Phakade Lami (My Forever)

By Tubalole

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Two Separate Worlds, Both Close And Distant To Each Other In Terms Of Class, Love And Wealth Are Brought Toge... More

Characters Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Character Introduction.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Enter Harriet)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 In Violence We Stand
Chapter 18
New Character ✌️✌️
Chapter 19.... Nokubonga.
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 (Nomashenge)
Chapter 21 (The Beginning Of The End) Part 1
Chapter 22 (Again)
New Characters Coming Soon.
Chapter 23 (Betrayal Of The Highest Order)
Chapter 24 (Supper)
Chapter 25 (The Underwear)
Chapter 26 "Misplaced Glory"
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Is this what you want)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 His Love
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
We are coming back.
Chapter 38 (It's Him)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"
Chapter 44 (I wish it was a lie)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Bipolar)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Zimkhita)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (This Is My Confession)
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'
Chapter 60 'I am staying'
Chapter 61 - House Of Masilo.
Author's Note
Hi *Financial* Plea

Chapter 21 (Part 2) The Continuation

130 23 10
By Tubalole

Chapter 21 (The Continuation).

An hour or two earlier before Hector’s entrance into the house, Bab’Dlamini arrives at a house based somewhere in the middle of nowhere and this house stands still in the middle of brown long grass, and it looks abandoned.
Bab’Dlamini had been asking around the neighbourhood as he was driving and whoever he met told him the same thing.
“The man you seek is powerful and he will not fail you at all,” Those old men would say.
“His well-known and the most trusted seer in town,” some would say.
He packs his car 🚗 at a distance and slowly moves to the entrance of the house, and before he can knock on the door, an old man opens the door.
“Your life is not of any good fruit, everything went to hell... when you wanted power and control of what is not yours and... your life became worthless, when you killed your loved one... Jerry Masilo,” the old man says.
BabDlamini’s heart sink in like a ship that is drowning on a high pace and as the man moves forward, he brings two wooden stool chairs, for them to sit on.

As they sit down, Bab’Dlamini knows very well that, it’s of no use how he knew, so he decides to listen to him.
“It’s not you my son... it was never your problem to begin with but it began way before you were born or even thought of... but you can stop it and from where you stopped your sons will continue”, the man says with an assuring smile.
Bab’Dlamini slowly nods in agreement as if one determined to stop something that he doesn’t know.
He returns home to find his house filled with an occupant, and its none other than Hector and he has a gun in his hand that has the colourful bead around it.
“Sit down, they’re two chairs and I would definitely love to have a conversation with you about my father”, he says with a smile.
Bab’Dlamini chuckles and slowly moves to sit opposite this young man that has grown some huge guts to make him sit down and as they face each other, he smiles as he looks at him.
“You have grown up and when I see you fully now, I see that you have her eyes and your father’s untitled courage and kind heart that made me love him,” he says with a smile as he looks at the gun in Hector’s hand and the bead.

Meanwhile the day is slowly creeping towards the evening and Ziyanda has opened the door to the house and slowly flicks the light on, and moves to the kitchen.
She puts on the light and that’s when she meets with Nkosi, sitting on the kitchen counter with gun in his wrist, she opens her mouth but quickly closes it.
“They is something that you should know, I feel free when it’s dark and gloomy... because I can’t see the way I will slay my enemy”, he says.
Something, if not everything about him has changed and it as if somebody unleashed a crazy creepy monster.
The fact that he even choose to sit in the dark, which according to Ziyanda, is unlike him and with those words that just came out of his mouth, not forgetting the gun in his hand, this has officially crossed the license of craziness.


“Oh shut the fuck up... you demon from hell!!”, he snaps

He looks at her from head to toe, and apart from the gun in his hand, his also holding something and she is trying to figure it out.
“When did you come out”....
He doesn’t answer, instead he looks at her as if she is some rubbish and Ziyanda can remember this look, it’s the same look that he had before he was given the love portion.
She slowly moves forward anyway, shaking like a jellyfish, and that’s when Nkosi points the gun to her and tells her to kneel down or else he will shoot her.
She does as she is told, and except for the light in the living room and the kitchen, the entire house is completely Eskom and slowly he brings out a small village pot that has a bottle inside, and how did he know about this, well the traditional mediator that spoke to him and his brothers told him about it and many more things.
Well the sight of the pot makes Ziyanda to shake with fear, she wants to talk but cat got her tongue.
“Do you know when I met you, through Phuti Moichela, I never wanted anything except your vagina and when I got, I wanted it... again and again... I wanted to bury myself in it, but personally it was just the vagina and not the owner,” Tjo such painful words, I know that Nkosi is hurt but this is so painful for my dear villain.
“All this while... you were killing people and sending innocent people to the after life, all because of my money and the good life that came with me”, he says with tears already gearing up.
“You killed my fiancé and buried her within my own yard (her eyes immediately open in shock)... you are related to the Mighty Hlophe family that nearly killed me and what’s worse you killed an innocent child... Thato...all because of a secret”, he says with tears flowing down.

“I am sorry... My Nkosi”...
“You better shut up before I shoot you... If I wasn’t told about this and not seeing the proof in my hands... I wasn’t  going to believe it... So you used JuJu on me... May thunder fire your head into sixteen pieces with that evil sorry of yours”, he says going down from the kitchen counter and as he carries the village pot, he throws it on the floor and it immediately breaks into sixteen pieces.. making Ziyanda to scream so loud.
“You better shut up and start explaining yourself, wena the gas Killer”, he says pointing to her head with a gun.

Meanwhile the world of Hector, is not moving with him on the right pace and by that I mean that whatever Bab’Dlamini has said, has only brought him pain and no sense of closure or solution.
He stands up and tries to breathe heavily, with tears escaping his eyes, and also himself trying to wipe them away, like why does he have to be emotional at such a time, when he should be tough and scary.
“So you killed your wife and wiped out both people that were meant for you... all because of money”, he says turning around to look at him.
“I was pressured into the world of money and power by my close friend, God knows I tried but... it was the only way”, he says with tears.
“And with my father... was it the only way... I mean by you killing him... what were you hoping to achieve”, he says.
“I was hoping to achieve revenge... you think that you are better than me... we are the same... Your father’s love changed me... It made this monster that I am... he broke me... he destroyed me.. after all we had been through, but like they say love has the power to build... to restore.... to destroy...”, Immediately Bab’Dlamini stands up and points him his own gun, making both of them to point their guns at each other.

“Just like your father’s love changed me... Zimele’s love for you changed you too... I bet you that when you met him, you weren’t like this but now look... you holding a gun and pointing at me, your father in law”, he says with a smile.
“Excuse me... you are not my father in law... all I want is your death and I’m sure that they won’t be any resurrection for you”, he says with anger.
Immediately the doors open and Zimele, along with his gang of handsomeness, and I must say they look handsome, when they’re under stress.
Zimele immediately stands in front of Hector, as Nganono and Mabutho move towards their father.
“Look Ma... I’m sorry for what my family has caused your family but this not the way to go about it”, he says whilst trying to take away the gun from Hector.
“Zimele... Have I disobeyed you in front of your family members”, he says making Zimele to slowly shake his head in disagreement.
“Then... let me not start now... your father killed your mother for rituals and my father for his taxis”, he says making Zimele and his brothers shocked, as he is shouting at the top of his voice.

Immediately they all turn to face their father, who slowly let’s out the gun fall out of his hands and Zimele slowly moves towards him making to quickly fall on his knees.
“Baba... Is it true... Is he saying the truth”, he says with tears ganging up in his tiny eyes.
Bab’Dlamini slowly nods with tears, making Zimele and his brothers to slowly move around with anger clearly written on their face, as some are even shaking as someone poured cold water on them.
The Dlamini brothers, I know would have killed and taught the person a lesson immediately, I mean which boy won’t kill the man responsible for their mother’s death and worse these boys loved their mother beyond the walls of this earth.
But the question remains, will they kill their own father, I mean they have all fucked up and who never fucked up hands in the air.
“I was young and a foolish man that didn’t know about the dangers of not appreciating what they have and not fighting for the person that has won their hearts”, he says whilst looking at Hector, who is standing with the gun, now lowered down.

“All this time, all this while... You simply used my father’s name... my father’s money to get what you want”, he says with anger.
“I am so sorry... I am so sorry for the pain that I caused you... I was engraved by anger and frustration...”, he says.
Zimele is near his father with Mabutho Looking at his father with great disgust, and slowly Nganono moves to Hector, and begs him to let go of the gun in his hand.
“Ma... I am begging you and pleading with you to not forgive him but for you not to do thia”, you can’t go to jail and leave your life behind... what about Zimele... what about your siblings... what about MmeMoichela... what about Nathi and Prince... and lastly what about Us... your sons”, he says with a low toned voice, that carries sadness and pain inside.
As Hector slowly lowers his gun whilst breathing heavily, Nganono turns to look at his father, who quickly tries to raise his gun and shoot Hector, but unfortunately Nganono steps forward and all three bullets are fired to his back, and Hector looks at him as he falls to the ground with the most charming smile of all time, it’s as if he has accomplished his work.
Zimele and Mabutho quickly run to Nganono, who's lying on the floor and in Hector’s arms with blood, leaving their father behind with shock and surprise.
Mabutho looks at his dying brother, with the utmost pain and immediately he decides to take the gun from Hector and moves to his father.
“You robbed us of everything that we loved.. you took our mother... Hector’s father... and now our own brother... I wish you nothing but pain and heartache in your after all”, he says as he slowly raises his gun.
“Thank you”, he says as he slowly raises up his heads and that’s when Mabutho fires a shot to his chest, killing him on the spot.

Nkosi who is with Ziyanda, he gets a feeling that something bad has happened as his hear skips but his not sure and he chooses not to focus on it.
Anyways Ziyanda and him, are now seated in the living room and the atmosphere is not good at all.
“I could burn you up in this house and bury you with everything but I won’t let you go so easily without a punishment... I won’t kill you and God knows I won’t hurt you now but gradually you will feel the pain and wish you were not born... for killing my fiancé and Thato... you will die a slow but a painful death”, he says as he looks at her with disgusting look.
He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, like seriously who knew that Nkosi was a smoker, well this is a new beginning and it’s going to be a bad one for Ziyanda and sweet for Nkosi.
Anyways he takes his cigarette and lights up the cigarette, using his shiny lighter.
He pulls a puff and looks at Ziyanda, who is shaking with fear clearly written on her face.
“I feel sorry for you on your behalf”, he says and puffs out smoke.

Meanwhile the doors to the hospital, fly open and the bed with Nganono on it, comes running in and immediately they rush him to the theatre for an operation.
As they stand in the corridor, with Hector in Nganono’s blood and Mabutho with hands on his head, their father’s body pass them with a white sheet above it.
As they’re inside, with Hector seated on the chair and his eyes fixed on the blood on his hands.
Zimele let’s out a heavy sigh and his eyes move to the television set that has a news journalist, and the headline below is about Taxis’.
He moves to the receptionist and tells her to please increase the voice, and as she increases the voice.
“It’s been reported that about 25 taxis in total that belong to The Dlamini Taxi Association have been bombed to ashes”, she says as the images play.
Mabutho moves to the screen and immediately starts to breathe heavily, as he takes out his phone.
“What is the... the number of Harriet... who has Harriet’s number!!”, he shouts shaking with fear.
Slowly Hector stands up and moves to the exit, with his eyes fixed for the exit and immediately he let’s out a loud scream as he feels that same shape pain, that recently started paining his belly.
He falls to the ground and Immediately Zimele runs to Hector, who is now unconscious and tries to wake up, with Mabutho calling the nurses at the top of his voice whilst holding the phone in his hand.

Meanwhile almost everywhere in Johannesburg, smoke is everywhere as not only did these taxi carry passengers but some were in the middle of the highway and the surrounding cars near the taxis got affected.
This epic downfall of the Dlamini Taxi Association, leaves a smile on Mulalo as they break into the Dlamini Taxi Association offices with balaclavas on their faces and they destroy almost everything, with some of their men, shooting anyone recklessly that they see on they way and man I must say, a good achievement is worth celebrating.
But what we can say, sometimes certain deeds or certain acts are done to bring out the beast or tame the beast in us, but I can assure you that it’s going to be bumpy ride for the Dlamini Family or should I say the KaDikana Family.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba


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