Calamity of Date a Live

By Custos_Portae

31.9K 750 1.3K

Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... More

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-
Your a Monster

The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)

1.8K 54 159
By Custos_Portae

Well boys and girls the Voting Poll is over and to no one's surprise, the Tuna Supremacy won. So our boy will probably end up with Sirin/Kiana.
It sounds weird... cause it is weird. Yeesh. Anyways this chapter will be longer than my others significantly. Don't expect this of me often, cause lord knows I procrastinate. Whatevs, let's begin. I do not own Date a Live or any of it's characters. Now then let our Date (Battle) begin!

It's the next day after we had the conversation on the Fraxinus, yet I still remember the end note.

Reine: "He's perfectly healthy and functions well enough. In terms of ranking Kuro is at least AAA rank in terms of Spirit ranking. But his potential seems to be SS rank at worst if going all out."

Kannazuki looked over at me.

Kannazuki: "That is why I think your holding back albeit unconsciously. I myself may be combat capable but an AAA rank Spirit would crush me easily, S rank or higher would evict me from my life subscription. You shouldn't have struggled as much as you did. So... I ask again, why were you holding back?"

Why am I holding back? Most people would say it's because I'm Kevin's clone and don't want to kill someone. That's not the case. It's something else. Maybe it has to do with....

Enough of that.

Earlier yesterday the more hopeless of us twins, Shido the Harem lord, met the nameless girl again. Oh, your wondering why I called him a harem lord?

Check this out. He has to become a womanizer to "save" them. Them being the spirits. With a kiss.


Kotori promised to help him but...

He almost met the maker. Couldn't be me. EVER.

Anywho after almost dying, Shido named her Tohka. After the 10th, the day we met her. Long story short, Shido almost bites the dust but gets a date scheduled.... at some point.

Which leads us to now...

I've seen a lot of things but watching someone, eat a bite of food the size of my head in one gulp is quite concerning.

Kuro: "Psst. Shido. How did we get in this situation exactly?"

I whisper.

Shido: "I don't know, but my wallet is weeping in pain."


I was currently walking around the downtown area looking for Shido. He said he was going shopping for a bit. Of course he neglected to say where so that sucks.

Kuro: "Well I can't say I didn't expect it, he did seem pretty shaken earlier..."

I continued my listless stroll until I came by the school. You know. Where we should've been if a thing called superpowered women didn't exist.
Where once was a building was now rubble.

Honestly It's a miracle education still exists.

Welp. Next stop!

So I began walking again, to walk upon the Eroge Protagonist and the Princess, or Shido and Tohka.

Tohka: "-Date, date, date, date!"

Kuro: "..."

So then...

Kuro: "Wanna explain?"

Shido: "Not particularly no."

A sly smirk creeped it's way on my face.

Kuro: "What happened to going shopping eh?"

Shido: "Wait you got it wrong-"

He tried to defuse the situation. Keyword being tried.

Kuro: "Right right. You were shopping for protection! Are you going to Sheath Excalibur in Avalon soon?"

It wasn't very effective.

Tohka: "Huh, Shido? Don't tell me... You took advantage of my innocence and taught me an obscene word?!"


This is much better than I hoped for.

Shido: "I didn't I swear! It's completely pure, honest!"

That's debatable if we're being honest.

On the sides people were beginning to take notice, amusement visible on their faces. Well not only amusement. There was also slight confusion.

Tohka also noticed the people staring. She lifted a finger as a small beam of light began to gather at it's tip.

Tohka: "Shido who are they? Enemies. Should I kill them?"

I grabbed her hand and slowly brought it down.

Kuro: "Easy there. Let's not make a premature 4th of July."

With blood substituting for the colorful lights.

Shido: "Those are most definitely ordinary women."

Tohka: "But their eyes are like those of a predator hunting prey. It would be best to take them out before something bad happens..."

I mean she's not wrong...


Shido: "Don't worry there's not many human who will attack you."

Kuro: "If you see a Karen though, she's fair game."

Shido smacks me in the arm.

Kuro: "What? You know I'm not wrong. They're the bane of everyone's existence."

Shido:"A-anyways let's go somewhere else?"

Why'd you phrase that as a question though?

Tohka begins to drag him off as I wave them away. I'm going to find an arcade for a bit.

Timeskip brought to you by this image of emergency food adorableness:

I could've sworn the skies were supposed to be clear today. I say this cause it is currently raining when it was sunny beforehand.
Not that it matters. Pyrokinesis for the win baby!

As I arrived at the arcade I saw a young, cute girl at about 13 to 14 years of age with blue eyes and long curly blue hair. She was wearing a short white dress under a large green raincoat that had a tail with a pink ribbon attached to it, with a pair of rabbit-ear hood and held a rabbit puppet, in her left hand.

She was currently in front of a crane game struggling to play the game with one hand. She managed to get the prize but it got stuck.

Against my better judgement I walked up beside her and kicked the side of the machine with my heel. The prize fell into the exit and I grabbed it.

Kuro: "Here you go, my little lady."

I handed it to her and turned around to began walking in the arcade.

I felt a hand tap my arm as I did so.

As I looked back I saw the girl holding her hood down with one hand as she held on still.

???: "Um. Thank you."

Kuro: "No problem kiddo."

I pat her head before walking off while waving over my shoulder.

Now then let's bankrupt an arcade again shall we?


For some reason, at that moment, the employees in the arcade felt a sense of dread.
That feeling was right, as Kuro soon went on a victory royale through the store causing mayhem with a maniacal laugh.)


The scene Tohka and Shido walked in on was of employees crying and begging me to leave.

Kuro: "Puny Mortals! Fear your King!"

I threw my arms to my sides as I tossed my head back and laughed.

Kuro: "Ahhhahahahha!"

Tap tap.

Kuro: "Yes, what do yo- oh."


He just stood there with a flat expression.

Shido: "Care to explain?"

Kuro: "Not particularly, no."

Shido: "Kuuurrrroooo..."

Kuro: "I may have bankrupted an arcade. Again...."

Shido: ......

Kuro: "I'm sorry?"



Shido: "Sorry doesn't fix it! This is the fourteenth one this month! Why. Just. WHY? Do you enjoy doing this?!"

Kuro: "You don't want the answer to tthat question trust me. On the other hand..."

I pointed behind him.

Shido: "What the?! Tohka?"

Tohka: "Look Shido I did it!"

She looked back and smiled happily while saying this.

Shido faceplamed.
Shido: "I'm surrounded by incompetent children..."

Thats not the only problem though. The people around were getting alarmed.

Well more alarmed I guess.

I grabbed Shido and Tohka's arms as I ran out the door and dragged them with me.

Kuro: "Lunch Time!"

As I was dragging them I failed to notice a certain white haired girl.

Origami: "Spirit..."

Another timeskip and PoV Switch because the Author is too lazy to narrate this next part. Enjoy this Coffin Dance image as a sign of my apologies.

3rd Person PoV

Kotori: "Ah Reine. If you don't want that then let me have it."
Reine: "Nn, Okay.

The two ladies were currently sitting outside a cafe diner. Both having got dessert of some kind.

In this instance however Kotori took the pie that Reine had and ate the Raspberry off the top.

Kotori: "Yum! Why don't you like it Reine?"
Reine: "....Isn't it sour?"

As she said this she took a big gulp of her apple tea, packed with enough sugar to slump a horse.

Why were they there you ask? Well technically Kotori should have been in school, but the spacequake from yesterday prevented this.
SInce it tore up part of her school she got a free day off. How fortunate. Going home straightaway felt weird however, so she asked Reine if she wanted to eat out, so here they are.

Reine: "Oh. This is a perfect opportunity so tell me.
Kotori: "Hmm?"
Reine: "Sorry for such a basic and tasteless question, but why did you choose Shido as a negotiator for the Spirits?"

The question wasn't a hard one per se, but it still made Kotori pause.

Kotori: "You won't tell anyone?"
Reine: "I promise."

Kotori let out a sigh and nodded. Reine was a woman of her word. If she said so, it would be so.

Kotori: "In all honesty I'm not related to my two idiotic brothers. Our lives are like a truly cliche eroge novel."
Reine: "Eh?"

Reine tilted her haed slightly. She wasn't confused but she wasn't exactly following either.

Kotori: "Heh. That's why I love you Reine."
Reine: " Is that a confession?"

Kotori just shook her head.

(A/N. For those who know Date a Live, here there is about to be a slight canon divergence of Child Shido. You have been forewarned.)

Kotori: "Never mind that. Continuing on, I don't know how old I was, it was definitely a time before I could remember, but Shido found Kuro a while back, after he wandered away from his mother. I don't know much about this either but Shido's mother adopted Kuro and the two became inseperable. Until a while later, some sort of disaster happened. Kuro got hurt, their mother was gone, and Shido had to fend for himself and his now new sibling. Their mother had abandoned them, without any goodbye of a sort. Our family took them in, hoping to make a change of some kind. But in all honesty it seemed like it would be quite troublesome. If I'm being honest, we were afraid they might go and commit suicide."

Reine: "...."
Reine flinched at the suicide comment.
Kotori: "Reine?"
Reine: "It's... nothing. Please, continue."

Kotori: "Well, there was nothing we could do about it. After all a mother's existence is vital for all children, and there's was taken away violently. If anything, this probably made them question their worth. Kuro was practically catatonic. Noone could talk to him or get him to eat but Shido. Luckily their condition improved a year later. Otherwise...."

Her mind went back to a few days prior,

Kuro: "What the fuck Kotori! I nearly caused World War freaking Z, the war to end all wars, because I thought you were dead or hurt."


Kotori: "In all honesty, Shido was lucky. If the scale of her arrival was any bigger, you would be dead."

"And the rest of the world would soon follow..." I mutter to myself.


Kotori: "Well the results wouldn't be pretty."

She took a deep breath again.

Kotori: "However thanks to that experience both of them became sensitive to the emotions of others, especially despair."
Reine: "Despair?"

Kotori: "The feeling of rejecting yourself. Saying noone will ever love or care for you. Like how they were back then. If Shido saw someone like that, he would help without a second thought. While Kuro would make jokes to try and take their minds off it, while helping them without them knowing."

Kotori: "So I thought of just letting Shido help, since we only needed one person's help. But then.."

Her mind brought up another memory.

Kotori: "Well if you consider it from a rational standpoint, them being killed would be best for us."
It pained her to say this, but she needed to test their mental fortitude.
"Ww-what?/WHAT." Shido and Kuro both say.

Kotori: "There's nothing wrong with what I said right? They're monsters. Just by appearing in this world they cause spacequakes. They are the evilest and deadliest poison!"


A cold oppressive aura poured off Kuro's body pushing Shido, Reine, and Kannazuki away from him. The temperature in the room began to plummet as he stared at her.

Kuro: "You said it wasn't their fault. That it was out of their control."

She saw his reaction and was surprised but continued on anyways.

Kotori: That's right. I did say that. But let's not forget the lives lost during fighting with the AST. And before you say anything, maybe if the AST didn't attack, they would still go on a trail of destruction."

Kuro: "That won't happen!"

Kotori: "And why is that?"

Kuro: "Because I won't let it! And I'm sure Shido wouldn't let it either!"

Shido: "He's right. I would do everything I could do to prevent that. Because,"

Kuro: "As long as I can move,"

Shido: "As long as I can think,"

Kuro: "As long as this body has some use,"

Shido: "And as long as I draw breath,"

Shido and Kuro: "We'll make sure no one has to go through what we did!"

In their eyes Kotori could see it. And what she saw was...


Kotori: "I saw a determination, a will to save those who were hurting. To give them a shoulder to cry on in their time of need. Who was I to say no?"

She finished off with a slight smile on her face.

Reine: "I see"

She closed her eyes for a second before opening them again.

Reine: "But I don't want to hear the emotional reason."

Kotori: "What do you mean?"

Reine: "It's troublesome and time consuming to play dumb. Don't feign ignorance, like you don't understand. What are those two exactly?"

Kotori slumped forward a bit. Reine was Ratatoskr's best analyst. Using their special devices, the [Realizers], she could grasp hidden things. Such as someone's hidden powers and traits.

Kotori: "The minute you began tests I should've expected this huh?"
Reine: "Sorry. I had analyzed them a bit more than was required."
Kotori: "It's not that important. Everyone would've known sooner or later."

A waiter's voice saying welcome interrupted them.

Kotori shrugged and began to drink from her cup.




Kotori: "Puufghfghhhhfgh!?"

She spit it all in Reine's face upon seeing the people behind them.

The people didn't notice. Reine however..

Reine: ....

She was dripping.

Kotori: "Sorry Reine."

Reine: "Nn. What's the problem."

Kotori: "I thought I saw something unrealistic or impossible."

Reine: "What?"

Kotori pointed behind Reine. She turned to look and stopped moving.

A few seconds later she turned around and took a sip of her tea.


She blew it onto Kotori.

Reine: "That is surprising."

That was probably Reine being petty.

That is fair considering the people behind them were Shido, Tohka, and Kuro. With one of them tied up and holding a sign saying ' I'm in Timeout '

Kotori: "Is there a way for Spirits to appear without us knowing?"
Reine: "What's the chance it's a look alike."
Kotori: "If the choices are Shido having a normal girl as a date, or a Spirit silently appearing.... It's the latter that is more likely."

(A/N: Ouch.)

Meanwhile, back to Kuro Pov

Tohka: "So I can choose whatever I want from this book?"
Shido: "Yeah that's right."
Kuro: "Can-"
Shido: "Shut it."

Crap. I said I was sorry. It's not my fault that arcades are easy to rob of their prizes. They should get better games. I'm just too skilled.

Yeah I'm not gonna lie, even if they improved I'd still find a way.

Still though.

Kuro: "Was the sign necessary?"

Shido: "Your gonna act like a child I'll treat you like one."

Kuro: "Eh, fair enough."

As we talked, Tohka proceeded to order a lot.

And as the food began to pile, something shook in fear.

Shido's Wallet; "Ha ha. I'm in danger."

After she ordered, and ate, we went up to the counter, as we said we liked to pay.
Or that was the plan until we saw a certain half catatonic woman in front of us.

Kuro: "You know what, I'm not surprised anymore."

I smacked my forehead.

Tohka: "What's the matter Kuro? Enemy?"

Oh now you acknowledge my existence.

Shido: "No, that's not it."

Reine: "Here's your receipt and change."

Huh. She works fast.

On the receipt were the words 'Continue your date naturally. We will support you. P.S. The white haired contradiction is now your bodyguard.'
Nice. Wait a minute. I thought only Tonomachi called me that!

Reine: "This is a raffle ticket for the shopping district. As you leave this store, if you follow the road on the right you will reach the place for the drawing.
Please, have a visit if you'd like."

The last part was emphasized, and probably meant, Go there now.

Of course even if she didn't emphasize it, it would've been fine since Tohka was staring intensely at the ticket.

Kuro: "Wanna go?"

Tohka: "Do you want to go?"

Kuro: "Ask Shido. I'm indifferent since I feel like a third wheel."

Shido: "Sure. I can't wait."

As soon as sure exited his mouth, we both felt a hand on ours.

Kuro/Shido: "Eh?"

Tohka: "Well then come on!"

Wait I don't feel comfortab- aah!

She began to drag us very fast if I may add.

Shido: "Wait. It's not a race! They'll still be there!"

Kuro: "Yeah! Besides, do you even know how to get there?"

Tohka: "Date date date date date!"

And she's gone.

3rd person Pov

Kotori: "Good work Reine."

Hiding in the corner, she stood up after confirming the trio left.

Reine: "I can't get used to this."

She said this while lifting up the frilly part of her current maid uniform.

Back to Kuro Pov

After we left the store, we followed their instructions, and ended up finding a space with long red tables, lined with red crosses.

This is a raffle right? Not some shady blood business?

Oh never mind, I see a lottery wheel with two men wearing.... coats.


Oh boy.

Tohka: "Come on let's line up you two!"


We entered the back of the line.

As the customers in front spun the wheel, Tohka's eyes spun with the wheel.

I couldn't help myself.

Pat Pat Pat.

Tohka: "Why are you?"

Her voice trailed off.

Kuro: "Your just too adorable...."

I smiled and chuckled.

Kuro: "Let's get a move along. And... enjoy yourself kay? Not everyone is out to get you."

Tohka: "Umu!"

She nodded happily.

Out turn, or rather Tohka's turn soon came up and she went up and gave the wheel a spin.

It spun for a bit before landing on a gold ball. The shady man in front of us rang his bell while shouting first prize.
Huh, way to go Tohka.

Shady Man: "Congratulations, first prize is a complementary ticket to Dreamland!"

Tohka: "Ooh what's that?"

Shido: "Some new theme park I never heard of?"

I have a bad feeling about this...


Yep I was right about that feeling.

Kuro: "Shido, I hope your ready to become a man because your on your own."

Shido: "Eh? What the?!"

The place was a land of dreams alright. A love hotel, where people ascend the stairs of adulthood.

I did a peace sign and began a tactical retreat.

Behind me I heard Shido trying to explain why they couldn't go in there.

Good luck my friend.

As I rounded the corner I crashed into another figure.

??? and Kuro: "Oof!"

Kuro: "Sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was going."

???: "It's not an issue. I was in a rush as well."

I helped the figure off the ground. Once she was up I got a good look at her.

She was a pretty girl I'll give her that. She had pale skin, black hair tied in twintails and a crimson red eye. I couldn't see the other since it was covered by her hair.

Kuro: "Well your quite pretty I must say. Now I don't regret bumping into you as much, since your quite a feast for the eyes."

She giggled.

???: "Your quite bold I must say. Do you flirt with every girl you meet?"

Kuro: "Only the ones that captivate me."

Stop it mouth! Stop talking! Screw you Old Man!


In another dimension a certain Pervert sneezed.
Siegfried: Someone talking about me?
Welt: Get over yourself.


Kuro: "All jokes aside I need to meet up with someone soon, but my name's Kuro. Nice to meet you!"

I began to run off after realizing I essentially abandoned my brother. Truly my brain is an enigma.

???: "What a fascinating boy."


The time was currently 6 pm and three people were walking.
Kuro, Shido, and Tohka.
Watching them was an AST squad commander Ryouko Kusakabe.

Ryouko: "There's a 98.5% match. That girl is a spirit."

Origami: "Permission to fire?"

Ryouko looked back at her. Origami was equipped with the same gear she wore before, the same as the commander herself. A sort of mesh wiring suit and thrusters. An Anti-Spirit rifle was held in her right hand.

Ryouko: "Not yet. Remain on Standby."

Origami: "Affirmative."

The reason for standby was because the girl, the Spirit, appeared without setting off a spacequake. Now the question was to attack or defend. No spacequake meant the civilians didn't evacuate. If the Spirit went berserk.... the casualties aren't the only thing that's gonna rise.

Origami: "This is a good oppurtunity."

Ms. Flat monotone was right. The Spirit does not have her raiment, her spiritual armor deployed, the same raiment that protected her and made her damn near the ultimate invincibe life form. Add to the fact the rifle in Origami's hands was special for this purpose. Plus headquarters had a special weapon made for backup.

Soon enough Ryouko got a call.

Ryouko: "Yes yes this is point alpha, what's the dec- eh?"

Her eyes widened in response to the information recieved.

Ryouko: "Isn't that overkill? *Sigh* Roger."

She ended the call.

Ryouko: "Those idiots gave permission, but sending in that is a bit overkill..."

Origami: "?"

Ryouko: "We have permission to fire but hold up a few minutes."

Origami: "Roger"

A short while later.

Ryouko: "Take the shot Origami."

Origami didn't say a word but lifted the rifle and aimed. As she squeezed the trigger, before the bullet exited the chamber, a pair of blue eyes seemed to
stare directly into her soul.



Ryouko: "What the?!"

The white haired Kuro seemingly caught the bullet in his now steaming fist. Still staring, an unmistakable pressure pushed down on them both. Before abrupty disappearing.

Don't interfere, cowards in the shadows.

He was too far away to be heard, but those words seemed to penetrare their ears clearly.

Origami: "What are you?"

Meanwhile the AST commander was in disbelief as well as panic.
Disbelief because a seemingly ordinary human caught a bullet designed for penetrating Spirit armor.
Panic because she had recieved news.

Ryouko: "Origami. We're leaving. Now!"

Origami looked back.

Ryouko: "HQ has sent in some important information. The [ARGONAUT] has just been sent!"

Back to Kuro's PoV, slightly earlier (A/N: I firmly believe Tohka is incredibly smart and observant. She just doesn't show it often. My opinion at least.)

Tohka: "Oh this view is amazing!"


Since a while back Tohka had been leaning on the railings and staring out into the city. The sun was quite beautiful as it set I must say.
We continued along, guided by Kotori and the others instructions from earlier, until we arrived at a park.

This place, this area, it holds special significance to Shido and I. After all, this is where we first met.

(A/N: Here's a photo.)

This place...

Well played Kotori. Sharing our place in the hopes of forming a better connection with Tohka. Despicable, but admirable plan.

But I felt like a third wheel. Especially since when Tohka smiled Shido's face turned red as he blushed.

Tohka: "What's wrong Shido your face is red?"
Shido: "It's nothing. I just saw something so fleetingly beautiful, that I can't wish but to stare longer..."

Wow Shakespeare. Smooth.

Tohka got closer to his face and he turned quite a bit redder.

Kuro: "Ahem."

They both flinched and moved back apart.

Kuro: "Ignoring that, see Tohka? You had a fun time and no humans tried to hurt you right?"
Tohka: "Everyone was truly kind. Honestly I can't even believe such a thing.."
Here she gave a bitter smile.

Tohka: "I can't believe there's so many humans who don't reject a monster like myself. That don't deny my existence."

Shido: "Tohka..."

She laughed a little bit.

Tohka: "You probably think I didn't notice, but some of those people we met. I knew they thought I was quite naive. That I didn't know how things worked.
But I did know. I waited for an oppurtunity to strike if needed. But it wasn't."

Please Stop, Tohka. My heart hurts. Stop, please.

Tohka: "I thought you might be enemies as well. But you weren't. You truly tried to make feel better and understand this date thing."

Shido: "..."

It obviously hurts to say it, so why? Tohka stop.

Tohka: "You are both nice people. Maybe it's a good thing i was being hunted. This world is such a beautiful place.
It doesn't need a monster like myself in it."

My body locked up. My hands are shaking so bad.

Don't say it, Tohka.

Tohka: "Say Shido, Kuro. It's better if I didn't exist at all."

She said this with a smile. A Fucking smile.

Shido: "Its not... like that..."

He continued pressing on.

Shido: "There weren't any spacequakes today right? That means there's something different this time. If we can figure it out..!"

Tohka shook her head.

Tohka: "Even if we established such a method that doesn't change my random timing when I arrive. The number of appearances won't decrease."

Shido: "Then... Just don't return anymore!"

Tohka's eyes widened as if she hadn't thought of it.

Tohka: "Something like that... It's.. not..."

Kuro: "Have you tried it at all?!"

She flinched at my tone. The rage was probably evident.

Kuro: "Once! Just once! Have you tried?!"

Tohka: "N-n-no."

Kuro: "Then don't you dare give up! Calling yourself a monster, saying your better off not existing, you don't have that right!"

I placed a hand over my heart.

Kuro: "Your worried about the world's feelings, well what about yours? Screw the world! If you disappear for good, we'll be hurting!"

Tohka: "But-"

Kuro: "Shut it! You are not a monster! I've seen several, and hell I've Killed hundreds! You are just a lost young lady, who I see as a misguided individual!"

Tohka: "There's a lot I don't know."

Shido: "I'll teach you then!"

Tohka: "I need a bed and things to eat."

Kuro: "I'll take care of it! I'll get a job if need be!"

Tohka; "Unexpected things may happen."

Shido: "I deal with Kuro all the time, I can accept that."

Tohka: "Is it really ok for me to live?"

Kuro and Shido: "Yes!"

Tohka: "Is it ok for me to be in this world?"

Shido: "Yes!"

Tohka: "The only ones saying that are you two. The AST and normal humans would never agree if they knew who I was."

As she was talking my head looked to the left as I stared above the trees and into someone else's eyes. That someone was holding a rifle aimed at Tohka.

I caught it in my fist before crushing it into powder.

I looked at the person before my eyes narrowed.

Don't interefere cowards, hiding in the shadows.

I looked for a little longer before turning around back to the conversation.

Continuing as if nothing happened...

Shido: "So what if they do? For everyone that rejects you I'll accept you more."

Kuro: "And if he's not enough, for everyone that tries to hurt you, I'll show them a True Monster."

Shido: "Who's the supposed threat to humanity again?"

I hear Shido mutter under his breath.

Ignoring him I reach out my hand as Shido does as well.

Kuro: "But what ifs don't matter..."

Shido: "So the first thing you can do..."

Kuro: "Is take our hands..."

Shido: "This will be our fresh start together."

Tears filled her eyes. Tohka's head lowered as her hand slowly reached for ours.

But before our fingertips could touch...

Kuro: !!!

I grabbed both their shirts before twisting my body and throwing them away slightly.


I coughed as a sword went through my gut.

Shido: "Kuro!"

Kuro: "Wow. Even though I'm a guy, I get penetrated more than I do the penetrating."

A giant figure uncloaked from behind me.

A white robot holding a broadsword and Shield.

Kuro: "You shouldn't be here.."

I was unceremoniously tossed away. While flying through the air I saw two things.
1. Shido was slashed immediately after and fell.
2. Tohka was trembling.

Goddammit! I'm sorry...

3rd person Pov

Tohka: This world has rejected me. So in turn I will reject this accursed world!"

The skies themselves shook as Tohka uttered two words.

Tohka: "Adonai Melek."

And the world answered it's Princess...No. It's Queen.

The surroundings seemed to shimmer as light wrapped Tohka's body forming her Spiritual armor.
Beware world.

You asked for it.

Tohka's eyes squeezed shut. A quiet scream built in her throat.

Tohka: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

You wanted this.

Before it released in a anguished filled wail.


Her foot slammed on the ground as purple light exploded shoving the previously stationary robot away.

Now we shall deliver.


A throne came from the ground with a greatsword in the top.

Tohka grabbed the sword before splitting the throne with it. The shattered fragments fused with the greatsword, causing it to grow.

It could no longer be called a sword once it was done.

This thing. That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too rough. It was more like a large hunk of Iron
pretending to be one.

Tohka swung it at the robot as an arc of light exploded outwards. The robot was tossed again before it slammed it's greatsword into the ground, causing it to slide to a stop.

It scanned around for her, only to find her floating in the air.

Tohka: "How DARE you?!"

Fury was evident on her face as purple lightning flowed off her.

The earth trembled and soon the trees began to shake as well.

Tohka: "How dare you, take them from ME?!"

You asked world so you recieved.


A Calamity has descended upon you.

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