F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence...

By devoncruz23

2.5K 497 90

The world is seemingly at peace on the surface, beneath that are the operations committed by militaries acros... More

1: Burning Sword
2: Big Ben & London bridge
3: F.I.S.T.
4: First Day Of Training
5: Getting Information
6: Extraction
7: Meet the Dr
8: France I
9: France II
10: France III
11: Aftermath of France
12: French Operators
13: Intel
14: Crashing The Party
15: Ambush
16: The Past
17: Old Friend
19: Tel Aviv Aftermath
20: Operation Desert Arrow
21: Operation Ocean Spear
22: Back Home
23: Heart and Minds
24: Information for Free
25: Dead end
26: Summer Blade
27: Bonds
28: Just a Conversation
29: Punch for a Favor
30: Prepping for Mexico
31: The Devil You Know
32: Welcome To Mexico
33: Motorcyclist
34: The Next Step
35: Reynosa
36: Answers
37: Getting Mendoza
38: A Night In Puebla
39: What We Want
40: Diablo Muerto
41: Back On Track
42: Northern Trident
43: First Come, First served
44: Operation Rapid Thunder
45: Quick Violence
46: A Loss
47: Hades
48: A Gift
49: Evac gone Hot
50: Stealth, Attack, Survive
51: Plan Of Retaliation
52: Canada's Finest
53: Operation Bitter Venom
54: Wolf's Complications
55: A Normal Day
56: Back In Action
57: Trident's Fang
58: Interception
59: Operation Winter Shield
60: Operation Burning Hammer
61: A Well Earned Victory
62: A break
63: Stake Out
64: The General's Son
65: Parabellum & Epilogue

18: Assault on Transport

46 8 0
By devoncruz23

May 10th 2022
Western Israel
8:38 AM

In the air base, Michael is walking down the side of the runway with his M4A1 in hand.

Michael: "Director this is Obertyner how copy?" He asks in his com.

John: "I read you Obertyner, how are things in Israel?" He responds while walking in his office.

Michael sees some Sayeret Matkhal operators jog past him.

Michael: "Fine, we're prepping to load the up white phosphorus now... No problems so far, I'll get back to you once it's over." He says as John acknowledges this letting him go.

Michael eventually runs into the Sayeret Matkhal operator Lyra Cohen who's talking with Leonard. Leonard notices Michael and decides to introduce the two.

Leonard: "Michael Obertyner, this is Lyra Cohen, the Sayeret Matkhal operator I mentioned." Leo states.

Lyra looks at Leo with amusement and a smirk.

Lyra: "Aw you talk about me, I'm flattered." She teases earning a sigh from Leo.

Michael finds this amusing and offers his hand to Lyra.

Michael: "Pleased to meet you Cohen, Sayeret Matkhal is no joke, you must be damn good at your job." He states with respect.

Lyra shakes hands with Michael while nodding in acknowledgement.

Lyra: "A bit of an exaggeration to be honest, it's good to meet you though." Replying as the three walk together.

They keep this going till they arrive at the cargo plane that'll be transporting the white phosphorus. They find Owen talking with Gabrielle Ohayon who seems to be indifferent to the conversation.

Gabrielle: "Ah Lyra, these two giving you trouble like CIA here is doing with me?" She asks with attitude.

Lyra chuckles hearing this and sees Owen shake his head.

Lyra: "I'm fine Gabi, you can relax." She assures.

Owen: "From what I've seen? She does anything but relax." He chimes in holding his P90 rather casually but downwards.

Gabrielle turns to look at Owen giving him a harsh glare.

Gabrielle: "Yes, so you best watch your mouth CIA." She replies as Lyra gently takes her arm and pulls her away before something bad happens.

Michael shakes his head glancing at Owen.

Michael: "You're clearly getting along with the Israelis." He says rather annoyed by this.

Owen: "Huh like you and that Eitan fellow?" He retorts.

Michael stares at Owen annoyed by the retort though he's not exactly wrong.

Leonard: "Can we get back on track please?" He politely asks trying to divide the tension between them.

Owen gives Michael a stare which confuses.

Owen: "Sure thing Queens." He says walking away.

Meanwhile at the cargo plane, Erik is overseeing the white phosphorus being transported into the plane with Fuyuko at his side.

Erik: "That's it nice and easy." He says with the Israelis putting the cargo in and begin strapping it down to the plane as Brody is helping them.

Fuyuko looks around seeing Benjamin of the Shaldag Unit approach.

Benjamin: "How she looking?" He asks holding a modified M14.

Fuyuko: "We're loading her in now, should be in the air within the next ten minutes." She replies as Eitan arrives carrying an M4A1. "Any intruders?"

Eitan: "None so far, it's safe to assume that those mercs cut their losses and ran." He replies sounding certain of that possibility.

Fuyuko however feels uneasy for whatever reason and hears air whistling.

Benjamin: "Shit! Get back!" He orders running off as an RPG strikes the ground nearby.

Everyone gets behind cover of sorts or in the cargo plane.

Michael: "Fuyuko the hell's going on!?" He asks over his com having heard the explosion.

Fuyuko: "We've been engaged! We got contacts at the front of the runway!" She exclaims in her com.

Michael curses to himself with Leo, Lyra, Owen and Gabrielle with him.

Michael: "Alright hold your position, we're on our way." He says motioning the others to follow him.

Back at the plane, Benjamin is looking through the scope of his M14 nailing a merc in the head.

Eitan "Pilots the white phosphorus is loaded up, take off now!" He orders.

Blake: "Negative on that! The minute we try taking off, they'll fire an RPG at us." He denies making Eitan curse in annoyance.

Eitan sets his M4A1 on one of the crates looking through his scope and sees the mercenaries at the end of the runway.

Eitan: "Bastards got a technical coming in fast... Prepping M203." He states while readying the grenade launcher attachment on his rifle.

Benjamin sees the technical coming in as he tries shooting the driver shattering the windshield as the driver is keeping his head low.

Eitan stands up firing his M203 as the grenade hits the truck flipping it on it's side.

Brody opens up one of the windows and fires upon the mercs by the flipped truck. Brody gets back into cover with bullets flying by as he sighs in annoyance.

Erik sees some vehicles pull up as he and Fuyuko get behind them for cover.

Erik: "If you boys got an LMG in there, use it to provide suppressive fire!" He orders the Israelis.

Suddenly one of the Israelis is shot in the head killing.

Fuyuko: "Sniper get down!" She yells out to everyone.

Benjamin and Eitan keep their heads down.

Benjamin: "Bastard's likely all the way back at the runway." He says as Eitan nods in acknowledgement.

Eitan: "Yeah but he can't see us with the plane in the way." He retorts.

Benjamin: "Yeah... Meaning we can't see him either, I need a good angle on him." He says and peaks out at the technical on it's side and gets an idea. "Scot, you an angle on the technical right? Is there anyone still there?"

Brody tells him to hold as he carefully looks out the window at the technical as he sees some blood hearing nothing but the wind whistling and the sounds of someone grunting in pain.

Brody: "I hear at least one bloke, he likely has a partner... I recommend tossing out smoke to conceal your approach." He suggests quietly.

Benjamin: "Affirmative, Eitan be ready to move." He says slinging his M14 and switching to his Jericho 941.

Benjamin tosses smoke that goes off concealing their approach as they begin moving up to the technical. Benjamin lets Eitan take point with the M4A1.

The two arrive at the technical and share a nod. Eitan peaks around the corner and guns down three Mercenaries.

Eitan: "You're all clear Cohen." He says with Benjamin switching to his M14 looking through the scope at the end of the runway.

Benjamin sees the mercenaries and their vehicles but no sniper. Eitan meanwhile is reloading his M203 grenade launcher.

Benjamin: "I can't fuckin see him." He curses out in annoyance.

Eitan looks at the technical for a few seconds and gets an idea.

Eitan: "I got an idea, help me get this back on it's wheels." He says as Benjamin nods.

The two get the technical back on it's wheels.

Eitan: "Okay set this fucker in drive and we'll push." He orders with Benjamin following it.

Benjamin and Eitan begin pushing the technical forward as shots begin landing near them.

Benjamin: "Fuckin hell, some covering fire would be nice!" He yells into his com.

Erik hears this as he hops onto the bed of the truck and grabs a IWI Negev. He begins firing in short bursts down the runway hoping to take some of the attention away from Eitan and Benjamin.

Thunder is looking through his scope seeing Erik and sighs lightly.

Thunder: "Goodnight buddy." He says firing as his shot lands right in the dead center of Erik's helmet.

Erik falls flat on his back in the truck bed.

Fuyuko: "Erik? Erik!?" She exclaims with worry and sees Erik looking straight at her with a perplexed stare and a noticable indent in his helmet. "You okay?"

Erik nods removing his helmet and examines.

Erik: "Huh... So that's what being shot in the helmet." He says putting it back on and regains his focus.

Fuyuko's attention is gained seeing Michael rush over to him.

Michael: "You guys okay?" He questions with clear worry.

Fuyuko: "Been better but we'll make the most of it. We got a sniper all the way back at the front of the runway and is making our lives a living hell." She explains.

Michael looks at the runway seeing the great distance the runway is.

Michael: "It's a long distance, no way we can jog that or use these vehicles without getting shot. Cohen you got any armored vehicles we can use?" He directs to Lyra.

Lyra: "We got some StormRiders, they're tough and can go fast, 105 km/h." She says as Erik, Michael, and Leo look in confusion. "Oh right... You're Americans, 65 MPH." She clarifies in joking fashion.

Michael: "That'll work, Owen? Leo? You're driving... Fuyuko you stay here and make sure no mercs get anywhere near the damn WP!" He orders earning a wink from Fuyuko.

Eitan and Benjamin are still pushing but come to a stop.

Eitan: "Okay... You got a shot on the fucker?" He questions while catching his breath.

Benjamin rests his rifle on the car hood and looks at the end of the runway looking for the sniper. It's difficult with the heat screwing with his vision.

Benjamin: "I see him... Barely." He replies slowing his breathes and heart rate keeping them calm.

Thunder is in a similar position barely able to see Benjamin thanks to the heat. The two begin shooting each other and narrowly missing their shots.

The two reload their rifles and continue this battle of range. In one of the hangers, Michael's group have found the StormRiders and determine who's riding with who.

Michael: "Okay Owen you're with me, rest of you take the other one." He says getting in the backseat as Owen hops in the driver's seat.

Owen starts the vehicle and revs the engine much to Micheal's annoyance as he finds it unnecessary.

Owen: "Ready to go Queens?" He asks over the com as he hears Leonard rev his vehicle in response. "Haha, that's what I like to hear, hang onto your ass Obertyner."

Owen and Leo drive their vehicles out of the hanger and begin their approach to the end of runway seeing the line of vehicles.

Michael: "Get as close those vehicles as you can-"

Owen: "I got it Obertyner!" He snaps back in annoyance.

Leo isn't far behind Owen as the mercenaries take some shots cracking the windshield.

Benjamin and Eitan see this and exchange a look debating on what to do.

Eitan: "Wanna give them a hand?" He asks.

Benjamin: "Sure, if this thing can even still run." He says getting in the driver's seat as Eitan goes to hop on the turret.

Brody: "Oi hold up!" He exclaims getting in the passenger seat. "Oi Obertyner, me and two Israelis are coming along."

Michael: "Copy that Macleod." He replies as he moves around in the seat due to Owen swerving to avoid as much damage as possible.

Owen and Leo keep driving till they pull in between two hanger bays as they exit their vehicles quickly.

Michael: "Owen, Leo, hold here with Brody's group... Rest of you on me." He orders leading Lyra and Gabrielle to the back of one of hanger bays.

Michael and the three stack up on door and open it. Lyra looks inside not seeing any mercs but knows it's likely not clear.

Lyra takes point moving inside the hanger bay and gets behind a sturdy crate with the other two following. They eventually begin engaging with the mercs who are eventually mowed down by Eitan with the turret.

Thunder realizes the situation is hopeless.

Thunder: "Fuck it we're cutting our losses, all teams break off and meet at safehouse Zulu... Charlie Team, execute operation Black Blitz." He says into his com while getting in a vehicle and driving off.

Benjamin as he eliminates a merc notices the remaining mercs retreating.

Benjamin: "They're pulling back." He says into his com as Micheal shoots a merc in the leg who falls over clutching it.

Michael walks over aiming his rifle at the man making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Eitan: "Can you pilots take off? No telling if they'll be back." He asks catching his breath as the ringing in his ears clears up.

Helena: "We'll need to do a damage assessment, real quick." He says exiting the plane with Blake.

Eitan: "Make it quick princess." He says hopping off and walks into the hanger bay seeing the situation. "Well look at this, catch yourself a mercenary Mike?"

Michael ignores his question hearing the mercenary curse in Hebrew.

Brody: "The bloody hell is he saying?" He questions.

Lyra taps Gabrielle on the shoulder as the two approach the mercenary. Lyra kneels removing the mercenary's balaclava as she looks at him momentarily.

Lyra: "You recognize him Gabi?" She asks maintaining eye contact with the man.

Gabrielle takes a nice long look at the man as he looks familiar but can't place it and expresses this to Lyra.

Lyra: "Oh well, I guess we'll see soon enough." She says treating the mercenary's leg.

Michael walks out with Eitan following him.

Eitan: "You did well, I guess Delta Force trains their people well." He states with respect.

Michael: "They do, must be weird... We were boys the last time we saw each other yet here we are." He retorts.

Eitan chuckles as he understands what he means but his com begins going off. Michael notices the shift in body language.

Michael: "What's going on?"

Eitan: "There's... An attack in Tel Aviv going on right now." He says in confusion but his expressions changes to anger. "If those bastards so much as touch a single hair on-"

Michael looks in slight surprise seeing the anger and touches his shoulder.

Michael: "Easy Eitan, whatever you need? We'll give it." Michael says as Eitan looks at him and gives him a nod.

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