Against Reason

By ashtraykale

114K 3.2K 280

Daphne Collins, a 21-year-old aspiring artist who is attempting to make her way in the world of the bustling... More

Playlist & Aesthetics
Chapter One - A Window of Possibility
Chapter Two - Pasta Nights
Chapter Three - Parks & Pangs
Chapter Four - Bad Dreams
Chapter Five - Under the Weather
Chapter Six - Puppy Love
Chapter Seven - Birthday Chaos
Chapter Eight - Family Film Nights
Chapter Nine - Reminiscence
Chapter Ten - Opportunities
Chapter Eleven - Out of Comfort
Chapter Twelve - First Days Suck
Chapter Thirteen - High Impacts
Chapter Fourteen - Past Pains
Chapter Fifteen - Afterlife
Chapter Sixteen - Little Ballerina
Chapter Seventeen - Late Night Talking
Chapter Eighteen - Ground Coffee Beans
Chapter Nineteen - Glitch in the Plumbing
Chapter Twenty - Arts 'n' Crafts
Chapter Twenty One - Heartache Calls
Chapter Twenty Two - Night Walks in New York
Chapter Twenty Three - Fervent Touches
Chapter Twenty Four - Torment
Chapter Twenty Five - I Can't See You, So You Can't See Me
Chapter Twenty Six - Intercourse
Chapter Twenty Seven - Discourteous
Chapter Twenty Eight - Do We Still Have Apples?
Chapter Twenty Nine - My Tears Ricochet
Chapter Thirty One - Hospital Scares
Chapter Thirty Two - Knight in Shining Armour
Chapter Thirty Three - Nervous Salads
Chapter Thirty Four - Soul Sisters
Chapter Thirty Five - War of Words
Chapter Thirty Six - Dire Straits
Chapter Thirty Seven - Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight - Bun In The Oven
Chapter Thirty Nine - Endeavour for Forgiveness
Chapter Forty - Tis' the Damn Season
Chapter Forty One - What's a Capricorn?
Chapter Forty Two - A Little Snippet of Love
Chapter Forty Three - Shopping for Two
Chapter Forty Four - When Two Became Three
Chapter Forty Five - In a Decade or So...
Epilogue - Two Promises, One Soul
Bonus Chapter - With All My Heart
Bonus Chapter - Home Run
Bonus Chapter - Our Last Slice of Pie

Chapter Thirty - Oh, How You Love Me So

2K 65 4
By ashtraykale

Chapter Song - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen

Giving, a sector under the umbrella of love us humans do. We give and help others in times of need, or times of struggle for another, though sometimes we give because it's kind and placing a smile on another's face is truly rewarding. 

I think giving is the better end compared to receiving. I love receiving gifts, although I rather actions or physical touch, it means so much more. Though giving to others, making them smile or adding just a little light amidst the darkness of the world, gives them a new sense of hope and relief you may not even imagine could've occurred from giving. 

Wrapping up the chocolate mud cake Bridie and I baked, I place away the cling wrap back in the drawer, and grab the cake, before walking into the living room. 

Bridie slouches on the couch, a bowl of plain cheerio's in her lap and crumbs surrounding her. If Bridie was to go missing in some god awful situation, just look for crumbs or sticky footprints, they track behind her like snail slime. 

"You ready to go Bridie?" I ask her, though I receive no answer. Not surprised, Bluey is on the T.V. 

I shake my head with a smile, rounding the couch and taking a seat next to her. She munches loudly on a handful of cheerios, majority of the dried cereal just scattering around her mouth and down her t-shirt. 

"Babe, are you ready to go?" I ask her again, thankfully this time she hears me.

"But my show," she whines, a small pout on her lips. 

"We can pause it," I promise her and she nods, relieved. 

Getting up, she places her bowl on the coffee table, which is also an ottoman, and I help brush off the millions of crumbs collected on her clothing. 

She grabs my hand and I lead her down the hallway and to the front door. I place her shoes and coat on, doing the same once she's set, before we go out into the cold winter weather. 

Fortunately we're only visiting the neighbour - our new neighbour. Isabelle is our new neighbour and to my luck she's my age. Though her introduction was short when she knocked on our door to say hi, plus from our short greeting I could see the stress in her eyes. 

A surprise visit seemed perfect on this rainy day. 

We walk down the steps, Bridie splashing into a puddle once we reach the bottom. It's a few seconds before we're hiking up Isabelle's front door steps and I'm knocking on her similar front door. 

"Hello," she greets happily, but also confused. 

"Hi!" I greet cheerfully, happy she's home. "I hope we're not intruding, but Bridie and I thought we'd pay you a little visit, since you're new to the neighbourhood and all," I explain our random visit. 

"Oh, how kind. Yes, come in, come in," she ushers us in quickly, as the small splashes of rain just beginning, as we head into her cozy home. 

"I'm Bridie!" Bridie introduces herself, since the girls were with their grandparents when she popped by. 

"Hi, I'm Isabelle," she introduces herself with a kind smile. "I didn't know you had a little girl," Isabelle looks at me.

"Two, actually, but Hallie's at school," I explain and she nods.

"Thats actually incredibly relieving, since I have my own, he's just in the lounge watching T.V though," she says and I see Bridie's eyes light up. 

Following Isabelle further into her home, I notice the light and colourful decorations she has placed around. It seems cluttered at first glance, but when you ease in, it feels incredibly bright, happy and welcoming. 

"How old are you Bridie?" Isabelle asks. 

"Four!" she jumps. 

"Ah, my sons just a year older than you and yes, he should be in school, but he had a headache, so I let him stay home today," Isabelle says. "Jaxon baby! We have some visitors," she yells to Jaxon when we walk into the cozy living room, a kitchen off to the side through the curved archway. 

Bridie lets go of my hand and rounds the couch, taking a seat a few spaces away from a confused Jaxon. "I'm Bridie," she squeaks happily. 

He looks at her with slight horror and I stifle a laugh, she is a ball of unexpected untamed energy. "Jaxon," he replies with no emotion, then turns back to the T.V which plays Bluey, specifically the episode Bridie was in the middle of. 

How weird. 

"Is this Bluey!?" she squeals, then slips her boots off and relaxes back into the couch. 

I share an amused look with Isabelle, before we giggle at our kids behaviour. She ushers me into the kitchen, and I follow her, taking a seat at the small breakfast nook, which is placed right in a bay window. 

The grey winter day stares at me through the glass, rain drops gliding against each other in battle all the way to the bottom. 

"Tea or coffee?" Isabelle asks from her kitchen.

"Oh, I'll have a tea please, green if you have it," I answer and she nods. 

I hear the kettle click on and the slight rumble as it begins to boil, the clinking of mugs and slosh of the tea bags dropping into the mugs. 

Walking over, she places my tea in front of me, before sitting and taking a sip of hers. "Thank you," I say and she waves me off. 

"Also, this is for you, Bridie didn't want to come empty handed," I slide the cake over to her. 

"Oh, my favourite, thank you Daphne, really. I haven't heard much from the other neighbours and I'm not sure if they like me all to much," she mutters the last part and I frown. 

"How come you say that?" I question. I mean some of our neighbours are a little conservative and snobbish, but there isn't any reason to not like her. 

"Young single mother, moving into a wealthy neighbourhood," she answers and I nod in realisation. "They don't love the image," she shrugs. 

"You're telling me, I'm in a relationship with the guy I use to nanny for and is almost twice my age," I joke and she chokes on her tea. 

"What? Nanny? So the girls...?" she drifts off. 

"Aren't biologically mine, no, but I love them like they are, which is all that matters," I say. 

"Agreed, but how did you and Dan...? Thats his name, right? Sorry, I'm awful with remembering things," she apologises and I wave her off. 

"Dan, yeah, but I don't know. It just morphed from friendship to more, I guess. It sounds boring, but it just happened really and believe me, I tried to ignore the feelings, but what can you do," I shrug. 

Isabelle nods. "I totally get that, I wish I had that with my ex," she says wistfully, looking back into the lounge. Jaxon and Bridie sit in peace, Bridie rambling on and on through the show as she usually does and Jaxon seems a little irritated, but says nothing. 

"Do you mind if I ask what happened?" I ask unsurely, we barely know each other, but I can't hide that i'm curious. Plus, I see us becoming great friends quickly anyways.

"No, it's all good. But I dated this guy in high school and we we're that lovey dovey, annoying 'kissing in the hallway' couple," she rolls her eyes and I giggle. "Though in senior year I fell pregnant with Jaxon, didn't tell a soul until people noticed this huge bump I had. Oversized sweaters and leggings can only do so much," she continues. 

"But it all went crazy, my ex said he'd be there and support me and his parents were supportive as well, along with my parents, which was a massive relief and a little surprising. Then Jaxon was born, I graduated and once I started college, my ex vanished, just up and left," she explains and my jaw hangs open as she explains her story. 

"What an ass," I comment and she nods. 

"Anyways, I was stuck single with a child and in college, which was incredibly tiring, but I pushed through, got my degree and here I am," she finishes. 

"Wow," Is all I say. "Does he at least pay child support? Or did he just find his real family with the New York rats?" I question rhetorically and she snorts, covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. 

"Nah, but I don't need it anyways, I got myself a high paying career and can provide whatever I need and Jaxon needs," she shrugs a shoulder.

"Mama!" Jaxon runs into the kitchen, standing in front Isabelle with a pouty look. 

"Yeah, babe?" she asks, giving him her full attention.

"My head hurts again," he whines and my heart breaks. His almost jet black hair is set in a messy kind of frizzed mop and his dinosaur pyjamas are a little twisted around his body. 

"Aw baby," she hums sadly. "I'll get you some more medicine, just take a seat here," she tells Jaxon and he seats himself in her seat. 

Big grey eyes look up at me with curiosity, but also slouch with obvious tiredness. I smile kindly, receiving a small smile in return. 

"Bridie okay?" I ask him. 

"She won't stop talking," he groans. 

I laugh. "She's a little chatty, but incredibly fun," I assure him and he gives a half nod. I'd be this mopey to if I had a raging headache and just got another one now as well. 

"Okay, take this, baby," Isabelle hands Jaxon a small cup with liquid in it. 

He looks at it with distaste, but sips it quickly and takes the glass of water Isabelle hands him and takes a big sip, to chase the probably gross tasting medicine with. 

"Yuck," he cringes, sticking his tongue out in disgust. 

Jaxon leaves and heads back to the lounge room, the echo of Bluey still playing in from the other room. 

"I hate it when he's sick," Isabelle sighs, sitting back down in her seat. 

I give her an empathetic look. "I get it, you wish you could take all there pain away," I say and she nods in agreement. 

It's close to noon when Bridie and I bid our goodbyes to Isabelle and Jaxon, and I promise to catch up with Isabelle soon, maybe even introduce her to Mary who's about to move back home. 

Finally, I missed her to much and I need my best friend nearby at all times. You never know when you need your best friend or a friend. 

Though, from what Isabelle has told me, she doesn't have any friends, except a few acquaintances from the parents at school, which coincidentally is the same one Hallie attends. 

Getting inside, Bridie flicks off her gumboots and bolts down the hallway, shrugging out of her coat on her way back to the living room. 

I shake my head with an amused smile, picking up her boots and placing them on the shoe rack and taking off my own. I pick up her coat on the way down the hall, but frown when I hear some distant chatter. 

"Danny? Hallie?" I question, walking into the kitchen to see Bridie, Hallie and Danny. What on earth is Hallie doing out of school this early and why is Danny home?

Not that I mind, but I'm certainly confused. 

I walk around the island, Danny giving me a quick peck on the lips, but I'm more in need of an explanation from their early arrivals home. 

"What are you doing home from school so early, Hal'?" I question. 

"It's too snowy, so they sent us home!" she smiles brightly and I can't help but smile at her joy. 

"I picked her up on the way home, I just felt the need to come home and see my girls," he says and I blush lightly. 

"Well, I don't mind at all," I say and lean in for a firmer kiss, which Danny responds to quicker than light, placing his hand on my ass lightly. 

He gives it a light squeeze and I gasp, hitting his chest lightly. "The girls are right here," I whisper and he smirks. 

"Girls, go play," he tells them, but they're already halfway out of the kitchen. 

Once they leave, he pulls me flush against him, smiling lazily down at me. "I got you something," he whispers. 

I smile. "What?"

"Close your eyes," he says. 

I give him a questioning eye, but do as I'm told and cover my eyes. "Alright, open," he says and I do, meeting eye to eye with a colourful bouquet of flowers. 

My eyes widen, the orange, pink and yellow tulips brightening the dreary day. "Oh my goodness," I say. "They're beautiful," I mutter, taking them and smelling the sweet, fresh flower smell. 

"Whats the occasion?" I question. Fuck, is there an occasion I don't know about?

Danny laughs lightly. "No, there's no occasion, I just wanted to surprise my girlfriend with some flowers," he says and my heart melts. 

"Thank you, no ones ever given me flowers before," I say. Unless you count when my brother pushed me into a thorny rose bush, but I don't think that does. 

Yes, I did get revenge, by pushing him into a near by fountain and completely getting him drenched. 

"Glad I'm the first and only one to ever give them to you then," he says, then connects our lips in a light, sweet kiss. 

"Possessive much?" I joke. 

"For you, always," he responds, his hand snaking around my waist and pulling me impossibly closer into him. 

"Did you pick up todays paper?" I ask. 

He gives me a blank stare. "Thats where your mind is at right now?" 

I smile sheepishly. "I like to read the paper, bite me," I retort.

"If you're into that, then sure," he gives me a smug look and I roll my eyes. 

"Idiot," I mutter and he pinches my waist. 

"But yes, I did grab the paper for you, my love," he answers my question. 

I smile, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, before grabbing a glass vase from one of the cupboards. I prepare the flowers by cutting the ends on an angle and placing them in some water, then centring the vase on the island, brightening up the space. 

Finishing I head into the living room, Danny already on the cushioned arm chair, glasses on and leaning on the bridge of his nose. I smile at the adorable, but incredibly hot sight, before walking to him. 

He closes the paper and opens his arms up, I take a seat in his lap and cuddle up into his chest. I pull back open the paper, looking at the first page, the black ink writing and todays news articles. 

"I think I'm getting old, I can't see the words very well," I grumble, then turn, stealing Danny's glasses and placing them on myself. 

"Much better," I smile to myself, the words now clearer from the further distance. 

"Glad you can see, it's not like I wanted to read either," he mutters sarcastically. 

"Lucky," I retort. I squirm when he bites my neck, pushing his face away when he places a gross slobbery kiss on my cheek. 

"Are you a dog or something?" I question, but he just smiles like a boyish idiot. "I'll just read it out to you, sound good?" I offer, he nods and I make myself comfortable in his chest again as he holds open the paper. 

"Alright, old man," I tease and he scoffs. 

"Watch it," 

"Shush, I'm trying to read," I place a finger on his lips, though he just bites my finger in response. 

Alpha dog.

"Argentina beats France over 2-goal lead in World Cup match," I begin to read out, knowing Danny religiously watches the world cup, though roots for no specific team. 

Don't ask, I don't have the answer. 

"Ah," is the only sound he makes and I continue, running away from the sports section. 

"Man ends up in hospital from angry bird strike," I read out. "What on earth," I mutter. "56 year old man ends up in hospital, receiving 12 stitches to the eye area when accidentally ending up in the middle of two angry birds," I read out, almost in a confused tone. 

"It does not say that," Danny comments. 

"I swear it does," I say and he gives me a 'don't be stupid' look. "You don't believe me, look for yourself," I say, placing his glasses back on his face. 

His eyes rake over the page and widen slightly when he reads the title. "Huh," is all he says. 

"I told you," I look at him with an 'I told you so' look. 

He closes the newspaper, placing it on the coffee table next to the armchair, along with his glasses. I smile giddily when he grabs my thigh and spins me so I straddle his lap, my arms looped loosely around his neck. 

"You did," he answers, his hands rubbing my thighs softly but sensually. 

I run my hand over the salt and pepper beard thats starting to come in. "Don't shave, I like you with a little beard," I comment. 

"You do, do you?" He questions, eyes glazed with mischief.

"Mm," I hum, leaning down and placing a feather kiss on his jawline, trailing down. "I like how it grazes between my legs," I whisper and I feel his hands tighten on my thighs. 

I trail the light kisses along his neck, teasing him and feeling him harden underneath me. "It tickles," I continue, his throat bobbing as I talk. 

I reach his lips, nipping on his bottom lip, before he grips the nape of my neck and pulls me against him in an act of hunger. I giggle against his lips, letting them part and he takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. 

Sighing, I melt into his tight hold, my hips rolling into his. The kissing deepens, but doesn't further any more from that. Tight grip on my thighs makes my body tingle and the roughness of his incoming beard, grazing against my jaw sends an array of butterflies through out my body. 

"I love you," Danny mumbles and I pull back. 

I look down at him, his eyes staring into mine with genuine love - and lust. "What?" I squeak out, my body freezing. 

He smiles lightly. "You're acting surprised, as if I haven't loved you for quite a while now," he smirks and I flush, most likely a bright red. 

"I- uh," I stumble, never hearing those three words from anyone other than family members. 

I know i'm loved, but I've never felt it from someone who wasn't family or close friends, never from the guys i've dated or other friends i've made and lost along my path. I guess you forget that people can love you, just because of you

Family is meant to love you and mine do, but sometimes that isn't enough, it doesn't give you that same sense of worth. I've always wanted a guys to look at me with utmost desire, yet with complete mesmerisation. Not just an object or something to use. 

Danny looks at me with more than that, he looks at me and treats me with love, respect and passion. Forever supporting me with encouragement, but also there to cry to, talk to and vice versa. 

When you have a life where love gets forgotten, you don't believe it's real when you have it. 

"Are you sure?" I blurt out. 

Danny stares at me blankly, before bursting out in a deep laugh. "Yes, I'm very fucking sure," he says.

"Look baby, I know it's hard for you to say, but I needed you to know and couldn't go another second without letting you know how much love for you encapsulates my soul. You're my angel, a lifesaver I never thought I had in tow, but you're a glowing light in my life and theres no doubt in my mind that every piece of me is yours," he tells me firmly, but with the utmost softness. 

I feel a tear trickle down my cheek, followed by another, then another. "Oh god, I'm crying," I say, a sob leaving my throat. I sniffle and he laughs lightly. "Don't laugh!" I cry out and he stops, but his chest shakes. 

"Come here," he says, but pulls me into his chest. "You're so loved, Daphne. More than you could ever imagine," he whispers. 

I nod against his chest, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "I love you, too," I say, pulling back. "I've never felt this kind of love for any guy before, it's new to me, but I love that it's new and I love you," I laugh, a few more tears trickling down my flushed cheeks. 

He smiles brightly, then pulls me into a kiss, this one passionate and soft, filled with gentle love that makes every single nerve in your body flurry with jitters and excitement.

It's comfortable and safe, the kind of love we all deserve, but forget we do.


Authors Note

Hi! I know I rarely do authors notes and I don't know if you'll read this or not, but the end got kind of emotional and I just wanted to remind all you readers how loved you truly are. I definitely know how grateful I am for you guys who read my stories, it truly brings me so much joy everyday seeing your votes, reads or comments come through. 

But, I know I'm some random wattpad writer and I don't know who you are, or what your lives are like, but I know you're so loved and I hope you know that you belong on this earth and deserve everything good that life brings. If things are tough for you right now, please hold on, because I promise theres light waiting for you and everything amazing that comes with it. 

I write these books both for myself and to get my ideas out of my brain, but also in hopes it'll comfort someone or maybe someone we'll see themselves in a characters looks, personality or insecurities, because I know how good it feels knowing you aren't all alone. 

So, just know my books and account are always a safe space and a place of kindness, love and where you can come for a hopefully a little peace, because I know reading always brings me some peace during hard times.

Anyways, I'll stop being so sappy now and I send you so much love, courage and light to you! I hope you have a great day or night and remember to always treat people with kindness! xx

Lots of love, Ashtraykale xxx :)

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