Butterflies and Puppets

بواسطة Kimmi369

3.7K 89 0

Mayumi Inuzuka. She's not really an Inuzuka but Tsume pretty much has raised her best friends daughter. Mayum... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61.

Chapter 49

36 1 0
بواسطة Kimmi369

"Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not the same as yours. If we ever cross each other on a certain path... I hope we encourage each other..." before I can finish Sauske appears behind me and knocks me out.

"Hey wake up" Izumo states. "You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here."

I turn and open my eyes slowly seeing Izumo and Kotesu standing above me and Sakura with a pile of books and papers in their arms.

"Sauske no!" Sakura shouts jumping up with tears in her eyes.

"Come on Sakura, go home, I'll talk to Lady Tsunade." I say helping her up.

"Huh?" Sakura hums.

"It wasn't a dream, I was here too, now come on." I say looking over to Izumo and Kotesu and explain everything that happened.

We rush off to Lady Tsunade's office and we walk in.

"Where you sleeping?! You made us get these so you could sleep?!" Kotesu exclaims walking in.

"No, of course not!" She says.

"Anyway Lady Tsunade. We have something to report." Izumo states stepping to the side to see me standing behind them. I explain how we tried to stop Sauske but he left anyway, I leave out the part where he tried to convince me to go with him.

We get Shikamaru in there with them and Lady Tsunade fills him in about Sauske leaving.

"I have decided it's time for you to carry out your first mission as a Chunin." She starts.

"So all we gotta do is bring Sauske back?" Shikamaru says.

"Yes that's your mission. You must do it without delay and you find it more dangerous than you think." She replies.

"Awh yeah! Action time!" I smile.

"Actually, I want you here. Mayumi."

"What! No way! I'm more than qualified for this!"

Tsunade let's out a big sigh and nods her head. "But you know how dangerous this is going to be for you, you have high interest of unwanted people."

"Well if we are doing this I'm going to have request a team exclusively of Jonin and Chunin." Shikamaru states.

"I can't honor that request." Lady Tsunade says.

"Half of them are already out on missions. Even my team is out." I turn to him.

"Go round up any skilled Genin you think are up to the job. You have 30 minutes to leave this village."

I turn to Shikamaru. "You round up everyone you can and meet you at the gates?" He nods and we rush off.

"Kiba!" I shout at him busting through his bedroom door.

"What! What going on?!" He says falling out of bed. I explain to him what's going on as he gets dressed then rush off to Choji's house where we meet up with Shikamaru and Naruto.

"Wait, not them too!" Naruto shouts.

"Shino can't come because he's on some special mission with his dad." Kiba states.

They run off again. "Anyone else?" Kiba asks.

"If we find anybody in our way we will see if they will join us." I answer. "Wait, Neji!" I say stopping and running over to him and Lee and explain again what's going on.

"I see." Neji states.

"Yeah I know it's such a drag but I figured the more guys we have the better." Shikamaru states I rolls my eyes at his comment.

"Well if we are ready can we go now?" I mutter knowing full and well this is going to be a shit show.

"It's time to go." Shikamaru states as we stand in front of the village.

"Alright! Let's get going everybody! Follow me!" Naruto shouts fist pumping the air.

"Hey Naruto, Mayumi and I are supposed to be the squad leader, even though it sure it a drag." Shikamaru states.

"You really think you're the best person to lead us?" Naruto mocks. "I mean." I slap him up the side of the head.

"Shut up Naruto. Shikamaru is perfectly capable of leading this squad. He's more qualified than any of us."

"Then why are you going?" Kiba asks walking up to me with his arms crossed I feel rather offended right now.

"Because you guys don't understand who you are dealing with. You guys also have to remember, I've been on more S-rank missions than you all have combined. I'm the hardest ninja in this group. While I may make irrational decisions it's all in or nothing for me. Where as Shikamaru has the brains to decide if I need to make a move before anyone else or not."

"She's right." Neji agrees. "so are we going to come up with a plan?"

"Well for starters this is a rescue mission so we will be in the position of pursuit." Shikamaru says stepping forward. "Which mean the enemy already has the advantage over us. With that said I'm arranging us on a deployment formation. If you all don't follow my exact orders... we're all going to die." Everyone stiffens at Shikamaru's comment except me who's smiling.

"So we will go in a single file formation. First of all the all-important spreadhead will be Kiba, with your sensitive nose of yours and Akamaru's you can track down Sauske and see if we can find any booby-traps. Second in line will be me, from that position I can give my orders as required in any situation. In the middle is Naruto. You are more capable of responding immediately in the front or back. Next is Choji. You don't have speed but you have the best ability to strike is the best among the squad. Last is Neji, I want you to keep a look out of any trouble ahead of us."

"I got it, but what about Mayumi?" Naruto says as everyone turns to me as I shift my feet under their gaze.

"Don't worry about it."

"Now if there are no questions, there is one more thing I think both Mayumi and I agree on. We both don't like Sauske, never have. But he is a Shinobi of this village." Shikamaru says looking at me.

I pick up from where he left off. "He is a comrade, we never got a long, but we both are going to put our lives in the line for him." I pause and look at the squad. "And for you guys. Your lives are in our hands."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where the both of you acting like. Chunin. Very impressive." Kiba comments.

"Okay, as soon as we show him our gear we'll go." Neji states.

We all show each other our weapons, summoning scrolls, kunai, ninja stars, pills, explosive tags.

I smile at Kiba and my team putting a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder and nod my head. "Let's do this." I smile.

"Wait!" We all stop and turn to see Sakura standing there.

"Lady Tsunade told us everything as did Mayumi, I'm sorry Sakura I can't take you on this mission." Shikamaru states. "I know you tried, but even you couldn't convince Sauske to come back."

"All we can do is find him and force him to come back to the village, I'm sorry Sakura there is nothing more you can do for him." I step closer to Sakura giving the pink haired girl a small smile before hugging her. "I will do my best to bring him back." I say softly letting her go and walking back to the squad.

"This is a once in a life time request Naruto." The pink haired girl says through tears. "Please, bring Sauske back home. Please bring him back to me."

"Don't you worry one bit! I'm going to bring Sauske back! Believe it!" Naruto says giving her a smile and a thumbs up.

They all take the formation Shikamaru told them. With me trailing behind higher up in the trees hiding myself.

After a while of traveling I jump down to Shikamaru's side. "I feel something uneasy going on up ahead." I say softly, he nods his head as I jump back up into the trees.

Akamaru smells blood in the air, I hold back while they discuss everything. Knowing that they just were in a fight and now the enemy will probably know that there's another squad in their tail and to keep a look out for any traps or an ambush.

"We want to find them, before they find us." I state dropping down behind Neji.

"We will find them!" Naruto states. Akamaru sniffs then Kiba says that the enemy's scent is all around them.

"Everybody stop!" Shikamaru states. "Look above that tree everybody see that?"

"A paper bomb." Neji states. "I'm sure is five more of them. A parameter barrier."

"Now we gotta waste time going around it, great." Kiba states. " man, this whole forest is crawling with booby traps."

"Yeah, but at least they are easy to spot. They guys are moving fast and getting sloppy." I say. "Naruto hold it!" I shout as a trip wire is barely visible. "Man what I would do to have Buyuu here for all of these explosives."

"I see,one wire catches the light where it's easy to see, the other wire has been coated with a matte green. While you're busy avoiding the first, you catch the second." Shikamaru states.

"They've created a trap within a trap, smart" Neji comments.

"The ones before were quick and sloppy, like they were rushing, these actually took time." I add.

"They have stopped to rest." Neji replies. "Perhaps one of them is injured? Or is this part of the trap?" He asks as he focuses his Byakugan. "I see them!"

"Well let's go! I'm dying to show these clowns something and bring Sauske back!" Naruto exclaims.

"Well is that right? Well I hate to break it to you hot-shot, but I've got a new Jutsu I've been ready to break out." Kiba boasts.

"Yeah, me too!" Choji adds.

"Calm down guys, we'll need a plan." I say putting my hand on the handle of my sword.

"Antsy are we?" Neji says turning to Mayumi.

"On edge. We have no idea what we are up against." I say looking at the team. "I've never fought alongside anyone but Kiba and Akamaru, even then it was training."

We all talk about our plan and split off into teams.

"Looks like we caught them resting. But where is Sauske?" Shikamaru says.

"He's inside that coffin." Neji states.

"Please tell me he's not dead." I say from behind them.

"No, he's been sealed but I can't see through it due to a barrier Jutsu. They went though all that trouble I seriously doubt they would kill him that quickly."

"Let's just hope you're right." I say. Before we could blink a kunai with three paper bombs are thrown at us. Shikamaru and Neji quickly dodge it with me right behind them as we get thrown around.

"Well we'll I thought I was blowing a snake out of the bushes turns out to be three bugs." Sakon states.

"Wait, we came here to negotiate, not fight!" Shikamaru puts his hands up. "Can we talk about this like reasonable people?" Seriously? Talk? That's your plan? You are so Lazy Shikamaru and I'm not a people person to stand here and talk.

"Heh lets not forget about your friends! Where are they?" One of them says and pulls on his chakra strings roping in Kiba, Choji and Naruto. Kiba throws smoke bombs between then.

"What good is that gonna do? Throw all the smoke bombs you want. I still got you! These threads are so fine almost invisible but they are stronger than wire!" Kidomaru explains.

"So that double wires on the traps were on purpose, was actually a triple trap." I say.

"That was clever." Shikamaru comments. "I guess that makes you the smart one of the group."

"You're about to be the dead one!" Kidomaru exclaims then freezes. "My body! What's going on?!"

"Man that was perfect! Kiba distracted them, Shikamaru got them with his shadow!" Naruto yells.

"Yeah, you're not the only ones who can spring a trap." Shikamaru says. "Thanks for making me look good infront of the squad. I appreciate it."

"Darn, but.." Sakon says then three ninja stars come flying at Shikamaru cutting him.

"What was that?!" He exclaims.

Mayumi croutches down placing her hand onto the ground. "Mayumi." Shikamaru says serious.

"We both already agreed Shikamaru. You know what we both signed up for."

"Earth dome prison!" One of the Sound Four shouts, creating a rock barrier around them.

"What is this?" Neji questions.

"It's an earth barrier. And we're stuck in it." I explain. "But, Earth always has a weakness.."

"Well a wall is a wall, and there's no wall I can't punch through." Kiba says.

"Yeah well, we gotta be sure full because it could be another trap within a trap." Shikamaru comments.


"Tunneling Fang!" Kiba shouts and attempts to break through the wall.

"The wall is restoring itself!" Shikamaru exclaims.

"It appears to be more than a dirt wall." Neji states.

"Way to state the obvious." I snap sitting down.

"Whats wrong May?" Naruto asks as everyone turns to me. "Why do you look different? Where is Arul?" He asks looking over at me a seeing that Arul is not on me and I look over to Shikamaru and smirk.

"The walls!" Neji says looking at his hands.

"The walls are what?" Everyone quickly turns to him

"Sucking our chakra dry." I explain, after a few minutes everyone starts to weaken. I look around at everybody then slowly stand up.

"We need to do something Shikamaru, and quickly." Neji says.

"That's it I'm going to keep hitting these walls before my chakra runs dry." Kiba announces popping a pill in Akamaru's mouth and they try to break free. "They keep regenerating as soon as it hits!"

I nudge Shikamaru's shoulder with my own guiding his eyes to the places that are regenerating slower than others.

"Hey out there! Where your leader? I want to make a deal. You let us out of here and you keep Sauske." Shikamaru states.

"Yeah right, I've never let anyone out before why start now?" Jirobo replies.

"Well how about you let me out, and leave the others in here." He asks.

"What!" Naruto screeches.

"All this fighting I'm tired of it."

"You better not be selling us out!" Kiba shouts. "I'm going to ring your neck!"

"Shut up Kiba."

"What did you say?!" He shouts at him then Naruto starts shouting at Kiba as they argue Choji finally tells them to shut up then everyone turns to Shikamaru kneeling down thinking.

"You figure it all out yet Shikamaru?" I walk up to him he nods and smiles then a poof forms in-front of him. Every one gasps and sees Arul fluttering infront of them.

"She must have switched places with Arul before this."

"What the heck! Where did-" before Naruto finishes they hear a bunch of commotion outside. Shikamaru comes up with a plan as they hear noises from the outside. Before they know it, they bust through and see me panting by a tree and the Ninja standing there in shock.

"It's about time." I huff. "Took you all long enough."

"Well, great job Choji." Shikamaru comments as I drop down next to them. "I know that caused an awful lot of chakra, how are you doing Mayumi?"

"Perfectly fine." I say through gritted teeth.

"You weren't in there all this time?" Neji says looking at me.

"No, when Kiba threw the smoke bombs I traded with Arul, usually when I go on missions like this I don't have him on me for reasons like this." I explain. "It just took you guys a while to figure it out while I was trying to figure out a way from out here."

Shikamaru looks at me. "He's by himself, I guess the others went on a head."

"You're correct." Neji states. "They are nowhere to be seen."

"Swell, just when we thought we finally caught up." Shikamaru says.

"Everyone did well...for a bunch of losers." The sound ninja taunts.

"What." Naruto shouts.

"Who are you calling losers?!" Kiba shouts and him and Naruto run at him.

"Man, we really have a team full of hotheads here." I mutter standing up.

"Now that we're out you're toast pal!" Kiba exclaims.

"Wait you two! Stop!" I demand standing up. "There's too much of a risk to take him head on right now!"

"We just tore through this clown's barrier, how tough can he be?" Kiba states forming handle signs. "Tunneling fang!" As soon as he tries to hit him Kiba gets knocked back.

"You two stop! You are not the leader of this rescue mission. If you cannot and will not listen I will kill you myself and deliver you to Lady Tsunade." I step up between the team and Jirobo sending the two boys a glare.

"I'm going to eat your guys for lunch!" Jirobo says.

"Looks like you could hold off lunch for a little while longer." I taunt turning to Shikamaru.

"Try it!" Kiba shouts as him and Naruto attack again only to get knocked down once more.

"Careful everyone! This guys is just now getting warmed up!" I exclaim analyzing the Sound ninja and he slams his hand onto the ground. "Earth Style Barrier:Earth Dome Prison!"

Choji quickly jumps in front of everyone. "Expansion Jutsu! Human Boulder!"

"Thanks for getting us out of their Choji." I comment eating an apple as he gives me a cheesy smile.

"Where running out of time." Shikamaru speaks up. "We have no choice, we have to split up."

"Why?" Naruto questions.

"He's right." I state as everyone looks at me. "With all of our chakra taken away even with 5 of us against 1 he's not going to be easy to take out. Plus, every moment that passes Sauske gets closer to the boarder. Once he crosses it, it'll all be out of our hands. So two groups, one to stop him, and one to stop Sauske."

Shikamaru nods. "You'll lead the second team, okay Mayumi?" I nod at him finishing eating and pop a chakra pill in my mouth until the ground snakes under me causing me to drop it and dodge a fallen tree.

"Shit." I curse under my breath.

"Mayumi, you take Kiba, Choji and Neji and go after Sauske."

"Got it." Neji states.

"Naruto, you and I will handle this guy."

"Really? I've already seen your shadow Jutsu." Jirobo laughs slamming his hand onto the ground creating dust to fly up.

"He's disappeared." Neji gasps, Kiba sniffs the air and shouts. "He's behind us!" Everyone turns behind them seeing him lifting the ground.


Alright, so I had to stop this abruptly because I hit over 3,000 words in this chapter. But no worries! The next one will be out soon right after this one!

Also, this chapter, and the next ones were pretty different to write trying to incorporate Mayumi in. But there is a twist later on and I hope y'all will understand why I did it. And I will explain it after it happens!

Also, I'm #1 in Kankuroxreader and
#3 in Sandsiblings 😭 my heart is very happy 💙 remember to vote and comment!

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