committed to duty. I have always promised death to every involved person when it comes to the matter of the Fallen Dragon's death. Per our law, every bloodline of Huticah must face death; more so, the daughter of the King of Huticah."

Hushed words of approval and pride began to rise among his subjects.

"Heed my decree. Traitor Li Lian deceived, lied, committed treason, and many more numerous acts against the law of the empire and the royal family. For this reason, I sentence her to death by the Dragon Poison!"

The crowd burst into cheers as many went on their knees to usher praises to their beloved emperor. And even the son in him celebrated the oncoming death of the child of King Tobba. Surely, in this way, now Yuwen Hong could peacefully face his father in death.

However, the lover inside of him began to suffocate, mourning in uttermost grief. It was devastating.

All Yuwen Hong could do was comfort that part of himself with the realisation that in death, she was still going to be his wife. She was still his, and not even in death would they part.

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