๐š„๐™ฝ๐ป๐‘‚๐ฟ๐‘Œ | spencer...

By vulncrables

52.8K 1.4K 147

he'd been in love with her for god knows how long โธป but amerie wadia wanted very little to... More

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4.2K 126 20
By vulncrables

One by one, the seniors all piled in to the classroom of five - D, each one of them caught up in their own things. Missy moving fast away from Sasha following her, telling her to come on, Harper silent behind them. Dustin with his arm around Kitty's shoulders as followed by Spider with Ant on his back all but swing through the door way with a "Hiya Miss!"

Scolded the groups all moved to their seat, Dustin and Kitty perpendicular to Ant with Spider on his right, across from them was Sammy, a tall lanky blonde with her fingers curled around Dustin's out stretched hand.

"Map Bitch... Map Bitch." Spider hollered, calling to Amerie like a dog as she took a seat in one of the front tables, a kid Kitty had never seen before next to her in a bright shirt. But Amerie paid the lanky blonde no mind. Actually, she paid no mind to anyone, not even Kitty. Though Kitty herself knew that she'd done nothing but accept the boys steering her clear of Amerie at every turn, segregating the girl.

Kitty watches her friend as she turns to the boy beside her. "What, cunt?" and Kitty can't help but grin when she overhears the boys response, a nonchalant, "Nice to meet you too."

"Come on, Douglas." Woodsy reprimanded as the bumbag wearing eshay walked into the classroom. Kitty like Cash, she really did, despite the fact that he dealt drugs, was sometimes mixed with the wrong people, he was a nice guy.

"Oi, eshay bah!" Spider and Ant coaxed causing Kitty to smack at Ant's shoulder lightly as the boy passed their table with a risen middle finger. "How was stereo, brah?" The former antagonistic boy question as Cash simply shook his head and ignored the pair.

"So cemetery tomorrow?" Dusty turns to the small group, questioning them as if they weren't going to agree.

"Do you not think it's in poor taste?" Kitty piped up, like she did most times, but none the less, she would be there.

"Oi, uh, what's the cemetery?" Darren questioned, too nosy to not have hear the groups arrangements to meet up and who was bringing what.

"None ya biz, bong water." Spider snapped at him causing a frown to dip in Kitty's brows.

Now, Kitty was aware that Spencer White was a top tier asshole, basketball player, cocky asshole, you name it, she was aware and she wasn't the type of girl to think she could change him, no. But beneath his little snarky comments is a boy from a bad home, she knew that, perhaps they'd been too high that night and just shared too much about each other as every one greened out around them, maybe they drank too much and he forgot she was just the new girl at the time. But Kitty seen something in Spider that she thinks very few people see.

Darren turned from the group with a roll of their eyes as Woodsy set her dog down on the ground. "Okay. Settle down. Thank you."

"Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo." Miss Obah was Kitty's english teacher from the year before, she knew her and her constant attempts to be cool with the kids she taught, which she doubted would ever happen. "Kind of like, yo-yo but J." Jojo offers with a laugh. "Uh, I'm an English teacher, so I know some of you. But i'm sure you're all wondering why you're here."

By this point, most of the students had realised why they were here. It wasn't hard to clue in that they were all on the map in the stairwell and as Jojo continued, it became evident that their thoughts were right.

"Uh, What map?" the boy next to Amerie asks with a raised hand and the more Kitty looks at him, the more she doesn't recognise him at all.

"Okay, very funny. Look peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you are sexually active." If that was the case, why was Kitty here, she certainly wasn't sexually active and the wall stated that, but like the rest of the people here, her name was still on the wall. "But we're concerned this map demonstrates a lack of real respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships. So we wanna address it head on."

It's Ant and Kitty that have to stifle their childish giggles as Spider mimics the act of a blow job towards them.

"This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy..."

Miss Obah, Jojo, is cut off by Woodsy with a proud smirk. "A sexual literacy tutorial."

"SLT." Darren ponders for a moment. "So, we're sluts?" this causes a slight ruckus in the room as Ant and Spider begin chanting the word sluts as they mimic things that should not be mimicked.

The class was quickly quieted. "Come on everyone, this class will go back to the basics on sex and--"

Cut off once again, Jojo lets Woodsy take over for a moment before it's all explained to them that twice a week in their own time they would be required to attend or their permanent record would suffer.

"We have permanent records?" Ant questions, to which Kitty nodded and patted his shoulder softly.

"This is sex jail." and varies other thoughts echo through the room as Ant thanks Amerie with a slur that has Kitty frowning again as he hits her in the back with a wad of paper.

The kid in yellow, beside Amerie raises his hand once again. "Sorry. Um, it's actually my first day. I don't think I'm supposed to be in here."

"Legend!" Spider congratulates as he leans over the desk to see around Kitty and Dusty at the new kid. "Made it to the map before you even started!"

Woodsy and Obah stand in front whispering together before they have everyone stand up and move the tables and in true teenage form, every single one of them shove at the tables, dragging them across the floor, all the while being told not too.

"Thank you. Now, I want you all to start walking around the room." The group begins to do so, moving languidly around the room, weaving among each other. "Now, I want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands with."

With that every moved among each other shaking hands, every one avoiding Amerie, with a heavy heart, her hand kissed by Ant and Sasha giving her a warm handshake with a big smile, Kitty goes to reach for Amerie's hand with a soft smile, only for her hand to be caught by Spider, a gesture that meant nothing to him but sent a whirl of butterflies through her stomach.

"Uh, she's not worth it, Kits." he murmurs as fingers are squeezed and the group starts to disperse.

"She shouldn't of done it, but you're being cruel Spence." she murmurs as she stands beside him, their hands no longer touching.

"She spilled everyone's shit, Kits. It's not worth having a friend like that, she wrote about you too, remember." He was right, but she still felt guilty.

"And stop." Woodsy ordered, Amerie distanced from everyone, not a single person to shake her head as they all stood in groups.

"Spencer." She began. "You have genital crabs." the class starts to snicker and laugh as Dusty pats the boy on the back.

"Checks out."

"Not in real life, thank you, Darren, for the purpose of this game. Put your hand up, Spencer." After being asked again, Spider raised his hand reluctantly. "Now, hands up, who shook hands with Spencer?" with exuberance, Ant's hand shot up, followed by Dusty and then Kitty herself. "And who shook hands with them?" More hands raised. "And them?" hands continue to raised as the questions were asked until only Amerie was remaining. "You all have genital warts."

Now it was Spider's turn to snicker at them all. "I thought it was crabs?"

"Right. Crabs. Thank you, um..."


"Malakai. Thank you. You all have genital crabs. Except for you, Amerie. Well done." Even though it was hypothetical, the girl still received a few glares from the class. "Now. What does this highlight the need for?"

"Uh, Stay away from Spider, he's chat." Cash piped up from the back of the class.

"Fuck off, guys!"

"No!" Woodsy cut them off. "Condoms."

The rest of what was now deemed as SLT was spent reading text books on sexual education and Kitty could of taken a nap as her head lulled onto Dusty's shoulder as he zoomed in on pictures he'd taken of the map. They were muttering amongst themselves as they looked at the line between Amerie and Dusty's names, and Kitty didn't have to be a genius to know that the girl who had written the map, had the biggest crush on the boy.

"Hey, um, did we hook up?" Dusty questions, his sudden movements jerking Kitty upward off of him and into Spider who steadied her with a small smile.

"No." Amerie answered, but her voice sounded empty and dull.

"Yeah, I didn't think so but it says here--"

"It isn't anything, Dusty."

"There's like a... It's like a gold line between our names." Amerie tried so hard to escape this.

"Gold line means destined." Spider came up behind his friend and Kitty feels her stomach drop. No one deserves to be outed this way, not even the one responsible for the map itself. She knew Amerie had liked the floppy haired singer since they met, and it hurt her heart to know that one stupid idea had literally cost her any chance at this point. "Yeah, like destined to be. She wants you, Dusty."

Amerie gives Kitty a sad look and her heart aches even more as she moves past the boys, leaving the classroom and making a dash for the bathrooms, even as another boy calls out after her, just trying to find out what was going on.

Kitty shook her head at the two boys before she gathered things. "I understand that she made a stupid decision to create the map. I understand that it's cost you guys a little bit of your dignity, but that was hurtful. She's just a girl and you belittling her isn't doing anything." She shouldered her bag and headed out of the room, following Amerie as quickly as she could.

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