the new kid

By thisismydesignfr

27.7K 638 1.5K

There's a new student called Finney Blake, who started to get bullied as soon as he joined the school. He go... More

info !!
chapter 1. - I still remember that day.
chapter 2. - Diary and the mall, and...the boy?
chapter 4. - Lunch. (part 1./2.)
chapter 4. - (End Of School) Lunch. (part 2./2.)
chapter 5. - God, it's finally over.
chapter 6. - Getting to know Bruce better. (part 1./2.)
chapter 6. - Getting to know Bruce better. (part 2./2.)
chapter 7. - Our little secret. (part 1./2.)
chapter 7. - Our little secret. (part 2./2.)
silly little rinney headcanons ??
chapter 8. - "You should."
chapter 9. - Support. (part 1./2.)
chapter 9./10. - Support..or not? (part 2./2.)
chapter 11. - 'What? He's pretty cute.'
cryijg soobbing thronwing upd
i always come back 😈💯
chapter 12. - Finn. (part 1./2.)
chapter 12. - Robin. (part 2./2.)
chapter 13. - The unknown duo.

chapter 3. - "Better watch your pretty mouth, Blake."

2K 50 261
By thisismydesignfr


Finney's POV ~


That one week went by very quickly.

And my anxiety grew even more.

Today's the first day of the new school.


I woke up at 5AM just to go and wake up Gwen, cause her's morning routines are REALLY fucking long and take so much time.

I went to her room and knocked 2 times.

There's still no responses.

"Gwen!" I said, still knocking on the door.

After a minute of knocking on the door like an idiot, i finally came in and saw my sister dead asleep on her's bed.

I came closer and started to shake her by the shoulder, but she still wouldn't wake up.

Well, there's only one way left. I thought.

I ran back to my room to grab my phone and came back.

And i clicked on one of my playlist's and it started to play metal.

That's gonna work.

Gwen HATES metal, she hates how loud it is and that it has no point in it. That - 'it's just screaming and some words.'

If i'm being honest, i wasn't a big fan of it.. so, not gonna blame her too much.

AND FINALLY... she woke up. No, no.. she litreally jumped up!


"Look who woke up." I said and laughed at her's reaction.

I also turned the volume off.

"Okay, okay. I'm awake!" She yawned and got out of bed.

"Alright, i'm going back to my room. See you later." I waved her a little goodbye.


First thing that i did was shower.

Then washing my hair.

Then skincare.

And yes, i do skincare. Gwen said that it's important.

Then i started to do my hair, cause they looked like shit.

AFTER A WHILE, i started to pick my outfit for today.

I needed to look good if i wanted to impress some hot guys. Maybe girls too, i don't know.


This is the outfit i basically picked:

Under the jacket i had a white shirt. So, i wasn't going to freeze for god sakes.


With this outfit i'll probably not be able to impress guys.

I would more likely to get called 'a faggot'. But i give no fuck's about what they say.

Besides, they're just saying the truth. What am i going to do about it? Nothing.

Anways - everthing looked good on me and i was ready.

Now it's 6:20.

It's definitely time to go check on Gwen.

I knocked on her's door.

"WAIT!" She yelled.

After 3 minutes or so, she yelled again:


I opened the door and first what i saw was Gwen standing right infront of me.

"How do i look?" She asked.

Her's outfit was great, especially the sweater.

"It looks fine, but why do you need a camera?" I pointed at the camera that was in her's hands.

"Oh, y'know. For memories, DUH!" She rolled her's eyes and walked away like an bad-ass with all her stuff.

Is she high or somethi..


Of course i was ready, i was the one who fucking woke up that shithead. (this is joke, pls don't take anything serious 😭😭😭)

"Yes, i'm ready! Are we going?" I asked and went downstairs.

"We have to eat something, then we can go." Gwen replied instead of grandma.

"Fine." I actually wasn't so hungry, but i better eat than starve and go to school like that.


When all of us ate, we immediately hopped in the car and grandma drove us to school.

After 10 minutes, we arrived.

My anxiety litreally went through my whole body and was shaking me like crazy. (it makes no sense OML 🧍🏼)

"Hope you both have a great day!"- grandma said, but then she saw my shaky hands -"Finney, there's nothing to worry about. You'll be fine." Grandma looked at me and gave me a smile.

I smiled back.

Then i also felt a little weight on my shoulder, it was gwen's hand.

"Finney, grandma's right. And if something goes wrong, just... fuck it."

She was right, if i'm really the person who gives zero fuck's or doesn't give a shit, then i got nothing to worry about.

"Well..." - i sighed "You're right Gwen!"

"Bye, Grandma." We both said and hopped out of the car.


"I'm actually soo fricking confused." Gwen looked around.

"So am i. We got less than 20 minutes till our first class starts." I added.

"Beautiful." Gwen replied.

"Gwenny, i think..that i know where is your first class!" I said holding the little map.

"Where?!" She asked.

"It's like, in the next building right next to my school."

And after i said that, her's eyes caught the building that was a bit smaller and she ran-

yelling: "See you later, Finney!"

I guess it's time for me to finally go inside and find my first class.

What even is my first class? Where is it?

Alright, i'll just go in and look around.

As i walked in the building, i almost got pushed already.

There were teenagers and teacher EVERYWHERE. It was so loud and hot. I couldn't breath at all.


Finally, the bell rang and everbody ran to their classes. I also found out what was my first class.

It was spanish. And i wasn't so good at that subject.

Here goes nothing. I thought as i entered the class.

All the students were already seated.

And it was silent.


When the teacher saw me she smiled and came up to me, and started to introduce me to the class:

"Students, this is Finney Blake, he's a new student here and i want you guys to make him feel really welcome, alright?"

While she was still talking, i spotted two girls sitting next to eachother- blushing, whispering, and giggling quietly.

"Well, Finney.. i think you can sit next to Robin. Robin, please raise your hand!" Teacher looked at that Robin and she softly pushed me forward, signaling to go and sit down.

I sit down next to him.

And i can see a smirk grow on his face.

The fuck is he on?

I looked at him for a second and... holy shit.

He was the guy i saw at the mall last week.

That's probably why he's staring so much.

He recognized me!

Okay, stay cool Finney.. it's okay. Don't panic.


The teacher gave us work and told us to do it while she is gone somewhere for 5 minutes.

When she finally left, the class got loud.

Everybody were talking, some of them were even on their phones playing games.

Meanwhile, i was sketching some stuff in my notebook.

Until a girl came up to me.

She had blonde hair and she was wearing pretty much revealing clothes.

"What you're drawing, hermoso?" She asked and touched my hand to move it, and see what i was drawing.

"Just sketching." I answered.

She looked shocked about my voice at first 3 seconds, but then she smiled and said: "Cool. Also... y'know, you have very hot voice."

"Thank you." I was shocked, cause nobody had ever said anything like that about my voice.

"Maybe if you want, we could go somewhere after school?" She asked and winked.

Oh... OH. Shit.

Before i could answer, i heard a voice behind me: "Nobody wants your slutty ass, Jal. Fuck off."

It was Robin.

"Was i talking to your ugly face, Robin Arellano?" Jal...? Jal replied.

Robin stood up.

Class went silent and everbody were now listening.

"Had you even looked at yourself this morning, huh?" Robin said.

Some 'OHHH' could be heard.

When Jal was about to say something, the teacher finally came back.

"What's happening here? Jal, go back to your seat!"

Before Jal walked away, she gave a dirty look to Robin.

"Did anybody even did their work?" Teacher asked.


"Okay, i guess it's your homework then. I want everyone to have their work done by-"


Everyone grabbed their stuff and rushed out of class.

While i was still busy with packing my stuff, i felt his eyes on me.

I turned around to face him.

"Are you gonna keep looking at me like you wanna fuck me or what?"

"Shut up, i'm not a fag." He rolled his eyes and then he pushed me on purpose, so 'he could walk past me'.

"Whatever you say, Arellano." I said.

He turned back and came up closer to me..

whispering to my ear:

"Better watch your pretty mouth, Blake."

I felt my heart beating faster and my face getting hot.

And then he walked away, out of the class.

Oh, lord.






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