De aries1854

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800 years ago, 3000 dimensional gates opened across the entire world. In that moment, it was as if 3000 diffe... Mais

1401 - 1420
1421 - 1440
1441 - 1460
1461 - 1480
1481 - 1500
1501 - 1520
1521 - 1540
1541 - 1560
1561 - 1580
1581 - 1600
1601 - 1620
1621 - 1640
1641 - 1660
1661 - 1680
1681 - 1700
1701 - 1720
1721 - 1740
1741 - 1760


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De aries1854

Chapter 41: You Did Such A Great Job!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was swamped with work for the next two days.

All the people that were sent to him by Yi Yeyu had not been disqualified. They were at least iron-level rank-2, some of them were even iron-level rank-3.

To make matters worse, they were unhappy when they found out that they had to listen to Lin Huang’s orders for the next two days. It seemed ridiculous to them because Lin Huang was not even iron-level.

Not knowing what else to do, Lin Huang summoned Tyrant to beat some of them up when they disobeyed him. Only then would they listen to him.

Although Lin Huang did not have powerful abilities, his identity as an Imperial Censor was a rare enough occupation for others to fear him as soon as they found out. When some of them heard that he had two monsters and he was a genius by Imperial Censor standards, they had to bite the bullet and listen to him regardless of the what they thought.

Meanwhile, Yi Yeyu was even busier. There was a limit to the summoning of her green wooden door, and she could only use it 10 times per day. There were 70 to 80 people who were not disqualified since the assessment started and they were scattered in different locations on the map.

She had to get the staff to gather the members who were close to each other and bring them all back within three days.

Yi Yeyu rented the meeting room on the hotel’s first floor and gathered all the participants there.

Seeing that some of them were badly beaten, she knew it was Lin Huang’s doing to get them to listen to him. As everyone showed up, Yi Yeyu now had a better impression of Lin Huang and his methods.

After quick glances to ensure everyone in the room was in fact not hurt too severely, she started to speak.

“I bet you all have many questions with regards to what has happened the past few days, about why I have gathered all of you here and why you are not allowed you to leave. Let me explain the reason now. Please do not be worried.”

“This is what happened. We noticed that the monsters from the desert area to the grassland on the east of Snowy Mountains Town which covers a few thousand kilometers have been acting strangely for the past few days. They have been savagely attacking humans, and are unafraid to fight to the death. After some investigation, we think there is a possibility that a transcendent monster from a with abilities to charm other monsters has appeared nearby,” she said calmly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard what Yi Yeyu said.

A transcendent monster was no joke. The reason why a C-grade medium foothold needed a transcendent to guard the foothold was the existence of other transcendent monsters.

A transcendent monster could lead an army monsters and destroy a medium foothold with a population of millions of people, within a night.

“However… Don’t worry. The association has sent us a transcendent human. He should be here sometime today. He will investigate the situation in the areas nearby and look for the cause of this unusual occurrence. When the problem is solved, I will talk to the management authorities to get the assessment going or perhaps pass everyone who was halfway through the assessment. That said, please be patient and wait inside the foothold,” she said. By the instant ease of tension in the room, Yi Yeyu’s words had comforted the people.

Everyone was here with the goal of becoming a Reserve Hunter. It would be like striking a jackpot win for them if the management was to pass all of them straight away.

In reality, the Hunter Association was not very strict with the Reserve Hunter’s assessment.

It was the head examiner who set the assessment content and standard.

The passing rate made no difference to the association. But with the situation very different to the way protocol dictated, Yi Yeyu filed a report with the management.

Everyone calmed down after what Yi Yeyu had said.

However, there were a few people who raised their hands with questions. “If this foothold is not safe, can’t we just ride eagles and get to other footholds?”

“It might not be safe to ride on the eagles now,” Yi Yeyu explained.

“I was attacked by a flock of White Feathered Goose when I was climbing the mountains. Although an Eagle is most definitely faster than the geese, if it was surrounded by a flock of those geese, the possibility of escape would be nearly impossible,” Lin Huang said, on behalf of Yi Yeyu.

Hearing what Lin Huang said, everyone gave up on their plan to escape on eagles.

After the meeting was adjourned, everyone left with an explanation that they were satisfied with and stayed in the foothold as they were told.

As Yi Yeyu and the rest of her staff were back, Lin Huang was finally freed of his duties.

It was pretty late at night when he left the hotel. While Lin Huang was practicing with his sword in his room, Yi Yeyu called him and asked him to meet her in her room.

Lin Huang was skeptical at first, but he went anyway.

When he entered her room, there was another man in Yi Yeyu’s room.

The man looked very ordinary and may have been in his 30s. He was slightly tan, slender, and stood at about 180 centimeters tall.

Yi Yeyu introduced the man to Lin Huang immediately. “This is Master Zhang Bo. He was sent by the association to look into the situation,” she explained.

“Nice to meet you, Master Zhang.”

Lin Huang could not tell that this man who looked ordinary was in fact, a transcendent, partly because of the fact that he was the first transcendent that he had ever seen. He could not help but stare at him. However, he looked like he was no different from any normal person and Lin Huang could not sense any extraordinary abilities from him.

“Master Zhang, this young man is Lin Huang, the one I mentioned to you earlier,” Yi Yeyu continued as she introduced Lin Huang to Zhang Bo.

Zhang Bo patted Lin Huang’s shoulder with a warm smile. He seemed friendly.

“Young man, please tell me about the monster attack you encountered during your assessment. Recount the incident as carefully as you can, do not spare a single detail,” he asked.

Lin Huang nodded and told him everything.

As Yi Yeyu did not know all the details of the encounter, listening to Lin Huang talking about the dangers that he had gone through, she was even more impressed by this young man abilities.

Lin Huang took 20 minutes to tell his story. Once he finished, Zhang Bo again, patted him on his shoulder, much harder this time. “You did great, young man! I believe you will be an extraordinary hunter in the future!” he said.

Lin Huang was shy to hear the compliment. He just blushed and scratched his head in response.

“From what you said, there’s a high possibility that there is, in fact, a charm-class transcendent monster,” Zhang Bo said casually with a smile. “Let me hunt it down. I will try my best to find it and kill it before daybreak!” he continued.

“Isn’t it better to do it in the morning?” Yi Yeyu asked.

Yi Yeyu asked out of concern as monsters were known to be more energized at night so they would be more powerful.

Of course, Zhang Bo knew that but he did not care. “There’s no need to wait, the earlier we solve this, the earlier we will be relieved of the threat,” he replied.

Apparently, Zhang Bo was a resolute person. He then opened the window in Yi Yeyu’s room and leaped forward. He flew out of the window and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Zhang Bo’s ability to fly, Lin Huang became envious of him.

Yi Yeyu seemed to see through what Lin Huang was thinking and laughed. “Keep training, young man. You’ll be able to fly too when you became a transcendent.”

Lin Huang was embarrassed, so he changed the subject. “Who is this Master Zhang?” he asked Yi Yeyu.

“Zhang Bo the Air Gun is a powerful gunman. He was upgraded to a transcendent two years ago. Before he became a transcendent, he was on the Gold Hunter Leaderboard and he was the 33rd best in Division7.” Yi Yeyu explained.

“Is being the 33rd best considered an achievement?” Lin Huang asked as he did not find that impressive.

“You know nothing. Do you know how many hunters there are in Division7? There are more than 100,000 Gold Hunters alone. Those who are in the top 1000th are the best in the entire industry!” Yi Yeyu rolled her eyes at Lin Huang and gave him a lesson on the leaderboard.

“So what is your rank?”

“I’m No.998,” Yi Yeyu said proudly.

“Okay, it’s great that you are among the top 1000 people then,” Lin Huang said and gave her a perfunctory compliment.

“Why does it sound like you think I suck for being no.998?” Yi Yeyu glared at Lin Huang.

“That’s not what I meant! Let me tell you again,” he said. Lin Huang then used a sarcastic voice and shouted, “Wow, it’s so amazing that you’re among the top 1000 people! You did such a great job!”

Chapter 43: A Reason To Stay

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was Lin Huang who said the words from his seat in the last row and everyone turned around to look at him.

“Lin Huang, don’t mess around. You would die if you stayed. It’ll be no help at all!” Yi Yeyu scolded.

She had always thought that he was a good person. The more they connected, the more good sides to him she found. She did not want him to stay with the risk that it might destroy his future.

“Miss head examiner, please listen to what I have to say,” Lin Huang insisted and looked Yi Yeyu in the eyes.

However, Yi Yeyu was stubborn. The situation was really awkward.

Suddenly, the meeting room’s door swung open. A young man in a white robe, with his hands in his pockets, walked slowly into the meeting room.

“Yeyu, why don’t you listen to what this kid has to say,” the man said loudly to Yi Yeyu from the back of the room. From his tone of voice, Yi Yeyu and this man seemed to be close.

Yi Yeyu was stunned at the man’s appearance. “Brother, why are you here?” she asked.

“I was running errands nearby, and I heard that you were working as an examiner here. So, I thought I would drop by after I was done with my task. Before I got here, I noticed that the official website of Division7 has gone viral with a video of a transcendent’s death,” he said. To the surprise of all in their state of mourning, the man in white robe laughed.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Yi Yeyu said, a solemn tone to her reply.

“If I didn’t come, knowing the way you’d react, you’d be dead in two days,” he said with a stern look in his eyes. The man knew his sister very well.

Yi Yeyu did not say a word.

The man in white robe then turned around and looked at Lin Huang who sat at the last row of the meeting room.

“Young man, my name is Yi Zheng. I am Yeyu’s brother. I heard from outside that you have a plan. Let’s hear it then.”

Hearing the name, many people in the crowd gasped, especially Bai Yan. With his mouth wide open, he looked like he really admired Yi Zheng. He knew very well that this man was no.11 on the Gold Hunter Leaderboard in Division7. He was terrifyingly powerful.

Lin Huang did not know anything about him. He nodded and said what he had in mind.

“This is my plan. There are more than 200,000 people in this foothold. It’s impossible to escape with every single person. To survive, the only way is to fight! Although the human transcendent would take two days to be here, we should act now as the transcendent monster is badly injured. In such a short period of time, it would unlikely be able to fight again. So what we should be watchful for there’s a horde of monsters out there!”

“To tackle the monster horde with the current number of hunters we have in this foothold would be a bad idea. We have insufficient manpower, but we can ask for help. We can get the Hunter Association to announce an emergency mission and increase the mission reward. People would be lining up to help. Till then, Miss Yi Yeyu would have to use her relic to get to foothold No.7C87 and bring over a few thousand professional hunters. Of course, this is only one of the viable options, for now.”

“The areas around the Snowy Mountain Town are basically level-1 and level-2 wild zones with very few wild-3 wild zones we need to be worried about. If we have sufficient hunters, we can start the fight before the monster horde makes their move. One Silver Hunter could easily conquer a level-2 wild zone within minutes.”

“Moreover, we have the geological advantage on our side as the foothold backs up to the mountains. As soon as we kill all the monsters on the mountains, we can hold back the monsters that are in the desert across the mountains for at least two days. I’ve climbed the mountains before. Although we are human, without any tools, even an iron-level rank-3 Reserve Hunter would need two days to climb those mountains. All we need is to do is guard the foothold for two days until the human transcendent arrives to kill the transcendent monster.”

“About the canyons on the east of Snowy Mountain Town, there are not many monsters there. We can get the staff to clean up the place, block the mouth of the canyon with a giant rock and leave a small path for us to walk through. Then we guard the entrance and kill all the monsters that come in. By my calculations, that will severely thin out the monster horde!”

“The only thing that we cannot defend ourselves from are the birds in the sky. So, we will need a team to specifically tackle the birds.” Everyone was stunned when they heard what Lin Huang said.

Yi Yeyu was stunned too, she did not know that Lin Huang would have so many ideas.

Even Yi Zheng was surprised, he clapped his hands immediately after Lin Huang finished and said, “That’s amazing! Your mind is clear and your proposal is very feasible.”

“I will inform the management now and get them to spread the mission word around while Yeyu will bring the hunters over. We will discuss the details when everyone is gathered,” Yi Zheng said and looked at all the people in the meeting room. “All of you don’t have to be a part of this. You guys can follow Yeyu when she’s going back to the medium foothold. I’ll get her to talk to the management to give all of you a pass in your assessment,” he continued.

After he gave his instructions, Yi Zheng then contacted the Hunter Association. Soon, the proposal was approved.

“It’s been arranged. They will announce the mission now. Please bring these kids with you and go,” Yi Zheng said and nodded towards Yi Yeyu.

“Alright, please come here. I will send you all to the medium foothold,” Yi Yeyu said. She then summoned her green wooden door while waving to the people to join her.

Lin Huang remained seated.

“Lin Huang, come here now!” Yi Yeyu shouted at him.

“I’ve told you that I will not leave,” Lin Huang insisted.

“Young man, you will be of no help even if you stayed. It was your idea. If we manage to win the battle, you will have half the reward to yourself,” Yi Zheng explained as he worried that Lin Huang thought they wanted to take all the glory.

“I would stay even without any rewards,” Lin Huang continually insisted.

“What do you want, Lin Huang?!” Yi Yeyu was mad and shouted at Lin Huang.

“I will only leave when I see all 200,000 people survive!” Lin Huang replied, looking straight into Yi Yeyu’s eyes. Yi Yeyu who was staring at him looked away. She was quiet.

It was awkward for Yi Zheng as he thought Lin Huang wanted to stay for benefits.

The rest were quiet too, some of them were embarrassed.

“I’m staying too!” Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

“Mee too!”

“I’m staying to kill those monsters!”

They volunteered one by one since one of them had taken the lead.

However, Bai Yan was the coward in the crowd. He mumbled to himself, “All these idiots giving their lives away…”

“Alright, stop acting like a hero. You guys are not children playing house,” Yi Yeyu had tears in her eyes when she yelled at them.

“Lin Huang will stay, those who are iron-level rank-3 can stay too. The rest who can’t even fight an iron-level monster, why would you want to stay?! Go back to medium foothold and train!” She shouted.

Chapter 44: Cleaning Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Yeyu brought more than 50 people, Bai Yan included, when she left the place. Including Lin Huang, there were 12 of them that stayed. Apart from Lin Huang, everyone was iron-level rank-3.

“Since you guys have decided to stay, you have to listen to us!” Yi Zheng said to them. “This is now a battlefield. Your personal safety in secondary to the priority today. Today isn’t all about you. The lives of your comrades matter too. Therefore, you will have to follow my instructions and move as a unit. Understood!?”

“Yes, sir!” The squad of young men stood at attention and shouted.

“What’s your name?” Yi Zheng turned around and looked at Lin Huang.

“Lin Huang.”

“Good. You said you want to see 200,000 people survive. Now I’m going to pass these 10 fellas to you. Your mission is simple. Keep them alive. Do you accept this mission?” Yi Zheng asked and smiled at Lin Huang.

The reason why he gave him this mission was to prevent him from going to battle.

He knew Lin Huang was smart, and with these 10 men, he will not do anything that would put them in harm’s way.

“Mission accepted, Sir,” Lin Huang replied.

Lin Huang nodded and agreed. He knew what Yi Zheng was up to, but he had a plan of his own.

If these young men were to be with the other hunters, they might have weighed them down too.

Professional hunters would never rely on a bunch of young men who were not even registered as Reserve Hunters.

Meanwhile, leading 10 iron-level rank-3 men to clear a level-1 foothold would not be a problem for Lin Huang.

The young men had witness what Lin Huang was capable of as two of them had suffered severe beatings by Tyrant before. The wounds on their faces were still recovering so they obeyed him without question.

Although Yi Zheng did not know that Lin Huang was an Imperial Censor, seeing that nobody objected him being their leader, Yi Zheng knew Lin Huang must either be powerful or a young man with an interesting background.

Just when they agreed on the proposed arrangement, Yi Yeyu brought 300 professional hunters back with her.

Most of them were Silver Hunters. There were 30 Copper Hunters and five Gold Hunters.

Most of them knew who Yi Zheng was. They all showed him a great deal of respect, even the other Gold Hunters too.

Yi Yeyu left right after she sent the hunters through while Yi Zheng started to make other strategies and arrangements.

All 300 hunters spread out quickly to their assigned post. The 20 Copper Hunters were sent to clear the canyon. The Silver Hunters were clearing the foothold on the alps while the Gold Hunters were responsible for cutting the giant rock at the bottom of the alps.

Yi Yeyu made four trips from the medium foothold and brought back 1,200 professional hunters in total. Almost a thousand of them were Silver Hunters, with 20 Gold Hunters while the rest were either Copper Hunters or hunters with terrifying powers or unique abilities.

Before the monster outbreak, Yi Zheng followed the plan suggested by Lin Huang and sent the 1,000 hunters out to clear the mountains and canyons.

In the meantime, the giant rocks there are cut by the Gold Hunters while the smaller boulders were moved by 10 thousand able-bodied adult residents of the foothold to block the mouth of the canyon.

Lin Huang and the rest were sent into the canyon to clear up the monsters. There were two or three of them in a team of Bronze Hunters but there were 11 of them altogether.

There were not many monsters in the canyon. With the involvement of the other professional hunters, the team led by Lin Huang did not even encounter a complete monster in the first hour.

“These professional hunters are so competitive. We have been searching for so long and have changed a couple of routes. All we could find were some monster body parts and trails of blood on the ground,” a tall and strong man in the team complained.

His name was Zhou Le. He was one of the guys who picked a fight with Lin Huang a few days back. The scars that he got from Tyrant were still fresh on his face.

“They’re efficient, and that’s a good thing. It would be perfect if we did not even have to fight during the monster outbreak. That would mean the foothold is completely safe,” Lin Huang replied after much thought.

“Lin Huang, do you really think we can save the foothold?” Zhou Le asked.

“If we manage to cordon off the canyon mouth, guarding it for two days shouldn’t be a problem. The only thing is…” Lin Huang trailed off with a frown on his face.

“What is that?” Zhou Le asked.

“The canyon mouth is too big. I’m worried that before they can barricade and protect it, the outbreak would happen before we’re ready,” Lin Huang voiced out his concern.

“Lin Huang, don’t you jinx it! I still want to leave in one piece and become a transcendent one day!” A short guy named Yu Guang said. He was also one of the guys who picked a fight with Lin Huang and he too had scars on his face to prove it.

“Don’t worry, as long as I am alive, I will bring you all out of here in one piece!” Lin Huang gave them his word.

“There were people here before us moving in this direction. The monsters ahead must already be dead. Let’s take another route,” Zhou Le said as he bent down and studied the tracks on the ground. He had investigative skills. Although his level was not that high, coming up with such detailed estimations was not a problem to him.

“Sure, which direction should we go?” Lin Huang asked as he trusted Zhou Le’s observations.

“Let’s head in a two o’clock direction from this point,” Zhou Le said to Lin Huang after some thought.”

“Damn it! Zhou Le, can we really trust you? We have been following your route for more than an hour, we haven’t even seen a single monster’s hair.” Yu Guang teased.

“Can you really blame me? We have more hunters than monsters now,” Zhou Le shouted back. He felt helpless that his skills did not bring them any action this whole time.

“You are no help, Lin Huang, please take the lead,” Yu Guang suggested.

“I’m not good at investigating. Let’s follow Zhou Le’s route. If any of you think that your investigative abilities are stronger than Zhou Le, please go ahead and lead the way,” Lin Huang turned and said to the group.

Lin Huang rejected Yu Guang’s suggestion as he knew himself very well.

Although he learned a lot about the basics of investigation, when it came to practical use, he was far from being able to compete with Zhou Le’s capabilities.

He thought there was no need for him to lead in something that he was not good at. If something went wrong, he would just embarrass himself.

Hearing what Lin Huang said, nobody dared step up. They then followed Zhou Le’s route in silence.

After walking for almost 20 minutes, Lin Huang and the gang finally saw a horde of monsters.

They then moved away and hid. It was a group of Ox Devils. There were more than 20 of them. The tallest one stood at a height of five meters and the shortest one was about three meters tall.

Compared to a human, they were considered giants.

However, they did not belong to the giant family but were part of the mutated monster family.

Being different from the giants, their body sizes did not reflect their abilities.

They were similar to humans as they walked on two feet, grabbed things with their hands, and used weapons to attack and protect themselves.

What differentiated them from the humans was that their ox-like heads as well as their hooves and tail.

The Ox Devils were much smarter than iron-level monsters. They even had their own religion and they could make their own totems to strengthen their abilities.

Lin Huang and the gang saw the five-meter tall totem that was guarded by an Ox Devil.

“There are 26 of them and a religious totem. If I’m not mistaken, that totem gives them 10% extra strength. How do we fight that?” Zhou Le asked softly.

“Go set some traps now. I’ll destroy the totem later to attract their attention, and they will definitely come rushing at me like the bulls they are. We will wait here for them to fall into our traps,” Lin Huang said. He then took out his GrayEagle17 and loaded them with armored bullets…

Chapter 45: Monster Outbreak!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After more than 10 traps were set, Lin Huang aimed his gun at the totem and opened fire.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Three shots were fired and the totem that was as thick as a pail crumbled as splinters and dust flew around. The five-meter tall totem broke through the middle, and the top half of it fell hard on the ground. Sand and dust rose in a thick cloud around it.

The group of Ox Devils was stunned at first, but soon they snapped out of it.

More than 20 of them roared with rage and ran towards the direction they had heard the gunshots come from.

Lin Huang holstered his gun and took out his iron sword that he had not yet had the chance to use in battles.

At the same time, he summoned Bai.

Lin Huang could gain Life Light if he got Bai to kill the monsters but he would not obtain the rewards for cross-rank killing.

On the other hand, if Lin Huang was to kill the monsters himself, he could not receive the Life Lights.

Both had benefits of their own, so Lin Huang chose to try to get the best of both worlds.

Soon, the charging Ox Devils fell into the traps that were set by Lin Huang and gang.

More than 10 Ox Devils who had their Life Power strengthened, had their hooves trapped tight. They could not move at all and howled at the trap’s teeth dug deeper into their limbs the more they struggled. The rest of the Ox Devils ran towards Lin Huang and gang with burning fury.

It was not their first time fighting with monsters. Seeing the Ox Devils advancing upon them, instead of panicking, each of them picked one to fight straight on.

Lin Huang picked one that was of a smaller size, not because he thought it was weak, but because he knew that his ability to jump was far less superior as compared to the rest who were iron-level rank-3. It would have been hard for him to attack the crucial parts of the taller Ox Devils.

Looking at the other Ox Devils, Lin Huang thought of a sentence that had been popular for a period of time. “Do you believe that I can jump and break your patella with my fist?” He shouted.

The sentence was applicable to many monsters in the world.

Lin Huang was only 15. His height was considered normal to people of the same age which was about 1.65 meters (don’t worry about his height, he would grow taller later) but he did not even reach the waist of the Ox Devil that stood across from him.

However, he was not afraid to face such an enemy. Instead, he was excited.

He held the iron sword in his hand, the black blade was shining brightly under the sun.

Lin Huang stood where he was and stared at the Ox Devil that broke into a run towards him.

The gigantic Ox Devil stomped hard with its iron hooves and the ground beneath it shook violently.

Its eyes were bloodshot red. It only took a second for it to come within meters of Lin Huang. It swung the huge stone hammer in its hand at him, and there was intense whistling sound from the power of the swing.

In Lin Huang’s eyes, the Ox Devil’s movement seemed much slower than his. He took one sidestep away from the Ox Devil and the beast’s attack missed him by millimeters.

He then swung his iron sword, and blood splashed on the ground.

The Ox Devil groaned while it held the left side of its waist. It stared at Lin Huang in hatred.

Lin Huang’s sword made a one meter long cut on the Ox Devil’s waist, it had almost sliced through its organs.

“The Great Sword Scriptures are so powerful. With my strength and a normal battle sword, it injured this Ox Devil so badly…” Lin Huang thought, impressed with himself. He thought it would have been good enough if he could just break the Ox Devil’s defense, but he did not expect the slash would have such an impact.

Since the epiphany, Lin Huang’s Great Sword Scriptures had reached a Blue Epic-level and from the original 18 styles, he now had 36 styles.

The 36 styles did not have a name to each. After it was integrated into his body, it felt like an instinct that he was born with. The skills were carved deep in his mind.

Furthermore, his regular styles could be adjusted just by his thoughts.

Lin Huang felt a unique feeling within himself. Previously when he was in training, he could feel that after he had mastered the skills, a transformation would occur in his swordplay.

Now that he was finally using his sword in battle, he was sure that he could reach a new level of experience with his swordplay.

The Ox Devil that was injured by Lin Huang’s sword slash stared at him in anger. With the look, Lin Huang felt a very real fear build up within him.

While he hesitated, deciding if he should run away or to continue to attack, he noticed that the Ox Devil was not paying attention to him.

He took the opportunity and attacked the beast.

It swung its two-meter-long stone hammer again and it pierced through the sound barrier. If he was hit, Lin Huang would have died on the spot.

Hearing the whistle from the stone hammer, Lin Huang ducked down, dashed towards the Ox Devil and slashed his sword down on the monster, from the top to bottom.

The Ox Devil let out a loud groan again. Its arm was chopped clean off its shoulder, spouting blood all over the place.

Lin Huang did not stop attacking the animal. He then stepped on the Ox Devil’s knee, leaped up and swung his sword.

The Ox Devil held its throat in one hand and did not make any noise.

A thick vein of its neck started shooting blood up in the air with a hissing noise.

Its bloody eyes stared deadly at Lin Huang. It seemed to not reconcile to the fact that it was at Death’s door.

Soon enough, it fell dead on the ground.

“Congratulations, you have obtained an Ox Devil Monster Card piece x1”

“You have completed a cross-ranking kill. You have obtained a Provisional Transformation Card”

“What’s a Provisional Transformation Card?” Seeing the word ‘transformation’ reminded Lin Huang of a web novel that he had read on a novel website called Qidian. It was a story about a man that transformed into a woman. He felt goosebumps rising on his neck and arms when he thought about that. He then looked at the new card that he got.

There was a human and a monster on the top of the card. There was an arrow pointing from the human to the monster.

Lin Huang then turned the card around to read the description.

“Transformation Card: After using this card, the host can transform into any of the monsters that he owns and he will possess all the skills that the monster had. The transformation will last for 24 hours.

“Remarks: This card is a consumable. You can only use this card once.”

After reading the description, Lin Huang was relieved. He was excited to see the effects of the card.

He thought transforming himself into a monster would be an interesting experience. He was ready to use it when he had the time and opportunity.

Suddenly, with Lin Huang deep in his zone, he felt a warm liquid splash on his face.

When he got out of his zone, it was Bai who stood in front of him.

His Blood Power wings turned into a sharp blade and pierced through an Ox Devils mouth right to the back of its head.

The Ox Devil’s head was right above his own head, its brain juices and blood showered down on Lin Huang’s head.

“Such a thing shouldn’t have happened on a battlefield. That was incredibly absent-minded. If not for Bai, I would have been smashed by the Ox Devil into a pile of dead flesh,” Lin Huang reflected.

Soon, all the 26 Ox Devils were dead.

Bai had killed most of them, and he had killed six of them.

Just then, Lin Huang noticed that he had 17 white columns added to his Life Wheel.

Before they started their journey again then cleaned off all the Ox Devil blood they were drenched in. The battle had energized everyone, and they could not wait to kill more monsters!

However, when they just started their journey, Lin Huang’s Emperor’s Heart Ring vibrated. The same happened to the rest of them.

Lin Huang saw a message that was sent by Yi Yeyu when he opened the communication page.

It was just a simple sentence, “The monster outbreak is happening, go to the canyon mouth right now!”

Chapter 46: The Fourth Line of Defense

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After he turned off his communication page, Lin Huang turned pale with fear. What he predicted would happen had finally happened…

He then led the young men towards the canyon mouth. On the way, everyone was quiet and held their heads as they walked.

They arrived at the canyon mouth about half an hour later.

Lin Huang could see from afar that the 10-kilometer long canyon mouth was blocked off by giant stones but there was still two to three kilometers left unprotected. His heart dropped when he saw that the gap was much bigger than he expected.

What he estimated was that they could block the gap until it was only a few hundred meters wide. He plan was to minimize the possibility of the monsters coming in, as well as funnel them to a single point of which they would focus their attacks to slaughter the monsters.

However, they did not have enough time. Before they could finish their line of defense, the outbreak of monsters had happened.

The gap that was three kilometers long was attacked by countless ferocious monsters.

The residents who were moving the giant rocks retreated under the cover of the hunters.

The war has started. Residents would be targeted by the monsters if they stayed.

Aside from the hunters that were brought by Yi Yeyu, all the hunters who did not leave the foothold joined in the battle.

However, the number of hunters were far too few as compared to the number of monsters.

The 1,000 or so hunters would die of exhaustion if they continued. Under Yi Zheng’s orders, they formed several defensive formations.

The first line would consist of the 20 Gold Hunters. They were dressed in armor which were at least gold-level and some even used relics.

As long as their Life Power was not drained, iron-level and bronze-level monsters would not stand a chance against them.

The 20 of them stood around 100 meters apart from each other.

They were positioned at the location which was supposed to be blocked by the giant rocks and killed every monster that came at them.

Many of the monsters were bewildered while some of them were alert to the danger of the experienced hunters.

Sensing the powerful group of people, the monsters rushed to make it through the gaps between the hunters.

The 20 Gold Hunters could not care less as all they could do was to kill as many monsters as they could while leaving the rest that went through the gaps to the Silver Hunters who were not far behind them.

There were 1000 Silver Hunters stood less than 10 meters behind the Gold Hunters.

They formed an arc, which put them at about three meters apart from each other.

They wore armor too and killed the monsters that passed through the first line of defense mercilessly.

The remaining Copper Hunters were ready as the last line of defense at around 100 meters behind the Silver Hunters.

There were only 100 of them and they were 30 meters apart from each other.

Fortunately, there were fewer monsters that broke through the third line of defense so they were not under a lot of pressure as compared to the others. The few monsters that broke in to face their lines were either already injured or weak, and they made easy work of killing them.

Behind the Copper Hunters was the fourth line of defense that was guarded by more than 20 old men.

They used to be hunters but due to injuries and other reasons which had caused their abilities to weaken, they had been living in solitude in this small foothold.

Each of them held heavy firearms. Although they could not use their Life Power anymore, they still had their gun skills.

Yi Yeyu saw Lin Huang and the gang walking towards her from the top of the giant rock in the distance.

She did not say a word but pointed at the Emperor’s Heart Ring on her finger and Lin Huang knew what she meant.

Under such condition, the noise of monsters roaring and killing filled the area so Yi Yeyu used her Emperor’s Heart Ring to send him text messages.

Soon, Lin Huang’s Emperor’s Heart Ring vibrated. He opened the communication page and saw a message from Yi Yeyu which said, “There is no more space in the third line of defense, you guys will have to go to the last line. Those old-timers have guns in their hands but they might not be able to fight the monsters. Be alert.”

“Copy that,” Lin Huang replied to Yi Yeyu and turned around to pass the message to the rest of his troop.

The group of young men was unhappy.

“Clearly she despises us. She’s worried that we will slow them down so she puts us at the back,” Zhou Le grumbled. He was pissed.

“That’s right. When we arrived, the rest had already started fighting. It’s obvious that they took their time inform us on purpose, they don’t trust us at all! If I knew this all along, why would I stay? I should’ve left with Bai Yan and the rest!” Yu Guang said in anger.

“We shouldn’t be saying all this right now. All of you promised Yi Zheng that you would listen to his instructions,” Lin Huang shouted at all of them.

“The head examiner must be putting our safety into consideration, that’s why she came up with the arrangement. Or perhaps she’s concerned that we are not able to take the pressure. After all, we are not professional hunters. We are not even comparable to a Bronze Hunter!” he continued.

“Think about it. If she does not trust us, would she have left the last line of defense to us?

The last line might seem far away from the action, but it’s the most important one of them all. If it is broken, the lives of the 200,000 residents will be at risk. If the first three lines of defense cannot handle the monsters, they could always leave it to the hunters behind them but not us. So our responsibility is the most crucial!”

Hearing what Lin Huang said, the young men thought it made sense and they were ready to fight yet again.

However, Lin Huang was laughing on the inside. “These dummies are so easily manipulated,” he thought.

He knew what Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng were thinking.

They did not care if there was a fourth line of defense at all. What they really wanted was all the monsters dead by the time they reached the third line of defense.

Lin Huang and the gang were just there for show.

For such a major battle like this crowd of monsters, it was better to have fewer humans in the picture.

Therefore, there would have to be accurate rotations for each line. If one went wrong, the entire defense system would collapse.

Although, Yi Yeyu obviously would not put Lin Huang and the rest of his team into the lines.

If something went wrong, they would put everybody’s lives at risk.

Lin Huang knew very well what the problem was on his team.

His team’s ability was unstable. Their discipline was weak and conformity was much worse as compared to the professional hunters.

Their mentality and ability to handle pressure were uncertain too.

Even if Lin Huang was to lead the battle, he would not have put his team in a major role against an enemy like the monsters that were attacking.

So he was at peace with the arrangement.

To him, it was best that the third line of defense handle all the monster attacks so that he did not have to do anything within the next two days.

Then when the human transcendent arrived, he would kill the transcendent monster and the incident would be over.

Lin Huang was optimistic but things did not go the way he had hoped.

In less than an hour, as Lin Huang and the gang stood a few hundred meters from the north of the third defense line, an uproar broke out.

A couple of monsters broke through the third defense line and stampeded towards the foothold…

Chapter 47: Bloody Scarred Hyena

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was a gap broken in the third line of defense. It was out of everyone’s expectation, after all, the monster outbreak had just started for an hour.

Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng who were standing on top of the giant rock was shocked to see the monsters broke through the defense line.

Just when they wanted to fight, they saw Lin Huang who was a few hundred meters away summoning Tyrant to chase after the monsters.

The gang behind him saw and chased after the monsters too.

The monsters that broke through were five Demonic Hyenas, they belonged to the disease-class.

Although they were also called hyenas, they were far different from the hyenas on earth.

Their fur was grayish-black and they were three meters long. Their limbs were long and their bodies were light.

There were two deformed horns on their heads, there were a ferocious, white, sharp bones on their back, extended from their neck to their thigh.

The rest of their bodies were filled with red pustules. Some were bulging and some were popped and rankled. Their bodies were exuding a disgusting stench.

Lin Huang knew this monster very well as he had read about them before.

As there were not many monsters that were categorized in the disease-class, these Demonic Hyenas were the most common one.

According to the record, they carried more than 300 viruses on their bodies and more than 10 of those viruses were life-threatening to humans.

If proper treatment was not administered in time, it would cause serious infections and even death.

If one was bitten or scratched by them, the consequences would be very serious.

Lin Huang sat on Tyrant’s shoulders and took out his GrayEagle17, aiming at the Demonic Hyenas that ran past.

“Bang, bang, bang…” Shots were fired.

The Demonic Hyenas were caught off guard. They were hit and howled in agony.

A few of them were bewildered and became furious when they saw they injured companion. The pack then changed their course and set their sights on killing Lin Huang. They started running at him with murderous intent.

The armored bullets did not hit the Demonic Hyenas’ weak spots and the damage done was minimal. However, the same couldn’t be said for the pain it had caused.

The gunshots did not scare them away, instead, the shots triggered their vicious rage.

Looking at the Demonic Hyenas running at him, Lin Huang was not surprised. He was actually getting excited.

He slid off Tyrant’s shoulders, recalled the beast and summoned Bai.

In terms of combat strength, Tyrant and Bai were almost the same, but in terms of killing, Bai was one level stronger than Tyrant.

He possessed level-2 Blood Power which gave him a pair of sharp blades so the area of attack he had was bigger than what Tyrant had.

A few hundred meters was a short distance, and the five Demonic Hyenas were closing in on Lin Huang.

He just noticed half of the pustules on one of them were torn away and had turned into stripes of scary bloody scars.

Bai stood in front of Lin Huang with his red eyes, the pair of Blood Power wings were out and at full span, blocking the path of the five Demonic Hyenas.

Lin Huang slowly holstered his GrayEagle17 and took out his iron sword.

He locked his eyes on a mutated Demonic Hyena and said to Bai, “Bai, save the one on the left for me.”

Bai had got his orders and was ready to execute. He bent his left wing and stabbed it at the closest mutated monster that rushed at him.

The Demonic Hyena that was filled with bloody scars stared at Lin Huang with its grayish-white eyes. It then lunged at him and opened its mouth that was filled with sticky drool in an attempt to bite Lin Huang’s head.

However, Lin Huang just stood there with his sword in hand, poised and ready. He then swung his sword, and black blood was splashed to the side as he nearly split the attacking beast in half.

The bloody hyena let out a loud groan and fell to the floor. Its abdomen that was now exposed to Lin Huang had a one-meter long cut running through. Its intestines could be seen, spilling out on the ground.

“Such amazing skill!” Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng exclaimed in unison as they watched from afar on the giant rock they stood on.

Especially Yi Yeyu. Her eyes sparkled with admiration. She thought since Lin Huang was an Imperial Censor, he might be able to use a gun but she had never seen him using his sword.

She was stunned when she saw Lin Huang swing his sword for the very first time.

“This Great Sword Scripture skill is amazing! If I had the same strength as that monster, I might have killed it in one slash,” Lin Huang thought, surprised at the extent of damage he had inflicted.

As its bewilderment faded, the bloody hyena was woken up by Lin Huang’s attack.

Now that it noticed the human upon it was dangerous, it was going to turn around to run away in the other direction.

In its panicked state, it did not notice that it was heading to the foothold where the humans were.

Seeing its attempt to run, Lin Huang took a few steps towards it with his sword in hand. He ran at it with bloodlust in his eye. The bloody hyena saw him attacking and when it tried to duck, Lin Huang launched himself at it and stabbed his sword into its neck.

The iron sword pierced through the bloody hyena’s neck like he was slicing tofu.

The sword went all the way into its body until only the handle was showing.

It was not that the sword was sharp, but because the Great Sword Scripture was terrifyingly powerful.

But it was not the end. Lin Huang held the sword firmly and pierced it further into the dying beast.

The sword was completely buried in the hyena’s throat. The cut was one meter long and almost 80 centimeters deep. A big part of its throat was cut open, and its head was crooked to a side.

Black blood flowed out of its wound like a waterfall on the ground. The ferocious bloody hyena was dead.

A notification came from Xiao Hei.

“Congratulations, you have obtained a Bloody Scarred Hyena Monster Card piece x1”

“You have completed a cross-ranking kill. You have obtained a random Skill Card (Rare) x1”

This time Lin Huang did not even look at the cards that he had obtained as he had just killed the bloody hyena. Just then, Zhou Le and the rest caught up to him.

Bai had killed two Demonic Hyenas on his own, while the remaining two were chased away by the group of young men.

Soon, the remaining two were killed.

Lin Huang brought the young men to the gap that broke earlier and ran at it, his sword held tight in his hands.

A Copper Hunter’s face was pale and he looked like he was about to give up. He was fighting so many monsters alone.

Lin Huang and the rest went to help and killed the monsters. They then asked the cause of the breakthrough of the line of defense.

They found out that when this Copper Hunter was fighting with the hyenas, one of them had mutated out of nowhere. With the massive gain of speed, the mutated bloody hyena bit the hunter’s left hand while the other hyenas ran onwards.

“You should treat your wound right away. If you don’t treat the virus immediately, there will be consequences,” Lin Huang advised him after hearing what happened.

“But what about the battle…” The Copper Hunter said, torn between fighting on or saving himself from an infection. If he retreated, there would be another gap in the line of defense, in his place.

“We will fill the gap for you,” Lin Huang assured him, in all seriousness.

“It would be okay if the monsters were smaller. There are many of them, can you guys handle it?” The hunter asked. He was worried about the group of boys before him.

“Sir, please do not underestimate us, especially this fella. He killed that bloody hyena on his own just now with only two slashes,” Zhou Le said proudly. He had stood aside earlier as he was afraid that the hunter would not let them pass. He knew that if he told the hunter what Lin Huang had done earlier, he would not think so little of them.

Yi Yeyu’s then spoke to them, “Lu Yang, please go back to the foothold to treat yourself. Please let Lin Huang and the gang handle this.”

Lu Yang, the Copper Hunter handed over his responsibilities to them with regret in his eyes.

He then left with Zhou Le.

Chapter 48: New Skill

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhou Le and the rest were excited to replace Lu Yang to be part of the third line of defense. But soon, their excitement was replaced with a sense of pressure for the task ahead.

Lin Huang knew very well that it was real this time, and that he was part of this war.

He felt like a puzzle piece in a game of kill or be killed.

This battle was a complete jigsaw puzzle, and the whole troop made up the pieces. If any part of the puzzle was missing, the puzzle would not be complete and they would be defeated.

Lin Huang did not care if the rest were flawed as it was not a factor within his control.

However, knowing that he had been placed in this position with the trust of Yi Yeyu and Yi Zhang, he had to guarantee that he did not cause any mistakes of his own.

Before the next monster wave attacked, Lin Huang rallied his troops and repeated to each of them how important it was to obey his orders in battle.

Zhou Le and the rest nodded immediately. They knew how serious it was and did not hesitate for a moment.

After telling them, Lin Huang looked at the Rare Skill Card that he obtained for the cross-ranking kill earlier.

It was a green card with a big question mark on the front, there was nothing else besides the question mark.

There was a description on the back of the card that he studied.

“Random Skill Card (Rare): You will receive one random Rare Skill Card.”

“Remarks: This card is a consumable card, you can only use it once.”

“Perfect timing for me to gain another skill, what kind of skill would I get this time…”

Lin Huang thought. He only had three skills so far. One was his sword skill ‘Great Sword Scriptures’, another was ‘Robust’ that he obtained from Tyrant and the third was ‘Blood Power’ that he got from Bai.

In reality, ‘Robust’ was a passive skill while Lin Huang could not even summon ‘Blood Power’ yet. The only skill that he could use was the ‘Great Sword Scriptures’.

Fortunately, the skill was useful which allowed him to unleash an immense amount of strength if he ever needed to.

Now that he had an opportunity to get an additional skill, Lin Huang was overjoyed. Although he did not know what kind of skill he would get, Lin Huang communicated with Xiao Hei with hesitation in his mind and said, “Xiao Hei, I want to use this random Skill Card.”

“Are you sure that you want to use this random Skill Card (Rare)?” Xiao Hei asked.

“Confirmed!” he replied.

Many different images flashed on the front of the card replacing the question mark.

The images changed so fast that it made Lin Huang dizzy for a moment looking at them.

About 10 seconds later, the images stopped flashing and the card started shining in a bright white.

Soon the white light faded, and a new card appeared.

“Congratulations, you have received a Body Movement Skill – Spectral Snowsteps.”

Lin Huang was excited to hear that he received a Body Movement Skill.

He was planning to pick a better Body Movement Skill to train himself if he made it out of the war alive. His mind was set on training to be even better at using his sword.

He did not expect that he would randomly have picked the card.

He took a good look at the new Skill Card immediately.

The top of the card was a pair of feet stepping on snow, however, there was no trail of the feet on the snow.

Lin Huang then turned the card around and read the detailed description.

“Skill Card”

“Skill Name: Spectral Snowsteps”

“Rarity: Rare”

“Skill Category: Body Movement”

“Skill Level: Gold-rank”

“Status: Available”

“Remarks: This is a unique body movement skill. There is no rank limitation, it’s effect changes with the host’s ability.”

Card Remarks: Mediocre”

“That is a good skill!” Lin Huang was over the moon after he read the description. There was no level limitation to utilize this card, he was concerned that it could only be summoned with Life Power.

He then looked at his Exclusive Card, and as expected, there was an additional skill.

“Host: Lin Huang”

“Gender: Male”

“Age: 15”

“Combat strength: None (Exceeded assessment limit)”

“Skill 1: Blood Power (Level-2)”

“Skill 2: Great Sword Scriptures (Sword Skill)”

“Skill 3: Robust (Beginner)”

“Skill 4: Spectral Snowsteps (Body Movement)”

“Summon authority: Activated”

“Available number of summons: 1”

“Remark: You still suck…”

He glared at the last remark given by Xiao Hei and ignored the remark once again.

He was happy that he gained a Body Movement skill, and he then put his attention to the battle.

As everyone was focused on the battle, nobody noticed what he was doing.

Soon, the monsters broke through the second line of defense and ran towards the third line ferociously.

It was a group of Ox Devils, but there were not many of them.

Lin Huang and his troop did not have to put much effort into killing them all.

Almost four hours into the morning, the third line of defense where Lin Huang and his troop were guarding had encountered 11 attacks. However, they managed to kill the monsters easily.

Until the afternoon, which was six hours later, the third line was attacked 22 times.

Lin Huang could feel that the intensity of the attacks rising.

Not only Lin Huang, but Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng noticed it as well.

They started to worry as it was not a good sign.

When the sky turned dark, the monster became even more furious.

They did not know if it was caused by the sun setting or the Transcendent monster was hypnotizing them to attack with a greater vengeance.

From six o’clock in the evening to midnight, the pressure rose for Lin Huang and the gang within the six hours as they had encountered 46 attacks. They were attacked almost every seven minutes.

Although they were stressed, none of them complained as they knew that the Gold and Silver Hunters in front of them had it even harder than they did.

Yi Yeyu had been directing her attention at Lin Huang’s location.

She was worried that they could not take the assault. However, Lin Huang and the gang proved themselves again and again with each attack wave that came their way.

They showed the other hunters that their small team was no weaker than any Copper Hunter when they banded together.

A couple of Copper Hunters who had doubted their abilities in the beginning were worried that this group of young men would slow them down but soon, they were impressed by this bunch of young men that stood with them defending the region.

Under Lin Huang’s leadership and instruction, the young men were very cooperative.

Although they panicked occasionally, the situation was handled by Lin Huang and Bai.

Lin Huang’s performance had gotten the attention of many hunters in the area. Although he was not even iron-level, he had shown his strength and abilities that surpassed any iron-level hunter. Even some of the iron-level rank-3 monsters were killed in no more than five slashes of his sword.

Bai’s performance was impressive too. Apart from some of the monsters that had extraordinarily strong defensive abilities, he basically killed the monsters in single attacks.

Because of the both of them, the 12 men team managed to stand strong.

Soon, it was the wee hours of the morning. Although it was so late in the night, it was not as silent as usual. The ruckus and roars of the men and monsters could be heard from all around.

It could have been the noisiest day Lin Huang ever experienced ever since he knew.

Noises of angry monsters and humans shouting were deafening, and gunshots could be heard from the heart of the battlefield.

When it got late, the monsters got even more bloodthirsty!

The third line of defense was broken a couple of times as the monsters got stronger.

Fortunately, Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng managed to arrive on time and handle the situation.

However, the people were getting worried. From the outlook of the situation, it was certain that the third line of defense would collapse. It was just a matter of time…

Chapter 49: A Piece of Bad News

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Most of them started to get tired of the intense attacks they were being pummeled with.

At four o’clock, right before dawn, the duration of attack was then almost 20 hours.

Lin Huang felt drained from all the fighting.

If not for his passive skill ‘Robust’ that was supporting him, he would not even have the strength to lift his sword.

The young men’s condition was slightly better than Lin Huang but they were not in any form to continue holding the line.

Lin Huang did not know how many monsters he and Bai killed.

The Life Wheel in his body had been filled with Life Light and it was almost overflowing. There were 357 columns that were filled with white light, and there were only three gray columns left in his Life Wheel.

“Xiao Hei, cut off the Life Light transfer between me and Bai now!” Lin Huang instructed Xiao Hei immediately when he noticed what was happening to his Life Wheel.

“You have requested to cut off the transfer of Life Light with Bai. Disconnection is complete!”

Xiao Hei fulfilled Lin Huang’s request immediately.

The disconnection was to allow the Life Light to be transferred to Bai as the Life Light in Lin Huang’s Life Wheel was almost full.

Once the 360 columns were full, Lin Huang could get a Life Light Baptism if he was to kill an Iron-level monster and he would be upgraded to iron-level.

However, the upgrade to Iron-level would come together with a Life Seed.

The Life Seed was used to strengthen talents that one was born with or had the potential to wield so it was crucial to choose wisely.

Life Seeds were categorized into five which were the Elemental System, Strengthening System, Psychic System, Special System and Compound System.

Lin Huang knew which Life Seed he wanted since the beginning. He wanted the Sword Strengthening System, which could only be obtained by killing monsters with his sword.

However, no monster that fit the criteria existed in the monster horde so Lin Huang chose not to upgrade to iron-level at the moment.

It was six in the morning. The sun rose from the horizon shedding light on the battlefield.

Lin Huang just chopped off a monster’s head, panting as he did. He looked up to the direction of sunrise.

“The sun is finally out…” he thought.

The past two hours was hell as every minute and every second was a torment to them.

He chose not to upgrade to iron-level. Although he had his passive skill ‘Robust’ to support him, his strength was not comparable to the young men of iron-level rank-3.

Every swing of the sword was getting harder for him.

“Lin Huang, are you okay?” Zhou Le and the rest noticed that Lin Huang was slowing down.

“Shouldn’t be a problem over a short period of time. But if the situation persists, I think I won’t be able to take this anymore,” Lin Huang honestly voiced out his concern. He estimated that he could stand for a maximum of two hours.

“Why not you take a rest. We can handle it,” Zhou Le suggested although he knew that without Lin Huang, the task would be much more difficult.

“It’s no use even if I rest, the most I could take would be a couple more hours. Furthermore, it’s not only me, everyone is exhausted. The line will collapse if we give in, it’s just the matter of time,” Lin Huang shook his head while looking at the gap at the canyon mouth. “We need to solve the root of the problem!” he concluded.

“What is the root of the problem?” Zhou Le asked immediately.

“The breakthrough of the defensive line is caused by the amount of monsters which is far too many. Our people are limited, our strength is depleted too. The solution is easy to say, but very hard to do. We have to minimize the size of the entrance and funnel down the monsters. We have to make the gap at the canyon mouth smaller,” Lin Huang said.

“However, looking at the situation now, we can’t move the giant rocks to the canyon mouth. Each giant rock is the size of a small mountain, none of our storage spaces are big enough to contain it. All we can do is rely on the residents in the foothold. Even with tools, we would need a few hundred people to move the giant rocks to the canyon mouth. Now that the battle is this intense, the residents can’t be moving the giant rocks as they would be the targeted by the monsters once they enter the battlefield,” he said. Although Lin Huang found the root of the problem, he could not think of a suitable solution.

“It’s not necessary that we use giant rocks to block the canyon mouth, am I right? Why not we just pile up the dead bodies to block the canyon mouth? Since most of the monsters have strong solid bodies, the corpses would work great. If not, we can pile even more together to further strengthen the wall,” Zhou Le said casually.

Hearing what Zhou Le said, Lin Huang was stunned and let out a laugh, “I didn’t think of that. It’s brilliant!”

Lin Huang then proposed the idea to Yi Yeyu.

Yi Yeyu checked the message that was sent by Lin Huang. She was stunned at first, but soon she showed her excitement and forwarded the message to Yi Zheng.

Yi Zheng was happy too. He then spread the proposal to some of the Gold Hunters and they started to collect dead bodies.

Soon, the dead bodies were piled up into a small hill which became a line of defense by itself. Yi Zheng spilled oil on the dead bodies to avoid the monsters from climbing over them.

With the piling corpses, the canyon mouth became smaller and smaller.

When it was near noon, the canyon mouth was only about 300 meters wide, which was what Lin Huang had hoped for at the beginning of the attack.

The people’s fear was finally reduced.

The monsters which attacked Lin Huang’s third line decreased from every few minutes to every half an hour.

Even the second line of defense was much relaxed now.

Yi Zheng stood on top of the giant rock and gave Lin Huang a thumbs up.

Lin Huang then pointed at Zhou Le who was next to him and sent a message to Yi Yeyu to explain that it was Zhou Le’s idea.

The next afternoon, everyone was more relaxed. They even had time to eat and rest.

Seeing that the sun setting behind the mountains, Yi Yeyu prayed that nothing would go wrong that night and that the human transcendent would arrive on time to kill the transcendent monster to end this once and for all.

It was six in the evening, and the sky was getting dark. The monstrous roars were getting more intense.

Yi Zheng stood on top of the giant rock and looked into the distance.

He saw a pack of what looked like 100,000 monsters approaching the foothold. He was about to say something when his Emperor’s Heart Ring vibrated.

Lin Huang and the rest’s ring vibrated at the same time.

Since he had a moment to respond, Lin Huang opened his Emperor’s Heart Ring.

A news alert popped up on the page.

“Since eight in the morning yesterday, a monster outbreak happened on the east side of Division7. The density and coverage of the attack this time was at the small footholds No.7D120, No.7D122 and No.7D123. A wide area was destroyed by the beasts. There were no survivors. The death toll has reached 670,000 people. The same has happened to the small foothold No.7D121, but the condition there is unclear. There are transcendent humans making their way there. We will give you a full update when we receive more details….”

Seeing the news, most of them who were relaxed became tense.

“That’s not good…”

Lin Huang frowned. The footholds nearby had been destroyed by monsters. The only one standing was Snowy Mountain Town. The transcendent monster must be targeting Snowy Mountain Town next. Since it was hurt by the human transcendent around that area, it would not stop until it has killed all the people around the foothold!”

Chapter 50: Monsters Coming at Full Force

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Yeyu, Yi Zheng and the rest had gloomy looks on their faces.

After a relaxed afternoon, they did not expect to receive bad news like that.

Now that the massacre of people in the three footholds had happened, that meant Snowy Mountain Town would be attacked by all the monsters that attacked the three footholds. The amount of monsters would be four times more than the original number!

The other hunters knew that too, the atmosphere on the battlefield turned ice cold.

“Lin Huang, do you have any plans?” Zhou Le said in a weak voice and took a deep breath to calm himself down while anticipating what Lin Huang would suggest.

Lin Huang shook his head. “There’s nothing else we can do but fight. Let’s just pray that the human transcendent arrives soon.”

Soon it was night time again. Although everyone was less enthusiastic from the bad news, the battle had to go on.

None of the 1000 hunters were slacking. They were defending their own line of defense.

When it was nine at night, Yi Zheng heard a subtle sound coming from afar.

It was approaching the canyon at the speed of light.

He looked far in the distance, but his vision was clear even at night.

He saw a massive group of monsters coming.

He could not see clearly what kind of monsters they were due to the dust that surrounded them, but he could feel the ground shake beneath his feet.

Many hunters felt the tremors too.

Lin Huang knew monsters that could cause this must be really big and there were many of them.

Without confirming what kind of monsters they were, Yi Zheng shouted to the people from his perch on top of the giant rock.

At such a time, he should have been more enthusiastic to motivate the people or else the defense lines would be easily broken if the low moral persisted.

“Everybody, the monsters from the few areas are here. I believe everyone can feel the ground trembling and you should know very well that there will be more monsters coming our way. This is the last foothold in the area. The transcendent monster will not give up until it destroys this foothold too. The only choice we have right now is to fight! Besides that, there’s no other solution.”

“It’s 9:23 p.m. right now. The Hunter Association said the transcendent human will be here within 48 hours. There are another nine hours to that 48-hour mark. This means, we have to fight for another nine hours and we will be saved.”

“I believe everyone has heard about the transcendent human the association has sent. He is Yu Chanli, he was no.4 on the Division7 Gold Hunter Leaderboard. He’s a strong Imperial Censor as well. Now that the transcendent monster is badly injured, as soon as Yu Chanli is here, it will definitely be killed, without a doubt. With that, the monster horde will retreat immediately,” he assured them.

“Now that the other footholds have been destroyed, that’s over now. We need to put this behind us. Let’s do this together! From now onwards, we only have one goal which is to guard this place for nine hours! We fight for this one and only goal! Because as long as we fulfill this goal, all of us here and the 200,000 residents in Snowy Mountain Town will survive!”

What Yi Zheng said was extremely effective. It was unclear if it was Yu Chanli’s name which they had heard before or the fact that they only had nine hours left to fight, all of them were energized.

Even Lin Huang repeated to himself, “This is the last nine hours, we must hold on!”

After the motivational speech, Yi Zheng turned around and looked at the monsters in the distance.

They were Giant Armored Elephants. Although they belonged to a species of mutated monsters, they were like no other, mainly because they were huge!

All of them were at least 10 meters tall. They were considered giants among all monsters. Even Tyrant who was iron-level rank-3 was considered petite when it stood among these monsters.

From its trunk, the Giant Armored Elephant had metal armor all the way to its hip.

The same metal was fitted on its head too. Its entire head was covered in metal armor, and only its eyes and flapping ears were showing.

The metal parts were not fixed, they were born with it.

Such monster had bones made partially of metal. This gave them a terrifying defense that no other monster possessed.

Yi Zheng frowned while he looked at this group of Giant Armored Elephants.

Their existence presented a very real danger to the lines of defense as their body weight and impact could easily destroy the giant rock wall.

Once the wall was destroyed, the rest of the monsters would rush in.

“Yeyu, you stay here, I’ll handle the damn elephants!” Yi Zheng told Yi Yeyu while holding a fine sword in his hand.

His white robe fluttered in the wind. He then hopped towards the giant rocks below.

He stepped on the monsters’ backs and heads and ran towards the Giant Armored Elephants.

Looking on as her brother left, Yi Yeyu was not concerned for Yi Zheng’s safety. With his ability, as long as the transcendent monster did not show, he was invincible.

Although the Giant Armored Elephants were big, most of them were only iron-level or bronze-level. Only some of them were silver-level. They could not threaten Yi Zheng at all.

Soon, Yi Zheng was among the Giant Armored Elephants. Every swing he took with his fine sword, a gold flash could be seen. He pierced through a Giant Armored Elephant’s head.

Not long later, he managed to kill a few hundred Giant Armored Elephants.

Yi Zheng returned right after he killed all the Giant Armored Elephants. He did not delay his actions as he knew that the Giant Armored Elephants were just the first horde of monsters who came. There would be more coming their way.

He came back to the giant rock and stood on top with his hands folded like nothing had happened.

Yi Yeyu who was standing across him gave him a thumbs up. He looked the other way. He wanted to look cool but could not help but smile at his sister.

Soon, there was a new horde of monsters along the horizon. However, Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng remained where they stood as those monsters did not possess the ability to break through the wall.

The both of them allowed them to forward so they would be behind other monsters that were closing in. Then, there were more monsters coming from far away. The monsters were filling up the grassland outside of the canyon.

Just when Yi Zheng was ready to kill all the monsters beneath the giant rock, he heard a rustling sound behind him.

He turned around and saw black dots on the top of the mountains behind the Snowy Mountain Town. The black dots stood out even more against the white mountains as they dashed downwards.

As she noticed where Yi Zheng was looking, Yi Yeyu looked at the mountains behind her as well.

She screamed. “Aren’t those Sand Spiders? I hate spiders!” she squealed.

Yi Zheng’s lips were twitching when he heard what Yi Yeyu said. “Now, pull yourself together, this is not about you hating spiders. The spiders are so far away from us. How do we attack them?”

Chapter 51: The Poor Sand Spiders

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sand Spiders were a species of bugs that lived in the desert.

Mature Sand Spiders had six pairs of legs; they were thick and long. Four pairs of them were more than three meters long to help them move while two pairs of forelegs were as sharp as blades. They were meant for hunting.

They had a carapace of hollow spikes on their rear section and there was an opening in the midsection for laying eggs.

During their spawning season, they would lure their prey into a cave before injecting all their eggs into the prey’s body. They would then wrap the prey in a spider web.

After the eggs hatch inside the prey’s body, the baby spiders would consume the organs of the living prey and rupture the prey’s abdomen to join their family.

In reality, these spiders possessed a unique characteristic in that all of them were hermaphrodites [1]. Oftentimes, two Sand Spiders would spar and the winner would then impregnate the loser.

Occasionally, two or more Sand Spiders would get embroiled in the fight and sometimes, the situation would develop in a much more complicated manner where all of the spiders involved in the fight might end up pregnant. The most bizarre thing about this was that the baby spiders would then be unable to identify their father…

The Sand Spiders that filled the top of the snowy mountains were crawling towards the bottom. They were fast, and by estimation, they would reach the bottom of the Snowy Mountains in an hour, more than 30 kilometers from the mouth of the canyon where Lin Huang and the rest were located.

With Lin Huang’s ability to see, he could only spot black dots on top of the Snowy Mountains and he could not tell what they were.

Thankfully, Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng who were at gold-level managed to recognize the Sand Spiders and estimated their numbers. There were about 100,000 of them.

If the Sand Spiders were to break through the line of defense, it would take them less than an hour to massacre the population of 200,000.

Yi Zheng panicked. They did not have enough people here and there was a horde of Sand Spiders coming.

“Are there any heavy gunmasters here?!” Yi Zheng bellowed from the top.

Heavy gunmasters were a branch profession of the gunmen class and were experts in powerful and destructive long-distance attacks.

Lin Huang wanted to be a gunman as his second profession but not the heavy gunmaster. He was planning to take the light gunmaster or even the sniper route.

Gunmasters belonged to the battlefield, which Lin Huang was not keen of.

In reality, most of the hunters would not consider this profession.

As expected, nobody responded to Yi Zheng.

He was hoping for a miracle when he asked, but when he received silence in return, his heart sank.

Apart from a medium gunmaster, there was no one else who could attack from more than 30 kilometers away.

“Brother, what is there to worry about?” someone asked.

Yi Yeyu glanced at Yi Zheng in disdain. While everyone was watching, she then attached an eight-meters-long cannon on her left hand within seconds.

Yi Zheng was taken aback and asked her carefully, “I remembered that you didn’t even pass your beginner gunmaster assessment? Without the license, how did you manage to purchase this?”

“Is there anything that you can’t buy in the black market?” Yi Yeyu said.

“Aren’t the Firearm Relics that are being sold on the black market expensive… Did you borrow money just to buy this?” Yi Zheng suddenly recalled Yi Yeyu borrowing money from him earlier.

He found it strange too as Yi Yeyu should have enough pocket money for her daily expenditure but he lent some money to her anyway.

“So, you’re not dumb after all,” said Yi Yeyu while slotting in a few Life Crystals into the cannon’s energy tank.

Yi Zheng felt the pain when he saw her actions because the smallest Life Crystal contained 100 years of Life Light. Each of such Life Crystals cost at least 10 million credit points. For such Firearm Relics, each attack would consume one Life Crystal.

“Yi Yeyu, you’re not a gunmaster, why would you buy this Firearm Relic? Which man would marry you if you spend like that?” Yi Zheng wanted to teach her a lesson.

“Mind your own business, aren’t you single as well?!” Yi Yeyu snapped.

“In the future, don’t borrow money from me to buy such nonsense like this!” Yi Zheng was mad.

“I won’t! So petty!” Yi Yeyu scoffed and aimed the cannon at the Snowy Mountains.

Seeing that, Yi Zheng stopped talking and leaped to the giant rock that she was standing on.

He stood behind her and looked at the direction where the cannon was pointed towards, he then lifted the canyon slightly.

“What are you doing, I will miss the shot if we fire at this angle!” Yi Yeyu stared at him.

“I’ve told you that you don’t have the talent to be a gunmaster yet you never heeded my advice.” Yi Zheng shook his head and explained, “A gunmaster would need to take the environment into consideration as well as the estimation of the attack’s effect. In such situations, if you attack the location where the Sand Spiders are traversing, the effect would be limited. But if you attack the top of the Snowy Mountains, you could cause an avalanche that could potentially bury all of the spiders.”

Yi Yeyu knew what he said was right so she did not argue any longer but she shot him a dissatisfied look.

“If you lean your body forward like that, although Firearm Relics can absorb the recoil, a cannon of such size would have much stronger recoils.” Yi Zheng patted her back.

He then stood behind Yi Yeyu once again to reassess the angle of the cannon and nodded, “Fire now!”

After Yi Zheng’s confirmation, Yi Yeyu launched the cannon.

A radiant sphere was created at the mouth of the cannon and in a split second, it turned into a white glow and fired towards the snowy mountains.

Yi Yeyu’s body shook from the recoil, but she was held steady by a hand behind her.


The white glow hit the top of the snowy mountain, and every part of it began to tremble.

Soon, the snow at the peak collapsed. They were like ocean waves, gradually growing in size and speed. It then buried the black dots on top of the snowy mountains.

Looking at the results, Yi Yeyu was over the moon.

She was happy that she managed to kill more than 100,000 Sand Spiders in just one shot.

She did not anticipate that to happen since she assumed she would need at least 20 shots to kill all of the spiders.

“Nice!” Yi Zheng gave her a thumb up.

Yi Yeyu blushed. If not for Yi Zheng’s mentoring, she would not have achieved such success.

“I will leave these mountains to you. If there are any monsters approaching from that direction, use the same method as you did just now,” Yi Zheng instructed Yi Yeyu and leaped back to the giant rock that he was standing on before.

The Sand Spiders were all buried beneath the snow close to Snowy Mountain Town. They were rolling towards the foot of the snowy mountains.

The snow was cascading towards the Snowy Mountain Town in waves. However, nothing could be seen outside of Snowy Mountain Town as it was covered by their line of defense.

The crisis was solved just like that.

Lin Huang was watching the entire thing from the beginning till the end.

Watching the snow as it engulfed the sand spiders, he sighed,

“No matter which world it is, the power of nature is always mesmerizing…”

Chapter 52: The Last Three Hours…

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Last Three Hours…

In the middle of the night, there were millions of monsters outside the mouth of the canyon of Snowy Mountain Town.

Many of them started to trample on the other monsters’ back to surge through the defense line.

Many monsters died from the weight they had to bear while some were stomped to death as they fell from the monsters’ backs. Although many died, there were still many more that marched forward, fearless.

Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng were forced to join the defense line to kill the monsters that successfully breached the giant rock.

Yi Zheng’s fine sword changed forms into a three-meter-long giant sword. He leaped and started killing the monsters.

With every slash, he beheaded tens of monsters.

On the other side, Yi Yeyu reloaded Life Crystals inside her treasure tool and continued shooting at monsters beneath where she stood.

Although her aim was inaccurate, since there were monsters everywhere, no matter which direction she shot at, there were bound to be monsters dying.

The 20 Gold Hunters taking refuge beneath the giant rock were exhausted from the battle that spanned two days and one night but they persevered.

They were replenishing their Life Power with Life Crystals in between killings.

However, no matter how many monsters they killed, there were others that managed to avoid their attacks and slip through into the second defense line.

There were just too many monsters; they could only handle those that were within their reach while the rest had to be handled by the Silver Hunters to their rear.

Silver Hunters who were on the second defense line consisted of the most people. There were more than 1000 of them, yet all of them were overburdened with the bulk of the monster horde which penetrated past the first line of defense. The pressure on them was similar to the Gold Hunters in front and none of them could spare a moment to rest, not even for a minute.

The monsters were getting too close and there was not much space between them. 90% of the monsters that got to the second line of defense was killed by the Silver Hunters as they knew that the Copper Hunters in the third defense line were few in number. If too many monsters broke into the third line of defense, it would be spell calamity for the Copper Hunters.

Therefore, they tried their best not to let any monsters succeed.

Lin Huang and the gang were on the third line of defense, which was the most relaxed one as the burden was eased by the Gold and Silver Hunters in front of them. The monsters that managed to break into the third defense line were less than a tenth of the monsters that were in the mouth of the canyon.

But as time went by, Lin Huang and the gang began to feel the pressure again because the monsters increased their attack frequency to an interval of six minutes per wave instead of the thirty in the past.

Thankfully, Bai’s attack rate did not lower for he was a killing machine. He massacred as many monsters as Lin Huang did.

His Blood Power wings morphed into a variety of forms during battle and depending on each form, he could either chop off a head or pierce through a heart.

He was highly efficient, so much so that Lin Huang was both amazed and ashamed.

Of course, Lin Huang’s performance was not too bad. With his iron sword, he transformed into a fine soldier. With the help of the ‘Great Sword Scripture’, almost nothing could dodge his sword.

As he obtained more experience in an actual battle, he now only needed three slashes to kill a monster instead of the usual five slashes.

As long as the monster was not an iron-level rank-3, he could kill them in only one slash.

He was also getting used to the Spectral Snowsteps movement technique where he moved like a ghost on the battlefield.

Zhou Le and the rest assumed that Lin Huang was of royalty. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to possess such incredible abilities and terrifying combat strength.

They were already iron-level rank-3 but they were far behind Lin Huang when it came to killing monsters.

Lin Huang did not care about the number of cross-ranking kills he had done, how many card pieces he had accumulated or how many reward cards he had obtained. He even reduced drinking water and only took a sip when he absolutely needed to because there was no time for other distractions.

Xiao Hei knew that he was in his combat mode and did not send any notifications to prevent Lin Huang from becoming distracted.

Time passed by on the battlefield. Each passing minute and second felt like torture.

Everyone was anticipating for the sun to rise and for dawn to arrive.

As long as they held on until dawn, the human transcendent Yu Chanli would be here to kill that transcendent monster and everything would be over.

Lin Huang surpassed his limit again and again. Compared to the rest, he was the only ordinary person on the battlefield.

The physique he was born with could not be remedied by his combat strength.

Even Zhou Le and the other young men who were iron-level rank-3 were extremely exhausted. Imagine Lin Huang who was not even iron-level.

Many people noticed Lin Huang’s performance; not only Zhou Le and the gang, but even the Copper Hunters around him were impressed by his skills.

They clearly understood that Lin Huang was pushing himself beyond his capacity.

Lin Huang knew his body condition very well. He did not stop swinging his sword because if he did, his body would collapse. He might not even be able to stand later.

He told himself countless times, “I can’t stop! I can’t stop! As long as I hold on for a couple more hours, it will be time!”

The monsters’ attacks on the battlefield became increasingly intense. Monsters roared throughout the battle.

At approximately 3 o’ clock in the wee hours of the morning, a terrifying monster roar echoed from a distance.

The roar originated from beyond the Snowy Mountains but the shockwaves propagated through the people and dissipated in the grasslands outside the canyon.

Everyone’s heart pounded when they heard the roar. Even Lin Huang’s heart started racing fast, he felt like they were being watched by something terrifying. It gave him goosebumps.

The roar bolstered the monsters’ morale and many of them began to ram against the giant rocks even though Lin Huang could tell that it would be painful.

Many of them even started to stack onto each other to get through the defense lines.

Yi Zheng and Yi Yeyu frowned upon watching the monsters attempts to climb through the giant rocks. They did not expect this to happen during the last three hours.

Just when Yi Zheng was thinking of what to do, he heard some noise coming from the Snowy Mountains.

He turned around and saw something black covering the sky heading right towards his direction at an alarming pace. He took a closer look and gasped.

“Oh no, the crows are back…”

Chapter 53: Small Destruction Card

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The crows blanketed the western sky of the Snowy Mountains like dark clouds. They were heading towards the direction of the foothold at full speed.

The crows were just as numerous or probably more than what Lin Huang saw the other day when he previously encountered them.

Millions of crows in a flock together looked like a massive horde and it seems like there would be none that would be able to defeat them besides a Transcendent.

Even Yi Zheng who was no.11 on the Division7 Gold Hunter Leaderboard avoided the crows.

It was a nightmare. They could easily occupy a medium foothold if the transcendent was absent.

The hunters who were ready to stand their ground felt despair the moment they noticed the horde of crows.

Millions of monsters were streaming in from the grasslands and innumerable crows were darting in from the back. They did not have enough manpower to protect the foothold after all…

Yi Yeyu looked like she was in doubt on the giant rocks, she regretted that she chose this foothold to be the location for the assessment.

If Yi Zheng was not here, she was ready to die in battle.

However, now that Yi Zheng was here, he would certainly not leave her behind. If she were to stay, she would lose her brother to the monsters. She was in dire straits…

Yi Zheng knew his sister very well. She was competitive and resilient, and though she may be hot tempered at times, she was a kind person.

It was impossible for her to leave 200,000 people behind.

Even if she were to pass by a foothold invaded by monsters, she would choose to fight no matter what.

“Yeyu, use your green wooden door to send the kids away!” Although Yi Zheng knew that Yi Yeyu would not agree to leave, he instructed her anyway.

“I’m not leaving!” Yi Yeyu stared at Yi Zheng.

“Even if you don’t care for yourself, you have to consider this for the sake of our family. Our generation only has the both of us, we can’t die here!” Yi Zheng tried to talk her out of it, “And those young men, especially Lin Huang, do you really want him to perish here? As long as we give him sufficient time, he could develop into a transcendent. We cannot lose him as well!”

After a moment of silence, she shouted at Yi Zheng,”Brother, I’ll pass you the green wooden door. Please bring Lin Huang and the rest with you, I will remain behind!”

“What foolishness are you spouting? You must leave. You’re my sister, listen to me!” Yi Zheng exclaimed loudly.

“We must think about the future of our generation. Since you are gifted with stronger abilities, if you live, our family’s generation would grow stronger. Therefore, it would be better if I stay.” Yi Zheng could not counter argue Yi Yeyu.

The situation turned awkward for them.

The crows were approaching.

Some of the hunters in the lines of defense had lost their will to live; they were just preparing for what might eventually happen. The third line of defense did not have enough manpower as a couple of Silver Hunters on the second defense line were caught off guard. Everyone felt disheartened.

Soon, the remaining defenses collapsed.

Lin Huang and the rest were surrounded. Without the lines of defense in front of them, the ten young men were completely besieged by monsters.

“Don’t panic guys. Let’s form a line, do not let the monsters break through!” Lin Huang yelled to the young men.

After cooperating with Lin Huang, Zhou Le and the rest trusted Lin Huang more than anyone else. Lin Huang had not let them down.

They quickly formed a defensive line even though they knew that it was very unlikely that they could survive the moment the crows arrived.

However, under Lin Huang’s leadership, they persevered. Lin Huang’s heart was racing from the intense attacks.

His body was much frailer compared to the rest and thus, any attack from the monsters could severely injure him or even kill him.

The situation was vastly different now as they previously had a line of defense to shield their vanguard, significantly limiting the number of monsters which passed through to them.

Now, however, there were monsters everywhere and they were besieged on all sides.

He finally experienced the saying, ‘dancing on the head of a pin’ which meant that if he loses focus or gets distracted by something else, he could die at any given moment.

“Warning! You are now in an extremely dangerous environment. Your death rate would be 100% within half an hour. Would you like to execute emergency measures?!”

A warning was sent to Lin Huang’s ears, it was the first time in a long while since he had heard Xiao Hei’s voice.

“Yes! What kind of solutions do you have?!” Lin Huang asked immediately.

“Browsing cards that could solve the situation… There are no cards that could help you right now…”

Lin Huang was troubled but moments later, Xiao Hei spoke again…

“Based on the current situation, the most suitable card would be the Small Destruction Card.”

“You have three Monster Cards, nine Function Cards, 3657 iron-level Monster Card pieces… If you were to dissolve all the complete cards and piece them together, you would obtain 22557 Normal Card pieces. To redeem your first Small Destruction Card, you would need one million Normal Card pieces. The card pieces you have are insufficient to redeem a Small Destruction Card…”

“Wait, why do I only have nine Function Cards? Bai’s kills aside, I have done at least 500 cross-ranking kills these two days; shouldn’t I receive cross-ranking cards?!”

“When you’re stuck on a level, the maximum cross-ranking kill reward you can obtain will be capped at 10 times. You will not get any rewards for cross-ranking kills after that.”

Lin Huang did not know there was such an arrangement.

He thought with Bai’s help, it was not difficult for him to do cross-ranking kills where he could collect a massive amount of reward cards.

It seemed like Xiao Hei noticed that people would take advantage of the situation and therefore limited this method to gain reward cards.

“So, are there any other solutions for me?” Lin Huang asked for an alternative.

“You were given some protection when you were setting up your Goldfinger. You can only utilize the protection once. When you activate the protection, you will receive a card to solve the crisis you are encountering at that moment. Would you like to activate your one and only protection?”

“Yes!” Lin Huang decided without thinking twice. He did not have the time to consider the repercussions as well as other alternatives seeing as there were none. If he did not utilize the protection right now, he might never be able to use it again.

“Protection has been activated… Integrating with your situation, you are given a Small Destruction Card!”

“Congratulations, you have received a Small Destruction Card!”

“Detecting solution – Small Destruction Card! Are you sure you want to use this card?”

“How can this card solve this crisis? What are its functions?” Lin Huang did not have the time to look at the card in his body.

“Small Destruction Card: It could annihilate every creature below transcendent. The maximum coverage would be 10,000 square kilometers.”

“I would like to use this card to destroy all creatures besides humans and Bai.” Lin Huang instructed.

“Creatures have been targeted, please choose your coverage.”

A map appeared on Lin Huang’s mind and he had to choose his targets. The map revealed that the monsters were scattered everywhere. Lin Huang tagged all the monsters on the map, “I have decided.”

“Coverage selection completed. Please confirm the Small Destruction Card’s activation.”

“Yes, kill them all!” Lin Huang nodded his head firmly.

In the next second, a grain-sized lighted spot appeared on Lin Huang’s forehead.

The spot looked like a miniature sun at three o’clock. It then tore away from his forehead and floated into the sky, shining on the land.

Everyone was shocked.

Soon, a white glow dispersed from the light spot, creating a wave in the air.

All the monsters except for Bai were carbonized due to the high temperature. They turned into dust and disappeared into the air. It was like snow meeting the scorching sun.

The glow then dispersed far away.

“Is that magic?!” Yi Yeyu stood on the giant rocks and saw what Lin Huang did, she was stunned.

In a heartbeat, all the monsters were no more. As soon as the glow began to fade away, everyone cheered.

Chapter 54: Black Python

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Lin Huang, Lin Huang, Lin Huang…”

As Zhou Le and the gang chanted Lin Huang’s name, the rest cheered, including the Copper Hunter and Silver Hunters.

Initially, the 20 Gold Hunters did not cheer but when Yi Zheng cheered along the people, so did the 20 Gold Hunters.

Yi Yeyu stood on top of the giant rocks and rolled her eyes at her brother.

Lin Huang was shy at first, but when the people did a crowd surf for him, he started to enjoy being celebrated.

“Hey, I think this kid is good but he’s a little too young for you.” Yi Zheng winked at Yi Yeyu.

“He hasn’t reached puberty yet, he’s not my type.” Yi Yeyu said with a sassy tone.

“Well, there is no need to rush. He will hit puberty in a few years time. Boys love girls who are older.” Yi Zheng chuckled.

“Go away!” Yi Yeyu said angrily.

All of a sudden, in the midst of all the cheering, everyone heard a strange laugh.


The sound was near yet far and it felt like as if the laugh was echoing from different directions, all together at once!

It gave everyone goosebumps, it was like a cool breeze brushing into their bones.

“Who is that?!” Yi Zheng shouted while hanging onto his thin sword. Everyone clutched their weapons too.

“Could it be the transcendent monster…” Lin Huang frowned because there were no other possibilities he could think of.

Everyone did not expect the transcendent monster, the mastermind of all monsters to appear after all monsters have perished. The threat of one transcendent was definitely more frightening than all monsters’ put together.

‘Everything below the transcendent were ants’. This saying had become the truth.

With a flick of a finger, the transcendent could kill a thousand of hunters.

“Master, I am taking a wild guess that you started the monster attack?” Yi Zheng placed both of his hands in front of his chest and asked politely in the direction of the Snowy Mountains.”

He was trying to buy more time to figure out where this beast was. It was near four o’clock, right before dawn which was two hours before Yu Chanli was supposed to appear.

“Human fella, do you think I would let you go just because you speak to me politely?” A spooky voice replied.

“Hehe… I didn’t expect to meet a descendant of God here…”

A black python wrapped its body around the Snowy Mountains. Its purple eyes stared deadly at Lin Huang with greed.

“I’m going to eat you!”

“Descendant of God?!” The people whispered among one another.

The people finally understood how Lin Huang manage to use such magic to kill millions of monsters just now.

“So you’re here for me?” Lin Huang pointed to himself, confused.

“Of course, human fella. If not for you, why would I let my clone attack the human transcendent who is making his way here?!” Although the black python had no expression, Lin Huang could see in its eyes that it was playing with Lin Huang’s mind.

“I know you guys are buying time for the transcendent to save you but what you did not know was that he is being attacked by my clone. The transcendent hasn’t got a clue that it is a clone and it will not be here in two hours to rescue all of you.”

There were loud sighs and some screams from those who were afraid.

“What, are you disappointed to hear such news?” The black python was enjoying the mind game it was playing.

Lin Huang quietly communicated with Xiao Hei, “Xiao Hei, is there any way to kill this monster?”

“With your condition, your death rate would be 100%. You are not strong enough, there’s no solution to that.”

Suddenly, Yi Yeyu started to speak.

She bowed to the Snowy Mountains, “Master, I haven’t known Lin Huang for a very long time, but during the time that I did, I found him to be admirable. I would like to make a confession to him. Since you are going to kill us all, could master allow me a couple of minutes to fulfill my last wish? I will also need my brother as my witness.”

Yi Zheng did not know what she was doing, he thought to himself, “Did she really like Lin Huang all along?”

“Human are such irritating creatures. Why do you confess before you die, what have you been doing on days where you are alive and well? Alright, I’ll give you three minutes but I warn you human lady, don’t mess with me. Or else I’ll show you what death feels like!”

“You’re overthinking, master. I do not dare mess with you. I only have a few words to say.” Yi Yeyu said while she waved at Yi Zheng.

She then leaped downwards and walked towards Lin Huang. Although Yi Zheng did not know what Yi Yeyu was up to, he followed her anyway.

Almost everyone was confused. They could not figure out Yi Yeyu’s plan.

Yi Yeyu was popular in the Division7 hunter community. After all, she was one of the Gold Hunters who made it among the 1000 Gold Hunters and she was a woman.

Alongside her powerful brother, many hunters admired her.

But now, it looks like this incredible woman was about to confess her love to a young man who was not even an iron-level. It was absolutely shocking to many bachelors in the crowd.

They walked to Lin Huang, Yi Yeyu held his hand and smiled sweetly.

Lin Huang was just as confused but he could sense that Yi Yeyu was not here to confess to him.

Yi Yeyu put her the other hand on Yi Zheng’s arm and smiled,”Brother, please be my witness today…”

Before she even finished talking, she pushed the both of them down. The green wooden door sprung open behind them and they fell into the door.

Suddenly, a dark glow was shot and the green wooden door was destroyed.

“Lady, how dare you lie to me?!” The black python hissed from the Snowy Mountains.

Chapter 55: Xue Luo Appeared Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The green wooden door was smashed by a dark beam. Yi Yeyu was beginning to spit blood because she was hurt by the attack.

The black python hissed loudly from the top of the Snowy Mountains.

The voice sounded like it was a spiritual attack. Lin Huang and the rest who were 10 kilometers away felt a headache after hearing the roar.

Suddenly, the dark beam was shot again. While the rest were panicking, the beam shot through Yi Yeyu’s back and pierced through her belly.

A hole that was the size of an adult’s fist appeared on Yi Yeyu’s belly, it was see-through.

Yi Yeyu spat blood again and fell to the floor. Lin Huang rush to carry her.

Yi Zheng was in disbelief as he saw it all. He did not know how to react but to hold her hand.

“Yeyu!’ Looking at his dying sister, Yi Zheng’s hands were shaking.”

“I’m sorry… This is all my fault…” Yi Yeyu did not have the strength to talk anymore but she managed to say, “If it was not for me… All of you wouldn’t be here…”

“Stupid girl, you’re my sister. Until you are married, I will follow you wherever you may go. This is a brother’s responsibility. I am sorry for not being able to protect you…” Yi Zheng said through his tears.

Lin Huang’s eyes were watery too.

“I have not seen you cry since I was five years old. Yi Yeyu lifted a finger and wiped the tears off Yi Zheng’s face, “Do you still remember… That time when I was bullied by a bunch of older kids, you stood up to them and when they punched and kicked you, you neither said anything nor did you fight back… and after I asked you why didn’t you cry, you said, you’re a man and that even if you died, you would never cry in front of your sister. You were only seven at the time.”

“I’m sorry, I broke my promise…” Yi Zheng tried to chuckle.

Yi Yeyu then turned her head slowly to Lin Huang, “I want you to know that you are the most extraordinary man I have ever met and I don’t want you to die here… If you live, you could be a man as good as my brother.”

Lin Huang nodded without saying a word.

“You want to see him grow?” Said a spooky voice. The black python said cunningly, “I will make sure that never happens!”

A bunch of black strings appeared out of thin air and tied a knot around Lin Huang’s waist. Lin Huang was pulled in the direction of the black python’s mouth.

“Oh no, I’m going to die. It’s true that a traveler’s chances of death were quite likely…”Lin Huang’s thought was cut short by a feeling of release.

He was confused and realized that he was floating in front of the black python’s mouth and the black strings around his waist were gone.

Yi Zheng and the rest were watching as Lin Huang’s body froze in the air and there was fear and panic in the black python’s eyes.


A giant crystal fell from the sky and a giant palm smashed it onto the black python.

The black python’s body seemed as small as an ant under the giant palm. Before the giant crystal landed on the ground, its body was completely flat on the ground, its eyes were hopeless.

The gigantic Snowy Mountains were shaking from the attack. It felt as if God was punishing the Earth.

Lin Huang stared blankly as the giant palm that looked like the hand of Buddha landed one meter in front of him.

The Snowy Mountains collapsed into flatland after the attack.

The black python was buried by the Snowy Mountains with its head smashed.

“That was scary…” Lin Huang exclaimed not because he witnessed how the black python was killed, but because he was standing very close to black python, but felt no impact at all.

Even the Snowy Mountain Town was not damaged and the people not harmed by the collapse of the mountain.

It was obvious that the person who saved Lin Huang was far more powerful than the black python.

“How are you, sir?” A stern yet warm voice came from not far away.

Lin Huang looked towards the horizon; Xue Luo was walking towards him on air with her bare feet. There was an old man with a white beard behind her.

“Lady Xue Luo?!” Lin Huang was surprised; he thought he would never see her again. He looked at the old man with confusion, “May I know who this is?”

“Mister Lin, I am Bing Wang. I don’t blame you for not recognizing me because I know I look different.” The old man laughed.

“It’s Sir Bing Wang…”

“Was it Xue Luo who had saved me?” Lin Huang tried to connect the dots.

“It wasn’t me.” Xue Luo smiled and shook her head.

“Mister Lin, it has been more than 700 years that I last made an appearance. It was me who saved you.” Bing Wang explained.

“Oh, thank you so much Sir Bing Wang and you too lady Xue Luo.” Lin Huang did not know that Bing Wang was so powerful that he could kill a transcendent monster with only one hand.

“Let me take out its soul for you. When you became a transcendent, you can train it into your battle soul.” Xue Luo then disappeared.

Bing Wang and Lin Huang remained.

“This snake is stupid. It saw Mister Lin’s act just now and thought it was magic. It thought you were the descendant of a god.” Bing Wang shook his head and laughed, “If he did not target you, lady Xue Luo wouldn’t have allowed me to intrude.”

Lin Huang did not pay attention to what Bing Wang said and instead asked, “Sir Bing Wang, could you help my friend?”

Bing Wang looked at Yi Yeyu and knew that she was dying. He shook his head, “The lady’s Life Wheel has collapsed and her Life Light is almost gone, there’s nothing I can do.”

Lin Huang was upset, but Bing Wang spoke again, “However, if my master is willing to try, there might be hope.”

“Lady Xue Luo!” Lin Huang’s eyes brightened up. He just recalled that Xue Luo belonged to the gods. Perhaps she could save Yi Yeyu.

Hearing Lin Huang’s cry, Xue Luo walked towards them with a small, black snake on her hand. The snake was semi-transparent, it looked magical.

She then passed the snake to Lin Huang, “I have taken away this black python’s consciousness. Now you can keep it in your Life Wheel and cultivate it. You can train it when you have reached the level of a transcendent, it will be your strong battle soul. Although it has mutated once, there’s a small amount of dragon blood in this black python. If you cultivate it properly, there’s a possibility for it to mutate a second time and its ability will then transform.”

Lin Huang brushed what Xue Luo said aside and as soon as she finished talking, he asked, “Lady Xue Luo, I know that you haven’t been involved in what’s happening in this world for more than 700 years but I need to ask a favor of you.”

“Do you want me to help the lady over there?” Xue Luo looked at Yi Yeyu’s direction and looked at the snake on her hand, “To piece her Life Wheel together, we would need a transcendent soul. Are you willing to give up this monster’s soul containing the blood of dragon in exchange for her life?”

“Of course, that’s more important!” Lin Huang raised his voice.

“Alright then…” Xue Luo passed the snake to Lin Huang, “Keep this.”

“I thought you need this to save her?” Lin Huang pushed the snake away.

“I was messing around with you; I have other monster souls with me to fix her Life Wheel.” Xue Luo smiled playfully. “Now, if you don’t keep this, I will not save her.”

Lin Huang snatched the snake from her.

Xue Luo brought the both of them and descended from the sky in front of everybody’s presence.

Although they had seen the giant palm earlier, they insisted to stand in front of Yi Yeyu to protect her.

“Lin Huang, who are these people?” A person asked Lin Huang.

“I don’t have the time to explain, this lady could save Yi Yeyu, please step aside.” The rest moved without asking further.

Xue Luo walked to Yi Yeyu and carried her; she was breathing her last breath.

Yi Zheng heard what Lin Huang said and looked at Xue Luo with hope.

“Put her on the ground laying upwards, the rest of you please step aside.” Xue Luo wanted some personal space. After placing Yi Yeyu on the ground, Yi Zheng stepped aside quietly.

Xue Luo placed her palm on Yi Yeyu’s chest and there was a layer of ice flowing into Yi Yeyu’s body.

A moment later, Xue Luo smiled and mumbled to herself, “Interesting body physique, I have just the monster soul for you.”

A semi-transparent crimson bird appeared on Xue Luo’s palm. She tapped the crimson bird and it bird flew in between Yi Yeyu’s eyebrows.

A thin layer of ice spread across her body and soon her entire body was covered in ice.

It was visibly seen that Yi Yeyu’s belly was healing very quickly. Everyone started whispering among themselves. A new Life Wheel was being pieced together.

It was different from an ordinary Life Wheel. Now, there was a strange red pattern in the middle of the Life Wheel which looked like a big, crimson bird with wide wings…

“Am I dead?” Yi Yeyu felt she was placed in the dark.

She recalled a description about death written by an author she liked, ’Death is the loneliness of human consciousness in the dark. It cannot be seen, nothing can be heard and nothing can be touched. There is nothing in death. That is the ultimate place where all humans belong…’

“Now that I think about it, the description is similar to what I’m feeling right now…”Yi Yeyu snorted.

She was not sure how long had passed, centuries or perhaps just seconds. In the darkness, Yi Yeyu had lost her grasp of time.

A light dawned upon her. It felt like a black veil was torn and a crystal-carved hand was extending to her in the midst of the darkness.

“What a beautiful hand…” Yi Yeyu held it, it was cold. The hand pulled her out of the darkness with such force. She felt a shake and when she opened her eyes, she saw a bunch of people surrounding her.

Just then, there were cheers exclaiming, “She’s alive!”

Chapter 56: Bye, Xue Luo

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Zheng immediately went over to Yi Yeyu when he saw her awake, sitting up in her bed.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I dreamt of a giant python that stabbed through my stomach, and I died…” She said with a look of bewilderment and fear on her face.

As she said the words, she looked down at her abdomen which had been wounded before. However, the injury had healed. There was nothing unusual as she touched it gently and there was no scar on the wound to show it anymore.

However, the attack had clearly happened as there was a large tear on her shirt and blood stains around it, the indication that it was not just an illusion, and that she was attacked by the black python not long ago.

“You have her to thank. Miss Xue Luo saved your life!” As soon as Yi Zheng finished his sentence, he turned to Xue Luo and immediately expressed his gratitude.

“Miss Xue Luo?” Yi Yeyu was stunned. She could not recall her name as a member of the hunting party. Gazing at Xue Luo, she immediately noticed her right hand.

That moment, she remembered the incident as she stared at Xue Luo’s right hand. She then said, “I remember your hand. You’re the one who pulled me out of the dark. Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Mister Lin Huang saved my life, and he asked for my help to save you, so I did him a favor,” Xue Luo smiled as she said. Xue Luo treated her in a much friendlier manner than others.

“Thank you, Lin Huang!” Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang and said.

“I’m glad that you’re fine,” Lin Huang nodded his head as he said.

“Mister, may I speak with you privately?” Xue Luo turned towards Lin Huang and said in a low voice.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Lin Huang said Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng. He then left together with Xue Luo.

Xue Luo waved her hand. She brought Lin Huang and Bing Wang along and they stepped up on a giant rock.

She walked straight to the side of the rock, sat down and patted the rock surface and said, “Mister, please have a seat.”

He did not seem to hesitate and sat beside her.

Bing Wang then stood behind the both of them.

There were two moons, a red and a purple moon, lighting up the night sky. The ground looked like it was covered by spun yarns of different colors, creating a mysterious shade of light.

“Miss Xue Luo, are you leaving?” Lin Huang asked as he saw Xue Luo was silently looking at the moonlight.

“Yes, it’s time for me to leave,” Xue Luo said and nodded her head. “I have seen the moons of this world for too long,” she continued.

Lin Huang paused for a moment in thought and asked, “When do you plan to depart? We’ll see you off then.”

“We’re leaving shortly,” Xue Luo’s answered. Her response took Lin Huang by surprise.

Lin Huang then composed himself and nodded his head. He had no idea how to keep the conversation going.

After a moment of silence, Xue Luo suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Huang, looking serious, “Mister, I don’t know if I should ask you about this, but…” She trailed off.

“Just ask me whatever you would like to know. I’ll try my best to answer,” he said, trying to calm her nervousness. Lin Huang turned to face her and their eyes met. He then quickly shifted his gaze away from her after a brief awkward moment.

“Mister, do you think it’s right or wrong for a protoss and a human to fall in love with each other?” She asked softly. Xue Luo was being very honest as this question had been a problem troubling her for more than 700 years.

“There’s no right or wrong when it comes to love. When you fall for someone and it ends up being a bad relationship, that does not mean all relationships are bad. It only indicates that you met the wrong person. If a protoss and a human truly loved each other, I don’t think it’s wrong,” he replied. He was actually taken aback by her forwardness but spoke his mind regardless.

Lin Huang felt that this was a serious topic. To ease the tenseness, he then switched the topic and told her a story.

“I’ve read a story quite like that before. There was a man named Bei Feng. He fell in love with many women of different races who gave birth to many children of different races…”

Xue Luo was stunned as she heard this. “Did nobody stand against his polygamous ways?”

“Well, if you think that it’s right and you’re determined to do it, why do you care about what other people think?” Lin Huang said and laughed at her response. “Of course, Bei Feng was just a character in the story. No person like that exist in reality,” he continued to reassure her.

“I’ve thought it through…” Xue Luo said after falling into deep thought. Her eyes brightened.

“Mister, what’s your plan, after this?” Xue Luo suddenly asked.

“I’ll register as a hunter and will try my best to achieve iron-level. I’ll be very busy with these tasks when I return. Plans for the future would be first and foremost, working towards the goal of being a transcendent,” he said proudly. Lin Huang had no idea how long it would take for him to be a transcendent. However, it would be meaningless to talk about the future since he did not have a complete understanding of this world. He could only act when the time came. One could only go further if they progressed with certainty in mind.

Both of them chatted for quite some time, sitting on the giant rock. However, Yi Zheng who was watching from below looked upset.

“I thought Lin Huang was an honest man but now, I don’t think so. I feel worried, asking him to take care of my sister,” he confessed to Yi Yeyu.

“What are you talking about?!” she shouted and pinched his arm hard.

“I’m just telling the truth. Why did you pinch me? Miss Xue Luo is so beautiful and she’s younger than you. She is so powerful, probably a transcendent human too. If you don’t make some moves and work for him, perhaps Lin Huang will be snatched away from you,” he said with a chuckle. Obviously, they did not realize Xue Luo and Bing Wang were not human. They thought they were transcendent beings.

“Damn!” Yi Yeyu squealed. She freaked out at the thought of losing Lin Huang.

On the giant rock, Lin Huang and Xue Luo were about to end their conversation.

“We’ll leave after getting our things done,” Xue Luo said and stood up.

“Is there anything that you still have to do?” Lin Huang stood up and asked out of curiosity.

“I have to erase the memory of me and Xiao Bing from the human brains we’ve come in contact with. Also, I’ll have to patch up the battleground,” Xue Luo said, looking at Lin Huang. “In addition to that, the people witnessed the scenes of you killing hundreds of monsters. That has to be erased from their memory as well, for your safety. Others must not know about this,” she warned him.

“Although I don’t know what you did to master the power of such curses. with this kind of strength, even a God of the human race would be keen on having such a gift,” she said. At first, Lin Huang thought she was joking, but as Xue Luo said those words, she had a deadly serious look in her eyes.

“Yes, I know,” he replied.

Lin Huang never expected a hidden power to exist in the Small Destruction Card that even a God was seeking for it.

“I’ll begin to erase their memory and replace them up with new memories,” she said. As soon as Xue Luo finished her sentence, it began to snow.

At that moment, everyone in the foothold felt odd about the occurrence. Suddenly, the hunters and the residents started to faint one by one.

Bing Wang left as well. After a short while, he came back, carrying a young man.

“I’ve created a new memory for them. A transcendent human arrived at the battleground and had an intense battle with the black python. He saved everyone and the crowd of monsters retreated after the snake was killed,” Xue Luo said to Bing Wang. She then continued with instructions him, saying, “Xiao Bing, you’ve fought with this man before. You may fake evidence of a fight at this place based on his combat style. Regarding the traces of monsters, I will erase it with the snow,” she said.

It was now midsummer, but there was heavy snowfall. In the entire ravine, only Lin Huang, Xue Luo, and Bing Wang stood in silence.

Very quickly, Bing Wang had finished fixing up the battleground. However, the snow did not stop and the whole world turned white. Under two full moons, the night sky was exceptionally beautiful.

“Mister, we will be leaving now,” Xue Luo said. She was less than two meters away from Lin Huang, standing on the giant rock. She tilted her head slightly and smiled at him.

On such a snowy night, she stood barefoot on the giant rock like a snow fairy. She was very pretty.

Lin Huang nodded. He waved his hand and said, “Bye, Xue Luo.”

“Bye, Mister,” she replied.

Xue Luo waved at Lin Huang. Then, Bing Wang and Xue Luo both rose up into the air.

As both of them were hundreds of meters above the ground, Xue Luo waved her hands in the air and a Virtual Eye gradually formed in front of them.

After a short while, the Virtual Eye was opened. There were icy white eyes inside the Virtual Eye, resembling a giant spiritual eye looking down from the sky.

Xue Luo and Bing Wang stepped into the Virtual Eye and it closed gradually around them. Both of them completely disappeared.

Until the moment when the Virtual Eye had also disappeared, Lin Huang slowly shifted his gaze away from the sight. He sighed and thought in his heart, “Bye, Xue Luo…”

Chapter 57: Return

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Brother, you’re finally home!” Xin Er squealed.

At No.7D101, as Lin Huang pushed against the door of his house, a pink figure ran into him.

It was 11 o’clock at night and Lin Huang thought that Lin Xin would have fallen asleep at that hour. He never expected to see her as soon as he opened the door.

She was wearing pink pajamas with pictures of cartoon puppies printed all over it.

“Why haven’t you slept yet? It’s getting late.” Lin Huang asked with a stern face, pinching her cheeks.

“You told me through the communication device that you’re coming back late at night. I wanted to sleep and check if you’re back when I’m awake but I was too excited to sleep…” Lin Xin said as she hugged Lin Huang tightly, afraid that he would leave her again. “Did you know that you scared me to death when I heard the news of the monster horde? I used the Emperor’s Heart ring to call you but I couldn’t reach you,” she scolded, pouting as she did.

“The signal might have been interrupted due to the monsters,” Lin Huang shook his head and smiled. He switched the topic and asked, “Oh right, I got you a gift,” he said. He then took out a video stone from the storage space and passed it to Lin Xin.

“What’s this?” Lin Xin asked curiously.

“Yi Zheng recorded it for me. There’s his signature behind it,” Lin Huang said as he turned over the video stone. Yi Zheng’s name was written on it as well as a date.

“Yi Zheng, the guy who is on the Gold Hunter Board?” Lin Xin’s eyes brightened as she heard his name.

“Yes, you’re right,” Lin Huang replied and nodded his head.

Lin Xin immediately grabbed the video stone from Lin Huang and ran towards the stairs.

“Sleep early after you’ve finished watching it. You have school tomorrow!” Lin Huang immediately shouted after her.

“Yes, I know!” she answered.

“This girl…” he mumbled under his breath.

Lin Huang shook his head and smiled. He knew the girls who were still studying in the Hunter Reserve College admired the young and good-looking guys who were listed on the boards. It was the same as girls who admired handsome actors and singers on Earth.

Yi Zheng was a Gold Hunter in Division7 who ranked at the eleventh position on the board. He was handsome and very protective of his sister. Many girls admired him and he was even proclaimed as The Nation’s Brother. This was why Lin Huang requested a signature and the video stone for Lin Xin.

It had been one day since the incident of the monster attack at the Snowy Mountain Town. Due to the fact that Yi Yeyu’s green wooden door was destroyed, Lin Huang took half a day to arrive at the No.7C87 foothold by means of an eagle. As soon as he arrived, it took him quite a long time to settle his registration the Hunter Association. After he was done with work, the sky was dark. Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng then treated the young people to dinner.

Yi Yeyu’s memory regarding the damaged green wooden door had been altered. According to her, it turned out that the green wooden door was destroyed by the combat power of the two transcendents. It then left her body on its own into the air.

After having dinner, Lin Huang did not stay any longer at the foothold and straight away headed back home on an eagle.

After Lin Xin left, Lin Huang then took a shower and went back to his room.

He could not fall asleep. He just stared at the ceiling as he lay in bed. It was as if he had something to do but just could not remember what it was.

“Xiao Hei, please rearrange the card pieces I have and combine those that can be integrated,” he instructed the card.

“You have 3657 card pieces. They will now be rearranged and integrated,” it replied.

“Integration of card pieces is complete,” it responded after a mere few seconds.

“You obtained a Monster Card – Lion-Headed Troll (Normal) x3”

“You obtained a Monster Card – Ox Devil (Normal) x3”

“600 card pieces deducted from your collection. The remaining card pieces are insufficient to integrate into a complete Monster Card,” it said after completing the processes.

“Duplicate cards are found. Do you want to perform Card Engulfs to get a skill upgrade?” Xiao Hei inquired.

“Engulf them,” he ordered.

Lin Huang decided without hesitation. Skills could not be extracted repeatedly from duplicate cards and he could only summon one monster at a time due to his summoning authority. Therefore, it was not important to keep duplicate cards. He chose to carry out the Card Engulf process to get a skill upgrade. Therefore, skills that he extracted would be skills that had been previously upgraded.

“Card Engulf completed. Lion-Headed Troll obtained a skill upgrade. Ox Devil obtained a skill upgrade,” Xiao Hei said.

Lin Huang launched both cards. Both of the cards were a white-crystal color with the photo of the monster on the front. He turned the card around and checked the card’s information.

“Monster Card”

“Rarity: Normal”

“Name of Monster: Lion-Headed Troll”

“Type of Monster: Demon”

“Combat Level: Iron-level 3-star”

“Skill 1: Magic Eye Deterrence (Intermediate)”

“Skill 2: Horizontal Slash (Level-3)”

“Summon Authority: Activated”

“Card Remarks: Useless”

“Monster Card”

“Rarity: Normal”

“Name of Monster: Ox Devil”

“Type of Monster: Mutant”

“Combat Level: Iron-level 3-star”

“Skill 1: Champion Strength (Intermediate)”

“Skill 2: Brutal Dash (Level-3)”

“Summon Authority: Activated”

“Card Remarks: Useless”

“Xiao Hei, I would like to extract a skill,” Lin Huang gave a new order after reading the stats.

“Skill extraction completed. You have gained two new skills, “Magic Eye Deterrence (Intermediate)” and “Champion Strength (Intermediate),” Xiao Hei replied.

“You have one more Monster Card (Sand Monster) to be engulfed. Would you like to carry out a Card Engulf sequence?” Xiao Hei continued.

“Engulf it,” Lin Huang said and nodded his head. He only kept the Sand Monster in the first place as he needed him to watch the night. Since he had other Monster Cards now, it would be useless to keep a monster of the same type as Tyrant.

“Card Engulf is completed. Sand Monster (Tyrant) obtained a skill upgrade,” Xiao Hei said.

Lin Huang looked at the message describing the Sand Monster. Immense Strength had been upgraded from a beginner level to an intermediate level.

After the integration of cards and the card engulfment processes, he launched his Exclusive Card to check on his personal status.

“Host: Lin Huang”

“Gender: Male”

“Age: 15”

“Combat Strength: None (Exceeded assessment limit)”

“Skill 1: Blood Power (Level-2)”

“Skill 2: Great Sword Scriptures (Sword skill)

“Skill 3: Robust (Intermediate)”

“Skill 4: Spectral Snowsteps(Body Movement Skill)”

“Skill 5: Magic Eye Deterrence (Intermediate)”

“Skill 6: Immense Strength (Intermediate)”

“Summon authority: Activated”

“Available Number of Summons: 1”

“Remark: No matter how many skills you have, it could not change the fact that you’re weak.”

He ignored Xiao Hei’s last remark and looked at the two additional skills.

“Magic Eye Deterrence (Intermediate): The pupil of its eye exudes a threatening vibe. It has a probability of 80% that it would deter the target when exchanging gazes with each other, causing the target to go into a trance. (Such an effect would be rendered useless if it were applied to creatures that were two levels above or are stronger than the user.”

“Immense Strength (Beginner): Passive skill. Strength gain increased four times.”

These two skills were the new skills extracted from the Lion-Headed Troll Card and Ox Devil Card.

On the other hand, Lin Huang discovered that his passive skill ‘Robust’ had been upgraded to an intermediate level. He asked, “Xiao Hei, could getting a skill upgrade for the Monster Card lead to an upgrade of personal skills?”

“Yes, once the Monster Card is upgraded, the host’s skill extracted from the Monster Card will be upgraded as well. If the Monster Card disappears, the extracted skills would disappear as well.”

“The Monster Card would disappear?!” Lin Huang was stunned.

“Yes, if the monster died, the Monster Card would disappear and the skills extracted from the Monster Card will be removed,” Xiao Hei explained.

This was not what Lin Huang expected. He thought that it was just a card game. If the summoned monster died in a battle, it would be recalled back to its card and he would be unable to summon it for a short period of time. He had never thought that the Monster Card and the extracted skill would disappear if the monster died. He realized that he was not playing a card game and he was in the real world instead. Just like what happened on Earth, you would be forgotten as soon as you were dead…

“Check the remaining Function Cards,” Lin Huang inquired of Xiao Hei, as he remembered the other the nine cards he was rewarded for the rank-crossing kill. He had been rewarded a Flawless Card upon the completion of his mission to become a Reserve Hunter.

“You have Advance Card x1, Double Card x3, Provisional Transformation Card x3, Mission Card x1, Treasure Card x1, Flawless Card x1.”

Lin Huang ignored the Mission Card and launched the two unfamiliar cards.

“Treasure Card: After using this card, it would lead the user to the nearest location of a piece of treasure. It includes mineral ores, burial grounds, virtual caves and more. It is only valid for one month after activation of the card.”

“Flawless Card: Using this card could replenish his body for once. All of the hidden problems in his body could be healed, including Life Columns, Life Wheel, and blood vessels. ”

“There is a time limit for the Treasure Card. I’m quite busy now so I should just put it on hold first. The Flawless Card is a very useful card. My Life Wheel has been repaired and there shouldn’t be any problems with my body. However, there’s something wrong with Bai’s blood vessels. He is easily affected by the septic divisor. If Bai used it, he would not be easily affected by the septic divisor anymore,” Lin Huang thought and summoned Bai.

Bai sat quietly at the edge of the bed, looking at Lin Huang. Lin Huang got up and took out the Flawless Card. He crushed the card and a layer of golden pieces surrounded his fingertips. He tapped his finger in between Bai’s eyebrows.

Bai’s body was then shrouded in a golden aura as if he was being wrapped in a golden cocoon.

After a while, the glow faded. Bai’s wings extended automatically, turning a copper color. Lin Huang checked the messages, and it showed no changes. However, he knew that Bai’s Blood Power could have healed. Otherwise, the color of the Blood-powered Wings would not have changed.

“We should try it with septic divisor when we are free,” Lin Huang said to Bai.

Lin Huang then recalled Bai and he jumped back in bed.

He started to feel sleepy after a short while and could finally satisfy the tiredness and fatigue he felt. He fell asleep almost immediately.

Chapter 58: Choosing The Life Seed

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The next morning, Lin Xin got out of bed and found Lin Huang was still fast asleep. She was afraid to wake him up, so she silently crept back to her room, and got ready. She did not even eat breakfast, afraid that any noise in the kitchen might wake him. She tiptoed quietly and after washing up, she left for school.

It was 12 o’clock in the afternoon when Lin Huang finally woke up. He stretched his arms, feeling that the tiredness from the night before all gone. He jumped out of bed to start the day.

After changing his clothes and washing up, he rushed to the kitchen on the first floor.

There was sufficient food and drinks in the refrigerator for him to have a hearty meal. Obviously, Lin Xin had bought them not long ago.

Lin Huang felt odd when he saw the refrigerator in this world as it did not use electricity as a source of power but it used a frozen spinel instead. Also, it used a special type of skeleton-like material as a substitute for the insulating material. Its appearance looked like a single cabinet fridge on Earth.

He took out two eggs from the fridge and leftovers from the day before. He then cooked some fried rice with eggs for himself.

There were many types of homebred birds in this world, more than on Earth. Considering only those that were sold and available in the markets, there were more than 20 types. If wild monsters were considered, there were around 280 types of birds that were included in human recipes.

After finishing the plate of fried rice, Lin Huang washed the pots and went back to his room. He started to carefully read messages that were with regards to Life Seeds.

As a Reserve Hunter, Lin Huang was provided with only level-1 authority by the Hunter Association. Regarding the information of the Life Seed, he merely had access to the most basic version. Yi Zheng as a Gold Hunter, and he was granted Level-4 authority. Therefore, Lin Huang asked for a copy of the information on Life Seeds.

He recommended several Life Seed notes to Lin Huang as he knew that he was looking for one more suited for himself. Regarding his recommendation, Lin Huang looked at it on the spot. He was not satisfied with it so he decided to look through the information and choose the right one.

He opened the “Life Seed Book” that Yi Zheng sent to him and filtered the qualities for selection again.

“Strengthening System, Sword, Iron-level.”

In just a short while, the results, after applying the filters, were shown. There were only around 10 remaining Life Seeds

A sword type Life Seed was quite ordinary.

Lin Huang went through the information listed one by one.

“Name of Life Seed: Sword Swiftness Mastery”

“Talent effects: Beginner level, 20% increment in attack speed. There would be 20% attack speed increment for every upgrade in level. On the third upgrade, there will be an 80% increment in attack speed.”

“Method to Obtain: It can be obtained by killing a Rapid Sword Mantis.”

“Name of Life Seed: Sword Power Mastery”

“Talent effects: Beginner level, 50% increment in strength. There would be 50% attack power increment for every level upgrade. On the third upgrade, there will be a 200% increment in attack power.”

“Method to Obtain: It can be obtained by killing a Powerful Combat Puppet.”


“Name of Life Seed: Sword Skill Mastery”

“Talent effects: Beginner level, 5% increment in sword skills. There will be a 5% increase in sword skill for every level upgrade. On the third upgrade, there will be a 20% increment in sword skills.”

“Method to Obtain: It can be obtained by killing a Single Armed Sword Slave.”


Lin Huang continued reading as he walked around. Soon, he finished reading about all of the 13 types of Life Seeds.

Aside from than Sword Skill Mastery, he was not at all satisfied with the rest of them. However, he was actually not that pleased with the Sword Skill Mastery too since it did not have any significant improvement on his personal combat skills. Besides, after three upgrades to achieve gold-rank, the sword mastery skills would have merely increased by 20%. It was still far behind the effects of specialty medicines.

“There does not seem to be any satisfying sword type Life Seeds on iron-level…” Lin Huang thought to himself and frowned. He initially thought that since he had obtained a sword skill of an Epic level, which was “The Great Sword Scripture,” if he chose another sword type Life Seed, he could train his sword mastery to perfection. His enemies would barely be a threat him when they had almost similar combat capabilities.

However, the fact was there was not a single iron-level Life Seed that fulfilled his requirements.

“Let’s take a look at the Compound Life Seed. If there were no suitable Life Seeds, then I had to choose one of the Firearm Life Seeds.” Lin Huang mumbled in a low voice and changed his filtering criteria on the “Life Seed Book”.

“Compound Life Seeds, Iron-level.”

Soon, the results were shown once again. However, the results available were even fewer than the previous one. There were only two types of Life Seeds.

Although, Lin Huang was not surprised. The Compound Life Seeds and Special Life Seeds usually had the least amount of Life Seeds. Since there were two results available, he took a closer look at the two types.

“Name of Life Seed: Flower Fairy”

“Talent effects: Beginner level, 10% increment in self-healing ability, healing effects increased by 10%, monster affinity increased by 10%. There would be 10% increase in the three abilities for every upgrade in level. On the third upgrade, there will be a 40% increase in all three abilities.”

“Method to Obtain: It can be obtained by killing White Fairy Vine.”

Lin Huang ignored the Life Seed as soon as he finished reading the description because the abilities were useless and a White Fairy Vine was an extraordinary plant. It was rare and no one knew if it existed in this world, which would make his task rather tedious.

Lin Huang looked at the second result.

“Name of Life Seed: Sly Hands”

“Talent effects: Beginner level, 10% increment in finger agility. Attack speed of both arms increased by 10%, the flexibility of both arms increased by 10%. There would be 10% increase of the three abilities for every upgrade in level. On the third upgrade, there will be a 40% increment in all three abilities.”

“Method to Obtain: It can be obtained by killing Six Armed Demon.”

Lin Huang was intrigued by the Sly Hand. Despite not directly increasing his combat prowess, this could be effective in assisting him in using swords and firearms.

He was not worried, though. He jotted down notes on a few of the Life Seed descriptions and started to check if there were any better Life Seed of for firearms.

It took him a few minutes to skim through the Firearm Life Seeds and soon, he had made up his mind.

“It’s going to be the Sly Hand Life Seed. There was no other Life Seed of an iron-level that is more appropriate than this. Now I should have a look at what the Six-Armed Demon is and where I can find this monster,” he thought to himself.

Lin Huang checked the Heart Network page to find information on the Six-Armed Demon.

“Name of Monster: Six-Armed Demon”

“Type of Monster: Undead”

“Combat Level: Iron-level rank-3”

“Common skill: Heart Seizure, Spirit Catcher”

“District distribution: Wangyou Forest, Demon Burial Ground”

“Remark: This is one of the most dangerous iron-level monsters. Not recommended to be chosen as Life Seed prey.”

Lin Huang found the image of the monster after reading the description about it.

It was a creature in a red dress, floating in the sky. She had no legs and only six weird-looking arms. Each of her arms was around two meters long with two joints. She had a terribly pale grimaced mask on her face that seemed to also have been doodled on intentionally. Her face was then framed with long, black hair that fell down to her waist. There was no sense of beauty to her at all, only savagery.

She was a ferocious ghost with six long arms.

Lin Huang was speechless at the sight. “If this monster happened to exist on Earth, I’ve no idea how many people would have been frightened to death…” He said aloud, the thought running a chill down his spine.

Chapter 59: Everything Has Changed

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang started to prepare for the battle once he chose the Six-Armed Demon as his Life Seed prey.

He had looked up all the information he could get regarding the Six-Armed Demon on the network, including battle videos. He watched the videos repeatedly and he felt a mixture of thrill and terror.

One of the videos that Lin Huang remembered clearly was a team of five Reserve Hunters accidentally bumping into a Six-Armed Demon in the Wangyou Forest.

As soon as the Six-Armed Demon discovered the team of Reserve Hunter, she immediately attacked. In less than a minute, all five of them were slaughtered.

“She moves like a ghost and she was incredibly fast. Each of her arms was a dreadful killing machine…” the commentary played as he watched. Lin Huang immediately frowned as he saw the action. He had to admit that the Six-Armed Demon was a powerful monster.

After he finished gathering all the data about the Six-Armed Demon, Lin Huang did some research about the two districts – Wangyou Forest and the Demon Burial Ground.

In this world, people who went into places that were named burial grounds would normally be dead, but here he was planning his hunt, alive and kicking.

Similarly, the Demon Burial Ground was a place worse than that. All these years, none of the non-transcendent humans who entered this place ever survived.

He briefly looked through the information on the Demon Burial Ground and immediately excluded it from his schedule. He did not want to go into such a creepy place as he planned to have a fighting chance at a longer life.

As he closed the information page on the Demon Burial Ground, Lin Huang then checked the information on the Wangyou Forest.

Wangyou Forest was a very spacious level-4 wilderness. It was said that the transcendent monster had appeared in this place before but it was killed. The strongest monster in the forest was a gold-level monster. There was more than one gold-level monster in the forest while silver-level monsters were scattered everywhere in the forest.

“The level-4 wilderness is a bit troublesome…” Lin Huang frowned again as he finished reading the information regarding the Wangyou Forest.

To Lin Huang, the level-4 wilderness was a place with an extremely high death rate. With his abilities, it would be stressful for him even in a level-2 wilderness. Bronze-level monsters were a lot stronger than iron-level monsters. Although Lin Huang could easily kill iron-level rank-3 monsters, it was still unknown to him if he could defeat bronze-level monsters, let alone defeat silver-level and gold-level monsters.

“This wilderness is too far from me. It’s within the jurisdiction of another medium sized foothold, around 20,000 kilometers away from me. To reach that place is a problem as well…” It was the first time Lin Huang realized that the world was so big and it was beyond what one could imagine. Between each of the medium-sized footholds, the distance that separated them was at least 3,000 kilometers. Some of them were even 5,000 kilometers apart. For the larger footholds, they were at least 20,000 kilometers apart given that the length of Earth’s equator was only 40,000 kilometers.

There were no teleportation facilities in the small-sized footholds. For the medium-sized footholds, the distance one could teleport between two portals was limited. Basically, one could only travel to nearby medium-sized footholds. If Lin Huang were to go to the Wangyou Forest, he would have to experience a portal change six times over. The opening of a portal cost a lot. Also, the number of times for the portal can open as well as the number of people that could be transported was restricted as well. When the foothold was crowded and no prior bookings were made, he might have to wait for more than three days.

It was possible to travel there by riding an eagle. However, its ability to sustain prolonged flight was questionable and its physical strength was limited. He would have to transfer at each station at the medium-sized footholds and take a rest at the hotels since he would be spending a lot of time on the road.

Another method was to ride on the Demonic Crystal Spaceship. There were suites in the spaceship and its traveling speed was almost the same as the eagle. However, it was more comfortable and it stayed for only five minutes between each medium-sized footholds. One of the weaknesses of this spaceship was that the tickets for the spaceships were very expensive. It had limited cabin seats and only one spaceship would carry passengers each week. The ticket prices were very expensive but the supply was often falling short of demand.

Inconvenience had caused Lin Huang to feel like summoning a monster that could fly. Of course, he had thought of making Dimensional Relics like the green wooden door, but apparently, it would be more difficult.

After comparing a few methods, Lin Huang decided to take a ride on the Demonic Crystal Spaceship. He had never seen it before and wondered how the Demonic Crystal Spaceship looked like in this world.

Lin Huang was lucky as he successfully booked a ticket via the Heart Network. The spaceship would depart from foothold No.7C87 and three days later, arrive at foothold No.7C82. The distance of the journey was around 20,000 kilometers, so the ticket cost him 20,000 credit points.

After booking the spaceship ticket, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon. Lin Huang headed to the Stable Residence before dinner. He visited the boss of the hotel and the guest of the hotel who taught him the sword skill he treasured

He then noticed that the boss of the hotel was not the same person and the guest was not an ordinary hunter as well.

It took him 10 minutes to arrive at the Stable Residence. The yard was no longer the same. The small garden had become an outdoor restaurant with some tables and chairs there.

There were a few young customers enjoying their drinks, sitting on the chairs in front of the small tables.

A waitress came to Lin Huang and asked as he stopped in front of the door, “Mister, can I help you?”

“Is this place owned by a new boss?” Lin Huang asked as he felt that it was impossible for Boss Yu to make so many changes to his beloved garden.

“Yes, it has been 10 days now. However, these days frequent guests like you have come and they complimented our dishes and drinks, saying they’re better than before. You could give it a try and I believe you’ll be satisfied with it.” The waitress recommended a few new menu specialties as she knew that Lin Huang was a frequent guest of the hotel under its previous management.

“Thank you. I’m actually looking for Boss Yu. It’s an urgent matter…” Lin Huang asked as he waved his hand at the waitress. When he was about to leave, he thought of Scarface too. He then asked, “Excuse me. There was a tall man with a scar on his face who lived here last time. May I know if he is still here?” he asked the waitress again.

“Scarface? No, I have never met such a person before. I’ll remember if there’s a person like that,” the waitress said and shook her head.

“Alright, thank you,” Lin Huang nodded, turned away and left. He never thought that Boss Yu and Scarface would leave the foothold so suddenly. Looking at the Stable Residence, he felt a sense of disappointment.

When he got home, he read some news. Nothing special had happened. He was getting ready for dinner.

Dinner had been prepared and Lin Xin was back from school.

Both of them sat face to face while they ate. Lin Huang then asked Lin Xin about the Stable Residence.

“Xin Er, when did the new boss take over at the Stable Residence?”

“The second day after you left. Boss Yu and the fierce uncle left as well,” Lin Xin replied. She knew it as she was at the foothold all the time.

“It was such a big hotel. Why did the boss sell it out in a short period of time? It was still fine when we stayed there,” Lin Huang asked, as he felt the transition was very strange.

“It was said that he had some family issues and needed money urgently. He sold his hotel at a very cheap price and rushed back to his hometown. The fierce uncle was hired as his bodyguard and they left together,” Lin Xin told him the rumors she had heard.

“Oh…” Lin Huang felt that it was unusual. Now as he recalled, Boss Yu and Scarface must have known each other before that time they were there. Perhaps he intentionally asked Lin Huang to pay attention to the sword skills Scarface practiced in the garden. Both of them had disappeared and it would be difficult to further investigate the issue now.

“Whatever. I’m not going to think about it any further. Life has been so hectic recently,” he said with a sigh. He shook his head and emptied his mind.

Chapter 60: The Fatty Called

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

For the next two days, Lin Huang prepared himself to hunt down the Six-Armed Demon. He even spent 100,000 credit points to expand the capacity of his storage space into 100 cubic meters.

After riding on the Demonic Crystal Spaceship, he arrived at foothold No.7C87 within a few hours. He looked for a hotel and stayed there.

Foothold No.7C87 was the top-tier foothold in the No.7D101 Wulin Town region which was the town Lin Huang was in. The locals called it Baqi City as the term sounded almost like the number 87. This was not its original name, though. People had forgotten its original name as they were so used to calling it Baqi City.

Baqi City was a regular C-grade foothold. A medium-sized foothold was a lot bigger than the average small sized foothold.

In comparison, the area of a small-sized foothold was almost the same as the area of a town on Earth. On the other hand, a medium-sized foothold would be the area of three cities on Earth, having a population greater than one million people.

Baqi City was livelier than Wulin Town and Snowy Mountain Town.

In Wulin Town, it seemed that there were no activities held at night. It was slightly livelier at the Snowy Mountain Town as more visitors visited that place but compared to Baqi City, Snowy Mountain Town was still far from it.

Lin Huang felt that he had returned to modern civilization when he arrived at Baqi City.

There were skyscrapers and even buildings with special architectural designs.

Lin Huang’s hotel was one of the skyscrapers. The hotel had a total of 39 floors and Lin Huang’s room was on the 21st.

He wondered how the people would get to the top floor as he entered the hotel since he had never seen a lift in this world. He realized that he had been worrying for nothing as there was a floating staircase in the hotel that somehow looked like a lift. Lin Huang had no idea about the theories and mechanism behind the operation of the floating staircase. He felt curious but he did not ask about it.

After checking in, he went to his room. Lin Huang sent Lin Xin a message to tell her that he was safe. He continued watching the battle videos of the Six-Armed Demon that Yi Zheng had sent him.

When he told Yi Zheng that he had chosen the Six-Armed Demon as his Life Seed prey, Yi Zheng advised him to change it but he insisted on his choice.

Since the Six-Armed Demon was a very dangerous monster, Lin Huang dared not take it too lightly. The past few days, Lin Huang had been watching the videos repeatedly as he was trying to observe and learn her attack moves, figuring out the patterns of her attack. However, he was not making any progress.

In laymen terms, the attacks of the Six-Armed Demon could be described as being creepy, fast, and cruel.

She did not seem to have any specific skill. Her attacks were irregular and every hit would cause instant death to her enemies. Lin Huang had a headache when he noticed this, and could not figure a way past her attacks.

Under normal circumstances, he concluded that the best way to defeat it in combat was to attack from afar.

Unfortunately, Lin Huang could not use his weapon as the effect of his GrayEagle17 on the Six-Armed Demon was very limited. She did not seem to have any weak spots. Even bombs would hardly have any effect on her. Therefore, Lin Huang would be forced to perform a close combat maneuver.

A human who killed a monster would carry out Life Light Baptisms, obtain Life Seeds and get upgrades. The entire process was restricted by two conditions.

First of all, the monster must be killed by the Life Light Baptist. It would not work if it was killed by the others.

Secondly, the Baptist can bring along his companion. However, the combat level of the human companion must be lower than the level of the monster. Otherwise, the Life Light would be spread out of the monster’s dead body and Life Seed would collapse.

Lin Huang began to feel worried about the second condition. If he had to complete the hunting process all by himself and he was not allowed to summon any monsters for help, the rate of success would be close to zero. He might even be killed by the Six-Armed Demon. However, he felt slightly relieved as he watched some of the videos in which an Imperial Censor had completed the baptism.

The monsters summoned by the Imperial Censor were not human. Their combat levels would not cause the Life Light and Life Species to spread out. Therefore, Lin Huang could summon Bai or his Sand Monster to assist him in the battle.

Since he was being restricted by the first condition, the killer must be Lin Huang himself. The summoned monsters could not kill the Six-Armed Demon. Otherwise, Lin Huang would be unable to perform the Life Light Baptism.

“I’ve watched these videos so many times and there weren’t any flaws in her defenses. Perhaps I could only let Bai lock her up with his Blood Power and I’ll kill her,” Lin Huang thought. He could only hope such an idiotic way would allow him to kill her.

He closed the page that showed the information and got ready to go out for dinner. He wanted to walk around the foothold and relax as he felt a tenseness build up inside him.

Opening up the page of contact, the first person who called him was the fatty, Yin Hangyi.

Lin Huang frowned and answered the call.

“Lin Huang, you’re still alive!” The fatty’s oily face appeared on the projected screen.

“I should say the same about you. I asked you to wait for me there but when I went back, you had disappeared,” Lin Huang said.

“I wanted to help you. You don’t appreciate me!” The fatty laughed a little and said. “If the witch did not tell me you were still alive, I’ll not know it even until now. She told me that you’ve asked for my contact number from her. Why didn’t you contact me?”

“There are two reasons. The first one is because I’m busy and another reason is that I’ve forgotten about it…” What Lin Huang said was indeed the fact. He wanted to contact the fatty after he had completed the assessment. However, he had forgotten about it when he encountered the massive monster in the crowd incident.

“That was bitterly disappointing. I miss you every day and even raised a memorial in your honor. I burned incense to you whenever I missed you…”

“Damn!” Lin Huang interrupted the fatty before he finished his sentence.

“Alright, alright. Let’s talk about something else,” Fatty said as he suddenly remembered that he had something serious to tell him. “Err… I heard from the witch that you’ve chosen the Six-Armed Demon as your Life Seed prey. Are you going to Wangyou Forest in the two days?”

“Yes, I am. Why?” Lin Huang asked.

“Are you sure that you want to hunt the Six-Armed Demon? It is a top-tier iron-level monster. Even Copper Hunters would not provoke the monster,” he answered. Apparently, the fatty had heard of the monster before.

“I knew that. I’ve watched her battle videos so many times. It’s indeed difficult to handle but I’ve got my ways,” he replied. Lin Huang had fixed his battle strategy and was confident he had a chance.

“Oh. Since you think so, that fine. It’s alright now.”

“Fatty, you’re acting strangely. What’s happening?” Lin Huang immediately asked.

“The witch asked me to advise you not to go. Since you’re confident that you can do it, then it’s alright,” The fatty told him the truth.

“She has my contact number. Why didn’t she call me?” Lin Huang felt weird.

“She told me that her brother had advised you but you didn’t listen to him. She guessed that she’ll not be able to influence you as well and she asked me to convince you,” The fatty said. He then asked, “Both of you are moving so fast in your relationship. Have you met each other’s parents?”

“Stop bullshitting me. I’m going to hang up now.”

“Wait, don’t hang up! Tell me who her brother is…” the fatty asked amid laughter.

Lin Huang did not want to continue with a topic like that and hung up the phone.

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