steroline baby

By LillianaRobertson

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stefan and caroline turned off their humanity after carolines mum died and stefans mum didnt bring him back a... More

turn it on
the talk
telling the truth
one or two?
summer wedding
i love you
I'm saying goodbye
I am lost without you

I cannot live without you

211 2 2
By LillianaRobertson

"What how-how could you know that. There is there is not any way that you could know that it makes no sense. Your lying, stop lying to me Bonnie! Do you want me to hurt more" Caroline broke down crying "I-it can't be true" she repeated over and over like she was trying to imprint it on her brain. Her tears did not stop flowing and her voice kept cracking as she stared off into the distance and fell deeper into the rabbit hole of anxiety and depression. Bonnie could see her slipping and knew that if she did not do something fast then she might never get her friend back.

"Caroline" nothing "Caroline please look at me" but her friend just kept looking off into space and falling further into the darkness. "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes please just look at me!" she yelled. Caroline slowly turned her head to face Bonnie. The sight was heart breaking, her eyes were red and puffy, and she had dried and fresh tear stains on her cheeks. You could see the self-doubt in her eyes, and it hurt Bonie so much to know that her friend thought so little of herself that she refused to believe that someone could love her back. "Ok Caroline I'm going to explain it all to you could you please not interrupt me until I'm finished speaking." There was a slight incline of the blonde's head and bonnie took that as the go ahead. "I had been wanting to figure out how this was possible for a while now I mean I hadn't heard of a pregnant vampire ever, so I started doing some research. The past few days I threw myself into it after everything that happened at the wedding, I needed a distraction." Bonnie felt something on her arm and could not help but smile when she saw her friend's hand on her in a form of comfort, it gave her hope that Caroline could get through this. She took a deep breath and continued "any way, I was looking at books on ancient legends and myths looking up everything I could on vampires but to no avail, I found nothing. That was until I found a book on doppelgangers, I had exhausted every other option so I thought that it couldn't hurt. The book explained how doppelgangers were a way for nature to find a balance, in Stefan and Elena's case for the first immortals, but tom had been killed meaning that Stefan and Elena were the last living doppelgangers and the bloodline ended with them but nature still needed a balance so that meant that when the doppelgangers who were vampire and the last of their bloodline found their one true love they would be able to continue their bloodline." She looked at a blanked faced Caroline worried that she could break at any moment "do not you see what this means Caroline, you are soulmates. Your meant to be together, he loves you back."

Her tears started slow but in no time, she could not stop sobbing. She kept chocking and coughing as her body shook with sobs. Her head fell to her knees as she continued crying. she would not stop. Bonnie tried helping her she tried comforting her, but nothing was working, so she did the only thing she could think of to help her friend.

"Bonnie? What's wrong, why are you calling me?" came Stefan's worried voice through the other end of the phone. You could hear the unshed tears and the fact that he had not spoken in a while, and it broke her heart knowing that two of her friends had to go through so much pain. "Stefan, you need to come to Caroline's house now, I will explain when you get here but please hurry. She needs you."

Bonnie heard the call end signalling that Stefan was on his way and she could only hope that he would get here sooner rather than later. In no time she heard a car pull up and looked out the window to see Stefan. She heard the front door open and heard him running towards them, when he got there, she could see the pain that seeing his love like this caused. He immediately ran to her side and pulled her against his chest and rocked her back and forth whispering sweet nothings to try and calm her down.

Stefan's Pov

I held her sobbing form against me and could not help the few tears that escaped my eyes. I had no idea why she was so upset but the sight of her like that broke me. I kept whispering soothing things in her ear and her hand gripped my shirt, so I just pulled her closer. After a while her sobbing turned into sniffling and she calmed down more, as she buried her head in my neck and took a deep breath in all I heard was a quiet, broken "I'm sorry" I tried to keep my voice steady and to not show how much that affected me as I replied, "you don't have anything to be sorry for, ever!" she moved her head to face me and I looked her in the eyes as I said "I love you Caroline and can't live without you. Imagining my life without you in it is the worst thing that I have ever had to do." She took a deep breath in as she replied "I believe you Stefan, and I love you too. Oh god I thought that I had screwed all of this up and then with what Bonnie told me I was so scared that I had lost you and that I pushed away the best thing in my life and I just couldn't do it. I am so sorry for scaring you and making you come all the way out here for me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing and the only thing that I could think of responding was "marry me, Caroline. Marry me and be mine for eternity. I don't ever want to have to go through forever without you and I love you so much so please, marry me"


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