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TEXTBOOK BETWEEN THEM, her first period class had her flicking through pages of a maths book with Dusty, the pair trying to find the page that last years students had seemingly removed when they found page three hundred and seven and three hundred and ten but no eight and nine. So the pair didn't bother to say much to anyone, the elderly maths teacher uncaring as he sat at his desks with last weeks papers for another class in his hand.

"So, how was your weekend?" Dusty questioned curiously, having been what he thought was the last person to see Kitty before she made it home on Saturday and while he'd already spoken to Spider, he wanted to know from her point of view, mainly because he knew.

"It was good, I uh, I ran into Spider, Saturday night when the cops broke up the cemetery." She admits, it wasn't that what happened with Spider and herself was a secret but she figured the boy would of told his friends, it would of been uncommon if he hadn't.

"Yeah, he crashed at yours?" To which the blonde nodded her head. "Just be careful yeah?"

"What do you mean? It's Spencer, Spider, he's harmless." She believes her words, and while Spider might of been nothing more than a prick, he'd never been an asshole to her directly and she knew he was an asshole, she wasn't blind to that.

"Yeah I know, but you're you." 

"I'm, me?" She questions, confused now. 

"You're Kitty, one of the sweetest girls in our year. You're a virgin, we've never seen you take interest in anyone, Spider aside, because I knew about that, but I don't want anything to happen to you."

"He's your friend Dusty, what do you think he'd do?" She asked, her tone flavoured with defensiveness, she may not of known Spider like Dusty did but when had Dusty ever gotten himself involved in his friends affairs, hell at the party alone, he was telling her to just tell him.

"Nothing, I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'll be fine, Dusty, promise." She doesn't believe Spider would hurt her, and she hopes she's right so she just shakes her head at Dusty and turns back to her work book.

Class ends with a trilling bill and the girl gathers her things, bidding goodbye to the boy before she's headed to her next class, and the day carries on, Biology with Ant who is too preoccupied with asking her the questions to last weeks homework then asking her about Spider.

Eventually SLTs came around and the students of Hartley High were a mixture of confusion and disgust at the video on screen, Amerie leaning forward on her arms as Kitty sits beside her with her head tilted in confusion. Half the class giggling at the absurdity.

Kitty turns back to the doodles of flowers in her book as Sasha hands Quinni a pen, Quinni somehow dropping the pen and crawling beneath the table for a moment to grab it before returning to the desk.

"That's just an inaccurate representation. The media is always doing this." Sasha complained, breaking Kitty out of her thoughts. "Like this is disgusting, I don't understand." Kitty turned her eyes back on the tv to spot handfuls of pale noodles being forced into someone elses bowl.

"Okay miss!" Darren raises his head. "I have literally no idea what that was trying to teach us."

"Also, why was it the girl that was forcing everyone to eat her noodles?" 

"It's misogynistic propaganda." Sasha argued, "Women aren't such dick-obsessed idiots."

"Uhm, all the ones I've met are." Spider spoke up, having moved into a seat off the table top, Kitty could feel Amerie's eyes on her as a frown etched into her brows, her eyes turning to meet Spiders with a stunned look.

"You sims girlfriend doesn't count." Harper spoke up, but Spider took no notice of her as he made eye contact with Kitty before quickly looking away, the girl turned back to her page, suddenly mulling over Dusty's words from this morning. 

The SLT class continued on with the safety of sharing indecent photos and Kitty tried to pay attention.

"That they'll see how hot I am." Everyone cheered at Missy's comment and Kitty didn't quite understand, she'd never sent anything, hell she rarely had snapchat and even then she created stories of adventures but never really of herself. 

"No." Jo-Jo begins. "There's risks like revenge porn, being excluded from friends, ethical reasons." The students seem to accept that into consideration, except Sasha.

"Yeah, but people have been sharing pictures since the dawn of time. For example, cave paintings, art."

"Renaissance Titties!" Ant exclaimed from the back, causing a few chuckles here and there. The tables agreement on a band name. The class, or rather Miss Obah continued agreeing with Sasha and offering ways to avoid things like revenge porn or the pictures to be used against the sender until Principal Woodsy was clearing her throat in the doorway, the class swiftly moving on.

As another bell trilled, Miss Obah stood by the door, with the anonymous questions box, letting them know to put them in there as the students gathered their belongings, Amerie was the first to attempt to escape, a plethora of naming calling as she passed and made it into the hallway. Quinni lingering behind with Darren but Kitty only smiled as she left them and headed to her next class.

Mind still reeling from the class, Kitty had barely made it passed the classroom next door before she was tugged inside of it, the door closed behind her. 

"I'm sorry." She'd never heard the words tumble from his lips before, and as she peered up at him, the crease in her brow deepened once more. "I don't think you're a dick obsessed idiot, I shouldn't of said it."

"You're right, you shouldn't of said it." She admits, taking a step slightly back from him. "It was insensitive, to everyone." 

"I know, it just slipped out, Kits." he let her escape his hold, pulling himself on to the empty school desk as he watches her. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He didn't care about the others in the class, but the look she'd given him nearly made him sick. "Let me make it up to you."

Teeth chew on lower lip for a moment. "There is something you can do." She admits, but she doubts not even she has the power to pull this off. "Can you sell Ams a slap band, please?"


It's a solid and final answer, and she knows that arguing with him would only make it worse. "Please?"

"No, she's the reason we're in SLTs, why should she get to go."

"Because you're raising money, it's a party, and she's already excluded enough." Counteracting his argument doesn't work either, he simply shakes his head. Not budging.

"Fine, okay." She relents, the pit of her stomach whirling with regret, not being able to get Amerie a ticket. 

"I'll make it up to you some other way." He tells her, a smirk crossing his mouth as he pushes the shoulder strap of her bag from her shoulder and pulls her in closer with his leg wrapped around the back of her knee, tumbling her into him until his mouth is against hers.

She lets it happen as lips part and hands find themselves in his hand, thumbs pressed into the muscle below his jaw without realising, his own hands warming the free skin between her shirt and jeans as he wedges her between his open legs.

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