One-shot | Farah Dowling

By Mej_aa

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Request are closed Long Chapters Mostly Female!Reader Enjoy! More

Can you not see that I love you?
I love you but am afraid of rejection
The Help you needed but never got
She saw herself in me
I am afraid of their Opinions
Its okay not to be okay
It's okay to be weak for once
As long as it's you i don't care
I will right the wrong
I will wait until you find me
I tried and still lost
She won't ever love You
I will set you free again
It is okay to take a break for once

You promised that you would let go

814 27 5
By Mej_aa

Summary: You went missing and are getting searched for, what happens when Farah takes it in her own Hands to find you and 8 Students to find you?
A knock sounded from the Door as the Headmistress immediately shot up and quickly walked over to the Door before opening it. She had been anxious all Day waiting for someone to knock and tell her that they had found you. That you had finally returned and were safe.

"Have you found her?" She immediately asked but Saul only shook his Head. "No but we got a Trail so I guess the Chances got higher to find her, so only Time can tell" Farah clenched her Fists while she looked out the Window.

"We are doing everything we can, everyone is trying their hardest, we just need Time" Saul reassured her. "I know but she's been missing for nearly a Week now, she can't just disappear! She may be dying right now! She is probably injured and hoping for us to finally find her, we don't have Time!" She sighed in Frustration.

"Did the Solarians say anything? Did they found something?" He shook his Head again signaling a No. "Not even Magic showed us anything as if she was never there but we did find this though, maybe you recognize it?" He laid a Ring on her Desk as she quickly picked it up to examine it.

She gasped and held a Hand to her Mouth not believing her Eyes and looking at her Hand where the exact same Ring was. "That's our Engagement Ring..." she whispered and had to suppress a Sob wich threatened to come out. "She needs us Saul! We have go to find her as soon as possible" she sat down on a Chair.

"We won't stop until we find her, I promise you that" Saul took her in his Arms as she begann to cry out. "She will be back soon, there's no way she won't survive, she's strong just like you" he rubbed her Back to give her some Comfort even though he knew it wouldn't help her.


-6 Days prior-

"You know it's dangerous, they have been spotted more and more recently" Farah told me as we were cuddled up in our shared Bed. "Don't worry, I will just investigate, I will bring a few Specialists with me to be even more safe, you know what I am capable of" I reassured her as she sighed.

"I still don't like the Idea of it, it doesn't feel right at all, what if you don't return? What if you die while...while you're out there! I can't lose you because of your Curiosity?" She was afraid for me, scared to lose me and she openly shared it with me. "I will return, just for you and we both know that the Queen would have wanted me sooner or later to investigate it anyways" I kissed the tip of her Nose. "If I do go missing I will leave you something to follow my Tracks, we will always find each other"

She smiled at me and hugged me closer. "I can try to change the Mind of Queen Luna, convince her not to send you or give you extra People to take with you or-" I squeezed her Hands, making her halt a Moment. "It is alright, don't worry, I am strong and can defend myself, like the other Specialists with me, what could happen?" I kissed her on the Lips.

"What if you die though? I won't ever be able to forgive myself, I wouldn't be able to live without you" I laughed at that. "It takes more than a Burned One to kill me and if I am ever near Death, let me go" I looked into her Eyes wich were overcome with Pain. "I could never do that and you know that, I would do anything to safe you" she whispered.

"Please promise me that you will let go, that you won't put yourself in Danger" I pleaded as she pondered, biting her Lip as she was unsure.

"If I ask and beg you for it, please promise me it that you will kill me!" Farah nodded after a long Time of Silence. "I promise" a Tear slipped and I quickly wiped it away with my Thumb. "Now, Now, shall we not be that gloomy and be happier, the Day had such a nice beginning" she immediately put on a Smile wich looked terrible.

Me and her both burst out laughing. "How about we go for a Pleasant walk? Maybe we can meet up with Saul and Ben after that? Help Terra and Sam a bit and hear some of the Students gossip" She beamed at me. "I would love to" she replied and got up. "I will stay here a bit longer while you get ready" I smirked at her while she rolled her Eyes. "Lazy Ass" she muttered just loud enough for me to hear it.

"Hey!" I threw a Pillow at her wich she caught and quickly threw it back at me, smacking me directly in the Face. "You and your fancy Magic are getting on my Nerves" I yelled after her and all I got was a laugh.


"We already have The Ring as a clue so she won't be that far away" she nodded and wiped away her Tears. "She had three Specialists with her, have you found them? Maybe they can help us, maybe they know where she is!" Saul went suddenly very quiet and tense. "Did something happen? Are they not there?" her Voice full of Concern. "More or less" he admitted while Farah glanced at him confused.


Both were rushing to the Greenhouse as Farah barged in. She immediately turned away from what she saw and gasped. "Burned ones attacked them, we found them already in that State, we believe that they were greatly outnumbered and well I think you know what I am trying to say" explained Saul as Farah nodded and looked at them again.

They looked terrible, their Eyes open starring into nothing while quiet groans came out of them. She carefully walked to the Specialists. "Is he...dead?" She asked with uncertainty. "Barely holding on to Life, it's impressive that they had survived until now" replied Ben as he came back with some Medicine.

"Can we Save them?" Ben shook his Head. "The damage is already done, there is no way that we can help them in any Way, all we can do is take away their Pain but even that won't last for long" he explained as Farah nodded. "How were they able to survive that long?" She questioned.

"Well there was something like an Antidote in their Systems and whoever made it with the available Herbs they had did a pretty good Job, most of them would have been already dead" Ben explained while mixing something. "Maybe he still has some Memories left of what happened" with that she tried to enter the Specialists mind.


"GO GO GO! SPLIT ANd JUST GO, DONT TURN YOUR BACK" (Y/n) screamed at us as Burned Ones were charging at us, quickly rolling out of the Way I sprinted away. I heard how Footsteps followed me and looked behind me. A Burned One jumped on me, I quickly tried to shove it off of me as it has already pierced trough parts of my Skin.

I cried out as I grew weaker and weaker until it fell dead on top of me as I saw (Y/n) with the Heart of the Burned One on her Sword. She quickly ripped out some Herbs and told me to eat them while pressing some on my Wounds. "It's okay, keep calm" she reassured with a Smile before kicking the Corpse further away from me. "Eat those Herbs every now and then, you will be able to survive long enough until help arrives" she whispered as she gave me some of the used Herbs.

"Come on, we have to hide, once we are save we are going to find the others and I will bring us out of here, you will be saved" I just nodded still in shock as she helped me and lead me away to somewhere safer.

Walking trough the Forest we were on high alert, twigs snapping underneath us as we stopped, she let go of me as I leaned against a Tree and getting her Sword ready. Leaves were rustling and suddenly a Burned One screeched and charged at us. "You have to get away from here! Get help!" She yelled at me as I saw a second coming I quickly got my Sword ready and pushed me from the Tree.

More and more came to us and started to attack us while pushing us more and more in the Forest. "We are outnumbered, we won't be able to fight them all" (Y/n) muttered as I looked at her scared. I could see a Tear fall down her Cheek while she kissed her Ring she had on her Finger before I got suddenly knocked out by something.


Farah quickly got pulled away by Saul as the injured Specialist tried to attack Farah moaning out in Pain and Agony. "She did it on purpose!" Farah looked at Saul who looked at her confused. "The Ring, we have to go back there" Saul quickly held her back. "It's getting dark! We can't go out now" he refused.

"She's out there probably dying! I won't let her die because it has gotten dark, she needs us!" Farah argued as Saul looked defeated away. "We are all tired, we have been searching for The whole Week" Farah looked frustrated away.

"I mean I can ask my Friends and I bet Sam would be in too" suddenly Terra interfered as everyone started to look at her. "What? I am just saying" Farah thought for a Moment before shaking her Head. "I won't put you and your Friends out to Danger" she refused.

"They would probably do it behind your Back then, you know how they are" Sam pointed out as Farah and Saul sighed while Ben glared at his Children. "Ben?" Farah asked for help. "I will only let them go if they have the antidote with them, if they are able to save someone's Life why not?" was all he said as his Children started to cheer.

"Well then, get your Friends and meet me at the Border as soon as you can and only you and your Friends" Farah said with a Sigh. "Today?" "Today" Terra nodded with a Smile before quickly going to tell her Friends. "We will probably be ready in 10 Minutes!" Terra shouted as she hurried away.


"Miss Dowling!" Bloom smiled at the Headmistress who was this Time in her old Military Uniform. "Hello Girls, I am glad you could make it" Farah greeted them. "Who are we searching for exactly?" Aisha asked her. "We Are searching for a Commander of the Army" replied Farah as Musa smirked at her.

"Is it just us or are there more coming with us?" questioned Stella with uncertainty. "Just us, the others are too tired, we have been searching for too long" Stella nodded. "If we are going out there you will stay close to me, if there is a burned one get in a Group of two and defend yourselves and if there's no way out, run and don't turn back" Farah looked at everyone in a serious Way.

"So we Are risking our Lives for some random Commander? I bet there is more behind it, what the Name of the Commander" Riven said with a Smirk as he walked to them, Dane and Sky not too close behind. Farah looked at the Girls scoldingly who just smiled at her.

"Mind Your Tome Riven and the random someone is my Wife to be exact" Farah scolded him. "I just stated the obvious" Sky glared at him. "So we just gonna search for her, protect one another and once we have her we gonna bring her back?" Dane asked as Farah nodded. "That was the Plan"

"And please take it seriously, it's about Life and Death" with that she opened the Barrier, letting the Fairies and Specialists trough before closing it behind her again. "Do we have any Spot to start searching or are we completed lost?" asked Riven.

"I know where we should Beginn and now be quiet and listen to any Sound of Danger" they all walked trough the pretty dark Forest, the only light Source was Stella who used her Magic and after a while Farah stopped and kneeled to the Floor.

"If I wouldn't know better I would say that this is Blood" Riven commented as everyone looked at him. He quickly put his Hands up. "Just saying" he chuckled as something suddenly snapped. "Very funny Riven and now take it seriously" Sky glared at Riven.

"It wasn't him, he himself feels scared" broadcasted Musa his Feelings wich earned her a Glare from Riven. "We have to walk further" Farah interfered and with that they very cautiously walked further until Dane tripped over something making him fall.

They all turned to him as Terra helped him up. "If I wouldn't know it better this Time I would say this is someone's Leg" Sam commented while examining it. "Yes thank you I am fine" Dane muttered annoyed. "Well this is definitely the Leg of a Burned One" Farah agreed.

"Stella, could you give us a bit more light" Farah looked to her while Stella looked unsure. "Just believe in yourself" she reassured and Stella did make it. "That's honestly disgusting, why are here so many Limbs?" Aisha turned away disgusted. "Girls and Boys get ready" Farah ordered. "Well we gonna follow this Trail of I don't know what" Riven pointed at a Trail of Herbs and destroyed Twigs.

"You're actually of use" joked Sky as Bloom went ahead already following it. "Not so fast Bloom there can always be a Burned One ready to jump at you" lectured Farah as they catchend up to her. "So how exactly are we going to find her?" asked Aisha.

"Maybe she will see Stella's light and call out, maybe we just follow the Trail or we will split up" answers Farah and looked at the Students. "I think we could use Musa to track her, she can feel other Emotions right? She can't really control her Powers too so the more Pain she feels the closer we get" Riven suggested.

"We will absolutely not do that" interfered Sam angrily. "No I will do it, I won't put you out to unnecessary Danger" Farah argued. "No it's fine I can do, you are stronger than me and we need you in a worst Case scenario" Farah looked uncertain.

"No I won't let that happen, we will split up" Riven immediately looked up at Farah. "You don't honestly want us to split up" He laughed. "Why not? Or are you scared" Musa teased him with a smirk. "Bloody hell, come one Fire fairy and Sky, shall we rescuer the Damsel in Distress" he joked as Bloom and Sky quickly followed after him.

"Well I will take Dane and Terra to come with me" Aisha quickly said and went with them in the opposite direction, leaving Farah with Musa, Sam and Stella. "Come on, she won't be far" Sam encouraged and Musa looked at Farah who just sighed.

"Let's hope so" and they started to walk again but before they could come far they saw Bloom running and calling out to them. "We found her! There's a-a Burned One!" She stammered out of Breath and Farah quickly begann to ran where Bloom came from.

"Get the other ones Musa! Sam, Stella, Bloom you with me" with that they quickly arrived to where Sky tried to defend himself. Bloom quickly shot Fire to distract it to them. "Can you four be able to handle it?" She asked but they just nodded.

Farah quickly ran to where Riven was. He had a unconscious Girl in his Arms while he looked terrified. "She- I- I found her she was still alive but-" Farah silenced him. "It's alright, calm down, we can be glad that we have her, is or was there anyone else?" Riven shook his Head.

"Headmistress Dowling!" Terra called out as they quickly ran to where she was. "There are so many more! We have to go" Terra looked worried and afraid. "Sky, Bloom, Sam, Stella! We have to go and that quickly" they nodded and quickly went to Farah. "You can give her to me" Riven just shook his Head.

"I can manage" Farah nodded and quickly led them away. "Stella, can you try to inform your Mother of the Burned Ones?" asked Farah. "I mean I can try" Stella answered.
Everyone sped up a little bit as they saw the Barrier ahead of them while the screeches became louder.

"Quickly inside with you!" letting the Students go first she quickly went after them and closed the Barrier just in Time, letting out a Breath of relief she quickly searched for Riven who was at the Ground, the Girl still in his Arms. Farah immediately went to them and gasped as she saw her Wife.

"We have to go to Ben quickly" Farah urged as she took the unconscious Girl from his Arms. "You will get checked out too" Farah then said as Riven groaned but agreed. Terra quickly opened the Door to the Greenhouse where Ben was waiting for them, taking the Girl and laying her on one of the Beds.

"We have to stitch her up and look for any serious Wounds" Ben muttered to himself but before he could even Beginn the Girl shot up and immediately fell back down. Terrified she looked around until she found the familiar Hazel Eyes of her Wife. "Farah" I cried out while reaching for her.

She quickly went to my Side as I begann to cry. "It's okay, you are safe" she kissed my Forehead lovingly. "We need to treat your Wounds" I quickly shook my Head. "No please Farah please" she quickly looked away, knowing what I was implying. "Hold on okay? I will help you" she stroked trough my Hair as I begann to cry more. "Farah you promised" she ignored me and I could see her Eyes wich were now White, feeling the Pain already vanish.

"Farah what are you doing! Stop it no Farah!" I looked at her as she clenched her Jaw taking my Pain from me until a Student came over to us and took my other Hand. Her Eyes turned purple as I looked worried to Ben who was just tending my Wounds. "Be glad that the Burned Ones did not infect you, you got lucky" he said as he bandaged my Body.

"I wanted to live, of course I would try my best not to get hit, the others sadly couldn't make it" I breathed out, exhaustion washing over me again. "We know, you had us worried, there was no sign of you" I breathed a laugh. "I hid my Magic so no one would find me, I knew of I didn't my Chances to survive would have been worse" he nodded at that as I looked back to Farah who looked lovingly at me.

"You did promise me you would let me go and not put yourself in Danger and look where you are" she gave me a small smile. "I also told you that I love you way too much to let you go" I nodded and closed my Eyes for only a bit before opening them again. "Who found me?" I asked and everyone looked at Riven. "Even though he shit himself he fought trough to you" Bloom joked.

"I wasn't scared!" He protested. "Thats why you jumped into Sky's Arms when you heard something snap?" Riven rolled his Eyes. "Well I think all of you should head to bed now, it's late after all and this must have been exhausting for all of you" Ben told them and quickly threw them out of the Greenhouse.


The next Morning I woke up to a sleeping Student beside me and Farah who sipped her Coffee. "Good Morning, hoe are you feeling?" She asked me. "Terrible" I laughed and quickly held my Side. "About yesterday-" I hushed her with a Look.

"Don't, I know so and I know I would have done the same as you did" she smiled at me and walked over to me. "You lost your Ring" she took my Hand and slipped it on. "Wow who cleaned that?" I asked. "Saul was so nice and cleaned it while we were searching for you"

"Let the Kids have a Day off, they did more than what was asked of them" Farah nodded. "Already did" I smiled at her. "For how long was I out?" I asked her. "It must have been a couple Days, you woke every now and then but mostly unconscious" I nodded and looked at the Girl. "Who's that?"

"Musa, she tried to take over for me when I had to take a Break, that's why she's here" I smiled at her. "A very devoted Fairy" I nodded. "As long as everyone is fine" Farah kissed my Forehead again. "Of course"

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