I'm Not A Freak! Jikook

Por sugaplum_0sw

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Por sugaplum_0sw

Author POV
Jungkook was shocked by what he saw....
With teary eyes,shaky hands and legs....jungkook slowly walked to jimin's body.....blood flowing down his legs...blood all over his body with slit wrist (left hand)and a small knife on his right hand with a stab wound on his stomach....he doesn't look alive at all....how did jimin get stabbed?.......how did he get a small kitchen knife?......jungkook kneeled beside jimin before cupping his cheeks and placing his head on his lap
"J...jimin?" He mumbled as he lightly tapped jimin's cheek
"O..open..your e..eyes now its n...not a j..jj...joke" he said as his tears finally fell
He quickly placed his hand on jimin's right wrist,checking for his pulse....'he's alive but his pulse is getting slower' jungkook thought as he quickly carried jimin in bridal style..... He rushed out of the house to his car (yes he has a car)...he settled jimin at the backseat then he hurried to the driver's seat....he hurried to the hospital glancing at jimin from time to time...
Jungkook arrived at the hospital....he parked his car then hurriedly took jimin into the hospital yelling for help
Jimin was placed on a stretcher as they rushed him to the ICU (idk)......jungkook sat at the waiting room clutching his hair as tears fell down his cheeks
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(6 hours later),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Jungkook stood up immediately he saw the doctor coming out of the room
"How is he doctor? Is he okay?"
Jungkook said desperately
"First who are you to him?" The doctor asked
"Boyfriend" jungkook blurted out without thinking
"Okay,well....there's bad news and good news.... Which do you want to hear first?" The doc asked
"B..bad news"
"The bad news is...he was raped....we had to do some stitching down there cause it was pretty bad....and he also has two broken ribs but it will heal in about two or three weeks or maybe more if he stresses too much.....he also had a hard impact on his head and it affected his brain a little....he won't be able to speak for a while...it might take weeks,months or even years for him to be able to get his voice back...he'll just need to go for voice coaching regularly.....but apart from those the good news is that he's out of danger and will be conscious in a few minutes or an hour..." The doc bowed a little then left
"Fuck!!!.....how did all of this happen?!?" Jungkook cursed as he clutched his hair
"Who would do such a thing to jimin?" Jungkook wondered then few minutes later be went into jimin's room.....his heart broke at the sight of jimin being connected to different machines with bandages wrapped around his wrist,head and ankle...he went to sit on the chair beside jimin's bed....he held jimin's small hand in his....
"Who did this to you jimin?" He whispered as he pecked jimin's smol palm
He felt jimin's hand twitch so he looked at jimin's face and saw it twitch a little before his eyes finally crack open
Jungkook smiled then caress jimin's cheek
Jungkook removed the oxygen mask when he noticed that jimin was trying to talk
"Are you okay?" Jk asked caressing jimin's hair backward
Jimin opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out no matter how hard he tried
Tears fell from jimin's eyes as he figured that he couldn't talk
"No don't cry jimin....I don't want to see you cry.....I'll help u go through this okay?..... Don't cry you're gonna be okay" jungkook mumbled to jimin as jimin continued to cry harder
"D...da..." Jimin tried to talk
"Who? Your dad? What happened to him jimin tell me" jk held jimin's hand
"D...da...a....hi.....hhitt.....r..rap...ra..ra-" jimin sobbed hard cause of frustration
"Your dad hit you?" Jungkook asked and jimin quickly nodded
Jungkook held his phone out to jimin
"Here...type what you want to say to me" jk urged
Jimin quickly took it then he began to type....when he was done...he gave jungkook back
'My dad beats me everyday for every little mistake I do....but he never beats me to this extent....yesterday after we left your house he whipped me because he saw you staring at me then he locked me in my room but at 1am in the morning...he came to my room with a friend of his....they raped me together at once and then my dad told me to cut my wrist seven times and to stab myself two times but I didn't do it so he got his friend to hold me down then he cut me and stabbed me.....they left me in my room bleeding then locked the door from the outside.... Jungkook please save me....I don't want to go back there please...'

Jungkook read the whole thing shocked and extremely angry
"Don't worry,I won't let you go back there... You'll stay with me and my hyungs okay just relax and don't cry yeah?" Jungkook carefully hugged jimin who was sniffling quietly.......
Jungkook left the hospital when jimin fell asleep
He went over to meet with his hyungs at Jim's house
When he arrived,he met everyone there and decided to ask them for help
"I'm serious hyung he was badly beaten up....I really want to get his dad arrested but I want you all to help me" jungkook said
"My dad is the head of the police station...I can talk to him,maybe he'll help jimin" Namjoon said with jin sitting on his lap
"Thank you namjoon" jk smiled
"Can we meet jimin?" Taehyung asked with hopeful eyes
"Yes you can....you can come along with me to the hospital if you want" jk said
"I'll come too" yoongi and hoseok said in unison while clinging on Taehyung
"Oh please...you just want to be around Tae" jin rolled his eyes
"Says the one who takes namjoon with him to the bathroom to pee" yoongi fired back
"I do not!" Jin gasped dramatically
Namjoon chuckled then pulled jin closer while pecking his cheek
"Can you guys stop making me cringe" jungkook sighed
"It's not our fault that you're still single" Tae smirked as he sat on Hobi's lap
"I havens found the right one...no one deserves me" jk argued
"Whatever" jin and Taehyung rolled their eyes
"I'm leaving" jk stood up then walked to the door
"I'll come with!" Tae chirped with a boxy grin

Jungkook arrived at the hospital with the rest of the gangs...they all went to jimin's room quietly
Jk sat beside jimin
"Jiminie are you awake?" He said as he caressed his hair
Jimin slowly opened his eyes with a nod and a little smile
"These are my friends" jk gestured to them
Jimin faced forward
"Awwwn he's so cute?" Tae squeaked while bouncing making jimin blush
"Don't yell Tae" jin scolded him
"Sorry about him.....I'm jin..but you can call me hyung or Eomma" jin smiled politely
"I'm Namjoon"  he smiled
"Hoseok" hobi squeaked with a sunny smile
"I'm Taehyung!" He smiled brightly
Jimin opened his mouth to speak but realised that he couldn't,making him look down with a sad expression
Jungkook noticed this so he signalled his hyungs to give them privacy,which they did
He cupped jimin's cheek
"Don't cry....you'll be able to speak soon..just relax okay...I'll make sure you won't go back to that house" jk smiled sweetly at jimin
Jimin nodded with a sad smile
He pointed at jungkook's phone..jk nodded then he handed jimin his phone after unlocking it
'Why do you care about me so much? You could've left me alone to die'
Jungkook read it then he furrowed his brows
"I can't let you die jimin,I also don't know why I care So much about you but I just feel attracted to you jimin..I just have this weird feeling in me whenever I look at you...you're a really special person you know that right....I just don't want anything bad to happen to you" jk said while staring deep into jimin's eyes
Jimin gently pulled jungkook into a hug taking him by surprise
But he smiled while hugging back

(Three days later)...
Jimin was discharged from the hospital and jk told his parents about what Minho did to jimin....they agreed to let jimin stay at their house and they're also working on getting Minho arrested
Currently jimin was inside the room given to him by hoogin,sleeping peacefully
Jungkook quietly walked into jimin's room after coming back from school....he watched as jimin sleeped peacefully before softly tapping him making jimin whine
"Minnie wake up...I got something for you" he said softly
Jimin opened his eyes slowly before staring at jungkook
He sat up with the help of jungkook, resting his back on the headboard
"I got something for you" jungkook smiled softly
Jimin took his notepad and pen before writing down
'What is it?'
Jungkook smiled then he brought out a medium sized paper bag then handed it to jimin
Jimin opened the bag then his eyes blew wide as he saw different types of chocolate and sweets
'Woah! Thank you so much jungkook!'
"You're welcome Minnie" he smiled watching as jimin tore down one chocolate,munching it like a baby (uWuuu)
Jimin noticed jk staring then he blushed hard making jk chuckle before ruffling Jimin's hair making him pout
"Are you in p..pain?" Jungkook asked after a while and jimin nodded slowly
"Where does it hurt?" Jk sat crisscrossed in front of him on his bed
Jimin pointed at his stomach,where he was stabbed
"Did you change your bandage today?" Jk asked
Jimin nodded 'yes' with a pout
"Do you Want me to call the doctor?"
Jimin shook his head then went back to eating his chocolate
"Jimin I want to ask you a question" jk suddenly became serious....jimin nodded hesitantly
"H..have you gotten p..pregnant before?" .....

Chapter 4 complete!💯
Vote and comment guys
This will be like the longest chapter I've written yeah
Until next chap babiiieees💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

1770 words.

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