Creek OneShots

By Rytherlover

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Just some one shots about Creek More

When Craig Got Sick
When Craig Beefed with Himself
When Tweek Left an Embarrassing Voicemail
When Craig Went to Prom
When Tweek was Followed
When Tweek Had a 'Hickey'
When Craig Drove Tweek Home
When Craig Got Acne
When Tweek Got It Stuck
When Tweek Took Up Running
When One Time They Did
When One Time They Didn't
When Craig Hated Fanfiction
When Tweek Took A Strange Job
When Tweek Took A Stranger Job Part 2
When They Switched Jackets

Pillow Talk

1.6K 24 37
By Rytherlover

*Quick Summary for those who don't like these types of stories*

It's about a broken up Tweek and Craig and they try to work on their slightly toxic relationship while hooking up 

Okay that all Byeeee

*Summary over*

"I wanna get back together."

Tweek sighed and looked at the ceiling fan that was still slowly turning. "Craig..."

"Just hear me out."

Tweek turned his head to look at Craig. "We do this every time."

"I know..."

Tweek groaned and scrunched his brows together. "Then why?"

"Because every time..." Craig shrugged and turned on his side, hand gently stroking Tweek's arm with the knuckles of his hand. "I still want to be with you."

Tweek shook his head. "You know that hurts to hear."

"I'm sorry." Craig laid back again and let his hand find Tweek's. "But it's true."


"Oh fuck-" Tweek panted and gripped hard onto Craig's shoulder. "Oh god."

Craig's face tightened as he quickened. "Your fucking voice."

Tweek tightened up and only shivered after that wave of pleasure had come and gone. "Oh wow."

Craig pulled out with a sigh before smiling down at Tweek. "Is everything you're going to say start with oh?"

"Oh-" Tweek smirked and let his fingers play with the slight hair that grew on Craig's chest. "I don't know."

Craig let his head land on Tweek's with a rather hard thud, the two of them wincing at the contact. "Sorry."

"You're okay." Tweek bumped their noses with a more gentle touch.

Craig hummed and savored the way they could melt together, their voices and bodies soft as they spoke with one another. Tweek's smile as Craig complained about his business classes felt mocking, but he could only feel pleased by the face. Tweek feeling the same satisfaction by the confused face Craig made when he explained his recent architecture project, the feeling warming further to his cheeks when Craig nodded and said 'sounds... intellectual'.

A ping on a phone interrupted their small talk.

"Hold that thought."

Tweek picked up his phone and read the message he had received.

Craig watched as Tweek read over an email that had been labeled urgent, the room felt warm and light just because of that blond's presence in it. Craig's hands reached out and pulled Tweek in as he read, embracing all of that warmth that Tweek made radiate from his chest.

"There's a shipment coming tomorrow-" Tweek accepted the small kiss on his lips, but pouted as he shared. "I have to be up at 6 AM to get it."

Craig kissed Tweek's cheek bone. "I want you back."

Tweek paused his thinking about the upcoming shipment for the shop and sighed, turning off his phone and resting it back on the nightstand. "Craig..."

"I know what you're going to say." Craig said as he kissed down Tweek's face to his jaw. "But-

"Can you say you love me?"

Craig's words died in his throat and he began to stutter. "Well... uh I-"

"You don't have to." Tweek sat up from where they were laying and looked down at the male. "But I want to feel loved, Craig."

Craig frowned and opened his mouth to speak.

"You're emotionally constipated." Tweek said with a pessimistic smile, he knew Craig couldn't say it, yet his chest still hurt from his inability to say it. "And I don't want forced feelings from you."

Craig sat up with Tweek and let his hand wander to find Tweek's, wanting some comfort during the slight roast. "Tweek, I... I love-"

"Craig, stop." Tweek squeezed the hand in his. "It's not just about the words. It's about the feelings and the actions."

Craig furrowed his brows. "I don't act like I... care about you?"

"No, but yes and..." Tweek pushed the blankets from him and started to gather his clothes, the heaviness of the topic starting to weigh on his chest. "It's a lot to talk about, Craig."

Craig frowned as he watched Tweek prepare to leave. "Then let's talk."

"I need to go." Tweek forced his legs through his jeans. "I have to wake up early and unload the new shipment tomorrow."


"Please stop being mad at me."

Tweek shook his head as he added whipped cream to the top of the drink he had finished making. "I'm not mad."

"Look it was just a kissing party game." Craig frowned as he watched Tweek slam a lid to the top of the drink. "Everyone was playing, it's not like I was wanting to kiss him."

Tweek shrugged and put down the drink with too much aggression and some of it spouted out the lid. "Sure seemed like it in that video I saw."

Craig followed Tweek as he started to wipe down the area he had just been working in. "I knew it! You are mad!"

"No, I'm not." Tweek threw his rag to the rag bin and walked out from behind the counter to the shops front door, giving a fake sweet smile to the customer who was leaving before dropping it to switch the sign from. 'open' to 'closed' on the storefronts door. "You can do whatever you want. It's not like we're dating."

Craig's body locked up and his stomach clenched at words. "Tweek."

"Can you get out now?" Tweek unraveled the knot of his apron and left it on one of the tables. "I have somewhere to be."

Craig raised a brow. "Where are you going that you're closing?"

"I have a date." Tweek said before ushering Craig out the door.

Craig scoffed in disbelief as he was pushed out the front of the shop, turning back to the male pushing at him. "A date? With who?"

"With Greg." Tweek locked the door once they were both in front, his steps quick as he walked to the door just feet away from the shops door. "He thought I should take the night off after having seen something as gross as you sticking your tongue down another guys throat."

Craig followed Tweek as he opened the door to his apartment that sat just above that coffee shop. "Tweek, come on! We didn't even use tongue! You're acting like I slept with him again."

"Uh-" Tweek stopped his movements and turned to Craig, his eyes deadly as he glared at Craig. "You slept with him?"

Craig closed his mouth as he realized he had over spoke, the look from Tweek only making him open it again to say. "W-We weren't dating when it happened."

Tweek slammed the door to his apartment.


Craig took a deep breath and looked at the takeout he had ordered and his cleaned room, he even vacuumed and did his hair.

Just call him.

Craig picked up his phone and clicked on Tweek's contact.

He sat giddy on his bed, bouncing his leg as he listened to the phone drilling the sound of no response into his ear.

Tweek: in a movie. Need something?

Craig slumped and took a deep breath.

Craig: thought we could hangout. I ordered your from your favorite thai place


Tweek: im at a movie rn and im with a friend already

Craig slumped over.

His chest ached and his mood needed helping.

There's always hard seltzer.


Tweek laughed and clapped his hand on his friend's arm. "That's stupid!"

"It's not my fault they made the movie like that." Richie elbowed Tweek.

Tweek rolled his eyes. "It's your fault for watching it and making me watch it too, Richie."

Richie took Tweek by the neck and pulled him in to ruffle his hair. "Your life is better now that you have."


The two stopped cold.  

The loud but unconfident voice made them freeze and turn towards the interruption. Tweek who was previously worried they were about to be mugged immediately frowned upon seeing the yeller.

"Oh god."

Richie frowned. "Craig?"

"You two look-" Craig hiccuped as he stumbled closer to the pair. "Awfully close."

Tweek scoffed and pulled on Richie's sleeve. "Just ignore him, let's go."

"Oh!?" Craig got closer again and pushed at Tweek's back. "So we're just going to ignore him?!"

Tweek paused his walking and stood straight, his hands letting go of Richie as he glared at Craig. "Yes, we are. Now go be a drunk asshole somewhere else."

"YEah! Go ahead, hun!" Craig stepped closer and poked Tweek's chest. "Just brush me off like you always do!"

Tweek pushed Craig's chest, gaining a startled verbal reaction from Richie. "I wouldn't have to brush you off if you didn't do-" Tweek did a frantic motion towards Craig. "This!"

"Uh Tweek..." Richie cleared his throat and put an uneasy hand on Tweek's back. "I think I should be heading back to my dorm now."

Craig laughed and pushed off the foreign hand on Tweek. "Yeah you fucking wimp. Go back to your dorm."

"Hey!" Tweek put a hand on Craig's chest and kept him back from furthering his verbal assault on Richie. "You leave him alone!"

Craig's face scrunched and he seemed like he was on the verge of throwing up. "God! You always choose everyone else's side!"

"And you always ruin my night!" Tweek pulled his hands back and sneered at Craig's sloppiness. "What is it? If you're unhappy I have to be?!"

Craig laughed and nodded. "You know what? Yeah! I hate when you're happy! I hate seeing you happy! I hate seeing you! As a matter of fact I just obviously fucking hate you!"

Tweek stopped his yelling and stood still. Eyes wide and livid as he stared up at Craig.

Craig burped and wobbled slightly forward. "Alright, fine... I know when I've gone too far-"

A sharp and quick hit to Craig's face cut him off.

"Just leave me alone!" Tweek's lips were tight as he fumedO and tried to keep from saying anything more.

Craig watched dazed as Tweek stormed off.


Craig groaned as he sat up.

The front of his shirt was cold, wet and itchy.

He looked down and peeled the soaked fabric from his chest. "Oh gross."

He stood from his sleeping spot of the couch and stumbled towards the kitchen where some of his roommates had left pizza boxes and slightly used napkins. His hands took the napkins by the hand full and dabbed away the throw up, grimacing at the way his smell returned and a headache pounded with a reminder of his actions.

He started to wipe his shirt slower as he remembered ordering food, being rejected, getting drunk, wandering around then-



Craig ran up the stairs to the apartment and caught Tweek going in the door. "Tweek!"

"Gah! Craig?" Tweek seemed startled before furrowing his brows and quickening his entry to the apartment. "Go away!"

Craig sped up the stairs and tried to run to the door. "Tweek, wait!"

Tweek was quick enough to slam the door on his face and lock Craig out. "Go away!"

"Tweek, please." Craig let his hands rest on the door. "I'm sorry!"

No noise sounded on the other side of the door, but shadows of indecisive feet danced from the underside of the door.

"I didn't mean any of that." Craig tapped his fingers on the door. "I was drunk, I'm sure you knew that... but that doesn't make it okay... and you're right I did ruin your night."

Craig waited some more and watched as those shadows stilled.

"But I'm sure you already knew that too." Craig let his forehead fall against the door and his eyes get forced down, lips quirking slightly as he looked at the keychain that still held a small Uranus charm on it. Taking them out of the door and holding the charm closer to his face to look at the details on it. "You left your keys out here."

The door rattled with Tweek's quick hands undoing the locks and unlatching extra padding of protection. His door quickly opening and almost making Craig fall over before he regained his balance.

Craig handed the keys to Tweek as he nodded his head at the charm. "Nice anus."

"Ugh-" Tweek tightened his lips together and seemed pissed at himself for showing any amusement at the comment, hands inspecting the commented on keys. "You can go now."

Craig frowned. "Tweek, I don't know how to tell you how sorry I am."

"Maybe by leaving?" Tweek turned around and walked into his apartment, not closing the door or motioning Craig off more as he threw his keys to the table. "You know, like I asked?"

Craig closed the door behind him as he walked behind Tweek. "I don't wanna leave on a bad note."

"By that logic-" Tweek started to clean his surrounding in a fidgety way that made Craig's guilty conscious ache more. "You'd never fucking leave my place."

Craig winced and stepped forward, his hands gently taking away the blanket Tweek was folding. "Tweek, please... I really am sorry. I was upset you said no to hanging out."

Tweek watched as Craig finished folding the blanket the way he liked and laid it over the couch. "And?"

"And I had already ordered the food and made my room nice."

Tweek scoffed and threw his hands up, walking towards the windows to get away from Craig. "God, you can't just say it can you?"

"Say what?" Craig tried to follow after the fuming blond.

Tweek spun back towards Craig. "That you were feeling rejected and jealous!"

"Okay, fine!" Craig nodded. "I was, it's obvious I was. You rejected my hangout and I was fucking jealous! Why wouldn't I be?!"

Tweek growled as he shook his head. "If it's so obvious why can't you just say that?! Why do I have to drag it out like this? Drag it out to know how you're feeling?"

"Why do I have to state it?!"

"Because I just see you drunk and yelling! Then you come up to me and you push me and then you tell me you hate me!" Tweek stopped yelling as his voice cracked and he paused, the band-aid rip of the words being reopened. Tweek looked away and held his mouth with his hand, his mind shaky as he tried to keep it from spilling all those mean things he never says because he sadly wanted this to work. 

With a few deep breaths, Tweek calmed down enough to turn back to Craig. 

"I get hurt by you so much just because you can't say what you're feeling before it gets to the worst possible point."

Craig sucked in his lips to chew on, his feet moving before his mind could to try and aid the ache on Tweek's face. "Tweek... I was jealous."

"I know." Tweek muttered quietly.

Craig let his hands gently tangle with Tweek's. "I was upset I ordered food and planned a whole evening for us and you were already busy."

Tweek looked at their hands. "And?"

"And I didn't wanna think about it so I drank..." Craig's finger wove into Tweek's. "Then I saw you and... glasses."

Tweek shook his head. "His name's Richie."

"Do you like him?"

Tweek shook his head and looked up at Craig. "We weren't on a date if that's what you're asking."

"Oh." Craig rubbed his thumb against the back of Tweek's hand.

Tweek leaned into the male and rested his cheek against his chest. "Yeah oh."

Craig welcomed Tweek fully into his arms and squeezed him close by the waist, his face resting on top of Tweek's head and breathing in that scent he thought about when he was alone.

"God, you're such an oaf sometimes." Tweek scoffed into his chest. 

Craig furrowed a brow. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't think to text me and see if I could come then order food and clean your room?"

Craig's brain paused, his brain seeming to spark with this new and innovated theories. "Oh shit, you're right." 

The two laughed to themselves, the heaviness that had been pounding at their heads seeming to lessen. Craig's guilty conscious about his actions from last night being alleviated as Tweek's arms squeezed his middle tight, the warmth and security of this hold making everything fade away. 

"So does this hug mean you've forgiven me?"

Tweek shook his head slightly, not wanting to move too much and disrupt the serenity that the hug had established. "This hug means I'm wanting to be comforted after being told I'm hated"

"Tweek, I'm sorry." Craig kissed the crown of Tweek's head and rubbed up and down his back. "I could never actually hate you. You could stab me and I wouldn't hate you."

Tweek gave a sharp poke to Craig's chest.

Craig hummed happily at the fake stab and Tweek sighed, his head leaving the confines of Craig's chest as he looked up and whispered. "Did you eat that food you got me?"

Craig shook his head and whispered back. "I didn't even touch mine."

"Well... If you want me to really forgive you I wouldn't mind having that now." Tweek bumped his nose with Craig's. "And maybe a movie."

Craig smiled wide and kissed Tweek.

"Anything you want."


"It's completely unfair!"

Craig tapped his foot as he tuned out Clyde ranting and raving about Bebe sitting with Wendy instead of him even though she promised to sit with him during this ride because it was a big scary roller coaster. He had offered to sit with the male but he only continued to cry about the situation that had his girlfriend not sitting with him.

"We even pinky promised!"

Craig pulled the flaps of his hat further down his head to try and cover the sound of the whining, eyes looking forward to the front of their group to Tweek who was leaned against the railing of the line cue on his phone.

Craig glanced at the friends that seemed too preoccupied with themselves enough not to notice him cutting to Tweek's spot. Craig smiling as he slid past Token and Kenny to stand next to the blond that was completely focused on his phone. Craig only gently touching his arm with Tweek's to alert the blond to his presence.

"Oh sorry-" Tweek apologized for the contact before seeing it was Craig. "Oh it's you."

Craig snorted. "I don't get sorrys?"

"No," Tweek looked back down at his phone and let himself lean just slightly into Craig. "You don't need them."

Craig smiled and leaned fully into Tweek to look at what he was playing on his phone. "What's this?"

"It's called Shop Barbarians." Tweek smiled as he began to explain. "It's a game where you build a shop to help make weapons and supplies for a village. It's really addicting."

Craig smiled as he looked at the avatar Tweek had made that slightly resembled him, poking the screen as the avatar was animated sweeping. "He's cute."

"He's the shopkeeper." Tweek's nose scrunched slightly as his cheeks bloomed. "He's cleaning right now to help boost the stores rating."

Craig hung over Tweek and kept watching and listening to him explain the game in his hands, face slightly resting against Tweek's head as he spoke. "Can I try?"

"Yeah." Tweek handed over the phone and smiled as Craig began to click around. "If you want you can make some Jade Swords, but I don't think I have enough iron so you might have to send out some scavengers."

Craig laughed and did as requested, finger going to tap and do more around the game, but Tweek once again gave him a suggestion and ushered him towards upgrading and redecorating the shop. After a couple more times of being micromanaged Craig handed over the phone and decided watching Tweek play would be the best of both worlds.

Tweek laughed as Craig let go of the phone and gave it back to him. "I get it, its more fun to watch sometimes."

"Yeah, sure." Craig laughed and let his hand rest of Tweek's opposite hip.

Tweek jolted slightly at the touch and pulled away from Craig, his eyes looking over at their friends that were still occupied by their own musings. "Craig."

"Sorry." Craig put his hands in his pockets. "I forget."

Their mutual agreement to keep from being too touchy or couple-y in front of their friends so they wouldn't get the questions or warnings from their friends about them being back together. Which they weren't, they were... experimenting being functional. Either way they decided being secretive beat hearing the retorts and reminders of things they had done and don't want to say 'we're working on things' a thousands time.

Isn't he too weird?

Didn't he kiss another guy?

Isn't he too jealous?

I thought you guys were really over this time?

It was easier that way.

"It's fine." Tweek put his phone away, his eyes still surveying their friends to make sure nothing had slipped. "No one's looking anyway."

Craig nodded and glanced back at Clyde who was now begging Bebe to ride with him. "So who are you going to ride with?"

"I was just going to sit alone at the front." Tweek shrugged. "Thought it would be fun to sit alone."

Craig nodded and let his elbow slightly nudge Tweek's as they stepped slowly forward in line. "Well... I think Clyde wants to sit alone."

"Oh really?" Tweek raised a disbelieving brow. "Clyde?"

Craig nodded and smiled at the face he received. "Yeah, yeah... he's a real trooper over there."

"Okay, so..." Tweek rolled his hand in question.

Craig shrugged. "So maybe I should sit with you so he can sit alone."

"Oooh-" Tweek laughed and nodded. "I see."

Craig smiled and held back his own laugh. "Yeah so... to be a good friend I should sit with you."

"Oh of course. We'd hate-" Tweek bumped into Craig. "For you to be labeled a bad friend."


"You're a horrible friend!"

The group laughed as Clyde yelled from the very back of the roller coasters car at Craig, where he sat completely alone.

"Are you sure he wanted to sit alone?" Tweek said as the park workers pushed down their lap bar.

Craig shrugged. "Who cares."

Tweek laughed and elbowed Craig.

They began to slowly click up the track, Tweek's hands beginning to sweat and stomach beginning to coil up from the moment drawing near. He had gotten in line and zoned out most of the waiting in line, but he had completely disassociated from the ride and forgot how tall the drop was. He was now suddenly stuck and locked in to this hundred foot death trap that was about to be hurling him to his sudden demise. The possibility of his seatbelt unbuckling and the cart coming off the tracks made his mind spin, each click up the coasters ramp reminding him of a gun cocking-

"Gah!" Tweek jumped at the hand enveloping his, looking down then up to Craig. His voice low and eyes nervous as he looked to see if anyone saw the display. "What are you doing?"

Craig shrugged and squeezed Tweek's hand. "No one can see... and you look terrified."

"Ha-" Tweek scoffed off the words and squeezed Craig's hand back tighter, his grip remaining deadly as they reached the apex of the ride. The coaster pausing and no longer clicking just to scare and mock them further. "I am."

Then the coaster clicked forward again and sent them flying down.




Wendy watched as the blond and the chullo wearer walked down the path away from the coaster they had just ridden. Their hands weren't interlocked but gently brushing and embracing from just the top of their hands.

"Guys, guys, guys-" She quickly stopped the group with her arms and slowed them to a slight stop to whisper. "They're definitely fucking again, right?"

The group all nodded and hummed agreement.

"Oh definitely."



Tweek jumped at the knock at his door.

He paused the murder documentary he was watching and put down his duster, the two knocks that sounded more like ominous thuds. Tweek patted the kitchen table as he walked by it and picked up the first heavy thing that came across his hands.

The fact that someone had made it pass the door code and up the stairs to come passively threaten him by knocking on his door without warning.

Oh god did I leave the downstairs door open?

Did I even lock it?

Tweek tightened his grip on the paper weight of a frog that he had taken off the kitchen table that was now his source of destruction.

I could of sworn on my life I locked it!

Tweek took a deep breath and put his face up to the door's peephole, his heart still racing as he saw nothing out that small fish eye view of the hall outside his door. He furrowed his brow as he looked out before shrieking.

A blue chullo with an innocent yellow poof ball on the top startled Tweek and made him fling back from the door and topple to the ground. His butt hitting the floor then his poor porcelain frog that was now a mess of broken green shards.

"Craig!" Tweek yelled as he got up from the floor, stomping to the door to undo his multitude of locks and chains that keep his door closed. "God! It's practically the middle of the night and here you are scaring the crap out of me!"

Tweek swung open the door and was greeted with the smell of a very intoxicated Craig.

"Oh great." Tweek frowned as he watched Craig try to straighten himself. "You're drunk. How many times have I told you not to come here at night when you're like this."

Craig grumbled and stumbled forward to lean against Tweek for a hug. "A contra-hic-dicting amount."

"Ugh-" Tweek groaned as Craig cuddled him, his overall body feeling damp. "Craig, you're... sweaty."

Craig nodded and squeezed Tweek. "I ran over here because I wanted to see you."

"How sweet." Tweek said monotone, but his chest did flutter with those sappy words. "Now that you've seen me can you go home?"

Craig whined and hid in Tweek's neck, camouflaging the best he could so he couldn't be kicked out. "Nooo, I miss you."

Tweek rolled his eyes and started to pull at the hood of Craig's sweatshirt to try and get him less sweaty and cool. "No you don't. I know that you're just probably horny and want someone to edge and not give an orgasm to."

"That's not nice..." Craig let himself be undressed and stared down at Tweek with big puppy dog eyes that made Tweek feel guilty for ever saying anything that could have been related to the words 'leave' or 'get out'. "I love you."

Tweek paused for a second, eyes wide and heart beating faster than it did when Craig had previously scared him. The world turning too fast and too slow simultaneously, the effects making every part of him feel dizzy.

Yet the smell of Craig's breath quickly pulled him into time's usual regulations.

"Craig-" Tweek's fluttering feelings flew far from the room and got replaced by prickly bushes that reminded him of the drunkards lame attempts at staying over. Anger burning the butterflies out of his chest and making him flare back to life. "Not fucking cool. You're just trying to get into my pants."

Craig shook his head in slow motion and hands tried to grab Tweek back, but Tweek walked away and to the kitchen to grab a broom. "No, I'm not. I swear I love you."

"Shut up." Tweek pulled out the broom and dustpan to clean the murdered frog. "I'm not in the mood."

Craig seemed to let out a mewl of discontent at the lack of belief for his feelings. "But I really do miss you and love you."

Tweek scoffed as he collected all the remnants of his frog on the floor into his dustpan, standing up to take it to the trash. "Oh yeah?"

Craig nodded earnestly and followed Tweek like the stray he was. "Only you."

"What do you miss about me then?" Tweek said as he dumped the shards, turning to Craig after to cross his arms and give a sharp brow. "Is it the way I had sex with you? Or maybe the way I always have a printer when you need one?"

Craig frowned and shook his head. "No... I miss your smell."

Tweek pouted at the answer, it wasn't a complete wash up answer but wasn't a great one either. "Huh."

"And you're hands."

Tweek furrowed a brow as he walked to the couch to resume his show. "Yeah?"

"And you're stories."

"I miss holding you're hand the most." Craig looked starry eyed as he zoned out on the ceiling. "I still do, but I used to hold it whenever I wanted when we were dating."

Craig looked away from the star studded ceiling to Tweek''s hand, taking it into his to hold close to his heart.

"I loved holding this hand. It was like bragging about how you were mine while making all the things that made me sad go away all at the same time. I've never felt so strong or big as when I've got you by me, babe. You hold down my fears and my anxieties. I just want you."

Tweek sighed and pushed back the damp hair on Craig's forehead with his non-held hand. "Craig."

"Yeah, Tweek?" Craig's face verging on what seemed to be tears, the overwhelming emotions coming from them holding hand causing his eyes to well up. 

Tweek laughed to himself at the man's ridiculous behavior and smiled down at Craig. "If you could say a quarter of that to me sober... then we could get back together."

Craig smiled and laid his head down on Tweek's chest. "Okay."


Tweek's eyes flashed open as a phone alarm ringing startled him alert.

"Oh god-" Craig groaned above him, lifting himself from the blond's slightly crushed body. "What time is it?"

Tweek looked up at the groggy male who's face was puffy from boozes and rest, his lips quirking up as he recalled the night before. Hands resting on the back of his neck as he looked up at him, wanting to sit up and kiss the man but being too lazy to. "I don't know."

"Ugh..." Craig blinked a few times before going stiff. "Wait."

Tweek tilted his head. "What is it?"

"Did we hookup last night?"

Tweek groaned and shook his head. "No, you came over after drinking somewhere and we just talked."

"Huh." Craig pushed off Tweek's hands and sat up, now going through his phone. "Cool."

Tweek cleared his throat and scooted closer to Craig, hands reaching out to hold Craig and hopefully receive the same back. "Why don't we lay down for a bit longer?"

"Nah." Craig got up from the bed and stretched. "I have to go do something."

Tweek sat up and frowned. "Do what? And you can't just stay for one more minute?"

"I have to go meet someone." Craig mumbled out as he rubbed his face and put his shoes back on. "What's your deal?"

Tweek scoffed speechless by the male.

"Whatever." Craig waved as he got his shoes on. "I'll see you later."

Tweek crumbled back into the bed as he heard the door open then close again.


Craig gave a quick shake of his head as he knocked on the door, his hair still wet from his shower.

There was no answer to the knock.

"Tweek?" Craig hit his knuckles again. "You in the shower or something?"

There was still no answer and Craig frowned.

The shop was closed, he didn't have classes, he definitely wasn't out with anyone.

Craig knocked again. "Tweek-"

The door flung open and Tweek glared at Craig as he spoke. "What do you want?"

Craig furrowed a brow down. "I'm here to finish hanging out because I ran out this morning."

"Oh yeah." Tweek scoffed and crossed his arms. "You never got to fuck me."

Craig clicked his tongue. "Dude, what? I said I just wanted to hangout with you."

"Sure, sure." Tweek backed away and opened up the door to make space for Craig to enter in only in a sarcastic sense. "You're always here just to hangout."

Craig walked in and closed the door behind him. "What's your problem? I'm trying to just talk and watch a movie."

"Oh-" Tweek glared up at Craig and shook his head. "My problem?"

Craig nodded. "Yeah, you have a stick up your ass. What did I do?"

"Ugh!" Tweek walked away from him and went back to the pastry making he seemed to be busy doing. "I have the stick up my ass? Says the person that literally pushed me off him this morning."

Craig squinted in confusion. "Pushed you off?"

"Yeah!" Tweek began to mix furiously. "I coddle you and hold you all night while you're drunk and this morning when I wanted you to just hold me back for just a minute you completely blew me off and ditched me!"

Craig sighed and walked behind Tweek, hands slowly coming around Tweek's waist to hold the neglected blond. "Hey, come on. I didn't mean to just... ditch you."

"Don't try touching me now." Tweek tried to shrug him off, but his core attracted Craig to him like a magnet and kept him put. "I've already lost my good mood for cuddling."

Craig dropped his lips to Tweek's neck, lips soft and sorry as they pressed little apologies to Tweek's skin. "It was a meeting with my dad."

Tweek paused and felt his resolve to ignore Craig lessen, a meeting of such magnitude making a lack of communication make sense. His body softened and he turned to look at Craig over his shoulder. "Really?"

"Yeah." Craig bumped his nose with Tweek's. "He wanted to talk about working things out and us talking again."

Tweek nodded and turned back to his bowl of muffin mix. "Huh... how did that go?"

"Okay." Craig shrugged and began to kiss Tweek's neck again. "He said I looked like shit and was late, but still was kinder... like he had been working on things."

Tweek hummed and tilted his head away to fully indulge in those kisses. "Well that's good."

"Yeah..." Craig's hands took Tweek by the hips and made him turn to him. "Hun-"

"Please don't call me that." Tweek sighed defeated.

Craig gave a soft snort. "I'm sorry, I had tunnel vision this morning and could only think about getting to that stupid breakfast." He kissed the blond and pulled back to pull him to the couch. "I always want to hold you and in fact I'll sit here all day and just hold you if you want."

"Pft-" Tweek laughed as Craig fell on the couch and pulled him on top of him. "Craig, I know you'll get bored in an hour and try doing more than that."

"No way." Craig shook his head and wrapped his arms tight around Tweek. "Today I'll get bored after three hours but jerk off in the bathroom if I need to."

Tweek giggled and melted into Craig. "I guess that's pretty good for you."

"See, I'm considerate."


Tweek cringed as he swallowed a sip of his drink.

"How you like it?" A guy somewhat shouted into his ear.

Tweek did his best to smile as he spoke. "Ehh... it's okay.You said this is your favorite drink?"

"Yeah-" The guy leaned in as he spoke. "Kind of like my party trick."

Tweek nodded and put the cup on the counter. "Gotcha.... so what's your major?"

"I'm a Biology major." The guy slipped himself closer to Tweek, his hand landing on his hip and making camp. "I really care about the environment."

Tweek looked at the hand on him and cringed slightly. "Oh... cool."

"What about you?" The man seemed to not see the distaste for his actions and went further, his hand pulling Tweek in closer and bumping their hips together in rhythm with the music.

Tweek fully frowned as the man started to try and roll his hips with his. "I'm an architecture major and could you stop-"

"Why aren't you drinking your drink?" The guy picked Tweek's cup back up and put it near his lips. "I made it special."

Tweek was ready to make a scene when a hand on his wrist pulling him away from the counter stopped him. Eyes flicking to hand to arm to face, Craig's smile bright on his face as he stood with Tweek away from the drink maker. Tweek's automatic sigh from the scene that Craig was about to make, his smile telling him it was about to be something grand.

"Tweek-" Craig put an arm around Tweek's neck and put their foreheads together. "You were my only lover! I stayed up day and night waiting for you to call me back!"

The male furrowed his brows and frowned as Craig leaned back like a damsel using Tweek as a weight to keep him steady. 

"I've never had someone fuck me with such a huge and extraordinary dick as his!" Craig practically groaning the word huge.

Tweek snorted and tried to hide his face from the guy watching the spectacle. "Oh god."

"That's what I screamed all night as he absolutely pounded my ass to oblivion!" Craig hung onto Tweek and glared jealously at the male intruding their reintroduction. "You'll never find a man like this in the wild."

Tweek snickered full-heartedly into Craig's chest, unable to hide anymore of his emotions. "Craig-"

"God!" Craig seemed to be electrified by the sound of his name and picked Tweek up. "Take me now."

Tweek threw his head back and laughed as Craig whisked him away, Craig smirking at the small victory that he had triumphed over this random man. Craig somehow able to carefully carry him upstairs from the basement and plop him onto the kitchen counter. The two smiling at each other and enjoying the lack of inhabitants in this area of the house. 

Tweek smiled and leaned close to Craig to speak despite being in a lower decibel room. "Hi." 

"Hey." Craig smiled.

Tweek let his hands play with the buttons of Craig's shirt. "Thanks for that."

"No problem," Craig put his hands on either side of Tweek and leaned in front of him. "But what are you doing with a guy like him anyways?"

"What do you mean?" Tweek said with a tilt of the head.

Craig shrugged, mind trying to make an acceptable answer that wasn't just 'he's not me'. "He doesn't seem like your type."

"Pft-" Tweek laughed and hopped off the counter, wanting to come close to Craig to make fun of him. "If he's not, then what's my type?

Craig smiled and leaned even closer to Tweek, his eyes traveling over Tweek's face as spoke. "Better than that."

"Oh really?" Tweek smiled and let his hand reach up to hang over Craig's neck. "You think that my type is better than that?"

"Oh definitely," Craig nodded and brought Tweek's hip together with his. "Your type knows you better than that. Your type knows you like it like this."

Tweek gasped at the contact and laughed as Craig started to slowly sway them. "Oh yeah? What else?"

"Your type-" Craig dipped his mouth to Tweek's ear. "Loves you better than that."

Tweek clicked his tongue and pulled back with a frown. "That's not how I wanna be told."

"Just want to start putting it out there." Craig kissed Tweek.

Tweek rolled his eyes.


"Tweek! You're being crazy!"

"You know how I feel about you calling me that!"

"Then don't act like it!"

"I'm not!" Tweek let out a frustrated yell and turned away from Craig. "Just fucking leave!"

Craig walked in front of Tweek's view. "I did not go home with him!"

"Then why did he send a shirtless picture of himself with your hat on?!"

Craig growled and ruffled his hair. "That was from last week!"

"So you went to his last week?!"

"He fucking stole it!" Craig took Tweek by the arms. "Then he took a picture with it. I did not sleep with him."

Tweek grumbled and pouted his face away from Craig's. "Whatever! I don't care!"

"You obviously do care!" Craig squeezed Tweek's arms."You very much care even thought you're the one that's always putting me down and saying that we're not dating!"

Tweek's face tightened and he kept his sight away from the conversation and instead the room around him.

"God, you're such a bitch sometimes!" Craig pulled Tweek close by the arms. "You're always spouting that share your feelings crap, but the minute I ask you to do the same you fucking don't! So why don't you say how you fucking feel?"

Tweek's teeth grit as he opened his mouth before pursing his lips again and shaking his head. "N-No!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I don't know how I feel!" Tweek ripped himself from Craig's arms. "I-I just wish that you didn't want anyone else! T-That'd you just choose me! But you can't! I can't! I can't live and make this work when every other week I worry about some other guy and which ones gonna be better than me! Which one's gonna be easier for you and make is so easy to just give up on me!" Tweek's hands went into his hair and pulled, the slight pain easing his thoughts as he was distracted by the feeling. "I want you, but I can't! I just can't have you! I shouldn't have you! We shouldn't have each other! Not like this! We're just so dysfunctional sometimes that I don't even understand why I'm so obsessed with you!"

Tweek voice got higher the more it yelled, Craig watching the small melt down from afar. His heart aching as he watched Tweek struggle and convulse with each new shared fact and feeling. Craig watching his star burn out as it ran out of air and stop talking in a huff of Tweek's last breath.

"That's really upsetting and it a lot to think about all the time."

"It is!" Tweek panted and turned to Craig with stressed eyes. "It's like I can't win!"

Craig nodded and opened his hands to Tweek. "You must feel stuck in a loop."

"I do." Tweek said as he let those hands come into his space and hold his arms again. "It's just some ridiculous game with us!"

Craig sighed and looked over Tweek's face, his face pink from the battle for air he had with himself just moments ago. His hair more crazy and ruffled than he had seen it in a while, all of him seeming to be off-kilter from his usual preserved and protected self. "That's a horrible feeling to have."

Tweek nodded his head.

"I don't like doing this either, Tweek." Craig sighed and rested his lips in Tweek's hair. "But I think we do it because we really care about one another."

Tweek nodded again, his cold nose hiding under his jaw and making Craig shiver.

"I didn't sleep with him-" Craig's hands rubbed up and down Tweek's back as he spoke. "Or go over to his house last night."

Tweek pulled back to look at Craig. "You swear?"

"I swear on my life." Craig nodded and bumped his forehead with Tweek's. "Heck, I'll even swear on your life."

Tweek quickly pulled back and shook his head. "Hey, don't bring me into that."

"Pft-" Craig brought Tweek in to smother him with short and sweet kisses. "I mean it, I swear that I didn't sleep with him."


"In the past... year."

"I'll take that."


Tweek hummed to himself as he read over his notes, his eyes every so often checking windows to see if anyone was going to stop in.

After an hour of slow quiet business, he stopped checking the window. 

Instead he stayed engrossed in the different structures and buildings from his professor, being tasked with doing a rendering of these buildings with their own slight touch. He was gently sketching out the building to prepare himself to model it onto his computer, but the bell from above the door ringing took him out of his thoughts. 

"Welcome in-" Tweek stopped and smiled. "Oh." 

Craig smiled and walked up to the counter. "So hurtful when you do that." 

"It is not." Tweek looked back down to his drawing. "It should be a compliment. I get to be calm around you and not a corporate coffee drone." 

Craig hopped himself over the counter. "I don't know if your dad's coffee shop counts as corporate... in fact I know it doesn't." 

Tweek laughed and kept his eyes on his work. 

Craig hovered over Tweek to see what he was doing. "Oh wow." 

Tweek looked up. "What?"

Craig took the piece of paper and stared at it for a long time. "Oh this is just... the worst thing I've ever seen." 

"What?!" Tweek went to snatch the paper back, but Craig kept it out of reach. "That's so mean!"

Craig shook his head as he tried to keep the paper from him. "I'm surprised no one has told you yet." 

"Ugh, Craig!" Tweek stopped and crossed his arms, eyes glaring at Craig. 

Craig lowered the piece of paper and handed it to Tweek. "Obviously I'm joking. Everything you make is amazing."

"Hmph." Tweek placed the paper back down and continued. "Thanks." 

Craig wrapped his arms around Tweek's waist. "I was just trying to make you laugh." 

"Pretty shitty job." Tweek mumbled. 

Craig sighed and stood back, he's made jokes like those before and Tweek had liked them and they had both laughed. "My bad." 

Craig looked around as he tried to think of another way to connect with him, feeling bad that he had failed so horribly. He made eye contact with the espresso machine he had only used four times before, when he was in need of some cash Tweek would let him work here and he would help him out. 

Tweek glanced towards Craig as he started to mess with the machine. "Hey, don't make a mess." 

"I won't." 

Tweek sucked his teeth and pouted further into his work. 

The sound of the machine whirring and the foamer being turned on being usual background noise to Tweek that he ignored. Only being taken out of his studies again when Craig placed a cup next to his book. 


Tweek stood up straight and looked at the strange cup that was overfilled and sloshed about with the white foam, but the sloppy shape of a heart made him smile. He glanced from the cup to Craig wiping the areas the cup had thrown up on the counters, the male looked defeated and mildly embarrassed by the mess he had served in a cup. 

Tweek walked behind him and raised himself on his toes to kiss Craig's cheek. "Thank you." 

"You don't have to drink it." Craig started to wipe down the milk nozzle. 

Tweek shook his head and squeezed his Craig. "I will." 


"So is this your first time here?!"

Tweek nodded and adjusted his green silk button down, he had spilled some of his drink on it and now he felt sticky. "Yeah, I came with a group of friends, but I've seemed to have lost them." 

The man smiled at him and it was a really good smile, Tweek smiled back. "Well me and my friends are just over here if you want to come with me."

"I wouldn't mind that." Tweek began to follow the man, blinded by the bright smile and earnestly wanting to know more about him. His mind going blank the way a crows mind would turn blank and begin collecting shiny things when spotted. "So what are you in school for?"

Tweek sat in a booth with the man and listened as the man talked with him and his friends about school. It was a group of mostly music majors and Tweek was immediately repelled by the man as he tried to sing whisper his new songs to him. Even mildly drunk Tweek was unable to deal with the signing of this man. 


Tweek looked up and raised his brows. "Hey Craig!" 

"Whatcha doing?!" His brows were furrowed and he looked angry, but the dim lights of the club along with intermittent strobe lights left the idea of anger skewed on his face. His eyes seeming to be extra concentrated on the man that had just been intensely whispering into his ear. 

Tweek glanced around the table and shrugged. "Talking!" 

"Well let's go!" Craig took Tweek's upper arm and helped him stand. "Wendy was worried about you!" 

Tweek was willing to leave but the hand of the other man halted him. "Is this your boyfriend or something?!" 


"We used to date!"

Tweek looked at Craig and twisted his face at the specific answer he gave and Craig had the same reaction towards him.

"So no?!" 

Tweek in his intoxication Tweek began to overshare. "We only dated for eight months-" 

"But we've known each other for six years!" Craig finished for Tweek, his hand still latched to him. "Nice meeting you, let's go!" 

Tweek frowned as Craig ushered him back to where their friends had congregated. "Wait!" 

"What's wrong?!" 

Tweek stood with Craig in the middle of dancing and drinking, looking up at him with confused eyes. "We haven't known each other six years!"

"Yes we have!" Craig held up his hands and counted. "Sophomore year high school we met! Then junior, senior, freshmen college, sophomore college, and now."

Tweek hummed as he thought about the timeline and nodded. "I guess you're right!" 

Craig went to keep taking them to their friends, but Tweek pulled him back. 

"No!" Tweek hung his arms around Craig. "Let's dance." 

Craig raised a brow as Tweek hung onto him and did awkward sways to try and get them to move. "If you can call it that."

"You're always so mean about my dancing!" Tweek let himself leaned against Craig. "Especially at prom!" 

Craig smiled as he recalled the time. "You're right, you sucked!"

"We were dating then!" Tweek hummed as he thought about the night.

Craig nodded and held Tweek close, their bodies clicking together just right as Craig set their swaying rhythm. "That's true!"

"Then we broke up freshmen year?" Tweek squinted as he thought about the timeline. 

Craig nodded again. "Yeah." 

"Hm." Tweek looked up at Craig and kissed him, his hand holding his face as he kissed and swayed with him. "I miss that!"

Craig smiled. "Me too!"

The two stayed silent and was happy to just gently dance with each other despite all the different tempo dancing around them.

Craig looked down at Tweek and came close to his ear. "I was jealous when I saw you and that guy."

"Oh?" Tweek pulled his head back and gave him a dopey smile, his hands pinching his cheeks. "Craig! You told me without me yelling!"


Tweek sighed as he finally collapsed onto his bed, it was a long day that had two classes and a lecture, five hours at the shop and in between it all he was struggling to get his laundry under wraps. 

He was tired and spent, but he didn't feel like going to bed. 

He felt like being taken care of and touched, his hips twitching as he thought of a particular dark haired male. He took out his phone and smile as he saw Craig's contacts. 

Tweek: Hey 

Craig: ...

 Craig: Sup

Tweek: What are you doing?"

Tweek started to undo his pants and remove them from him as he wait for Craig to text back. 

Craig: playing fortnite

Tweek: Oh?

Craig: yuh

Tweek: i'm bored...

Craig: that sucks 

Tweek rolled his eyes and sat up. 

Tweek: wouldn't you rather play with me?

Craig: i'm playing solos right now but we can play duos when im done with this round

Tweek scoffed and laid back against his bed, ready to settle his pent up energy on his own. 

Tweek: nvm


Tweek scrunched his hair with his towel to dry it, he had showered off the day and was prepared to go to bed and have an easier day tomorrow. Everything felt cozy and safe, the end of the day was warm with his efforts and his body applauded him for doing his best and rewarded him with now going to sleep. 


"GAH!" Tweek shot up in bed and clutched his blankets close. "Oh god! Who's there?!"

The knocking on the door continued but a voice came with this time. "Tweek! It's me! I get it now!" 

Tweek got out of bed and ran to his door, unlocking and unchaining the entrance before swinging it open to Craig. "Oh my god! What is wrong with you?!"

Craig didn't seem to be halted by Tweek's scoldings, he took him over the shoulder and kicked the door closed behind them. "I just got what your text meant!" 

"Wait!" Tweek furrowed his brows up at the lack of locks being redone. "I already took care of it myself!" 

Craig plopped Tweek back in his bed and ran back to the door. "I'll go lock the door back up." 

"Ugh, Craig-" Tweek couldn't say anything more before Craig took off to do his task, he wanted to be annoyed by him and shoo him from interrupting his peace, but he couldn't. The way he could hear the distinct clicks of Craig doing his locks exactly like he would do them for him made him smile. "Bring a towel from the bathroom on the way back." 



Tweek came out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth and smiled at Craig laying in his bed, the male in the dark only illuminated by the glow of his phone screen as he played on it.

Tweek tiptoed the cold floor until he could jump onto the bed, bouncing a few times before he cuddled the entirety of Craig's left side. "Whatcha playing?"


Tweek smiled and got further into Craig's space to look at the phone. "You just start this one?"

"Pft, no." Craig tapped one of the spaces and the screen lit read to tell him he was wrong. "I'm just bad at this."

Tweek hummed and started to poke at the screen. "This row wouldn't let that one happen."

"Oh yeah." Craig tapped another space and smiled upon the screen not scolding him.

Tweek continued to help him, smiling as they slowly filled the board of numbers together.

Craig yawned and wrapped his arm around Tweek's waist. "I love you."

Tweek froze.

He blinked once then twice, then he looked at Craig. "Wait, what?"

"I love you." Craig put his phone down on the nightstand and turned his body to fully hold Tweek. "I think I'm ready to fully embrace that."

Tweek's voice stuttered to try and start in his throat. "W-Wait... n-no. You can't I mean-"

"Why not?"

Tweek opened and closed his mouth as he tried to pull out one of the many abundant reasons why he shouldn't be saying that. "J-Just because... well we... I-"

"You don't have to say it back and you don't have to feel like I'm tie you or me down." Craig readjusted his head to sit just right against his pillow. "I'm just ready to say it and give you the piece of mind that I'm not going anywhere in terms of feelings."

Tweek's mouth only opened to respond again but once again nothing came out. "I just... Craig."

"Don't freak out over this." Craig put a hand over Tweek's eyes as he closed his. "Go to sleep. I want to go to that breakfast burrito place tomorrow and you have to be up early as hell to even get in line."

But Tweek didn't sleep that night.

Craig went alone and brought the burritos back.


Because he loved Tweek.


"Camera one." Craig closed his left eye.

Tweek smiled as Craig stared at him.

"Camera two." Craig closed his other eye.

Tweek laughed and let his fingers stroke Craig's lips, subtly trying to halt Craig's cheesiness.

"Camera one." Craig kept switching his eyes to look at Tweek. "Camera two."

Tweek leaned forwards and kissed Craig, his smile not leaving as he spoke. "Stop it."

"Camera three." Craig opened both his eyes.

Tweek came close and forced Craig's arms around him. "What do you feel like doing?"

"Like in the next hour or tomorrow?" Craig stuck his nose into Tweek's hair. "Cause in an hour I'll want to go to the gym and tomorrow I want to do all the homework I've been blowing off to see you."

Tweek shook his head at Craig's bad habit and squeezed him tight. "I mean like when we graduate."

"Oh." Craig shrugged. "Get a stupid run of the mill office job where I'll do the bare minimum."

Tweek snorted and pulled back. "What? You're preparing yourself to do the bare minimum?"

"Of course." Craig smiled as he thought about the life. "I want to come in late and leave early for a stupid job that I don't care too much about, but because I'm salary it won't matter."

Tweek laughed and shook his head. "What are you going to do with all this extra time?"

"Come home see you." Craig seemed to melt at the thought of being able to live out this nice life with his favorite person. "Take you on impromptu dates during the day when I should be working."

Tweek paused, he liked the thought he wanted to turn to jelly and mold into this perfect idea too, but he shook his head. "We have a while to last before we can make it to that point."

"I don't care." Craig kissed Tweek's head. "We're making it."

Tweek frowned as he tried to delude himself into this daydream, but he couldn't. "How do you know?"

"I'll do my best and keep trying for you." Craig laughed as he pulled back to kiss all over Tweek's face. "I'll bang on your door in the rain and let you top me if I have to."

Tweek snorted and shook his head. "You're ridiculous." 

"But I mean it." Craig squeezed Tweek hard. "I love you."

Tweek smiled. "Oh yeah."


Craig took a deep breath and let his hand find Tweek's.

Tweek accepted it with a smile, his lungs still adjusting to the lack of activity and skin prickling with sweat.

Craig rubbed his thumb over Tweek's hand. "Tweek."


Craig sighed and prepared himself for the same response he always got. "I wanna get back together."


Craig stiffened as he heard the two syllables, staring off in disbelief before turning to Tweek. "What?"

"Okay." Tweek turned his head towards Craig and smiled. "Let's get back together."

Craig sat up and looked down at Tweek. "Like actually? Cause if you're joking I'm not laughing."

"No, I'm not." Tweek sat up with Craig and cuddled up to his side. "I'm ready."

Craig laughed out his shock at the unenthusiastic, but happy blond against his chest. "For real?"

"For real." Tweek kissed Craig's neck and pulled him back down to the pillows. "Now go to sleep."

Craig squinted. "You're not just saying this because you want me to leave you alone right?"

"I mean it." Tweek laid against the pillow and stroked back the overgrown hair on Craig's forehead, thinking he needed a haircut. "I love you." 

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