Bravely Courageous

By TheQuietHufflepuff

2.7K 58 2

Marguerite, better known as Maggie, and her brother are no strangers to the supernatural. Long before a loca... More



26 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff

Maggie stared down the rock wall and watched Allison and Scott climb up. They began flirting, and she rolled her eyes. She stared at the rock wall impatiently.

Scott moved closer to Allison, and she kicked him further down the wall. Coach smirked. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right? All right, next two. Stilinski, and um, Hawthorne. The female one. Your turn."

Maggie glanced at Stiles. "Eat my dust. You stare at my ass, Caleb will have something to say."

Stiles nodded. "Noted." He glanced back at Caleb who narrowed his eyes at Stiles.

Maggie began climbing the wall. He climbed up slower, and she knew exactly what he was doing. She could only imagine her brother's face. The blonde used her foot to block him from getting close to her. She might have uttered a spell, but there were too many people around... And Caleb would've definitely had something to say.

As soon as Maggie reached the top, she looked down at Stiles. "How do you feel?"

"You cheated, Maggie," Stiles said. "You wouldn't let me climb."

"I thought you were to admire the view."

"I mean- Maggie, you should've let me get to the top!"

"It was too fun not to."

Coach frowned at them. "Enough. Next two. Erica and Caleb."

Erica and Caleb started climbing the wall and the former muttered, "Oh, please-"

Coach looked up at her. "Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

Lydia frowned. "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out."

"Erica," Coach called again.

"I'm fine," Erica mumbled.

Caleb glanced at Erica with a frown.

Allison was quiet a moment before she said, "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she epileptic."

Coach threw his hands in the air. "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get -- Erica -- y-you're fine. Just -- Just kick off from the wall. Th-There's a mat to catch you. Come on. See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're alright. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine."

Maggie made her way to Erica and said, "You're okay now."

She nodded and sighed. "Why'd you and your brother come over?"

"Epilepsy isn't something to make a joke of. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."


"I'm fine!"

Suddenly, Erica fell to the ground and began seizing. Scott, Allison and Stiles ran out while Caleb placed Erica on her side.

Allison looked at him. "How'd you know?"

"It's what you're supposed to do so someone seizing doesn't choke on themselves. Basic first aid."

Allison turned to Scott. "How'd you know?"

Scott met Allison's eyes. "I felt it."

Paramedics came and took her to the hospital while Caleb and Maggie walked with Scott and Stiles to lunch. Scott and Allison sat at the normal table the group always sat at. Stiles dragged Maggie along so he could talk to Boyd.

Stiles sat down and said, "Boyd. You got the keys?"

Boyd frowned at him. "This isn't a favor. It's a transaction."

"Right, yeah. Absolutely."

He gave Boyd a twenty, causing Boyd to say, "I said fifty."

"Really, I-I remember twenty. I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory. And I remember twenty. I remember that distinct "twa" sound, "twa-enty."

"I said fifty. With the "fa" sound. Hear the difference?"


Stiles was cut off. "If you can't, I can demonstrate some other words with the "fa" sound."

Stiles' widened his eyes. "Uh, no, n-no. I think I'm recalling it. Now. Maybe I just got it confused with -- forty." Boyd aggressively ate a chip. "Come on, man, have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?"

"You seen the piece of crap bus that I take?"

Maggie crossed her arms, annoyed that Stiles had dragged her over. All she wanted was food.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at her before turning back to Boyd. "Fifty. Mmm. Okay." He handed Boyd the rest of the cash and was handed a set of keys. "Thank you." He made his way back over to Scott. "Got 'em. Pick you up right after work tonight and we'll meet you and your brother at the rink, okay?"

Scott nodded while Maggie frowned. "The rink? Stiles-"

Stiles glanced at her. "Yeah, the rink."

"Uh, just-"

"You're being really weird. What's going on with you?"



Lydia's voice caught their attention. "What -- The holy hell -- is that?"

They noticed a girl with blonde curls, a short skirt, a white tank top, and a black leather jacket.

Scott and Caleb realized who had entered. "It's Erica."

Erica picked up an apple from some random kid and ate it before leaving the cafeteria.

Maggie frowned. "What the hell happened to her?"

Stiles shrugged. "No idea."


That evening, Allison drove Maggie and Lydia to the ice rink. Caleb had chosen to go with the boys. Maggie was internally freaking out.

Maggie stared at the entrance and froze. "I can't do this."

Lydia placed her hands on Maggie's shoulders. "Maggie, it'll going to be okay. Stiles can help. Just ask."

"I don't want to ask for help."

"Ask him. I mean it, Maggie."

Maggie glared at her and huffed before they walked inside the rink. The blonde wore a cobalt blue shirt to bring out her eyes; Lydia's idea.

She shivered, not liking the chill of the rink. She absolutely despised the cold whereas her brother loved it. Stiles noticed and pulled out an orange sweatshirt. "Here."

Lydia glanced at Stiles. "She's wearing blue. Orange and blue, not a good combination."

Stiles frowned. "But it's the colors of the Mets." Lydia shot him a look. "Okay, um, maybe orange and blue is not the best."

Maggie grabbed the sweatshirt. "I'd rather wear an unattractive color combo than be cold."

Stiles glanced at her. "You're welcome."

She smiled briefly and nodded.

Stiles stared at her a moment. "You know, um, sometimes there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination end up turning out to be, like, a perfect combination, you know, like two people -- who nobody ever thought would be together ever."

She looked out at Scott and Allison. "I guess."

Stiles followed her eyes out to the rink. "Oh, yeah, them.I guess they're cute. Adorable."

Lydia finished lacing her skates and turned to them. "Well? Are you two coming? Maggie, put your skates on."

Caleb glanced at his sister. "You can do this, Maggie. It's not too difficult."

Maggie glanced at Stiles nervously and he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know how," Maggie mumbled.


"I, um, I don't know how to."

As they tied her skates, he gave her a soft smile. "It's okay, Maggie. I'll help you, okay?"

"Don't let me fall or get hurt."

"I won't, Marguerite."

He led Maggie out onto the ice, and she immediately grabbed the wall. Stiles took both her hands, and she stumbled as she tried to keep her balance.

Stiles skated backwards as he pulled her. "Okay, Maggie, I'm letting you go now. Try skating on your own. I'll be here if you fall."

She attempted to do so and fell onto the ice. Scott wasn't having any luck either.

Maggie pouted and sat on the ice. "I'm done."

Stiles skated towards her and crouched in front of her. "You can't give up yet."

Maggie narrowed her eyes at him, about to retort something, but before she could, Lydia brushed off some of the ice and began screaming hysterically. Caleb immediately skated towards her and looked around with a frown.


At school the next morning, Maggie and Caleb walked into the cafeteria to see an empty table. Stiles pointed to it. "Scott. Caleb. Maggie. Do you see that?"

Scott frowned. "What? It's an empty table."

"Yeah, but who's empty table?"

"Boyd," Scott and Caleb answered.

Scott looked between the two of them as they walked through the halls, before saying, "I'm going to the ice rink, see if he's there. And if he's not at home, you call me, got it? What?"

"Maybe we should let him," Stiles said. "Boyd, you know, man? You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

"We can't," Scott said.

Stiles bit his lip and avoided Maggie's eyes. "You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word "sensational" comes to mind."

Scott let out a sigh. "Yeah. How good do you think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?"

"All right, all I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility."

Scott looked at Stiles desperately. "They all are. And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible."

After a moment, Stiles nodded. "All right, I'm with you. And I also gotta say this newfound heroism is making me very attracted to you."

"Shut up."

Stiles smirked at his friend. "No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels."

"Kiss Maggie. I know how much you want to. Everyone does."

Stiles' cheeks turned red as Scott left. "I-I, uh, I don't mean..."

Caleb narrowed his eyes. "Don't kiss my sister."

Maggie looked between them. "No need to fight over me. We gotta to find Boyd."

Stiles drove the three of them to Boyd's house and he started pounding on the front door. "Hey, Boyd? Hey, Boyd? It's Stiles, Maggie and Caleb." He turned around to see Erica. "Oh -- wow."

Erica frowned at them. "What are you two doing here?"

Stiles shifted nervously. "Uh, nothing, we were just looking for, um-"

"Boyd?" Erica finished.

Maggie narrowed her eyes. "We're looking for Boyd. Do you know where he is?"

Erica ignored her and smirked at Stiles and Caleb. "You know what you're doing right now that's kind of funny? You're only looking in my eyes."

Stiles and Caleb raised their eyebrows. "That's funny?"

"Well, yeah. Because it's that kind of look where you're trying not to look anywhere other than my eyes, but you want to, don't you? You two want a nice, long, hard look."

Stiles glanced at Maggie and shook his head. "Not really. No."

Caleb's eyes narrowed slightly. "Nope. Definitely don't."

"Oh. So it's just my eyes?" Erica asked.

"Yes," Stiles replied. "You have beautiful eyes."

"I have beautiful everything."

"Good for you," Maggie retorted. "Now answer the question. Where is Boyd?"

Stiles raised his brow a second time. "And a newfound self-confidence. Congratulations, Erica. We should get going."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Why not?"

"You're having car trouble," she answered, holding something from the Jeep and knocked them out. "I'm sorry, Maggie, Caleb. But I can't have you two tattle or try to stop me."

Maggie's eyes opened to the pitch black and she wrinkled nose at the stench. She felt around for the lid, hit something that made a squelching sound, accidentally kicked her brother who groaned, and grimaced before eventually managing to open the hatch. As she figured, they were in a dumpster. Stiles popped up and muttered, "Bitch."

Maggie growled quietly. "Payback is gonna be a bitch."

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