New Adjustments

By StoryLuv234

54.1K 1.4K 222

It's been a year and Malia Rose is back. Seabrook has changed for the better now that zombies and werewolves... More

Cast Introductions
Chapter One: Emily's 2nd Birthday
Chapter Two: Cheering For Zed
Chapter Three: Moments Between Us
Chapter Four: The Alien Invasion
Chapter Five: Interrogating The Aliens
Chapter Six: The Other Aliens & Concerned Werewolves
Chapter Seven: The Alien's First Day Of School
Chapter Eight: A-spen's Crush & Cheer Practice
Chapter Nine: Addison's True Self Revealed
Chapter Ten: Jealousy At Its Finest
Chapter Eleven: Practicing With The Aliens
Chapter Twelve: A Sibling Relationship Is Formed
Chapter Thirteen: Heartbreak Is The Worst
Chapter Fourteen: Two Broken Hearts
Chapter Sixteen: Finally Me
Chapter Seventeen: Transformation & Sad Realizations
Chapter Eighteen: Best Friends & Sisters Forever
Chapter Nineteen: Helping The Aliens
Chapter Twenty: Fixing The Ship & Saying Goodbye
Chapter Twenty-One: Singing & Comfort
Chapter Twenty-Two: Getting Ready & Surprises
Chapter Twenty-Three: Graduation & Jealousy
Chapter Twenty-Four: Happiness All Around
Chapter Twenty-Five: Realization Of Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Six: Coming To A Truce
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Her Choice
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Two Broken Hearts Repaired
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Love Conquers Everything
Chapter Thirty: New Friend & New Feelings
Chapter Thirty-One: Everyone Is Happy
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gift From Mother
Bonus One: Emotional Moments
Bonus Two: The First Kiss

Chapter Fifteen: The Cheer Off & A New Face

1.2K 32 8
By StoryLuv234

Malia's Pov

I honestly didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to stay in bed and watch T.V while eating cookies.

Missy and Dale told me that if I wanted to stay home that I could. They found out from Addison about what happened between Wyatt and I.

And lets just say, Missy had to drag Dale away from the door before he could find Wyatt and beat the crap out of him.

I was completely grateful. Really, I was.

But I'm not going to hide away because I want to avoid Wyatt. I refuse to show any fear. 

I refuse to let our breakup and his stupidity get in the way.

If there's one thing my father told me is to never let fear get in the way. And I don't plan on doing that.

But can I just say that the whole day at school was awkward. Completely awkward.

So many kids were staring at me, whispering to each other, giving me looks of pity and sympathy. 

Some even gave me pats on the backs whenever they could.

Apparently, mine and Wyatt's breakup got out to everyone in school.

No surprise there. It's Seabrook after all.

Not only that, but I had to avoid Wyatt basically the entire damn day. Given that we have almost the same classes together.

I would catch him staring at me in a few classes and I had to restrain myself from looking back at him.

One of the reasons being that I just wanted to stare at him for a few seconds.

Another reason being that I wanted to march over to him and punch him in the gut.

Sadly, I couldn't do the last option. I refrained myself from doing so.

And because I didn't want to get detention.

Thankfully, I had Addison, Bree, Bonzo and Zed by my side the whole day. That's how I managed to get through this hell of a day.

Finally, classes were over. 

Not only that, but today's the day of the cheer off.

Addison, Bree, Bonzo and I had to practice one last time before getting ready. We have to win, whatever it takes.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Bree asked, for what felt like the 10th time today.

"Yes, I'm sure" I sighed in slight annoyance.

Once I was by my locker I put in the combination before opening it. I began putting all my books inside.

We're lucky that we didn't get homework from any of our teachers. Amazing, right?

"Malia, you know you don't have to do the cheer off if you don't want to" Zed softly said.

"Yeah. If you need time to rest and clear your head, that's perfectly fine" Addison softly smiled.

I sighed and turned to my best friends, offering them small smiles.

"Thanks for the offer, but really, I'm fine. And I've been waiting for this cheer off just as much as you and the other members. I'm not backing down, I'm no quitter" I explained.

Addison let out a sigh before nodding her head in understanding.

I'm not about to let my breakup with Wyatt stop me from competing in the cheer off.

I've been waiting for this moment, not to mention I'm doing the impossible move with Addison so we have a better shot at winning, I've gotta be there.

Just as I was about to close my locker, I heard Bree let out a small gasp.

Confused, I turned to look at her and the others and I was taken aback by their facial expressions.

Zed pressed his lips together in a thin line. Bonzo scowled. Addison and Bree were glaring at something behind me, their fists were clenched so hard that their knuckles were turning white.

I was confused so I turned around. 

Now, I really wish I hadn't.

Wynter, Willa and...Wyatt were walking towards us.

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me" I muttered angrily under my breath.

While I have no problem with Wynter and Willa, given that they're still very much my besties, it doesn't mean I want to be near Wyatt.

But, given that Willa is his sister and Wynter is his friend, it makes sense why they'd be together.

I quickly turned around, practically burying my head inside my locker, fiddling with my notebooks.

"Hey, guys" Wynter nodded.

"Hey" the others greeted her in unison.

Awkward silence.

None of them knew what to say. They literally only said hi to each other before going silent.

"So, uh, are you guys coming to the cheer off?" Bree asked.

You can always count on either Bree or Addison to break the awkward silence or tension.

"Yeah, we'd never miss it" Wynter smiled gleefully.

"Awesome" Addison squealed.

Wyatt cleared his throat, turning to Zed and Bonzo.

"So, uh, guys, what's been going on?" Wyatt asked.

I heard Bonzo let out a small groan. I'm going to assume that Wyatt playfully punched his shoulder.

"Kimp simt loperpt (why did you do that?)" Bonzo asked.

His tone was anything but friendly. It was mainly filled with annoyance.

I stifled my laughter. I love that Bonzo is being mean to Wyatt because of what he did to me, he's amazing.

Wyatt cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, before walking closer to me.

I stiffened, my body immediately became tense, my hands tightening around my books.

"Ba...Malia, can we uh, can we talk?" Wyatt nervously asked.

No. No. No.

I don't want to talk to him let alone be near him. I made that very clear when I broke things off with him yesterday.

"Uh, Malia, why don't you and Bonzo head out to get some pizza?" Zed suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. You need some energy before the cheer off" Addison said.

I swallowed thickly before nodding in agreement.

I slowly closed my lockers, stuffing my hands into my pocket, looking down at the ground because I found that alot more interesting.

"Malia..." Wyatt trailed off.

"Bonzo, can we go? Please" I practically begged.

Just being here makes me uncomfortable. Especially if he's near me.

Bonzo hummed in agreement. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he began guiding me away from the others.

But, before we could leave, I cursed internally before slowly turning my head around to look at Wyatt.

Wyatt's eyes softened when he saw the tears in my eyes.

I shook my head before turning my head away from him and allowing Bonzo to guide me away. Bree followed behind us.

We continued walking down the hallway before making our way outside.

As soon as we were outside my knees buckled and I fell to the ground.

Bonzo and Bree quickly crouched down at both my sides, wrapping their arms around me, hugging me tightly.

Tears streamed down my face as I cried into Bonzo's shoulder.

"It's ok, Malia. Let it out, we're here" Bree whispered.

That only made me cry harder as I hugged both of them tightly, not ready to let go just yet.

I managed to keep it all inside because I didn't have to talk to Wyatt. I ignored him the entire day and that was perfectly fine.

But, seeing him so close to me after calling it quits, just hurts too much.

And we only broke up yesterday. Crazy, right?

But, I guess that's what happens when you experience another heartbreak.

Wyatt's Pov

I watched Malia walk away with Bonzo and Bree. I sighed sadly and looked down at the ground.

She barely looked at me. She shoved her face inside her locker when I came over here and she barely uttered a word to me.

And, I know that we're not a couple anymore, but not being able to call her baby hurts more than anything.

I yelped in pain when someone slapped me upside the head. I looked up, only to flinch at the sight of Addison glaring at me.

"Addison, what was that for?" I asked.

"You know exactly well what that was for. And why would you come over here after she specifically told you to stay away from her" Addison scowled.

I opened my mouth to retort, but decided not to because of the glare she sent me.

Damn, Addison is scary when she's angry.

She huffed and shook her head before turning to the girls.

"I'll see you guys later" Addison smiled, mainly looking at Willa and Wynter.

Willa and Wynter nodded. With that, Addison turned around and walked away.

Zed looked at me and shook his head before walking away, going to do whatever.

I turned to my sister and Wynter. Willa glared at me and shook her head before turning around and walking away.

A frown appeared on my face as I turned to Wynter.

"They really hate me, huh?" I asked.

Wynter sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Wyatt, you brought this upon yourself. Please don't get mad at the others treating you this way. You and I both know you deserve it after yesterday" Wynter softly but sternly said.

She patted my shoulder before turning around and walking away.

When she was gone I released a sigh. I leaned my back against the lockers, clenching my eyes shut, trying to prevent the tears from coming out.

Malia hates me.

My friends hate me.

God, my own sister hates me.

Wynter is mad at me but at least she doesn't hate me. And at least she talks to me, even if it's to scold me.

What the hell can I do to make it up to Malia?

How the hell can I make things right?

Malia's Pov

I think it's fair to say that I feel a bit better after getting pizza with Bonzo and Bree.

They made funny jokes that made me laugh, made me forget about Wyatt. They were amazing company.

Addison and Zed joined us a few minutes later and we were all having the time of our lives. Just as long as we were together.

After that we went our separate ways.

Well, the four of us parted from Zed because we needed to meet up with our other team members.

Now, there's a few hours left before the cheer off. I'm determined and focus on nothing but the cheer off.

Addison and I were standing together on the stage while the others were practicing. We need to make sure we're ready.

I smiled as I stared up at the Seabrook cup. Addison was doing the same as well.

However, I took a closer look at the Seabrook cup, and my eyes widened in realization.

Addison must've realized it too because she had the same reaction as me.

"Those symbols. That's the alien language" I gasped.

"The Seabrook cup. Of course, that must be where my grandma hid the map to Utopia" Addison smiled.

"That means that the aliens have to win it, or we do" I smirked slightly.

Addison smirked as she patted my shoulder before walking away.

I sighed before following after her.

However, I ended up tripping over something, causing me to let out a small yelp as I embraced for impact.

But, I never made contact with the ground.

Not to mention, I felt pairs of arms wrapped around me.

"Woah there. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you fell for me" a flirty voice spoke.

Who in the hell...?

I picked my head up, only for my eyes to widened at the figure that stood there holding me.

It was a girl that had red hair, hazel eyes and had the height of 5'3. She wore a pink dress, black leather jacket and black boots.

Wow, she's really beautiful...

"U-Uh, t-thanks" I stuttered slightly.

The girl giggled before helping me stand up. I stumbled a bit before gaining my balance.

"Anytime, just be careful next time" the girl smiled.

"I will" I nodded.

"Oh, how silly of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Elena Mae Lee" the girl, Elena, smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, Elena. I'm Malia Rose" I smiled politely at her.

She held her hand out, still smiling. I giggled before placing my hand in hers, shaking it.

"Wait, did you just say Lee?" I asked.

Elena Mae in...

"Yeah, that's right. I'm Principal Lee's niece" Elena smiled.

Now I never expected that. 

I didn't know Principal Lee had a niece. But, then again, she doesn't really talk about her family that much.

"Oh, wow. I never knew she had a niece" I said.

"Well, that's mainly because she keeps her family life to herself. Not to mention my parents and I have been living in America" Elena said. 

"Well, what brings you to Seabrook?" I asked.

"I'm currently on break from school and I decided to come visit my aunt. I'm glad I came because Seabrook has changed, and for the better" Elena smiled.

I smiled at that and nodded in agreement.

"I found out from my aunt that zombies, werewolves and now aliens live here and I knew I had to come. This town turned from boring to amazing" Elena chuckled.

I laughed and nodded in agreement. She's right about that.

"Well, I hope you like your visit here. And I hope you get the chance to meet the zombies, werewolves and aliens. They're all very friendly" I smiled.

"I know. I met a few when I first arrived. Mainly zombies. I can't wait to meet the werewolves and aliens" Elena smiled.

"Well, it looks like you're already enjoying it here, huh?" I teasingly asked.

"Yeah. There's lots of kind, friendly and polite people. Not to mention, cute ones too" Elena smiled.

"Oh, you've met some of the boys?" I teasingly asked.

Elena stared at me for a few seconds before she burst out laughing.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused as to why she was laughing, before she finally stopped.

She pushed some of her hair away from her face, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The boys are alright, but if I'm being honest, the girls have caught my interest the most" Elena said.

My eyes widened at that, not expecting her to say that.

But what surprised me even more was when she walked closer to me, leaning her face closer to mine.

I felt my cheeks heating up, her face was so damn close to mine, our lips were inches apart.

I gulped as her eyes wandered down to my lips before going back up to meet my eyes.

A flirty smirk appeared on her face as she brought her hand up. I gulped, again, when she placed her hand on the side of my cheek, gently caressing it.

What in the...

"And one in particular has caught my eye" Elena smiled flirtatiously.

Oh dear god...someone help me...

It's not that I'm uncomfortable with how she's acting, not really.

I'm bisexual. Back in Auradon I did have a few crushes that were girls, but I had my eyes set on Ben.

Now, well, I had settled down with...Wyatt, but that was before our breakup.

And all of a sudden this pretty girl shows up and starts flirting with me, making my heart beat as well as making my cheeks turn red.

I'm not uncomfortable. I'm surprised and slightly, slightly, turned on.

Elena giggled, damn why was that giggle so cute, before removing her hand as she backed away from me.

"I heard there's a cheer off later today, and based on what you're wearing, you're performing with your team. Just know, I'll be rooting for you" Elena smiled.

She turned around, but looked at me over her shoulder.

"See you later, cutie" Elena winked at me.

With that, she walked away.

I released a huge breath that I didn't know I'd been holding. My cheeks were still red and I felt my heart beating.

What the hell just happened...?

Why am I suddenly finding myself turned on by a girl I just met...?

But...I won't lie when I say that she is cute...really cute...


The Principal's Niece: Elena Mae Lee

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