Centuries || ๐“๐•๐ƒ

By gossip_girl_2007

46.9K 1K 271

In which the youngest Mikaelson sister has to choose between Family, Friends or Love because no matter what s... More

act oneโคฆ
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act twoโคฆ
๐’๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง (flashback)
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975 22 4
By gossip_girl_2007

s2, ep13: Daddy Issues

❝go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do❞


Rose had passed the previous night after Juliette had staked her when Damon had taken her mind somewhere peaceful. When they first met, Rose was an amazing friend to Juliette and Rose had appreciated having another girl around the house. 

Despite how she had acted the day she was kidnapped, Juliette was truly glad to see the girl but knowing her friend was gone hurt her. Juliette, for the first time in a long time, cried for the death of her friend for most of the night. However, Juliette was happy knowing she spent her last moments in peace after a day of pure pain.

The original knew she had the power to heal Rose but she couldn't risk the real curse being leaked, so Juliette chose herself over Rose. She always chose herself over everyone but her daughter.

That morning, Juliette had gotten a distress call from Elena saying John Gilbert, her uncle slash father, had arrived back in town the previous night. Juliette told her she would come over and that's exactly what she did.

Juliette barged into the Gilbert house and walked straight to the kitchen. She smiled at Elena but it dropped when she turned and saw the man in the room. Juliette rolled her eyes.

"You're a vampire." He stated. Of course, a stranger had barged into his house and those were his first words. 

Juliette shrugged. "Your point?" She asked him.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Elena shouldn't be hanging around vampires, you're dangerous," He said.

"Yes, I am dangerous," She agreed and mimicked his actions. "But this is a free country, is it not?"

Elena had a smug look on her face, knowing that Juliette was going to be on her side the whole time. "So, John, what are you doing here?" Juliette asked while Elena stood slightly behind her.

"Coffee?" He asked Elena, ignoring Juliette and the conversation.

"We're not doing that, we did that last night." Elena said and shook her head. "No more avoiding. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to protect you, that's all I can say at the moment." John told them.

"Like I said, it's a free country. Speak freely while you can," Juliette stated.

John glared at her. "I'll tell Elena more when I can trust her."

Juliette feigned a hurt. "Your lack of faith disturbs me," She told him but he rolled his eyes.

Jenna soon came rushing in. "Oh god, I'm late!"

"That's what you get for hitting snooze," Alaric chuckled but both adults froze when they saw John.

"What the hell?" Jenna had a tone of disbelief.

"Good morning to you too, Jenna,  Alaric," John greeted them calmly.

"It's okay I'm confused, right?" Jenna asked. "Because we weren't expecting you, like, ever." She glared at him and Juliette realised he wasn't very liked around here.

"Well I got in late last night. Elena let me in," He spoke casually, ignoring the glares being sent his way. Juliette also realised that he must be used to the hate he got.

"You know, I'm, uh, I'm probably just going to take off," Alaric muttered to Jenna but not before shooting a glare at John and then a worried glance towards Elena and Juliette.

"I'm still confused here," Jenna admitted with a shrug.

"I decided to come back and stay a while." John stated.

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows. "Not here you're not," She argued.

"Actually you can't stop me from living here," He informed her. Juliette and Elena shared a look and they were both thinking the same thing; John was about to drop a bombshell.

"Actually, I can. As legal guardian," Jenna declared, confidence laced in her tone.

"Yeah, about that. Um, you want me to explain the situation or would you like to do the honours?" John questioned Elena who ran a hand through her hair nervously.

"what's going on?" Jenna asked, her eyes darting between the two people before her. Juliette stood slightly behind Elena just watching the drama unfold.

"I'm sorry, Jenna," Elena apologised. "I should've told you earlier but-"

"I'm Elena's biological father," John interrupted with a smile, as if it was the greatest news in the world. "There. Now you know."

Juliette ran a hand over her face in frustration. "Fucking hell," She muttered.

Jenna scoffed. "What?" She asked in disbelief. 

Just while that happened, Juliette got a text off Stefan saying he needed her help with Tyler Lockwood. Juliette grabbed Elena's arm and dragged her into the living room.

"Fix this," Juliette told her and Elena just nodded as the original began to walk away. As she walked out she was met with Damon on the porch. "John Gilbert just dropped the biological father bomb on Jenna."

Damon sighed in frustration. "Where is he?" He asked.

"I don't know, he walked away. I have to help Stefan, this better be fixed by the time I get back," Juliette snarled and walked away, living Damon by himself on the porch.


Juliette met Stefan outside the Lockwood house and after Stefan explained what was going on, they such into the house quietly. Tyler tried to run when he noticed them but Juliette blocked his way out.

"Where do you think you're going? We're just getting started," Juliette sad with a smirked.

"We're not gonna hurt you, we just wanna talk." Stefan told him. Tyler looked between the two vampires, probably considering his options.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "Juliette, you're a vampire too? Why didn't Jules tell me?" He asked.

Juliette shrugged. "Because I told her not to." She answered.

"Why did you two break in?" He asked them again.

"Would you have let us in if we knocked?" Stefan questioned and Tyler realised he was right.

When Mrs Lockwood called for Tyler he tried to escape again but Stefan pushed him up against the wall. "Sh. Not a word," Stefan whispered to him.

"Tyler? I'm leaving for the memorial!" Carol shouted. The door opened and closed, signalling that she was gone.

Juliette nodded her head. "We're good," She told Stefan who then let go of Tyler.

"Maybe we're getting off on the wrong foot here," Stefan suggested. Tyler still had a hint of fear in her eyes which Juliette rolled her eyes at.

"What happened to Mason?" Tyler questioned with his newly gained confidence.

Stefan hesitated and then avoided the question. "Tyler, there's a lot for us to talk about," He said.

Tyler tried to escape again but Juliette caught him again. "Without a full moon you're no match for us. Granted, you're no match for me either way but we can still over power you," She growled in his ear. "Stop fighting and sit down."

Juliette pushed him down on the couch, this was going to be a long day.


"Look, about Caroline, no matter what her flaws are, when push comes to shove, you're gonna want that girl on your side," Stefan told Tyler in Caroline's defence. "She's your friend, stop being a dick to her."

"I thought vampires hated werewolves." Tyler said.

Juliette sighed. "All of that is my family history and my family business," She told him. "You, however, have no reason to hate vampires because what have they ever done to you. Get off your high horse, and realise that not all vampires are out to get you."

"Look, it doesn't have to be this way," Stefan said. "We have the same friends, we keep the same secrets. It can work."

Tyler's phone suddenly began vibrating and as he went to reach for it Juliette tried to stop him, but not before he could answer the phone and shout, "Help, Help!"

Juliette groaned. "This is why I hate werewolves!" She yelled.

"I thought you just said vampires didn't hate werewolves!" Tyler yelled back.

"My family business, not yours." Juliette snarled.

"Who's number was that?" Stefan asked, trying to cool the tension with a nicer approach. Tyler didn't answer so Juliette just crushed his phone. "Damn it Tyler! I'm trying to save your life. Can't you see that? You're in a room with an original vampire, a vampire with the largest death count in history who could kill you in any form. The only reason she isn't is because Caroline asked her not to!" He exclaimed.

Juliette glared at him. "You better sit down now, or I might break my promise because I'll tell you a secret: I'm starving."


"You wanna be friends? Great, we're friends," Tyler told them in an exasperated tone. "Will you go now?"

"You got a lot of nerve speaking to us like that," Juliette said coldly, she was done with the nice attitudes.

Stefan threw his hands up. "Look, I don't know what else to say to you Tyler. I came back to this town because I wanted a life. I wanted to exist where I could have friends and build a family."

"Cute." Juliette muttered under her breath.

"I have that here," Stefan continued. "We can both have that."

Stefan's phone began vibrating and when he looked at the caller ID it said 'Caroline so he answered. "Hey. Everything okay?" He asked her.

"That depends, how badly do you wanna keep her alive?" Jules asked

"Oh god, that's not Caroline," Juliette realised that it was Jules who called Tyler earlier.

"Who is this?" Stefan asked in confusion.

"Ask your brother or the brunette," Jules told him. "Where's Tyler?"

"Jules," Stefan muttered in realisation. Tyler sat up straight, realising himself that he had shouted at Jules for help. "Where's Caroline?"

"You made a mistake Stefan. I'm gonna give you a chance to fix it," Jules said and that's when Juliette lost it.

"If you wanna fight, that's fine, we'll fight. But if you don't give Caroline back, you won't live to see tomorrow morning," Juliette growled through the phone.

Jules scoffed. "And who's this?" She asked mockingly.

"The brunette."

The phone went quiet. "The original." Jules muttered.

"I'll ask again, where's Caroline?" Juliette asked through gritted teeth. Stefan didn't even bother to take the phone off her, knowing Juliette's fury was the only way to reach Caroline.

"She's right here, you want proof?" Jules asked, her confidence suddenly reappearing.

There was suddenly a gunshot and a cry of pain from Caroline. Juliette's face was filled with fury and anger. The two boys had never seen Juliette this angry.

Juliette's voice suddenly went eerily calm. "Hurt her again, and I swear I will cause you so much pain that you'll be begging me to kill you," She whispered through the phone calmly.

Jules' shaky voice could be heard on the other side. "Bring Tyler to me, the clearing by Wickery falls in 20 minutes or she dies."

The phone call ended.


Tomorrow morning the Sheriff would probably have to deal with a few dead bodies but Juliette didn't really care about that right now, she needed to get her strength up to save Caroline. It was silent as she walked through the woods and came upon two werewolves.

"Who're you?" One of them asked confidently.

Juliette shrugged. "I'm not telling you considering you'll both be dead in two seconds." In two seconds there were two dead bodies on the floor and Damon came up behind her to see Juliette holding two hearts in her hands. "Don't look at me like that, the one pony town has made me lose my touch."

Damon huffed. "I've been told I'm not allowed to kill Tyler," He said. "I'm only allowed to save Caroline.

"I was told the same thing, but I've been dying to do it all day," Juliette replied and they soon began to come into the clearing with Stefan who had Tyler.

"Where's Caroline?" Stefan asked.

Jules had her arms folded. "Locked up tight." She answered.

"Let her go and Stefan will give you Tyler," Juliette said in a bored tone, she needed to kill something. "According to Stefan it doesn't have to get messier than it already has."

"We're not your enemy Jules," Stefan interrupted incase Juliette said something to mess everything up. The original rolled her eyes.

"It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?" Jules asked.

"You need to leave town," Stefan told her. "No one else has to get hurt."

"I'm not leaving without Tyler," Jules argued.

"Tyler can make his own decisions and he has people here who can help him." Juliette snarled. There was no way she was letting Jules win. "Just give us Caroline."

"My brother the peacemaker," Damon said as he came into view. Juliette had wondered where he'd gone. "Since Stefan got here before me, I'll try his way before I resort to my way which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline."

"Let go of Tyler.' Jules demanded. 

"Give us Caroline," Juliette argued back. "Without a full moon it's not a fight and you know it."

"We will take you." Damon said.

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy," Jules replied. She put her fingers to her mouth and whistled, and that's when all the wolves appeared.

Juliette began laughing and Jules looked to her in fear. "Oh, this is going to be fun. Who want's to go first?" She asked all the wolves but no one moved. "No one? I guess I get my pick of the litter then."

"Let's try this again. Give us Tyler," Jules demanded but only Juliette picked up on the shaky tone.

Damon shrugged and looked at Tyler. "You heard her. Go. Get over there," He told him. Everyone watched as Tyler walked over to Jules.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" A male werewolf asked.

Knowing she couldn't be killed, Juliette put her hand up to protect the brothers. "Me, sorry guys. I couldn't help myself. I thought it would be fun to up my death count."

All the wolves looked at each other. "Make sure that one suffers," Jules told them. The confidence she had was almost comical.

"We can take 'em." Damon said.

Two werewolves ran at Juliette but she easily ripped ones heart out and sliced the other ones head off. "I love it when it gets bloody," She admitted. "Come on boys, give me a challenge!"

It seemed most of the wolves were running at her, probably wanting to brag about the fact that they took down Juliette Mikaelson. Idiots. Juliette cracked ones back, ripped another ones heart out, sliced another ones head off and that's when they stopped coming for her.

She then saw Caroline climb out of the caravan but was immediately pushed against the wall by Jules and had a gun held to her head. When Juliette saw that Tyler wasn't doing anything she sped over and pushed Jules off of Caroline and knocked her out. Being so weak, Juliette caught Caroline as she fell to the floor.

"Come on, love, I've got you," She whispered to Caroline. 

As Juliette stood up, all the wolves fell to the floor holding their heads and screaming in pain. Jonas Martin came out from the shadows chanting under his breath.

"Elena made a deal with Elijah," He told the vampires. "I'm here to see it's upheld."

He made eye contact with Juliette. "I don't say this a lot but, thanks." Juliette said. He nodded and Juliette sped away with Caroline.

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