Eeveelutions of Hohenzollern...

Door FriedrichSchutze

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Simply historical-fiction-Alternate Mystery Dungeon Pokémon story mash up based on short narration and dialog... Meer

EoH : The Cursed Bloodline Prologue
Scroll 2: All Has It's Own Limit
Scroll 2: Something I Wanted To Do In My Life
Scroll 2: Getting To Remember Myself
Scroll 2: Tainstvenniy, Svyashchenny Les
Scroll 2: Priznaki Revnosti/SICNA·INVIDIAE
Scroll 2: Field, My Beloved Field
Extras/Specials : Want Me To Tell You A Story?
Scroll 2: Lively Life in Amur
Scroll 2: A Guest From Byzantium
Scroll 2: Praeceptor Legionis
Extras/Specials: Obliviousness
Scroll 2: Migration
Scroll 2: Unlocking One's Heart' Picklock
Scroll 2: Kalos Irthes Sto Byzantion
Scroll 2: Vacation In New Rome
Scroll 2: Tell Me In Lesbos Island
Extras/Specials: Glacialis Hyacintho Luscus Familia
Scroll 2: Vacation's Over?
Scroll 2 : I Already Know Who You Are
Scroll 2 : Return To Moesia
Scroll 2 : The Autumn Harvest
Extras/Specials: Seeking for trading partner
Scroll 2: Time To Go
Scroll 2 : Revelations

Scroll 2 : Evacuation of Amur

12 0 0
Door FriedrichSchutze

Gricimer: W-who? Who you are?!

Albert: You didn't hear it clear? I am Albert Flavius Severus of Hohenzollern-Königsburg.

Gricimer: .........Lie. You are a wizard.

Albert: *shrugs* Who really knows. Anyways, wanna continue this or you'd like to just surrender?

Gricimer: Huh! Even if you are the prince, wizard, or whoever you are, I wouldn't surrender without any struggle! *jumps and trying to strike Albert from above*

Albert: *Rolling over to avoid Gricimer's attack and slash his sword upwards*

Gricimer: *Spinning over to face and block Albert's attack by both of his sword*

(The block made Gricimer's position knocked off)

Gricimer: Ugh!

Albert: Begone....enemies of Rome.

(Gricimer starts to wildly attack Albert)

Albert: *Deflecting every attack Gricimer sent* You're exhausting yourself unnecessarily.

Gricimer: Shut up! There is no need for you to suggest me! I am not your student!

Albert: Mistake number one it is, number two, you just cancel a very useful reminder to win this battle. And last thing, you can learn about anything not only from teacher or mentors.

Gricimer: Disgusting piece of jerky Roman nonsense! *Spinning himself to attack Albert*

Albert: *Dodging the attacks*

(Gricimer's attacks lasted for some minutes untill he was exhausted. Albert dodge his attacks in the most part, only a handful of parries he did by his leaf sword)

Albert: You have ever face with me before, didn't you recognize my fighting style yet?

Gricimer: *panting* S-shut up! Just fight me and stop talking nonsense!

Albert: *sigh* Fine ways.

(Albert approaches Gricimer slowly and started to slash and swing his sword)

Gricimer: Ugh! *Tries to parry every single of Albert's attacks*

Albert: Impressive, you are exhausted yet you still got your focus on.

Gricimer: ..............

Albert: Let's end this, shall we? *Slash and send Gricimer's left sword to the air*

Gricimer: Duh! I yield! Stop! *kneeling down*

Albert: *relaxing his body* Wise choice. Now drop your weapons and your armor, tell your friends to do it also.

Gricimer: Okay...okay..........

Albert: Stand up.

Gricimer: ............

Albert: Stand up with your hands in the air.

Gricimer: Yes....*standing up* and....*Suddenly running towards Albert with dagger on his hand and tries to stab Albert with it*

Albert: *Reflexed with swing of his sword from his left hip upwards* Bad choice.

Gricimer: AAAGH!

(The swing made a long and huge cut on Gricimer's belly and chest)

Albert: Let me honour you by easing your pain. *swing his sword horizontally on Gricimer's neck*

(Gricimer's head was decapitated and his body falls down to the ground)

Albert: Requiescat in pace, bellator Gothorum tribus. *Cleans his sword from bloods*

(The revolting legionaries stand in awe and fear by witnessing how the duel ends)

Albert: Now, stay on your promise traitors. Surrender and I'll look for the softest punishment compatible for all of you.

(Without any other words, the revolting legionaries drop their weapons and surrendered to the loyalist force)

Albert: Alright, would any of you have the willingness of getting a pardon from me by letting me know where is your legate now and what is he up to?

(There is no prisoner who raised their hand)


(The prisoners shocked and raise their hands in reflex)

Albert: Pfft, come on. Just one at once please.

??: E-e-excuse and p-pardon legate travelled north with some of the Dacian delegates....

Albert: Alright, what is he up to?

??: That....p-pardon, I don't know......

Albert: *Holds his armor and lift him up* What is he up to?

??: I-I don't know! I swear I'm just a legionary!

Albert: *Punches his belly*!

??: Agh! I swear by the name of my ancestors that I don't know anything! The legate leave us to ravage this village and gather as much supply as we can!

Albert: *Throw him off* Sure, I hope your ancestor won't cry looking at you from above.

Lucius: Domine, what should we do now?

Albert: Get ready for the villagers evacuation. We are gonna head to the Princep's position and march to Byzantium. Send some messengers to them informing about this. Rest well for tomorrow's march.

Lucius: Understood Domine.


(Later in an emergency tent at morning, busy civilians carrying their packs in the background)

Lucius: *yawns* Ah? {It's morning. But where is my prince at? I don't remember if he slept last night}

(A voice very similar with Albert's is heard by Lucius from outside of the tent)

?: Grazhdane, soberites pered ratushey! Miles Limitanei! Make sure every civilian of this village evacuated from here!

Lucius: ........*gets out of the tent*

(Lucius saw a Leafeon wearing a centurion helmet and lorica hamata decorated with phaleras helping the citizens)

Lucius: ........Domine? *running towards the Leafeon* Domine! What happened?

Albert: Ah, Lucius. Get yourself prepared and help the citizens to evacuate. Get them all assembled infront of town hall.

Lucius: Domine.....I am very grateful that you are back.

Albert: *Taking a sight to his appearance* Well, there's no time for impressions, let's keep them to kill boredom when marching to Byzantium.

Lucius: Alright, did you sleep last night Domine? You look quite exhausted.

Albert: Civilian lives are on stake, my eyes stayed up all night long.

Lucius: You need-

Albert: Sssh. Now get yourself ready and meet me at the town hall, brother. This is an order.

Lucius: ..........Understood Domine.

(An hour later, infront of the town hall)

Albert: Mr.Zorus, Mr.Aleksandr, and Mr.Niko, I believe you all knew every single member of this village, please check on and make sure everyone is here.

Niko: Understood eh....Peter....? Pardon me, ehm....your highness.

Albert: Hmm. You should also concerned about the library's books Mr.Niko.

Zorus: I-I still can't believe....

Albert: Things will go normal as time progressed Mr.Zorus.

Aleksandr: Moy blagorodniy printsa, may I ask what would you do next?

Albert: I will speak to everyone to not panic and announce my plan for evacuation.

Aleksandr: Very well.

(Minutes after)

Zorus: Your highness, every citizen of Amur is already been here.

Albert: That is a good news. Now, *facing towards Lucius* Lucius, canetis cornu.

Lucius: Sic. Cornicularii!

(A horn was blowed once. Everyone's attention was turned to Albert)

Albert: Salve, humble citizens of Amur! Fear not as I, Albert Flavius Severus and the 4th legion here shall protect you all! I order everyone to calm down and don't panic! I will lead you all to the safety of the Theodosian wall of Byzantium! We will start marching on afternoon! Get yourself all ready with packs and some handful of valuable stuffs. Would there be any questions?

Zorus: Your....highness, how could we retain provisions to keep everyone well-fed?

Albert: For that, just bring some foods. But I highly suggest to bring your spices as the legions will gather the foods for everyone to eat. And when we pass some cities, I will afford the food supplies for everyone.

Zorus: Very well planned, your highness.

Albert: Perhaps any other questions for me to answer?

(Everyone silenced)

Aleksandr: Perhaps there is no other questions blagorodniy printsa.

Albert: I see, then prepare yourself everyone! Hence if you are ready, go to the village's gate. I will wait everyone there. *turning onto his left* Lucius, Mr.Aleksandr, Mr.Niko, and Mr.Zorus, could I ask you a favor to guide the civilians if necessary?

Lucius: Intellexerunt, Domine.

Aleksandr: *bows* Serving on your order, vashe vysochestvo.

Niko: U-u-understood. I'm...your word is the law.....Domine.

Zorus: As of my duty to keep them save, my lord.

Albert: Alright, I will be waiting infront of the gate.

(Some while after, Albert was infront of the village's gate where the 4th legion limitanei Augusta was preparing themselves for a march)

Albert: Hmm.......

(Albert walks into HQ tent. There are 4 centurions and a primus pilus inside)

Albert: Salve.

Everyone: Salve.

Albert: I am here to observe and lookout if there are anything to correct.

Primus Pilus: Your highness, it is a pleasure for us to have you as our mentor. So please look over to our preparation.

Albert: First things first, I'd like to know about the quantity of this legion.

Primus Pilus: We lost 60% of our power sir.

Albert: So, we only have 4 cohorts?

Primus Pilus: Indeed sir. The centurions here are the representatives of each existing cohort in our serve.

Albert: Was the first cohort still intact?

Primus Pilus: *shook his head* Only one and a half centurii survived and stayed here sir.

Albert: ......What cohorts survived here?

Primus Pilus: The third cohort, fifth cohort, seventh cohort, and tenth cohort, sir......

Albert: How about the Tribunes?

Primus Pilus: They are with the legate sir. That's why we also confused on how we are managing the legion's administrative tasks.

Albert: What really happened to the rest?

Primus Pilus: Many of them faced death, others was fatally wounded and permanently disabled, some suceed to run away after the night.

Albert: ......Was everyone equipped well and enough?

Primus Pilus: Everyone was well equipped sir.

Albert: Have you get the standard and eagle ready?

Primus Pilus: It was always has been ready sir. May I ask about what else to get them ready sir?

Albert: The fragrance and tradition to wash them before a campaign and attach a huge garland, have you done it?

Primus Pilus: .........No sir. I never even heard about that ritual? I guess I've ever heard that.....but I don't remember....

Albert: Fine then. Bring me a full two bucket of lavender and chamomile flower and half bucket of any flower.

Primus Pilus: Understood sir. I will go and-

Albert: No-no, I still need you to discuss matters about this legion. Let your optio and your men to do it.

Primus Pilus: ........Affirmative sir.

Albert: Disbanded from me. Do you have anything else to talk with the Centurions?

Primus Pilus: Nothing else sir, we are only making sure everything is ready.

Albert: May I know your name, Primus Pilus of the fourth Augusta?

Primus Pilus: Pardon me as I didn't introduce myself at first, my name is Publius Flavius Fortuatus.

Albert: Mmhm. Follow me and see how to inspect your soldiers with the Seventh Legion's operational standard, Flavius Fortuatus.

(Albert show Flavius on how he inspect and get everything ready based on his standard)

Albert: *walking slowly* By far, you see everything was better and good for the improvement of this legion?

Flavius: *following Albert from behind* This far, I understood and I will implement every correction you have on us, your highness.

Albert: *stopped walking and turn himself to face Flavius* Right, now I will have something to discuss with you.

Flavius: *hold his steps down*

Albert: I saw leadership and stewardship potentials in you. I believe you can be the legate of this legion.

Flavius: Are you sure, your highness? I am not even from senatorial class family.

Albert: *frowning* I am tired enough about that rule, standard or anything. It is already too many incompetent legion leaders came from there. From now and then, I want every citizen have at least a chance to be a leader. Though, we shouldn't forget that one should prove himself capable and worthy to be one.

Flavius: I....I can't argue with that....sir.

Albert: Now, I can't think of anybody else to promote as the legate of this legion, I will choose you. My word is, that you should never forget your responsibility.

Flavius: I am honored to be a legate. Never I have ever thinked that I will be one when joining the legion.

Albert: Hm. Now I will order you to choose your tribunes, whether it will be from the legion or you'd like to recruit them, it's up to you. Now, that my concern is about the messy structure of the legion as the aftermath of the tragedy happened yesterday.

Flavius: I see, it's about the cohorts sir?

Albert: Not only the cohorts, it's also the officers. Centuriones, optiones, tesserarius, and I believe we are also lacking some signifer.

Flavius: For signifer and tesserarius, I already arranged the change with the remaining centurions. But I am still in dilemma on how to point the optio and centurions.

Albert: Then, let the legionaries itself choose their centurions, then the centurions point who will be the optio.

Flavius: I see...I will implement what you just said, sir.

Albert: Alright, you are dismissed, do whatever you need to get this legion ready, discuss with your centurions. I believe the problems this legion is facing right now is a perfect test for the new legate.

Flavius: *bows* Gratias tibi valde.

Albert: *nods* March with Rome's spirit.


(The Amur river in noon. Beside of it, the cossacks are resting. Aleksandr is talking along with them)

Aleksandr: I can't believe that some cossacks defected and turn their kop'ye to the brotherhood, Vashe.

Vashe the Luxio: Tragediya eto, hetman. I think I should remedy my way of leading the cossacks.

Aleksandr: *sigh* No Vashe, you did very well. I believe if I choose somebody else that day other than you, the loyal cossacks won't be this much in number. Or even worse, all defected. I only want to recount of how dangerous denarius and sistertius really were.

Vashe: I see....thank you hetman.

Aleksandr: Come on, you already have like 17 to 18 years as a hetman. Trust yourself. Anyways, what will the cossacks of Amur do after the evacuation of this village?

Vashe: Your son in-law or *giggles* pardon me, the prince ordered us to scout and protect the column from any attacks and scout for any enemy tailing the column. He admired our versatility.

Aleksandr: Heh, for the son in-law part, it was his highness's own fault. I don't even gonna care if he is the god of war or something even higher when somebody I deemed worthy comitted his love to my daughter, I will immediately marry them. For the order, very well then. May the cossack brotherhood always shine and ride on the right way.

Vashe: *smiling broadly* Of course hetman.

Aleksandr: I know I can count on you *pats Vashe's shoulder*. And so, I'll leave you on your activities again. Do svidanya.

Vashe: Do svidanya, hetman Feodorovich.

(Aleksandr leave the cossacks to their own schedules and go to his family's house to see if his family was ready to go)

Aleksandr: How's it everyone?

Vanya: Sviatoslav is still on the roof. I don't know what he is doing. But I am.....ready.

Katyusha: I still don't want to leave this house.....but it's too dangerous to stay either.......

Aleksandr: *hugging them both* Easy, my family. We always can rebuild our lovely house if it was destroyed. We should prioritize our own lives for now because we can't take it back if we lose it.

Vanya: Indeed......moy muzh....

Aleksandr: Vse budet khorosho, ya veryu [Everything will be okay, I believe it]. *end the hug* Sviatoslav is on the rooftop? I will talk to him. You two can wait here. *walking inside*

Vanya: Okay....

(On the rooftop of Feodorovich family's house)

Aleksandr: Sviatoslav Feodorovich! Where are you?! Hmm?

(Aleksandr saw an Umbreon sitting and gazing at the horizon)

Aleksandr: Ah, there you are my son. *approaching the Umbreon*

Sviatoy: Papa....I am ready but I feel like something is holding me off from leaving this village. The beautiful Zeleniy ridge, the vast green steppe, the clear water of Amur river along with it's delicious fishes, priceless memories with friends.....there is too much to left.

Aleksandr: You love this village much like your mother. I can understand what do you feel, but we aren't in position to hold this village. There are possibilities of a huge horde of raiders, we can't hold them.

Sviatoy: I know-I know papa. I only want a moment to enjoy my last day here.

Aleksandr: *Holding Sviatoslav's shoulder* This is not your last day here. I can assure you that Amur village will be back once again.

Sviatoy: *smiling* I trust you, papa.

Aleksandr: Cheer up my boy, we will meet your uncle and the Palaiologos family again.

Sviatoy: Alright papa, let's go.


(In the afternoon. The legion and the civillians are waiting for marching order infront of the village's gate)

Aleksandr: *run towards Albert* Your highness, excuse me to report. We are ready for marching. The elders, eggs, and special priority civillians are also carried either by stretcher or a simple cart.

Albert: Very well, we will start marching. *turning himself to Flavius* Flavius, put the garland on the standard now.

Flavius: Sic.

(Flavius put the garland full of different flowers with various colors)

Albert: Make sure to place 2 cohorts as the rear guard, Flavius. Assign your junior cohorts there.

Flavius: In short time sir. I will assign the 3rd and 4th cohort as the rear guard.

Albert: Now, tell the cornicularius of first cohort to sign a marching order.

Flavius: Yes sir. Cornicularius of the first cohort! Sign the marching order!

(The march begins. Meanwhile in the middle column)

Aleksandr: So long....moya amurskaya derevnya.

Vanya: .........I can't believe the situation escalated significantly....I am scared.....

Sviatoy: Mama......

Katyusha: .............

Aleksandr: Be easy everyone. We are protected by the best leader in this world. When we arrived to the destination, we will reunite with the Palaiologos family and be safe within theodosian wall.

Katyusha: *sighs* I believe in him. I knew he can lead all of us to safety. But....I missed him.

Vanya: *pats Katyusha's head* Peter, or whatever everyone is calling him now, I know he will never leave you. I've seen and heard true love in his eyes and words.

Katyusha: Yes, mama. That is exactly why I am worried. I don't care if he is the prince or anything else, I felt comfort with him, I feel like he needs me.

Aleksandr: The exact same feeling I felt to your mother. Keep it the same.

Katyusha: Yes papa....but is it ok to develop our relationship even further? I am concerned because of his....real identity.

Aleksandr: I am sure he will protect you. You have the key to his heart. Don't be afraid my daughter.

Vanya: I will always support you too, my daughter.

Katyusha: Thank you mama and papa.

(Meanwhile, in the vanguard rank)

Albert: Flavius, let's take a rest after we passed 3.4 mille passus of march, as I calculated we will reach that distance, the sun will start to set. Will you confirm that, Lucius?

Lucius: Confirmare possum, Domine.

Flavius: Understood your highness. Pardon me as I am asking a question sir, but where are we really marching to?

Albert: We need to regroup with my legion and possibly more than 1 extra legions. Their position was located in approximately 7.5 mille south from Amur village.

Flavius: Understood sir.


(In a huge opening inside a conifer forest. The marching column of 4th legion and Amur civilians are getting ready to encamp and rest)

Albert: Now all settled then. Flavius, order your men to build a temporary wooden wall to guard this encampment. Build watchtowers to ensure more safety. The work wouldn't consume too much time if all legionaries of this legion participate and if needed we can call capable civilians to help.

Flavius: I will work on that sir.

Albert: And, just a bit more, we need some party of legionaries to forage for foods and water. It will be very important for us. Secure the logistics and spare some of the supplies for civilian reserve.

Flavius: Understood, I request my dismissal to execute your suggestions.

Albert: Granted.

(3 hours later. Albert is wearing off his armor and war equipments except his legionary belt with gladius and pugio on it)

Flavius: *running towards Albert* Allow me to report sir, we are almost done with the walls and watchtowers. Tents are all ready.

Albert: Very well, the civilians are cooking for us too. So take a rest after all was done and start sentry schedule.

Flavius: Understood, your highness. Requesting my dismissal.

Albert: Dismissed.

Flavius: *bows* Gratias tibi. *walks away*

Albert: .......*turning himself to Lucius who is finishing his tent* Lucius, I'll go to look after the civilians.

Lucius: I request to accompany you, your highness.

Albert: No need if you are busy. I will be okay without any company.

Lucius: that okay domine?

Albert: Yes, it's okay Lucius. Meet you again in the night, I suppose. *walks off*

Lucius: All....right domine.

(Albert is walking between the tents, greeted by everyone in his path)

?: Ave, your majesty!

Albert: *smiling* Ave. Oh, may I ask something, humble civilian?

?: Anything, your majesty.

Albert: I am looking for the Feodorovich family.

?: I think I saw them near that corner *pointing at a direction* your majesty.

Albert: Mmhm, spasibo. *walks off*

(Albert goes onto the direction pointed by the civilian. He is looking around to find the Feodorovich family)

Albert: Hmm....where are they?

(Suddenly, someone is pulling him off and he feel something wet is touching his lips)

Albert: Hmm?!

Katyusha: Mmm..........Hehehe, look who is wandering around here.

Albert: Ah, it's my dearest steppe flower. Where are our family?

Katyusha: Follow me. We are about to have a dinner along with Petrovich and Komnenos family. It will be such an honour if you joined us.....your majesty *giggles*

Albert: *annoyed* Ah, don't tease me with that calling or I will call you nasty girl all the time.

Katyusha: threatening *giggles*. Come on, before the foods getting cold. *walks off*

Albert: Alright. *following her*

(Infront of Feodorovich family's tent)

Nataly: Katyusha is certainly taking too much time. I think we should look for her.

Sviatoy: Just wait in some minutes, and I believe she will come with a special guest.

Olga: A special guest?

Katyusha: Hey everyone! Look who is gonna join our dinner today!

Olga: Oh?

Nataly: I see...

Niko: Eh-euhm....

Zorus: Special, very special indeed.

Albert: Salve, everyone. I will be pleased if I know that you are all doing well. And I am requesting to join the feast.

Aleksandr: You are more than welcomed, your highness. Come and sit with us.

Albert: Gratias tibi valde. *sitting down*

Katyusha: *sitting down beside Albert*

Vanya: Ehm, sorry we can't serve you with better foods, your highness.

Albert: Ah, it's none of my concern. Please be easy and no need to be formal. I don't want to be the comfort killer. Do look at me as Peter Schutze here.

Niko: All-right....

Albert: You are too nervous everytime we met after the attack Mr.Niko *chuckling while holding his mouth by right hand*. We should end it, you are a humble and very nice mon, it's impossible if you have any problem with me, yes?

Marusya: *chuckles* He is feeling sinful because of employing you as a tłumacz, your highness.

Albert: Hmm? Employing me? Ah come on, there is no concern to bear, Mr.Niko. I am even happy to help.

Niko: Ehm, pardon me your highness, becauze sometimes I am too excited to translate the literatures and push you out because of it.....

Aleksandr: You are truly a pleaser, Niko. Our majesty is very generous and won't even mind to help, can't you remember that? Calm down.

Niko: Alright-alright. I will ease myself.

Vanya: *smiling* Let's keep talks untill dinner was done.

Aleksandr: Oh, yes. Let's eat everyone. Priyatnogo appetita, smacznego.

(The dinner ensued. After the dinner, the fathers are still having some talk, the mothers returning to their own tent. When the other kids are resting inside, Katyusha and Albert is sitting and enjoying each other's company below the stars)

Katyusha: How are you? I think I'm not yet asked about how are you now.

Albert: I am doing very well. Got everything on the right line. And how about you.....Katty? *chuckling*

Katyusha: Ah, you. Still loved to tease me using that name. Of course I am doing well as you can see.

Albert: I am more than pleasured to hear that.


Katyusha: ........Ehm, Peter.

Albert: Hmm?

Katyusha: When will all of this end?

Albert: I don't know. It's just started.

Katyusha: What will you do after this crisis ends?

Albert: I am gonna significantly reform the governmental system, fix the problematic armies, improve the infrastructure, enhance education......

Katyusha: Yes, that is your concern about the nation, but what about yourself?

Albert: Huh?

Katyusha: Ah, you dense floofsack. *hits him on the head lightly*

Albert: Hey?! What do you mean?

Katyusha: Alright, let's just get to the point. *blushing* It's.....about us, ehm.....will you marry me?

Albert: ........I am sure and certain to build a family with you. Of course.

Katyusha: *blushing heavily* Uhm.....

Albert: Ah, you released your cuteness. Let me hug you and enjoy your cuteness *hugging her*

Katyusha: E-eh?!

Albert: Hmm..........*releasing her* Alright, now is the time for me to go back to my duty.

Katyusha: *smiling* Go, bring us to safety, Imperator.

Albert: *smirks* Thank you for your encouragement, humble civilian. Salvete, da svidanya.

Katyusha: Da svidanya, darogaya.

(Albert stands up and start to walk off, turn himself towards Katyusha again to wave to her. Katyusha replied it with another hand wave. Albert continues to go to the HQ tent, while Katyusha gets into her family's tent to sleep along with her family)

Albert: Alright, it's time for the meeting.

(Albert gets inside the HQ tent. Lucius, Flavius, Zorus, and the tribunes are inside, infront of them there is a table in the center)

Albert: Salve omnis.

Everyone: Salve.

Albert: I am eager to listen to updates.

Lucius: Everything from the emergency camp is on control domine.

Flavius: Though, we got news that the Amur Cossacks from the village did encounter a small Dacian army, but they are coming along with Kipchak cavalries.

Albert: Sounds alerting. How are the Amur Cossacks now?

Flavius: They escaped the onslaught sir. Now they are encamping just 3 kilometers from our position.

Albert: Good....I am relieved that they didn't confront them directly. I'd like to know their casualties, and send them command to protect and scout our rear.

Flavius: Understood, your majesty.

Albert: Alright, anything else to add into updates?

Zorus: The civilians are all doing well your majesty.

Lucius: So far, it's all the updates domine.

Flavius: Requesting to ask you to tell the legion's new tribunes about our destination, sir.

Albert: Oh, new tribunes? I am placing my trust on you all to carry your duties with your own life. For now, we are gonna link up with the seventh legion and the princeps located south of our position, 3.5 mille passus. After that, we are gonna march all the way to south with our stop is Byzantium. We will discuss for further plans there.

Flavius: *turning himself to the tribunes* Any question you all would like to ask, tribunes?

(The tribunes shook their head)

Flavius: Alright. *turning himself to Albert again* There is nothing else to add your majesty.

Albert: Understood. Rest yourself everyone. We will march again tomorrow.

That is the task of him, your ancestor whom you are watching right now......


Chaire, dear readers, FriedrichSchutze on the line. I have no comments on this story this time. As always, I am happy to update this story, and I can't wait to finish it. Wish you have wonderful days, dear readers. Roma Invicta, as always.

Chapter Glossary:

-Tribunes: A position in legion similar to administrator. They are also the legion's supervisor.

-Tesserarius: A position in legion where each century (100 men) in a legion will have one Tesserarius. They are the discipline enforcer and watchmen. Maintaining the century's order was their task.

-Mille passus: a Roman measurement unit, 1 mille passus equals to 1.48 kilometers. It is consisted of a thousand paces as measured by every other step as in the total distance of the left foot hitting the ground 1,000 times. In real life, the foot measurement is standardized by Roman foot, based on Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa's own in 29 BC (Soren, D.; et al. (1999), "A Roman villa and a late Roman infant cemetery : excavation at Poggio Gramignano, Lugnano in Teverina", Bibliotheca Archaeologica, Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider.)

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