Claim My Heart

By ViDisha21

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This is a sequel to the book- To Capture A Heart. *** Veronica had it all and then, in just a matter of a fe... More

Welcome back.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

121 8 13
By ViDisha21

Tyler's POV :-

Why did she have to wear that dress? 

It worshipped every curve of her body. And that colour- so provocative. So sensual. So perfect for a girl like her.

Temptation. Thy name, Veronica D'costa.

She had always said that she wasn't much of a dancer. But the way she had swayed her hips in a drunken haze to the pulsing low beats, just a few minutes ago had suggested otherwise. It was mesmerizing, especially because of that damn dress she had on.

And god, it had grated on my nerves that she was dancing with Josh. 

I kept telling myself that I had to give her space and wait for her to come to me. But with every passing second, I had been tempted.

No, tempted didn't seem like a strong enough word. 

I had felt compelled.

Compelled to get closer, kiss those full lips. Take her away from all the prying eyes. Make her mine.

God, she made me feel like a damn caveman. 

 Words like - want, need, must have, and mine, made an appearance every time my eyes found her. 

But thank god for small mercies, because she had walked away from the dance floor- away from Josh- just when I was a second away from hauling her over to me.  

And now, she was here, by my side, right where she fucking belonged. 

"Care for a drink?" She inched closer to me and my hands itched to pull her even closer. 

I was intoxicated by her. Every goddamn thing about her.



Must have. 


I blinked and then shook my head. What the hell was this vodoo magic?

Love. My mind answered for me and I almost smiled. 

"Dude, did you just space out?" Veronica peered up at me with a cute frown.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

" a drink?"  

"Will you take advantage of me if I get drunk?" I tilted my head slightly to get a better look at her face. 

"No." She shook her head, wide-eyed. 

"Ugh, then what's the point?" I shrugged. 

She blinked as if she was processing my answer and then threw her head back in laughter. "C'mon, I know you usually don't drink, but make an exception tonight."

"Tempt me."

Her eyes gleamed at the challenge in my words and she took another step closer to me.

"I'm trying to," she whispered against my ear.

 And fuck. Drunk Veronica might just be my favorite. 

I groaned, trying to muster all the self-control I could, and took a step away from her. "Tiger, you're drunk."


I sighed. "So I'm not going to get drunk, while you're shit-faced."

She rolled her eyes and muttered. "Always trying to be responsible."

"Hey!' Josh appeared behind us and I stood up straight. He looked at Veronica with a smile that made me frown. "I'm sorry I can't stay any longer, I gotta go."

"Aw, no!" She pouted and made a move to get closer to him but I slipped a hand around her waist to hold her in place. "It's ok, thanks for coming."

She stepped forward again to give him a quick hug, which was quick only because I tugged her back to me by the back of her dress, as soon as she was in his arms.  

Yes, I was being childish. 

No, I didn't care. 

Josh turned to look at me, his gaze pinning me in place and I steeled myself. It was like he was trying to read into me, as only Veronica did sometimes. But he wouldn't succeed.

Then he blinked, breaking our stare off, and gave me a small smile. "Take care of her."

I knew what he meant by those words and they weren't just for tonight. 

His words were sincere and despite whatever I suspected he felt for Veronica, he seemed sincere too and I appreciated it. 

I respected anyone who would look out for her. 

"Always, I promise," I said and he gave me a tight nod before walking away.

I took a deep breath and when I turned to look at Veronica, she was nowhere to be found. 

 I frowned and set off to look for my drunk Tiger. 

This was going to be a long night. 


I found her outside the house, sitting on the sidewalk, peering around a small bush beside her, with a confused expression on her face.

As I got closer to her I realized she was mumbling to herself. 

"Hey!"I said as I walked up to her. 

She jumped, startled, at the sound of my voice before her eyes widened. "Shhhh!"

She gestured for me to sit down beside her and I obeyed. 

"What's going on?" I asked and she shot me an irritated look. 

"Shh! Lower your voice," she whispered. "He'll hear you!"

"Who will?"

"He will."

I sighed. "Who is he?"

She rolled her eyes. "Max."

"What?" I felt my body stiffen at the mention of his name. "Max? Are you sure? Where is he?"

She pointed to her side and peered around the bush. But the street was empty. 

"Oh." She frowned. "Nevermind he is gone. What I dont understand is why was she with him. I mean, it's not hard to believe that they might be friends but friends dont make you cry. So, then why?"


"Red really isn't her color. Do you think she still hates me?"

"Uh...she?" I blinked trying to make sense of what she just said.

"Don't try to sit there and figure out what she is trying to say," a voice came from behind us. "You might have a better luck at finding the secret key at establishing world peace instead."

Neil frowned at both of us from his wheelchair.

"She said she saw Max here," I said, getting up from the sidewalk.

"She is drunk out of her wits," he muttered.

"But..." I glanced back at her and she was...counting her hair? I sighed. "You're probably right."

"I'm always right." Veronica smiled up at us.

I chuckled while I helped her get up.

"Don't laugh." She pouted.


"It's too sexy." She shook her head. "No laughing allowed."

What the...

Neil cleared his throat with his eyes wide. "Um, ohkaay, so I'm leaving."

"Carefull, I'll help." Veronica stumbled.

Neil rolled his eyes, "I got it."

She watched him go with a frown and I smiled. "Relax, he's got it."

I took her hand and kissed the back of it before lacing our fingers together, like two pieces of a puzzle our hands fit perfectly together.

She looked up at me with a dreamy smile, and those eyes held me captive as securely as a pair of chains.

God, I loved her.

There was no music yet we swayed, drunk on our senses, lost in each other.

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