The Enemies

By 06_C_A_N_24

190 23 106

A sequel to The Bros Love hasn't worked out for him in the past, but meeting the person he can't stand might... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

15 2 1
By 06_C_A_N_24

Calvin's POV

Standing on the porch, Calvin knocks on the door, waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Hey Calvin!" Tommy smiles and lets him in, giving him a non gay bro hug. They embrace for a while before pulling apart.

"It's been months since we hung out. How has everything been?" Calvin follows Tommy up to his room with a smile.

"Oh, the same stuff that happened when you were here. Harper and I broke up for like the billionth time. This time it was over not being able to watch her do her cheer routine because I was on the damn football field."

"Geez. This is why I rarely deal with women."

"Yeah, like what Keagan did yesterday?"

"Let's just pretend that never happened. That bitch has lost her mind." Calvin and Tommy both laugh as they sit down in Tommy's room.

"Don't call her that." A voice calls as a boy walks past the room, not bothering to look in.

"Stop eavesdropping!" Tommy yells after the boy.

"Who was that?" Calvin looks at Tommy, curiosity lacing his expression.

"Oh, that's just Liam. Ignore him. He's a pain in the arse."

"Is he dating Keagan or something?" Tommy starts laughing. Calvin just stares at him.

"No, he's literally the gayest person I know. I'm not even sure if they're friends right now. They got into a fight yesterday, but she was his best friend."

"Him being friends with her tells me everything I need to know. He's probably just as bad as she is." Tommy shrugs, getting up to close the door.

They talk about their lives for a few hours, having not talked since Calvin left. "So, you actually got rejected?" Tommy has fallen over from laughter.

"Ha ha, hilarious. I wasn't rejected. He's just playing hard to get."

"He literally said he'd rather take his eyes out with a spoon. And he's dating someone else. Dude, move on."

"I don't know what he sees in that midget." Calvin stands up. "I need to get a drink."

"You know where the kitchen is." Calvin nods to Tommy as he leaves the room. Going into the kitchen, he sees a boy with dark hair and glasses sitting at the table. The boy glances at him, then goes back to what he was doing. Calvin shrugs it off as he walks to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.

"Just making yourself at home, I see." Calvin turns to see the boy looking at him.

"You must be Liam."

"Thomson should really stop talking about me. I don't need every stranger to already know my life story."

"Huh," Calvin walks over to where Liam is sitting. "You know, you're kinda cute. Wouldn't have expected that from someone related to Tommy." Calvin puts his hand under Liam's chin. Liam quickly jumps up, pushing Calvin as hard as he can. "What the hell?!"

"Don't touch me! God, you're worse than I've been told." Liam smooths his shirt, turning to walk away.

"Why the hell does everyone have to be so violent towards me?" He whispers to himself. "I was just joking around!" He calls after Liam.

Grabbing his bottle, he heads back upstairs. He goes into Tommy's room and sits beside him. "You would never believe what happened to me." Tommy looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "I was attacked by a hobbit." Tommy lets out a small laugh.

"Well, I guess you met Liam."

"Or Satan. It could've been Satan."

"Nah, that's just Liam. He's not a horrible person, but he can be a bit dramatic."

"How old is he? He's kinda short."

"He's the same age as you."

"You sure he's 17 and not 7?"

"Honestly, I wish I could say I was sure, but I ask that question myself sometimes."

Liam's POV

Liam quickly went back to his room after his encounter with Calvin. Keagan told him it was bad, but he didn't expect Calvin to be that bad. He got his phone and sent a message to Keagan.

Liam: "Holy hell, you were right!"

Keagan: "About what? I'm right about most things."

Liam: "About Calvin, you were right about Calvin."

Keagan: "You doubted me?! Did you have to learn the hard way?"

Liam: "I was just minding my business. I didn't know I'd have to be on guard in my own house!"

Keagan: "Why is he in your house?! What have you done?"

Liam: "I didn't do anything. Thomson invited him over. I didn't know who was coming over."

Keagan: "You and your brother really need to learn communication skills, and I don't mean yelling at each other."

Liam: "Yeah yeah yeah. My mam has been saying that for years. If I didn't listen to her, I'm not listening to you."

Keagan: "Don't do anything stupid."

Liam: "I'm not reckless like you."

Keagan: "I'm not reckless, I'm just enthusiastic."

Liam: "Call it whatever you want, it's reckless."

Keagan: "Whatever. Watch out for Calvin, he's a snake."

Liam: "I agree with that. He grabbed my chin."

Keagan: "That hurdie."

Liam: "That's drastic."

Keagan: "no it's not. Dud can't keep it in his pants."

Liam: "Well, he is cute. Everyone likes him."

Keagan: "Don't say that! He's a disgrace to our town."

Liam: "Be nice."

Keagan: "No, he deserves everything he's gotten."

Liam: "His mom just died."

Keagan: "That's his fault, not mine. Maybe if he didn't hook up with every living thing, his mom would still be alive."

Liam: "First off, you can't say that. He's probably heart broken. Just because you don't like him doesn't give you the right to say something about his family. You seriously need to calm the fuck down. It's becoming dramatic and I'm not going to sit here and watch you do it. I know you may hate him, but it's starting to be too much. Stop acting like a baby."

Keagan: "You're supposed to support me, always."

Liam: "I'm not going to sit here and watch you treat a family, who just lost their mom, like shite."

Keagan: "Fine, be a bitch."

Liam turns off his phone, feeling mad and angry. At Keagan and at Calvin. Their friendship was fine before Calvin got back. Why does he have to go and ruin everything? The next morning, he gets up and walks downstairs. Calvin and Tommy are hogging the couch playing a video game on the tv. He shakes his head at all the yelling and goes to the kitchen to make a snack.

Calvin's POV

"Ok, come on! I shot him like fifty times!" Tommy keeps yelling at the tv for a while. Calvin smiles and shakes his head, then someone catches his eye. It was Liam coming down the stairs, then going to the kitchen.

"So weird question, but is your brother single?" Tommy quiets down and looks at Calvin with a questioning look.

"Yeah, why? You better not be trying to make moves on my little brother, Cal. Listen, man, I love you, but I know your reputation with relationships and it's not good. Date whoever you want, just leave my brother alone." He smiles then turns back to the tv playing the game. Calvin just sits there and thinks to himself. Was he really that bad? He has had bad relationships in the past and he caused most of the breakups. But was he actually the problem? No, he wasn't. The other people just couldn't keep up with his sex drive. He stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm going to get something to eat." Calvin enters the kitchen and sees Liam looking through the fridge. He walks over and is right behind Liam. Calvin leans back on the kitchen island and watches. Liam bends over and Calvin watches without shame. He moves forward, reaching over Liam to grab a snack pack.

"Excuse me Liam." Calvin has a playful tone, and the boy stands up, turning around quickly.

"Ew, what the hell? Why are you so close?" That wipes the smirk off Calvin's face. "Do you ever just act normal? Or do you just have to make everything awkward and sexual?"

"I was trying to get a snack pack. Don't flatter yourself." Calvin takes a few steps away from Liam.

"You were way too close." Liam takes a step towards the door, trying to remove himself from the situation.

"You sure do like to start arguments and then run away. Didn't your parents teach you better than that?" Calvin crosses his arms, looking over at a fuming Liam.

"Shut up. Why don't you go find someone else to bug?"

"But I find this very enjoyable."

"Leave me alone." Liam turns on his heel, heading upstairs away from Calvin. A small smile spreads across his face as he heads back to the living room. Walking into the living room, he's still smiling to himself. Tommy gives him a strange look.

"What did you do?"


"I could hear Liam's whining voice from here. What did you do?"

"I was just having fun."

"Leave him alone, Cal." Tommy says, exhausted.

"I was just getting a snack. He was being dramatic."

"Liam can be dramatic, but you were probably doing something."

"I wasn't."

"Don't mess with him. I will and can beat you up."

"Why does everyone want to beat me up?"

"Who is beating you up?"


"That clarifies."

"But I wasn't messing with Liam."

"Whatever, but if I hear you do, I will end you."

"Don't you think you're doing too much?"

"He's my brother. I will not let you ruin him. He has enough going on without your influence. Cal, I think you're a great friend, but you're not the best in relationships. Don't fuck with Liam. Or I will fuck you up. Understood?"

"Geez, okay fine. Understood." Calvin looks away, not being able to meet Tom's eyes. Something inside him says he will not be able to stay away. They return to their video games, but Calvin's head is somewhere else.

Liam's POV

Liam sits in his room, contemplating what to do. He doesn't feel like talking to Keagan, but he needs to get out of the house. Having Calvin here feels like his home has been invaded. Grabbing a jacket, he gets up and heads for the front door with no plan for where to go. Before he can get out the door, he hears someone call his name from the living room. "Hey, Liam!" Thomson yells for him.

"Ugh, what?!" He yells back.

"Where are you going?" Liam walks into the living room, where Thomson and Calvin are sitting on the couch.

"I need to get out of the house. I'll be back." Liam quickly turns, once again heading for the door.

"What am I supposed to tell mam? She's going to be wondering where you are."

"I don't know. Figure it out." Liam doesn't let Thomson respond. He walks out the door.

Liam walks down the street, thinking about what he should do. He gets the idea of seeing what Evan is up to.

Liam: "Hey, laddie, what's up?"

Evan: "Um... are you on something right now?"

Liam: "Idk, maybe I mean like Calvin kinda cornered me in the kitchen this morning, so that was lovely :D."

Evan: "Why tf is Calvin at your house? You haven't done anything stupid, have you?"

Liam: "Oh yeah, we had sex. NO I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING DUMBASS! Plus, he's there because Tommy and him are like best friends."

Evan: "Damn, sounds like a missed opportunity."

Liam: "Sure. Like but I think he's trying to perv on me. Seriously tho I felt him staring at my backside."

Evan: "Wtf 'backside'? Who uses that anymore?"

Liam: "I feel like you're missing the whole point."

Evan: "What's the point? That you're going to get shagged?"

Liam: "... No. Dude, if I did that, Keagan would never EVER talk to me again. Also, I'm sure that Tommy would rip Calvin's dick off."

Evan: "Man, I'd pay to see that. That sounds awesome. Calvin would finally get what he deserves."

Liam: "Idk, that seems a little excessive honestly, but I don't care he deserves it."

Evan: "Why doesn't he go spend time with his family? I mean, he mam literally just croaked."

Liam: "Omg I asked Tommy about that. Apparently, his family hates him because they don't think he's Mr. Grant's actual kid."

Evan: "That's insane. Calvin is literally a spitting image of his father. That little one is the one they should be questioning."

Liam: "His name is Magnus, and he's adorable. I only know that because of summer school. Don't think I'm stalking Calvin's family."

Evan: "I wonder how that poor kid is doing with all of this."

Liam: "I'm not sure. He wasn't around for much of the funeral."

Evan: "Wait... you went to the funeral?"

Liam: "Yeah my mam needed support, so I went with her."

Evan: "I bet Keagan had quite a bit to say about that, lol."

Liam: "Omg stfu. Open your front door btw I'm standing on the porch."

Liam doesn't receive a response from Evan. A couple of seconds later, the front door opens, revealing Evan and a confused look.

"Ok let me in, it's as cold as a redcap's ballsack outside." Liam stands there hugging himself.

"Fine, come in. Take off your fucking shoes that, my mam almost killed me the last Keagan tracked mud through her house." Evan stepped out of the way for Liam to come in. Liam walked through the door, immediately taking his shoes off once the door was closed behind him. "Speaking of Keagan, why aren't you hanging out with her today? You guys always hang out."

"I'm not talking to her right now."

"Oh, did you have a lover's spat?" Evan teases, knowing how gay Liam is.

"I'm so tired of you and I only just got here." Liam rolled his eyes as Evan laughed and walked to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, because apparently I can't go in my own kitchen without getting perved on."

"Sorry about that. I'm sure he's a handful. Being disowned, he was probably never taught boundaries." Evan hands Liam a sandwich.

"He still had his mother. How he was raised has nothing to do with this. It's just who he is, I guess."

"Nah, I like my idea more. He's never experienced love, so he doesn't know the appropriate way to express his feelings."

"Why are you making excuses for him?!" Liam yells between bites.

"I'm not excusing him. I'm just saying, imagine how different he would be if his father had loved him and he was accepted as is."

"He had his mother and brothers. You don't need a father to be normal."

"How would you know? You don't have a father." Evan says quickly.

Liam goes quiet and looks at him. "Fuck you." Turns around and walks towards the door, grabbing his shoes.

"No, Liam, don't go! It was only a joke!"

"Don't fucking talk to me!" Liam slips his shoes on and goes outside, walking down the sidewalk. As he's walking, he pulls out his phone, blocking Evan and calling Tommy.

Calvin's POV

Calvin and Tommy were at a gas station picking up food so they could keep playing video games. Their friend Kasey had recently joined them. Kasey was sitting in the passenger seat and Calvin in the back, whilst they waited for Tommy. Tommy climbed back into the car with a large bag of food in his hand. Before he could put down the bag, his phone started ringing. Tossing the bag to Kasey, he quickly answered the phone. "Hey, what's up?" Tommy seemed unsure. Calvin wondered who was calling. He leaned forward to better hear their conversation.

"I-I need you to come get me," the voice on the other end stuttered, clearly stopping themselves from crying.

"What's wrong and where are you?"

"I... um... I was hanging out with Evan. He said some things... I just can't do this right now. Please, come get me." The other person was in full tears now.

"Ok, calm down, I'm coming." Tommy hung up the phone and sped onto the road.

"What's going on, Tommy?" Calvin asked from the backseat.

"Something happened." Was all Tommy said. After a few minutes, the car pulled up next to someone walking down the street. "Get in." When they walked over to the car, Calvin could see that it was Liam. He opened the door and climbed into the backseat next to Calvin, with tears streaming down his face. He ignored Calvin and looked out the window.

"Ah, thanks for the audience. Just what I needed, people that are basically strangers to me getting to see me have a breakdown." Liam says sarcastically, being in even more of a mood than usual.

"They were already with me when you called. I wasn't going to just dump them on the side of the road. Now, tell me what happened." Tommy said in a stern tone.

"I just wanted to hangout with someone. I was bored and really needed to get out of the house. I hadn't talked to Evan for a couple days, so I figured I would. He did nothing but make fun of me the entire time. Then he took it too far."

"He brought up dad, didn't he?" Tommy said in a much calmer tone.

"Evan knew how much it affected me when dad left. He was the one I turned to. Then he just went and used it against me. Geez, it's been 7 years and I'm still just a crybaby. This is probably why dad left. He knew he was raising a homosexual. He knew I'd be too weak for it all." Liam continued to stare out the window.

"Liam, shut the hell up. You're not weak. You might be gay as fuck, but you're not weak and it's not your fault dad left. You were only 10 years old." Tommy glanced at Liam through the rear view mirror. Calvin didn't say anything, but he couldn't help but watch the boy beside him. The way his shoulders slumped with disparity. The way that he would try to hold back a sob every few minutes. Then his attention was jerked away when Tommy slammed on the breaks, making Calvin faceplant the back of the seat. Calvin pushed himself up and looked towards the front of the car. He made eye contact with Tommy in the mirror. He was glaring at Calvin, his eyes telling him that was his only warning. Tommy eased onto the gas and they calmly continued.

Once they got back to Tommy's house, Liam quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside. Calvin climbed out of the car and waited for Tommy. "What the hell, Tommy?"

"I told you to stay the hell away from my brother. That was your last fucking warning." Calvin put his hands up in surrender, turning sideways as Tommy walked past him.

"You might want to listen to him." Kasey told Calvin before walking after Tommy.

"Shut the hell up, Kasey!" Calvin yelled. Following them into the house.

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