Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 61

208 8 0
By WishingOnStars99


I decided to buy the red shorts, but not the white blouse. I put on my jeans again, with my baggy 'I love Ice Cream' shirt. I went quickly, and got the red dress, and red pair of shorts. I left the dressing room, and no one was there. Guess they were looking at some clothes for themselves. I shrugged, and Nick came in. 

"Hey," he said, and looked at me. As soon as he did his eyebrows furrowed. He moved closer, and adjusted my shirt. I looked down, and saw that my bra was slightly showing. Nick placed it over my shoulder, but didnt distance himself away. 

"Another one? Seriously?" Someone asked, making me jump in fright. Nick distanced himself away from me, and gave me a view of who it was.

"Lou, relax. We're just friends. Are you gonna create another rule saying that I cant have guy friends?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm not an over protective brother," Lou defended himself, making me roll my eyes. 

"Yes you are." I said, kind of tired. Not my fault, it was already 1am.

"No I am not. I just dont like it when you are always with other boys." Lou said. 

"I'm so sorry Lou. I didnt know that I couldnt have guy friends." I told him, kind of in a mocking tone.

"MacKenzie." Lou said in a warning tone. 

"What? What's my next bloody rule, huh Lou?" I asked him. "Lou, you can be my brother. But you havent acted like one." I told him seriously.

"And you havent acted like my sister!" He yelled, pointing at me when he said 'you', and then pointing at himself when he said 'my'. 

"Yeah, I guess so. But its different. I've been your sister your whole life, when you've only been a brother through half of mine!" I yelled at him. "You dont know what I've been through, Lou. My life broke into a million pieces again, and where were you? You were helping Niall, who broke my heart into a million pieces, instead of helping me. I should have known that your friends come before me. And I guess they always have, but I was so oblivious to it. I thought you were supposed to be there when I needed you, like I was always there when you called, and needed me. So dont you dare try to play the victim here." I warned him. 

"I'm not trying to play the victim!" Lou argued. 

"Yes you are!" I said, anger clear in my voice. 

"No, I'm not!" Lou yelled.

"Yes you are!" I screamed. 

"Why cant you just let me be your brother again?" 

"Because you werent there Lou! You freaking werent there!" I screamed at him. 

"Are you ok?" Nick asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath, and nodded slightly. I had almost forgotten that he was there. 

"Yeah. Let's just leave." I told him.

"How long do you think it will last?" Louis suddenly asked, his voice much calmer now.

"What?" I asked him, looking into his eyes. They were filled with sadness and guilt.

"Running away." He shrugged. 

"I dont know." I said, looking away from his eyes.

"Well, I hope it ends soon. Because I dont want to loose you." Lou said in a sad tone.

"Neither I you." I told him. I hated to admit it, but it was true.

I knew that sooner or later, I would have to stop too. But probably later. I'm still kind of broken now. I mean, I'm good whenever I dont think about them, but when their songs on the radio, or when we bump into each other, I feel a piece of myself break again. I need to stop doing this to myself. 

"But I can't keep doing this to myself." I told him.

"So why dont you just let us in again?" Lou asked, as if he was pleading rather then asking. 

"Because I cant," I said.

Truth be told, I really didnt know why I was running away from them. Maybe it was because Niall broke up with me. I mean, its the most sensible reason I guess. But, also, none of them trusted me enough to be on my own, when I went to that road trip with Izzy. I mean, a bit of confidence would be good.

And I also miss the girls a lot. El, Angie, and Perrie. We still see each other, and do sleepovers, but its just not the same. We arent as close as we were before, because we just arent.

"Mac?" Nick asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

"You zoned out. Are you ok?" he asked, smirking slightly.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Do you wanna leave?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. I nodded looking down. "Ok then. Let's go." Nick threw his arm over my shoulder, and we walked to the cashier.

We payed for the clothes, and I got the shopping bags. I had taken Nick's arm off me a while ago, when I was paying. We were walking out, when I remembered about Izzy. I turned around and looked around the store, looking for her. Ok, who am I kidding? This store has three floors!

"Is everything ok?" Nick asked, once he noticed my searching face.

"Yeah, but where's Izzy?" I asked him.

"I dont know. She was with Conor in the dressing room, trying some new stuff on last time I checked." Nick shrugged.

"And when was that?" I asked.

"About fifteen minutes ago." He shrugged.

"Ok, let's go look for them then." I told him, grabbing his wrist, and pulling him with me.

We checked the first floor, and there was no sign of her or Conor. We took the escalator to the second floor, and started to search. I looked at the shoe department, but she was nowhere to be found.  

"MACKENZIE!" I heard a familiar voice scream my name.

I went to the voice's direction, and found Izzy looking at something in front of her. Her expression was as if she couldnt believe what was happening. I looked at the same direction as hers, and was dumbfounded. The boys were all in a line with their arms crossed over their chests. Serious expressions were on their faces. I looked around, and gulped when I saw bodyguards on each exit of the room. 

"What's happening?" I asked, kind of afraid of the answer.

"Well, they locking us in here, until we sort things out." Izzy whispered to me, without taking her gaze from the boys. Her once dumbfounded expression, now was a glare.

"What? Hell no. Boys, let us out." I ordered them.

"You heard Izzy." Harry said, with a smirk on his face. 

"No. I'm not going to be locked up here." I said, and accidentaly yawned.

"Are you tired?" Lou asked me.

"No." I said, yawning a bit again. 

"Go to sleep, and we'll talk in the morning." Liam said.

"Where? On the couch?" I asked, pointing to a couch people had in the corner. Macys usually have them in dressing rooms, so people can rest.

"I cant see why not." Harry smirked again.

"Harry, there's no way in hell that I'm sleeping here. I'm tired, and just want to go home." I whined. 

"Ok then. So you're coming with us." Harry speaks up again. I then turn to Liam.

"Liam, it's obvious that you're the responsible one here. Can't you see that they're out of their minds?" I asked, as if it was obvious.

"We're not out of our minds. We're just trying to get our little sister back." Liam explained.

"Boys, can we talk about this later, please? Cant you see Mac is tired, and that nothing will happen if you dont give her the space she needs?" Izzy said, speaking up for the first time in a long time. 

"Boys, maybe Izzy is right." Zayn said, then turned to me. "Would you mind spending one night at home, and tomorrow we'll talk about this?" 

"Only if Izzy comes with me." I said, then all eyes turned to look at Izzy.

"Whatever." Izzy shrugged. That's so what she would say, but at least she agreed, right?

"Great." I muttered. 


We just arrived home, and the car ride here was awkward. Izzy and I were texting each other through it, and the boys just shrugged. 

"Gosh, I'm so tired." I sighed, walking up the stairs. 

"Go to sleep, and we'll talk tomorrow." Louis demanded, as if he was my owner. I would usually argue with him, but I'm too tired for that. 

I entered my room, with Izzy behind me. She threw herself in my bed, and I knew she was just as tired as I was. It was now 3:30am, and we had done so many things tonight. I really think that there should be a limit of events to happen per night, because I dont think I can handle this everyday.

"Can you lend me some pjs?" Izzy asked. 

"Sure, c'mon." I told her.

I then got her a pair of pink pajama shorts, with a white tank top, and threw it at her. She started to get changed, while I got myself a pair of blue pajama shorts, with a baggy shirt. I quickly put it on, and went to the bathroom. Izzy was already there, brushing her hair. 

"Can you believe it that we're actually here?" Izzy asked me, looking at herself in the mirror.

"No, I cant believe it. It seems as if nothing has changed since a couple of months ago." I told her, brushing my hair.

"I know right? Who knew that our lives would give a 360 turn so quick?" she asked, turning to look at me.

"I dont know." I shrugged, placing my hair in a messy bun. "C'mon, let's go to sleep."  

"Ok." She said, and we went to my bedroom.

We layed down on my bed, and went to sleep. I cant believe how fast I slept. I guess it was because of the events of today that were replaying in my head: breaking up with Trent, Izzy and Nathan breaking up, the boys not trusting us to go to the groceries, macys... 

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