The Roommate (The Camgirl Par...

By taylorstorms

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WARNING: WHOLESOME, BUT SMUTTY AS ALL HELL (Read "The Camgirl" before this!) Blake and Liam are finally toget... More

Add The Roommate to your library!
Part I: I Want To Be Your Little Slut
Part II: Tell Me To Stay
Part III: Revelation
Part IV: Desperate
Part V: Just Fun And Sex
Part VI: Can't Wait!
Part VII: Nervous
Part VIII: Suck My Cock
Part IX: Stay
Part X: So Much For Being Careful
Part XI: Break
Part XII: Nervous
Part XIII: I'm Gonna Miss You
Part XIV: Please Say Yes
Part XV: Bounce Back Like You
Part XVII: Would She? If I Asked Her To?
Part XVIII: Mischievous Ideas
Part XIX: Want To Try It?
Part XX: Wicked Fuckin' Haht
Part XXI: Don't Take Too Long
Part XXII: Do You Really Have To Ask?
Part XXIII: Grilled Cheese And A Blanket
Part XXIV: Making An Effort
Part XXV: I Didn't Fuck It Up
Part XXVI: Eatin' Ass and Suckin' Dick
Part XXVII: You Haven't Done This Before, Have You?
Part XXVIII: I Fucking Earned It
Part XXIX: *Your* Slut
Part XXX: You Asked For It
Part XXXI: She's Gonna Be Fun
Part XXXII: Anxious, But Excited
Part XXXIII: Strange But Wonderful
Part XXXIV: It Takes Trust
Part XXXV: That Juicy Booty
Part XXXVI: Think This Bed Can Take It?
Part XXXVII: You Don't Get to C*m
Part XXXVIII: Sex-Related Brain Damage
Part XXXIX: Private Chat
Part XL: Can You Trust Me?
Part XLI: She's Gone
Part XLII: No Cumming, Slut
Part XLIII: Worries
Part XLIV: So Fucking Dead
Part XLV: Collar
Part XLVI: What If I Ruin The Piano?
Part XLVII: My Domme. My Slut
Part XLVIII: I'll Tell Him
Part XLIX: Your Slut
Part L: Study Game
Part LI: Not The Right Time
Part LII: Choke Me
Part LIII: I Haven't Been Doing So Well
Part LIV: Spit It Out, Blondie!
Part LV: Drunk Torture
Part LVI: Banana As A Safe Word
Part LVII: Bent Over a Desk and Railed While You Smacked My Ass
Part LVIII: She's Trying
Part LIX: Why Do You Need Things That Way?
Part LX: All You Had To Do Was Ask
Part LXI: I Did Warn Her
Part LXII: Cherry
Part LXIII: Camgirl 101
Part LXIV: You Both Did
Part LXV: Rough Day
Part LXVI: Drunk, Horny, Mad
Part LXVII: Just Fucking Do It
Part LXVIII: My Girlfriend's Ex
Part LXIX: Is That A Blindfold?
Part LXX: Finally
Part LXXI: Good Boy
Part LXXII: Wasn't Done With That
Part LXXIII: The Best Slut Ever
Part LXXIV: So F*cking Much

Part XVI: Nothing Underneath

345 6 0
By taylorstorms

XVI: Liam and Marie


"Here, listen," Liam said, situating his fingers on the guitar, "You can make it sound a bit crunchier if you do the seventh, or even the ninth chord."

He strummed the progression three times in quick succession, first with the regular chords, then adding a seventh, and then a ninth to the dominant one.

"See? It doesn't change the actual progression too much, but it makes it more satisfying when you get to that last chord."

Eli blinked, then tried it out himself, eyes growing a bit wider as he did so.

"Damn," he breathed, "But how did you know to put it on that chord instead of the others? Making those ones crunchier just sounds a little weird."

Liam nodded, "That's where the whole theory part comes in."

"Oh, right, cuz it's the five chord?"

"The dominant, and yeah, so its function is just to build up a little tension so that its more satisfying when you get back to the tonic or the submediant--the one or the six. Listen."

Liam strummed through a but longer chord progression than the one they were fooling around with--the acoustic version of "Get Low" just looped the famous "four chords" progression over and over again. When he got to the final dominant, he added a few extra notes to the chord, but stopped there, letting it ring. It made him shiver.

"Ahhh," Eli groaned, "That's so weird. It feels so wrong without the next chord."

Liam laughed, strumming the tonic instead of the six chord that came next in the song, "Wanna give it a try just playing through it and adding the extra extensions wherever? I'll play a baseline."

Eli grinned, "Sounds good."

They were about halfway through the second verse when the door opened up and Matt came in. He grinned when he saw them, putting down his bag and clapping to the beat.

Eli held in his laughter just long enough to finish the verse.

"You guys still want to play Halo?" Matt asked, "I didn't know you were having a jam sesh."

Eli shook his head, resting the guitar against his desk, "You're good, man. Liam was just blowing my mind with some music theory."

Matt snorted, "Yeah, he does that."

Liam shook his head as Matt took one of the smaller wooden chairs that had come with the dorm room and pulled it closer to the TV. His shoulders made it look even smaller than it was. Matt was shorter by Liam by a few inches, but jacked. Liam had made some good progress in the gym recently over the past year, but he still had a ways to go until he would be close to lifting as much as Matt had halfway through high school, and his friend had only gotten stronger since. Matt wasn't overly-muscular. Just ridiculously athletic with the benefit of bodybuilder genes.

"So how was Thanksgiving for you guys?" Matt asked, getting out his controller, "Swar still out?

Liam nodded as he turned on the game system and handed Eli one of the controllers, "Yep. I think his classes start late tomorrow so he's just going to come back tomorrow morning."

"Kinda wish I'd done that," Eli said, "Still had a ton of leftovers that just don't take the same heated up in the microwave."

"Isn't Jersey a bit too far for that?" Liam asked, situating himself in his own chair--Eli had taken Swar's, "Like you would've had to get up at four or something?"

Eli grinned, "Fair point. And what about you, Liam. I'm guessing you didn't end up needing to spend break at Swar's after all?"

"Whoa, wait, what's this?" Matt asked, grinning, "You didn't go back home?"

Liam couldn't help himself from grinning, or keep the heat from his face, as he shook his head, "I actually spent it at Blake's."

"Please tell me you two finally did it," Eli said, setting up their game, "Otherwise I'm gonna think Marie put a curse on you or something."

Matt's eyes widened. Liam knew his friend had spent the night with his girlfriend before when he visited her at her school, but he was pretty sure they'd never actually done anything other than probably make out. Matt wasn't judge-y about it, though. He'd been on the football team in high school so he probably wouldn't have had to many friends if he had been, but Matt was just good like that. He did still get a bit embarrassed talking about most things related to sex, however.

"No curse," Liam said, "I stayed with Blake and we did a 'Friendsgiving' with her roommate, Sophie."

"And then you boned all weekend, didn't you?"

Matt laughed as Liam rolled his eyes, "I mean, not all weekend but--"

Eli joined in with Matt, though both of them slapped Liam on the back after a minute or two.

"It's about damn time, dude," Eli said, "You and Marie broke up, what--two weeks ago? Three? And I'm pretty sure you had the hots for her since the beginning of the year."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Whatever. The annoying part is that Marie is back, now, so basically spending the night at Blake's is off-limits for the foreseeable future."

"Ouch..." Matt said, "Yeah, that would be bad if she caught you two."

"Yeah she'd probably go immediately to thinking you guys were fooling around before you broke up with her," Eli added, "Even though you and Matt could go toe to toe in a goody-two-shoes contest and no one would be able to say who won."

Liam glanced at Matt, "Betrayal five?"

Matt nodded, "Betrayal five."

"Ugh, you fucks."

Liam laughed as he and Matt went after Eli, even though he was on their own team. They eventually got booted from the game, but it took longer than Liam would have thought despite how many times they killed Eli.

"So, any suggestions?" Liam asked, switching them to a custom game where they could play against just each other.

"For what?" Eli asked, "Places for you and Blake to fuck?"

Matt coughed as his face turned bright red.

Liam shrugged, "Among other things. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely going to sexile you guys a few times, but I'd rather not do that as many times as I hope Blake and a know."

Eli looked between him and Matt, then shook his head, "Ugh, you two are hopeless. Besides, what makes you think I'd know?"

Liam shrugged, "You are in a frat. I assumed the subject has come up once or twice when you've talked with them."

Eli rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but they're mostly a bunch of D-bags. I try to tune them out most of the time."

"Why'd you join, then?"

"Join what?"

All three of them looked toward the door, where a tanned brunette girl with blonde streaks through her hair stood with one foot in the room. She wore black yoga pants that clung to her thick, muscular legs, and a grey crop top that revealed abs Liam wished he had.

Liam smiled when he saw her, "Hey, Kiki, come on in?"

She returned the smile and stepped in, closing the door behind her, "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Door was open, so I thought I'd come see what's up. Ooo, Halo."

"You want to play?" Liam asked, half standing as he gestured for her to take his seat, "We have an extra controller."

Kiki shook her head, "No, thanks. I like the game but I suck at it. I'll watch, though."

She walked by him to climb up the ladder and sit on his bed, feet on one of the rungs.

"Who's joining what?" she asked.

"Eli," Liam said, looking back to the game, "Matt asked why he joined his frat if he can't stand most of the guys in it."

"Alcohol and connections," Eli said, "The first part doesn't really matter, but apparently people will actually give you a bit better consideration for a job in the finance or business fields if you mention you were in the same frat as they were, even their chapter is halfway across the country and they graduated twenty years ago."

Liam glanced over at him, "That's so weird. I mean, good for you, but that just sounds kind of stupid."

Eli shrugged, "So is a lot of stuff in those kind of jobs. But they pay well most of the time."

"Fair enough." Liam looked up at Kiki, then looked toward his desk as his phone buzzed.

Liam reached for his phone. It buzzed again. Both messages were from Blake.

"Ooo," Kiki said in a sing-song voice, "Someone got a good text. This from your new girlfriend?"

Liam looked up at her, raising an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"You're wearing an 'I just got laid' smile, dude," Eli said.

Liam glanced at him, then back at Kiki, who nodded. He sighed, opening the message as the phone buzzed two more times.

"You not being here is the WORST!!!"

"I'm still all horny from my show and Marie just fucking left, so you didn't even need to leave tonight!

"UGH!!! I could have just hidden you in my closet until she left."

"Well?" Kiki asked, "What does she want?"

Liam glanced at the time on his phone: 9:42. Not too late.

"Want me to come back over?" he sent back.

"She's annoyed that I'm gone because apparently Marie came back and then just left for the night." He said.

"Wait, haven't you been gone all break?" Kiki asked.

"Nope," Eli said, shaking his head, "Stayed over at her place the whole time."

Something flicked the top of his head.

"What the fuck, Liam?" Kiki said, "You didn't tell me that!"

Liam half-glared up at her, rubbing his head, "I didn't know if I was going to stay at her place. I was going to surprise her with our date, but if she wasn't ready or had her own plans, I was going to stay over at Swar's and have Thanksgiving with him."

Kiki looked at him with an open-mouthed grin, "Wait, so you guys had Thanksgiving together? That's so adorable!"

Then her eyes widened, "Oh shit, if you stayed over there, that means you two slept together, didn't you!"

Liam rolled his eyes, but nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

"You gonna take off?" Eli asked.

Liam's phone buzzed again.

"DUH. Probably not a good idea, though. No clue when she'll be back tonight/tomorrow. And I should probably get used to spending the night with out you since that's probably gonna be the norm for a bit."

Liam frowned, "Nah, staying here. Marie left, but don't know when she'll be back."

"Yikes," Kiki said, "How's that gonna work? You just gonna invite her over here a lot and kick out Eli and Swar?"

"Can they sleep on your floor?" Liam asked, grinning.

Kiki and Matt laughed.

"That's actually what we were talking about when you came in," Liam said as his phone buzzed again, "Any ideas on places to hook up other than our rooms?"

"What are you up to tonight, anyway?" Blake asked.

Liam grinned, "Just talking and playing Halo with Eli and Matt since you're not here to hustle us. Kiki's here, too."

Blake sent back an emoji with the tongue sticking out, "Rude. I'm totally not going to embarrass you by sending a bunch of sexually suggestive emojis in case your friends happen to look at your phone."

Shaking his head, Liam set his phone back on his desk.

"Empty classrooms might work," Kiki said, "Particularly after like...six or six-thirty. If you guys can be quiet, some of the study rooms might work depending on how late at night it is. Hooking up in the shower also usually works."

Liam grinned, "Thanks."

Kiki returned the grin, "No problem."

She looked to Eli and Matt, "What about you two. You getting any?"

Liam laughed as Eli sighed, hanging his head, and Matt's face turned bright red.


A shiver ran up Marie's spine as Kylie let her into her dorm. It was a little after ten and the room was dimly lit. Marie should probably be asleep in her own bed at the moment--she did have classes tomorrow--but she expected she would have kept herself up anyway. She held back a moan as the plug in her ass shifted again. She still didn't know if wearing it over had been a good idea. It felt incredible, soaking her pussy, but a half an hour of walking and then riding on the T with it inside her had left Marie in a frazzled, foggy state.

I just fucking need something inside me.

She tried not to be too obvious about it with Kylie as the brunette grinned at her, shrugging off her heavy coat to reveal a crop top and tight jeans that seemed painted onto her muscular thighs.


Marie took off and hung up her own coat, then her shoes, squirming as her ass tightened around the plug.

"So, Cassie came home while you were on your way over," Kylie said in a low voice, pulling Marie close with an hand at the small of her back, "Which leaves us with two options."

Heat rushed through Marie's body as Kylie looked down at her, their bodies pressed together.

"Cassie is a pretty heavy sleeper and she's already passed out," Kylie continued when Marie said nothing, "So we can fuck in there as long as you're quiet, which I can help with. Or we can fuck on the couch out here and be a bit louder, but there's the chance one of my other roommates might come out and catch us, since it's not that late yet."

Marie bit her lip, so wet she hoped there wasn't a dark spot on her yoga pants. She tried to decide, but couldn't find a balance between the two. A better idea popped into her head.

"You decide," Marie said with a shiver, her voice far breathier than she'd expected.

Kylie grinned, then her lips were on Marie's. Marie moaned, mind fogging even further. Kylie's hands roamed her body as her tongue slipped between Marie's lips, taking control of the kiss. Marie gasped when Kylie grabbed her ass and squeezed.

Kylie nipped at her lip, then broke the kiss. She took Marie's chin in her fingers and tugged at Marie's bottom lip with her thumb, forcing Marie to look up into green eyes that blazed with lust.

"Strip. Right here."

Marie held back her moan at the command, but Kylie's grin made it clear to Marie that the brunette knew exactly what she was doing to Marie. Hesitating for only a moment, Marie stripped off her sweater first--that would be less embarrassing if one of Kylie's roommates walked out, though not by much. Her face still grew hot. She lifted it up slowly, wanting to see Kylie's reaction.

She wasn't disappointed.

Kylie's grin and eyes widened when Marie revealed that she hadn't worn a bra under her sweater, and her nipples were probably hard enough to cut glass by this point. Once Marie had entirely removed the garment, she shivered as Kylie's eyes roved over her exposed flesh. Kylie then met her eyes and held out a hand, and Marie handed her the sweater.

"Now the bottoms."

Marie hesitated a bit longer at this command, but after glancing at Kylie's smoldering eyes, she wanted to feed those flames even further.

Hooking her thumbs over the waistband, Marie slowly pulled down her yoga pants, face growing even hotter. Especially when she saw the shining wet patch left by her pussy. She handed the black pants to Kylie was well, suddenly very conscious of the jeweled plug in her ass, though Kylie couldn't see that yet.

Kylie's grinned at her again after taking an eyeful.

"Fuck," she gasped, "I missed you, slut."

Marie bit her lip, stifling a moan.

After looking her up and down once more, Kylie walked over to the door to her room and quietly twisted the handle. She met Marie's eyes and nodded toward the room, "Come on, slut."

Marie blinked, "I thought--"

Kylie's grin cut her off, "I wanted to see if you would do it. You were a good little slut, so I'll make sure you get a reward."

Marie's legs quivered at that. She had to steady herself before following Kylie into her room.

Kylie didn't turn the light on, but between the dim light from the main room and what came in through the shaded window was enough to see by as Kylie closed the door behind them. Kylie's room was much the same as Marie remembered--a big double with a large closet at one end of the room and the two girls' twin L-shaped furniture setups at opposite corners.

Cassie lay asleep in her bed. Seeing her made Marie a bit more self-conscious of her current state of undress. Then Kylie's hand touched the small of Marie's back, gently pushing her forward. Marie nervousness vanished, replaced by arousal. She had technically been naked in the same room as Cassie before, and Kylie's roommate hadn't been asleep that time.

Kylie stopped her just before the bed, raising a hand to where Marie's next met her shoulder to hold her back. The brunette then walked around to stand before her, and Marie had to look up to meet her gaze.

"You still like it rough?" Kylie asked, voice a low whisper.

Marie swallowed, nodding, "Please."

Kylie grinned, "Good slut."

Marie shivered, biting her lip.

"Since smacking that ass of yours till it turns red will be too loud for tonight," Kylie continued, "We'll have to get a little creative.

The brunette brought a hand down between Marie's legs. She brushed her fingers against Marie's bare, soaked pussy, barely even touching it, yet the digits Kylie brought to Marie's lips a moment later smelled and tasted heavily of Marie's own juices. Marie took the fingers into her mouth as soon as they touched her lips, sucking them clean.

Kylie held up her other hand, then just one finger, "This means you want more."

She held up a second finger, "This means you're a little uncomfortable, but don't want to stop."

She held up a third finger and removed the ones in Marie's mouth, "This means that I stop immediately and make sure you're okay. Hold them up where I can see or try to tap me with them. Understand?"

Marie blinked, then nodded.

Kylie smiled, "Good, hopefully you won't have to use any of those. Except maybe the first."

She reached out and took Marie's nipple between two fingers, triggering a low moan.

"Be careful, slut," Kylie said, squeezing a bit harder. Marie had to bite her lip.

"Cassie's walked in on me before," the brunette continued, "So I don't really care if she sees us, but I'd rather not wake her up, since she has some early classes tomorrow."

Marie nodded, and Kylie released her nipple.

She released Marie's nipple, then raised that same hand to tug at Marie's bottom lip, "I want you to strip me, slut. Do it in a way that makes me want to fuck you even harder than I plan to. After that, I'll let you eat my pussy."

Marie squirmed, rubbing her thighs together, but nodded.

Closing the remaining distance between Kylie and herself, Marie put her hands on Kylie's abs, almost moaning as she let her hands run over the smooth, but hard muscles, then latched onto Kylie's neck with her lips. The brunette let out a noise that was somewhere between a quiet moan and a satisfied laugh as she explored Marie's naked stomach and chest with her own hands.

Marie worked her hands up under Kylie's crop top, head growing even foggier when she reached Kylie's breasts and didn't feel a bra. She looked up, meeting the brunette's gaze. Kylie leaned in, breath hot against Marie's ear, "You're not the only one who can tease, slut."

She emphasized the last word by pinching Marie's nipple. Her mouth was on Marie's just in time to muffle Marie's moan.

Marie's mind started to fuzz, but then she remembered the soft, pillowy flesh under her fingers. She did a bit of exploring before pulling back and pushing Kylie's crop top up and over her head. For a moment, she just stared at Kylie. She licked her lips as her eyes roved over the other girl's torso--her breasts and her incredible abs. A little spike of jealousy at the disparity between their busts flared up in Marie's sex-fogged mind, but for some reason that only contributed to her arousal.

Kylie folded her arms beneath her breasts, pushing them up and together as she grinned down at Marie, "You're only halfway there, slut."

Marie swallowed, then closed the distance between them. She met Kylie's smoldering eyes, then sank to her knees. She hooked her fingers under the waistband and tugged, kissing and licking Kylie's muscled stomach as she revealed the taut flesh inch by in.

Fuck, she's not wearing anything underneath either.

As Marie revealed Kylie's bare pussy, she felt her own twitch, mouth watering. For a moment, she couldn't pull her gaze away from those smooth lips.

She won't let me touch them until I finish.

Marie shivered, then continued, working her way down Kylie's thick, muscled thighs, peeling off the yoga pants and sucking and nipping at the flesh she revealed until she'd finally pulled them all the way down to Kylie's feet.

Fingers threaded through her hair, then tugged. Marie shivered, standing as Kylie pulled her up by her hair. Once Marie stood upright, Kylie shifted her grip, pulling Marie closer until their lips met. Marie moaned into Kylie's mouth, then gasped when Kylie nipped at her lip before pulling back just barely.

"Remember," she whispered, lips brushing against Marie's as she spoke , "Quiet. If you get too loud I might have to stuff something in that mouth of yours, slut."

Marie nodded, rubbing her thighs together at the thought of Kylie stuffing a pair of panties into her mouth or even a ball gag.

Kylie grinned, then kicked her yoga pants to the side. She took a step back and leaned against her bed and looked Marie up and down, licking her lips.

"I need a little warming up, slut," she said, slowly, "If I'm going to fuck you nice and hard tonight."

The brunette sat on the edge of the bed and spread her legs, displaying her glistening pussy, pink lips spread like velvet petals.

"Kneel," Kylie said, pointing to a spot on the floor between her legs.

Marie did so and found her eyes fixed on Kylie's pussy once more.

"Fuck, you're a good little slut," Kylie said. Marie could hear the satisfaction in her voice.


Marie looked up questioningly, but placed her hands in Kylie's. The brunette lifted them to her thighs and splayed Marie's fingers.

"I know what you want," Kylie said, reaching down to brush her thumb over Marie's parted lips, "But you have to ask for it."

Marie swallowed, gazing at Kylie's pink lower lips, "Please."

"Please, what?"

"Please, can I eat you out?"

Kylie grinned, "Of course. But you can only use your mouth. Your hands can go anywhere they want except between my legs."

Marie bit her lip, looking up to meet Kylie's green gaze.

The brunette grinned, "Eat my pussy, slut."

A/N: Are you excited for Marie's reward?

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