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Kitty manages to miss Amerie for the rest of the day, moving between classes, catching sight of Harper and the others, she offers a small wave, but for the rest of the day, Kitty is just floating around. Partially lost, once so reliant on her friendship with Harper and Amerie that without them, she was just coasting by.

The week flows from madness to stillness, as the weekend approaches and once again, Kitty finds herself legs folded on her bed, homework completed on a Saturday morning as coffee steams in a mug on her bedside table, certainly not an early rises, the blonde lingers in her room until the sun peaks, Kyle out doing whatever Kyle did on weekends, things that his sister often wasn't privy too, but Kitty was left to fend for herself, which she didn't mind. As one rolled closer to two, the small girl left the comfort of her room in favour of food, and luckily enough finds Amerie in a booth on her own, hair cut in a way that certainly didn't sit well on her features.

"Ams?" she questioning, sliding into the booth with her, stealing a cheap that looked half forgotten. "Did you cut your own bangs?" 

Before the other can answer, Darren, in uniform slides into the booth beside Kitty. "'Sup Dora?" Amerie doesn't say anything but Kitty smiles, shuffling to the right, closer to the window to make room. "Want me to fix that for you?" Darren offers, somewhat of a smirk on their mouth that leaves Amerie with a wide eyed deer in headlights. 

"Please." Is Amerie's weak response as Darren gives her another look, and that is how Kitty finds herself leaning against an abandoned trolley besides Amerie, Darren with thin scissors rearranging a freshly cut hairstyle and Quinni inside the trolley she clung too, offering the gummy lolly jar towards the blonde.

"It's bad isn't it? Like irreversible bad, right ?" The dark haired girl questioned, arm extended with some stolen car mirror in her hand to look at the masterpiece that Darren had created.

"Nah, I shaved off both my eyebrows in year eight and they grew back" Darren answers and Kitty shakes her head. 

"Definitely not, remember I had a bob cut when we met, Ams, that was terrible!" It was true, the girl that Kitty was almost eight months ago, was far from the girl she was now, appearance alone.

"Yeah, she's right and now they look way less shit." 

"More like heaps less shit, thanks." Amerie tells Darren, for the first time in a few days, a smile paints across Amerie's features and even though she still felt like shit, the smile made Kitty smile too.

There's a moment of just the four of them sitting in the breeze, Darren and Amerie admiring the new cut, Quinni eating, or at least searching for a gummy bear and Kitty leaning against the handles watching the three of them, as she often did in groups.

"Why did Harper punch you in the face?" Quinni questions out of the blue, and without meaning to sours the soft, easy mood that they had all created together. 

"I don't really know." The girl admits, frown etching back into her features.

"Well you must of done something?" Darren rolls his eyes slightly, and it wasn't unkind but rather just a facial expression.

"We all went to a music festival last week." Kitty offered, because before school that was the last she'd seen of either girls, so maybe something had happened between the festival and now.

"And after that, she just went ghost."

Kitty remember little of the entire festival but she did remember the flashing strobes of yellow, orange and green, she remembers the loud music and her hands tangled with her friends as they weaved threw the crowds to get to a better spot, she remembers being unable to hear the two before Amerie walked off, saying something about a drink.

"Did you get into a fight?" Quinni asks.

"Yeah, but I can remember what it was about. We always fight."

"When's Harpers birthday?" Darren then questions, moving from behind Amerie to snatch the lolly cup from Quinni and Kitty before they ate all the good ones. 

"November Twenty One.

Darren hums, shaking their head. "Scorpio, unsubscibe." As if that was the easiest thing Amerie could do. 

"What's yours?"

"I'm a Virgo, Kitty's a Capricorn." Amerie tells them, Darren in turn telling the girls that they were an Aquarius and Quinni was a Libra.

"Oh, are we compatiable?" Amerie asks with a childlike grin.

"Not all queer people are astrology experts." Darren huffs, mood changing rapidly. When Amerie begins to apologies, Darren cuts her off, a smile back on their face. "I'm kidding, kidding. We are, I am going to need your time of birth, both of you, because if either of you are a Leo moon, I'm not messing with you." Their hand smacking the side of Amerie's trolley.

"Do you feel sad?" Kitty held down the trolley as Quinni moved to get out of it. Standing on the metal frame, the young girl begins to rattle off all the reasons for Amerie to be scared that has both Darren and Kitty trying to calm to her. "Oh!" she exclaims, jumping from the trolley. "You should try scream therapy."


"Scream therapy." Darren chuckles at Quinni's excitement as she explains what it is to Amerie. Darren giving into their best friends whims, pushes the trolley to the edge of the rooftop the four of them resided on, Amerie having no choice before all four were standing on the edge.


But with the words that left the dark haired girls mouth, the relief seemed to wash over her features. "Damn that actually felt good."

"Told you." The three turned on Darren next as they stood with their hands against the barrier.



Neck snaps in the direction of the girl, with her fingers in her ears, Kitty's wide eyes soon turning on Amerie. "Right. I'm really sorry about that. I should never have put it on the map. Spiders a lying dick."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm not upset about it anymore." And like that, Kitty had avoided screaming by letting the two girls sort out their moment about Quinni's genitalia if they wanted, she was just content to be there in this moment. 

"You know I used to think you were a real bitch, but getting knocked off your high horse really suits you." Darren admits, before turning to Kitty, "I used to also think you were a snob, but you're pretty chill."

"Thank you."

"Make the most of it, I'm definitely changing schools."

"No, you can't just quit." They deny Amerie even the thought of doing such a thing. 

"Everyone hates me."

"I don't hate you, we don't hate you Ams."

"Yeah, we don't hate you."

A moment passes, barely anything as Darren links hands with Amerie, and Kitty leans into Quinni's side as the two girls grin at one another. "Hey, what's this cemetery thing?"

"It's where everyone goes to hang out when our parents are home."

"Let's go."

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