In The Sunset Where We Met |...

Per skuzzkii

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In a world where the fans and the public have more clear the rules to survive as an idol, than the idols them... Més

In That Sunset Where We Met.
01. Player one and player two.
02. Lili And John.
03. True Army
04. Sadness & Sorrow = Lyrics & Melody
05. Tears Will Fall.
06. Inadvertent.
07. Lost Stars.
08. When It Comes To You.
10. Celine.
11. Love's Connection.
12. Magical.
13. Rainbow Drops.
14. Romantic Fools.
15. Beautiful Feelings.
16. Saved Picture.
17. Two Plus Two.
(18) Dear...
(19) Dear, you.
Chapter 20: Somewhere Only We Know.
Chapter 21: In My Little Mind.
Chapter 22: Right Person Wrong Time.
23. My Old Story.
24. Dandelions.
25. Rewrite The Stars I
26. Rewrite The Stars II
(27) That Once Upon A Time...
28. Endless Farewell
29. Still With You (Finale).

09. Poems Night. Chewels Of The Night.

627 37 6
Per skuzzkii

(a/n: i checked this but it's 00:22 am. i don't know if i trust in sleepy me. So, I'm sorry if it is shitty written, I'll check it again tomorrow.)

The Sunset Where We Met

Chapter 09: Poems Nights. Chewels Of The Night.

The room in the dark, and only the tv light making sight.

How come someone can feel warm and hot at the same time?


"Mhmm?" Jungkook responded.

Lisa looked at the TV, thinking about the perfect way to formulate the question.

"How did... how did this movie turned out so sad?"

Jungkook blinked, still with his eyes on the tv, but he drifted them away to glance at the girl laying beside him.

Judging by the tone of her voice, he expected to see her sad. But she looked calm, simply staring at the tv in front of them.

"Don't you like it?" He asked, leaning his head on the pillow down his head.

Lisa turned her head, having to raise her chin to be able to look him in the eyes.

She just stared at him. Her eyes darted in all parts of his face, and he could see the flashing light of the tv on her cheeks, on her nose... her eyes.

Then she scrunch her nose in a cute way that he would laugh at, yet he didn't, precisely because he didn't find it fun.

Instead... he was lost in the sight.

He was confused about how a simple act could leave him so stunned.

Should it worry him?

The "should" and the "shouldn't" would back to his mind eventually, once and again... and again. He was still ignoring it, and it was going to be ok as long as he keeps it like that. He wanted to believe he wasn't doing anything wrong.

And looking at the person by his side just confirmed that thought.

"I like it," she sighed. "To be honest, I used to think I didn't like this kind of genre. It's sad. And when I'd do, it was not something fun to watch..."


"But there's something special behind them."

He let his head fall onto the pillow behind him, staring again at the tv.

"And what is it?"

He paid attention to the movie in front.

The fox and the hound.

He didn't think too much before choosing a movie, and as soon as he saw it in the catalogue, he just clicked on it. It was a movie he used to watch when he was a kid. However, a second after he did it, he looked at his side to see her reaction. The doubt that she wouldn't like that movie popped up in his head, maybe she doesn't even watch animated movies.

That was something he didn't realize before, when he's with her he doesn't think about such things as how to dress, how to act, or if she would like the movie he's choosing. He wasn't worried if she thinks he was childish just for watching cartoon movies at twenty-five years old age. A part of him knew she wouldn't think like that.

She looked back at the TV again.

"Mhm... I won't tell you now."


"I need to see the ending first."

"Why? Why do you need to see the ending first?"

She sighed, looking back at him.

"I need to confirm my point of view first, otherwise what I said won't make sense!" She frowned looking at him like if it would be an obvious thing.

"Okay, okay, I did not ask anything."

Jesus, she got mad really fast.

"You're very insistent.," she said frowning, but the way she was trying to hold back a smile let him know she wasn't serious. The teasing tone too.

"I am impatient."

"That, too."

One hour later, the light begins to peek through the windows.

Their previous drunk selfs long forgotten, resulting in two grown up childs with sleepy eyes in the middle of the kitchen.

Jungkook rested his head on her isle, sitting in the bar chair with his long arms hanging at his sides. His eyes were closed as he just wanted a long time of sleep now, and it didn't matter to him that he was not in a bed because with the tiredness everything feels comfy. There was no way he was not falling asleep there.

But there was another one of his senses that woke up at that moment.


Lisa, who was leaning on the kitchen counter, fixed her eyes on the boy.

"Was it your stomach?" She asked.

He opened his eyes. She could see his face clearly from that angle. His cheek pressed to the isle, and the long hair of his bangs was falling, almost covering his round eyes and nose. He still had his black hoodie and the sleeves were sticking out of his hands.

He opened his eyes hearing her. He frowned and she saw how he gave a quick glance at his stomach.

"I'm hungry," he went back to close his eyes. "Feed me."


"Why would I?"

"Because you're nice to me."

At this point, none of them knew who was more sleepy, and the words they say weren't hardly thought.

"Aren't people always nice to you?"

He didn't respond right away, making her turn around and feel the coldness of the floor against the naked skin of her feet.

What do I have for eating?

"Yes," she heard his hoarse voice.


"But you're... nicer."

"Okay..." A soft chuckle escaped her mouth. "Sadly for you, I just have cereal, milk, and bread."

He straightened up, seeing how the girl placed the said food on the island.

"You live eating this, perhaps?"

He eyed it all, however, didn't complain when she brought two white medium size bowls, and he started to pour the cereal there.


"Convince me otherwise."

"Yah!" She started to pour the milk into the bowl. "Some people just can't cook."

He sinks the spoon into the bowl, taking to his mouth a big one of cereal and milk.

"And what do you eat day to day?"

She was feeling judged.

"Delivery. Stop judging me!"

He raised his arms, showing innocence.

"I'm not!"

"Yes! Your eyes are judging my actions. Listen, ok?" She placed her elbows on the table, to look at him carefully. "I am the most basic girl you could find."

And where did that come from?  He frowned, chuckling, and pushed her back with his finger on her forehead.


"Why are you basic?"

He was curious about the girl's sentence. It just came out of nothing.

She just sighed, and looked around her, opening her arms like she wanted to show something.

"Just look at all of this. Look at my life."

He raised a brow. Was she seriously talking?

"Are you serious?"

He was sure he can't hide the disbelief on his face.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because I don't understand your point," he swallowed the cereal. "You're claimed by million people, everyone wants you around, somebody who made history with her first solo--"

"Did you hear my solo?"

"We're not talking about that right now," he pointed at her with his finger.

»And you live in this amazing place that it's probably huges dollar worthy. Tell me... what's simple of it?"

Her answer to that was something he did not expect.


He was just sharing his thoughts. It was like self-talk too. Their life wasn't really different in many aspects. They had the same job, and they share a very close amount of popularity. They do the same things to keep their fame upright, photoshoots, interviews, and fashion shows. They share the same responsibility too, the one that implicates being perfect all the time.

They went through the same things.

It was easy to relate, and it was easy to try to cheer her up, just like she does sometimes.

However, there might be things that he doesn't take on the count. Because even after saying that, the girl's face remained the same. No... it even fell more.

He frowned, regretting whatever he said that could make her feel worst because, even when he meant it, he didn't want her to feel like this.


But she did not respond. She even turned around in the chair, showing him her back.

That was when he worried and, standing up from the chair, he put himself in front of her. The guy didn't know what to do, suddenly, he had this girl looking down and playing with her fingers and he doesn't know what exactly thing that he said was wrong.


This time she looked up. She looked at the kitchen's corner that was over his shoulder, with her eyebrows slightly raised up.

"What happens?"

She shook her head not daring to speak, something that drove him out of his mind for a brief moment.

"No," he murmured, holding her chin with his right hand to make her look up at him. "Since when are we keeping things for ourselves?"

And that was the truth. For the little times they spent together, they somehow bond in trust for each other. They say whatever they want to say without thinking about what the other could say about it. Jungkook couldn't get to a proper conclusion about how it happened, other than he saw himself in her, and maybe she did too. But how it happened didn't matter to him at all, now he just enjoys having this person beside him.

And this person was looking up at him through her long eyelashes, like the most adorable person on earth, with her lower lip standing out in a little pout.

He could just stare in awe because it was not a moment to babble about how.much.pretty.she.was, but it was not his fault when she is the one doing puppy eyes at him. Shiny and hypnotic eyes.


She opened her mouth.

"I just..." She pulled from his hoodie's elastic and he ignored the tingles it caused him with the action. "Everything that you mentioned, that's what makes me the most simple girl."

He nodded as an instinct to make her keep going.

»I have fans... People who follow me everywhere, and also people who will defend me even if I do things wrong. I have a lot of people around me wanting to be my friend, and some of them seem pretty nice! but sometimes I just don't know how to interpret their intentions. Not even counting the number of people who looks at me sideways just for being who I am. Blackpink Lisa. Like... do I have the fault? And there's nothing wrong about my name or our name!"

She gripped strongly from the elastics that Jungkook staggered a little bit.

»I debuted as a soloist when that wasn't even my plan. But ok, I enjoy it, and it charted in the highest, literally an international hit. But... it is not mine. I did not write any of the lyrics, nor did I produce them, and it still peeked in the highest. I also live in a place more expensive than what other families could ever have, and by myself! I only have cats, and I don't even know how to cook! I live to deliver food from restaurants every day, do you know what it sounds like?"

He was a little dizzy with the sudden burst, she was almost rapping in speed, but he was still paying attention to every one of her words.


"Like a perfect blonde Disney movie girl! I am that basic girl, and do you know what's worst?"

"What's the worst?"

"That I don't hate it!"

The girl burst all her anger, not shouting but almost, tightening her closed fists and throwing them in the air.

Jungkook looked at her, all angry, with that expression that amused him. He pressed his lips, well-knowing that she wasn't kidding, that it was a serious matter for the blond girl.

But, eventually, a low chuckle escaped him. Low and barely perceptive to the ear, but they were less than twenty centimeters from each other and she wasn't deaf.

"Are you seriously laughing?!"

Her incredulous cry was enough for him to burst into laughers, lowering his head. He covered his face with a hand, disappointed in himself for being like this.

"Really? This is what my trust is for you, Jeon Jungkook? I am not telling you anything else, did you hear it?"

God... just when he needed to be serious.

"No, wait." He raised his head, still chuckling, and grabbed the girl's arm before she abandons him. "I'm sorry," Laugh. "ok, ok, so... blonde Barbie doll, you don't care to be that one?"

She squinted her eyes at him, with a judging look, and folded her arms over his chest.

He had to seriously stop laughing.

"You're not the emotional support of your group, right? Because it's noticeable."

He ruffled his hair. The long locks that hours ago she was caressing.

(a/n: I feel like I'm interrupting something, but I can't leave because otherwise, this won't continue, ups.)

"You think I'm a bad listener?" He placed a hand on his chest, feigning he was offended.

Lisa raised a brow.

"No?" Then she smirked, raising her hand. "I don't think, you are a bad listener, bad adviser, bad suppor--"

"Ahhh, yah, yah, I understood," he exclaimed, downing her hand. "Don't put me that low, I think I've already shown you how good of a listener, adviser, and support I am."

He mentioned, thinking about the times he listened to her when she was feeling down, just like she did with him other times. And he knew by the way she kindly smiled that she understood what he meant.

He smiled too, inevitable.

"But that ain't you."

He frowned, not knowing what she was talking about but still following her game. Yes, she was teasing him. He knew that look.

"No? Who was it?"

"That's..." She giggled. "That's John, not Jungkook."

He arched a brow, and the girl copied that action when he placed his arm on the island behind her chair, bending down a little.

"Oh... I see," he murmured. Eyes on her. "And who's that John guy if I can know?"

The smirk on her face was still there, while she was looking up at him.

"Uh... you know, he's this guy I met recently." Almost as if it were an instinct, her hands returned to grab the elastic of his hoodie. "He's the best listener, adviser, and support, actually."

"What about me?"

She frowned, looking at his fun expression.

"Please, sunbaenim," she snorted. "I had just met you tonight and everything you did was laugh when I was talking about my deepest worries."

He wanted to laugh so badly. The way she so seriously talks about it makes him smile like an idiot.

What's happening? Why can't he stop smiling?

He didn't even know what was going on at the moment. He still feels drunk, but by the gorgeous girl in front of him.

"So, this John guy is better than me? Is he really better than Jeon Jungkook?"

Determined and confident, she nodded aggressively her head.



"Well, first of all, he doesn't laugh at me."

"Forget it, Lili."

"No, I won't!" She laughed, and then she looked at him silently. A sigh escaped her mouth. "He... he has been listening to me in whatever I say, no matter if it's about a dumb game or about hurtful things, and made me laugh without knowing I needed that. He even brought a delicious birthday cake for me."

She smiled with warmth, while the guy just stares at her in awe.

"And I am thankful to him for that. Even when I just met him, I am really thankful."

Jungkook just stared at her.

He didn't know when this kind of trust with each other started. How did everything scalated this quickly for them to be so close? And no, he wasn't talking about the proximity of their bodies, even when it was something he was very conscious about, he was referring to the fact that he feels like he can tell her everything. He could open up to share his most private things and he would be fine with it as long as it was her.

And know that she felt somehow similar. Knowing that she's "thankful" and that she appreciates his company the way he does makes it feel like... everything's alright.

Even when deep down they very well know that they have to part ways.

He can't do something else but sigh. A deep sigh came from his entire body. Mind, muscles, heart... When did he start to contain his breathing?

Maybe when he bent down to be closer to her.

"Sounds like a nice guy... and handsome, I bet he's very handsome."

To his surprise, or maybe not so, the girl nodded looking sideways. She was agreeing?

"Well... yeah, he is."

"He is?"

The girl released one of the elastics of his hoodie, to put her hand between their faces and make a sign with her thumb and index finger.

"Just a little bit," she exclaimed in a tiny voice. "But don't tell him, please. His ego is up there in heaven, and I don't want to feed it."

He nodded, feigning seriousness.

"Ok, I won't tell your handsome guy--"

"He's not my--"

"--that he's your ideal type."

Her eyes widened, and she glared at him and his stupid bunny smile.

"Yah! I didn't say that!"

She tried to move him away putting her hands on his forearms, but the guy didn't budge even when she tried with her whole strength. Wow, really, what was he? Hulk?

"You didn't need to say it, you're obvious."

She rolled her eyes, and when he didn't notice, she escaped by the side where his arm wasn't cornering her.

Cornering her... Hold on, they were doing that just a moment ago?

Can't stopping herself, she gave him a glance a little bit dopey at the realization. She didn't even notice they were so close. She wonders if he did.

"Why are you still in my apartment, though? Time to go, sunbae!"

She folded her arms over her chest, realizing that she needed to sleep now if she didn't want to die soon. And he has to do it too.

God, he was a very busy man. What was he doing here, wasting his sleeping time on her?

She heard a murmur, something unintelligible to her, and a second later, the dressed black man appeared in front of her with the bowl of cereal and milk. He charged the tablespoon again and, this time, he offered it to her.

She didn't think much and opened her mouth, letting him feed her.


Cereal was, even more, yummy that day.

"By the way..." He mentioned, swallowing. "When I laughed just now it wasn't because of what you said."

"Then why?" She asked softly.

"Nothing, you just looked cute and I couldn't take you seriously."




Lisa, you already said it in your head, was it necessary out loud?

Jungkook chuckled seeing the way she started spacing out, then he stepped closer, fastly removing the bit of cereal in the corner of her lips with his thumb.

It was fast, but it made the girl look at him again.

He smiled.

"About what you mentioned... don't think so hard about those things, less when you don't care about them. You like to be a basic girl? You can be that."

He didn't see it that way, he didn't think she was "basic" by any chance, not when she gets to surprise him every time.

»Do you like to have fans? That's ok. People wanting to be your friend? That doesn't have to be all bad. If you don't know how to cook, it's not something that can't be solved. Nothing of those things means you're less. And Lisa... The fact that you didn't write a song doesn't mean you're untalented, or fake, that you don't put your whole efforts there and that the song doesn't belong to you. Trust me, there's nothing wrong about it."

The girl gifted another smile, and then she nodded.

"I know... I... know it. None of those things bothers me a lot. I love the people who support me, and even when there are people who just want to get closer to my name I am not dumb, I know when people is fake, that's not a problem. And I like my songs... even when I didn't write them, I like them. I used to feel bad because people talks about it, about how the song is "made for me", and I feel bad because I really liked them since the beginning, nonetheless the credits."

She sighed, and then looked up again.

»But I am confident in myself, I know my worth and I shouldn't let anyone bring me down."

He nodded, happy with her response. He knew she was strong. In this world they live, you gotta be strong, or else, fear will consume you.

He was happy to know that she was doing well. Something he always wondered about before meeting her.

Never he thought those silent questions he had inside of him would be responded to someday.

Around ten minutes later and almost falling asleep, both walked until reaching the door frame and after putting the key code, this one opened.

Jungkook walked through the door and turned around to face the girl with short blonde hair.

What is he waiting for?  She wondered, seeing the way he just stares at her.

"What?" She asked, can't contain herself.

"If I better stay?"

Her brows raised up.

"No. Go home, and carefully."

"But I'm sleepy!"


Her scolding stopped midways when he did something... uh, questionable.

With a pout on his lips, as if he would be a baby, the guy bent down again and, this time, he placed his forehead on her shoulder.

What's with him?

"Let me staaaaaaaaaaay."

Fortunately for him, Lisa was in zombie mode too. She was so sleepy that she could barely think, and that made her not move the guy immediately.

Jungkook didn't know why he was doing what he was doing. All he knew is that he can feel her vanilla scent this close. That smell he recognized the first time they met.

He also knew that he would have to do something extra-waking-up for him to drive safely home.

Lisa slowly opened her eyes, remembering their state and, especially, their names.

"Sunbaenim... you really need to leave," she giggled feeling the boy's hair tickling against her cheek while his forehead rests on her right shoulder.

She held onto the door frame because... well, he was hella heavy for her. Anyone would think he was drunk for the way he let his whole weight on her.

"Should I?" He murmured.

His voice made her body vibrate internally. It was so hoarse.

She was probably a weirdo, otherwise, why is she thinking she would like to hear that voice more often?

"Mhm... " She mumbled. "We don't want problems, remember?"

Everything was silent for a moment until he spoke again.

"Ok... but you didn't tell me the conclusion of The Fox and The Hound."

Oh... the movie.

She would tell him, but just when she finds the answer to the real story. When she discovers their real ending.

*shamessly come back after dissapearing for almost a month*

I promise I have my reasons...

Well, you'll see. I started to edit the first chapters of my main novel (not this) because it was VERY poorly written.

But then that shit went from 2,500 words to 9000


But well, focusing on that one i didn't have time for this one but I was feeling bad about not updating, so I started to work to finish this chapter. Jiji. I know I'd short, I'm sorry.

I wanted to say things here but I already forgot them lol

anyways... I am very sleepy rn.

I want to say thank you so much for all the support. I really appreciate the votes and comments 💞💞💞

I hope you like this chapter, let's read in the next time 💕


Continua llegint

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