Model For Me

De YeahImLonelyToo

39.2K 982 537

Sakusa is a designer and Atsumu is a model. Pretty basic Only the story belongs to me, nothing else. Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

1.5K 43 45
De YeahImLonelyToo

{Sorry if this is crappily, I have a LOT on my plate rn lol. But I still wanna do what I enjoy most. So enjoy. -Auri}

Sakusa POV


The woman, who I now identified as Chloe, practically tackled me as I was in the middle of a rather enjoyable conversation with Atsumu.

This fucking bitch wouldn't leave me alone. I hadn't seen her for two days and I was really hoping I wouldn't see her again. EVER.

I watched in dismay as Atsumu awkwardly dismissed himself.

When Chloe rudely shooed Atsumu away was the last straw.

I shoved her off roughly and she stumbled in shock.

"What the hell, babe?" Her shrill voice rang out.

"Do NOT call me that," I sneered and motioned for a guard to come over.

"K-Kiyoomi, what are you doing," She looked at the approaching guard nervously, "I-I didn't mean to annoy you." Her whiny voice just ticked me off further.

"Pacify her," I waved my hand in her direction met her desperate eyes with a stone gold gaze, and added, "She's getting on my nerves." (AYOO, WHERE ARE MY MELANIE MARTINEZ FANS??)

She gasped as the guard grabbed her roughly and dragged her away. At this point, nearly everyone currently in the studio was paying attention to the commotion as Chloe screamed at me.

"What's going on, Sakusa-San?" Tendou asked cautiously as he and Ushijima arrived by my side.

"She was annoying me." I said with an impassive look on my face, "So, I asked for her removal."

He flinched slightly at the coldness in my voice and Ushijima placed a hand on his shoulder, "Chloe, that's her name, has been practically stalking Sakusa-San since he arrived in Paris. She has crossed many lines. Don't feel empathy for her. Her karma is long overdue." Tendou nodded softly in understanding and I noticed that Atsumu was not with them.

"Where is Atsumu?" I asked finally looking at the two of them.

Tendou blinked and looked around, as if he had just realized as well that Atsumu wasn't with us, "I don't kn- Oh, he said he wanted to go on a walk a little bit ago."

"It's dark in an hour though," I commented, "Did he say where?"

Tendou shook his head and I took out my phone and dialed his number.

The phone rang but no one picked up. I called him two more times before Tendou reminded me, "His phone is back in his room..."

He looked nervous and I quickly turned and ran to the elevator. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but a pretty boy in a popular city after dark isn't a good combination.

I could hear Ushijima and Tendou call after me as the doors slid closed. I ignored them and tapped my feet impatiently as I waited for the elevator to arrive at the lobby.

When it did, I rushed out and quickly exited the building.

I must've surprised the guard --who was short and had fluffy orange hair-- because he squeaked and quickly greeted me "M-Monsieur! M-may I help you?" He looked incredibly nervous but I paid no mind to it.

"Have you seen Atsumu?" I interrogated him.

"W-who?" He stuttered.

"The model, he has a blonde undercut?" I glared at him and his eyes lit up in recognition.

"A-ah, oui, he left a while ago. He looked as if he was about to cry," The guard recalled, "I remember that he started off for the Marais..." He trailed off and my eyes widened.

That is the worst place for any emotionally vulnerable person to head to.

All I remember from that point on was running as fast as humanly possible. I couldn't help but think of all the horrible things that could've already happened to him.

It's all a bit blurry but I remember running around and asking people if they had seen him. I showed them a picture but kept getting the same response.


Eventually, I found someone who pointed me to Bar Très Dangereux (According to google translate, it means Very Dangerous Bar, very unique of me, ik. *Edit* I recently fixed the name bcs I got a comment from someone who actually knows French good lmao)

I rushed to the and found it stock full of people. Mostly men and many of them were intoxicated. I pushed through the hoard of people towards the center of the bar, cringing the whole time. I cannot possibly IMAGINE how dirty this place is.

It was loud, dirty, and crowded, and I could practically feel the sweat and gunk radiating off of every drunk in this place. I think this particular bar doubled as a strip club, which I prayed it did not.

Every second, I reminded myself why I was forcing myself to do this.

For Atsumu. It's all for him. Anything for him.

Eventually, I spotted a person with bleached blonde hair sitting on a couch in the far corner of the room. I nearly sighed in relief until I noticed that there was a rather suspicious-looking man sitting not too far from him.

I pushed my way toward him as quickly as I could and I noticed that the body language that Atsumu portrayed gave massive hints that he was nearly blackout drunk.

I saw the man get up and start to approach Atsumu and began to make my way toward them a tad more aggressively than before, receiving dirty glances along the way. Eventually, I was able to emerge from the mass of people and rush over to Atsumu.

"OY!" I yelled at the man as I angrily approached, "Back off."

"And you are you?" He sneered and at this moment, I realized he towered over me. Nonetheless, I glared back.

"His boyfriend, et toi?" This man could definitely beat me up if he truly wanted to, but I was hoping my façade of confidence would hold him off.

"Well, I was just gonna take him home, it's a dangerous world, y'know," The man smirked and took another step towards him.

"I think it'd be best if you stopped moving towards," I spoke softly with a little more than a warning in my tone, "In fact, why don't you leave."

He gritted his teeth and was clearly debating on whether to hit me or not, but after a few glances around, he decided to not start a bar brawl in this crowded area. He spat at me, turned, and wove his way briskly through the crowd until I could no longer see him.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and then sat down next to Atsumu.

He was out cold and his face was flushed. I sighed and scooped him up bridal style. Then, with a little bit of difficulty, I made my way back through the horde of people and back into the open air of the most beautiful city on Earth.

I placed Atsumu down on a bench and sat next to him. He unconsciously leaned his head on my shoulder and mumbled something incomprehensible.

I sighed and called a taxi, for some reason I felt I shouldn't call Tendou or Ushijima. It was just a nagging feeling but I listened to it anyway. It wasn't like a suspicious feeling, more like a feeling that they don't want to be bothered at the moment. (You catching the drift yet??)

Eventually, a cab pulled up and I managed to shove Atsumu in the back with me. I decided to go to my apartment, as it was closer than Madeleine's house was.

When we arrived, Atsumu was slowly but surely coming to his senses again. However, he was still very much out of it.

After waiting in the elevator with a groggy Atsumu who was slurring random words as a stranger glanced at us awkwardly, I finally stumbled into the threshold of my apartment.

Atsumu decided that now it was a wonderful time to let gravity do its work and he ended up knocking both of us to the ground.

"Augh, Atsumu," I groaned propping myself up on my elbows as he lay, sprawled halfway across my torso and the other half between my legs, "Mon Dieu, how much did you drink?"

"Hehmm," he let out a slurred laugh and squirmed against me, creating a sort of ☆F R I C T I O N☆ between my thighs.

"S-stop, 'Sumu," I tried to gently push him off, which only resulted in him pouting disappointedly and wiggling closer to me.

"Hmm," He mumbled, playing with the hem of my shirt and his eyes half-lidded and downcast, "Omi, h-has anyone ever told you how fucking hot you l-look?" He asked and traced his pointer finger along my chest. My heart thudded loudly against my rib cage and I desperately worked to control my breathing.

"Atsumu, you're very drunk, please get off." I pressed down on his shoulders but he just glared at me.

"N-non, y-you gave your attention to la femme, je veux de l'attention aussi," He said the last part in French instead of his usual Japanese or English. I won't lie, it turned me on. But I had standards, I wasn't going to take advantage of him when he was intoxicated.

So, using an insane amount of willpower, I forced him off of me and dragged him toward the bed. He whined the entire way and tried to crawl off the bed when I attempted to leave the room.

"I'll be right back, I promised as he gripped my leg and stared angrily at me, "I'm just going to get you water."

He let me go reluctantly and I fetched him some water. It wouldn't sober him up, as only time can do that, but it would make him slightly more attentive to his actions.

He was sitting in the exact same spot on the floor as he was when I left the room. I placed the glass on the nightstand as he made it very obvious that he was not going to walk to the bed himself. I then had to drag him onto the bed and only then did he accept the water I got him.

He was still in his clothes from this morning, but since they were rather comfortable looking, I figured he wouldn't mind sleeping in them.

When I tried to say goodnight, he shook his head furiously, "St-stay Omi-Kun," He implored me with puppy eyes. I groaned and obliged.

I sat on the edge of the bed but Atsumu was clearly not satisfied yet, "Cuddle with me, Omi..."

He blinked tiredly and I finally caved and slipped under the covers with him. He snuggled into my chest and passed out within thirty seconds. I wrapped my arms around him, with one hand on the small of his back and the other tangled in his hair.

And for the first time in forever, I fell asleep perfectly content.


Hmm, that took a while to write, sorry.


Ahhhh, omg, I love her songs sooo much. I'm not like, obsessed with them, but I won't hesitate to admit that she is a great singer and writer. Personally, my favorite songs in this album are Snow On The Beach, Midnight Rain, and Vigilante Shit. The other songs are great but these are my favorites.

Je t'aime beaucoup <3 

Take care~


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