Secret Love Uzuzen

By InLoveWithGayShips

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If you don't like the ship don't read. Enjoy the story! More



1.6K 34 42
By InLoveWithGayShips

The next morning Zenitsu woke up alone. He sat up wondering where Uzui went. He stood up and walked out of the room. He went down to the kitchen and didn't see him. He went back to the room to get ready for school. He looked at the clock and he had about an hour and 40 minutes to get ready. He went into the bathroom took a quick shower and got dressed. He went back downstairs to get something to eat. He made himself a sandwich and headed to the living room to get his things. He got his bag and headed to the door. He opened it and Uzui was there.

"Morning" Uzui smiled

Zenitsu wanted to punch him. Where was he all morning?! Zenitsu looked him straight in the eyes.

"Morning" Zenitsu said and walked past Uzui

"Where are you going?" Uzui asked

"I'm going to be late for school" Zenitsu kept walking

Uzui grabbed his wrist and turned Zenitsu to face him. Zenitsu didn't look at Uzui though.

"Why are you being like this?" Uzui asked

"No reason, I just don't want to be late"

"Since when?"


"Since when do you care about being late?" Uzui asked starting to get pissed

"Could you let go? I need to go" Zenitsu asked

Uzui didn't notice that the strength he was putting on Zenitsu's wrist was hurting him. Zenitsu looked at his wrist and then at Uzui.

"Let go! You're hurting me" Zenitsu yelled as tears formed in his eyes

Uzui snapped out of it and let go of Zenitsu's wrist. Zenitsu looked at his wrist and it was red. Uzui stepped forward to see it but Zenitsu stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put pressure"

"I'm going to school, I'll see you later" Zenitsu turned around and walked away. Why? Why was everything going so wrong for him? First Tanjiro and now this.

Uzui didn't go after Zenitsu he just looked at him as he walked away. Uzui stepped into the house and went up to the room. Then he started throwing things. After a few minutes of cursing while destroying his house, he stopped. Everything was a mess and he cut himself throwing some glass things. He walked into the bathroom and cleaned his hands. He wrapped them up and got changed. He left his house really upset.

Zenitsu got to school in time and started walking around. He had nowhere to go, he was giving Tanjiro space, and he and Uzui got in a 'fight' this morning. He sat down in the hallway alone and got on his phone. He then saw someone standing right in front of him. He looked up to see the guy who woke him up in class.

"Hey" he smiled

"Hey.." Zenitsu replied

"You seem kinda down today, what's the problem?" He asked

"Just some friend problems" Zenitsu said

The guy sat down next to him and put his hand on Zenitsu's shoulder.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, you should just talk to them and solve the problem so it won't be worse" He smiled

Zenitsu smiled, "Thanks but it's not as easy as it sounds"

"Well I hope it gets better" The guy smiled again


Uzui walked into the school and saw them together. He ignored it and walked past them.

"I'll see you around" the guy stood up and waved goodbye

Zenitsu waved goodbye and got back on his phone. Another person walked up to him and he looked up to see Shinobu.

"When do you have to go to class?"

"In about 30 minutes. Why?"

"Come with me so you can try the shirt and skirt on" Shinobu said

"Oh ok" Zenitsu got up and they went to the classroom

"Is everything ok?"


"I said, is everything ok?" Shinobu repeated

"Oh yeah" Zenitsu faked a smile

"I can tell you are lying, but if you don't feel comfortable then I won't force you to tell me"

"Actually, I'm not okay" Zenitsu sighed, "I have nowhere to stay, I'm giving Tanjiro space because I rejected him but I stayed with him and Inosuke and now I can't go over there"

"Ok well, you could stay with me, it is illegal so you can't tell anyone. But I can't just leave you to wander the streets alone." Shinobu noticed that Zenitsu wasn't actually that perverted guy he would act like in the classroom. He probably just did it so people wouldn't ask him if he was ok or not.

"But if someone finds out you'll be in trouble" Zenitsu said concerned

"I know but right now you're more important than my job" Shinobu smiled as she opened the door to her classroom. It was empty so Zenitsu was comfortable trying out anything.

He changed clothes and showed Shinobu.

"What do you think about it?" Shinobu asked

"I think it's perfect! The skirt isn't too short anymore so" Zenitsu said with a smile

"I'm glad you like it," Shinobu said, "You can go change now"

Zenitsu got changed again and gave her the outfit. He waved and left the classroom. He bumped into someone on his way out.

"Oh sorry" Zenitsu bowed and when he looked up he saw Inosuke

"Watch where you're going!" Inosuke yelled and then noticed it was Zenitsu, "Oh Monitsu"

"Sorry" Zenitsu looked away

"Tch, it's fine" Inosuke rolled his eyes, "Also where were you yesterday?"

"I can't tell you where but I was safe," Zenitsu said, "Were you worried?"

"Wha- of course not" Inosuke looked away, "Let's go to class"

Zenitsu chuckled and they headed to class. They went into Uzui's class and went to their seats. Uzui went with the lecture and then they started working on their object designs.

"Quick interruption, the following people need to stay after class. _____, _____, _____, and" the was a small pause, "Zenitsu. You may all get back to work"

Zenitsu was shocked he had to stay and was also mad. Was Uzui doing it on purpose? He kept working until class was over he stayed at his desk and waited until everyone left except the people that left. 

"I got told to assign you guys a decorating project. The principal said that the decorations done by you guys were great so he wanted the front of the school to be decorated." Uzui said, "That's all I'll give you further instructions when I get more information. You guys can all leave" Uzui said, "Actually Zenitsu stay back for a moment"

"Why?" Zenitsu asked

"Because I'm the teacher and I asked you to"

Everyone left and Zenitsu was left alone in the room with Uzui.

"What do you want? I know you want to talk" Zenitsu said

"You're right, but I also have something to tell you. The principal saw your work and he wanted to know if he could put it up in the hallway or the art collection"

"Oh" Zenitsu's eyes sparkled, "Sure he can put it up" Zenitsu smiled

"Now" Uzui said, Zenitsu's smile faded and his face went serious


"I know you're mad, and I didn't mean to hurt your wrist" Uzui said

"I don't want an apology" Zenitsu said

"Then what do you want?"

"I want space. I'm tired ok? I don't know why you got mad in the morning, I didn't do anything for you to grab my wrist like that" Zenitsu said

"You were leaving in a bad mood. I wanted to know why but you didn't even answer with the truth" Uzui said

"Because you left," Zenitsu said, "I didn't know where you were for an hour and you expect me to be happy when you show up when I'm about to leave?"

"I didn't mean to leave like that" Uzui said

"Then why did you leave?" Zenitsu asked

Uzui groaned and started to look for something in his bag. And pulled out a small box. 

"I was getting you this. It was supposed to be a surprise but you keep insisting" Uzui said as he handed it to Zenitsu, "It was a present for our anniversary. I spend the last two months trying to get it for you"

Zenitsu looked at him with a sad face. He was sad that he ruined Uzui's surprise present.

"You can open it" Uzui said

Zenitsu carefully opened the box to see what was inside. It was a necklace in the form of thunder and a ring.

"It's yellow sapphire took me a long time to get" Uzui looked away for a second and when he looked back at Zenitsu he was crying, "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry!" Zenitsu said

Uzui smiled, "Come here" Zenitsu walked toward Uzui

Uzui hugged him tight, "It's ok, don't worry about it"

"I ruined your surprise, it's something I should worry about. I'm sorry"

Uzui lifted Zenitsu's head and started wiping his tears. "It's fine, plus our anniversary is not very far from now"

"I know but I still ruined the surprise"

After some time Zenitsu had calmed down. Uzui was hugging him while leaning on his desk. Zenitsu looked at Uzui while still hugging him. Uzui looked down at Zenitsu and looked at his beautiful golden eyes. Uzui thought they were beautiful and matched his hair color. He thought it was flamboyant. Zenitsu got on his tippy toes and grabbed Uzui's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Uzui returned the kiss and grabbed Zenitsu by the waist. Their kiss turned into a make-out session with Zenitsu humming/moaning under his breath because Uzui was gripping his ass. That was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. They pulled away quickly and Uzui went to open the door while Zenitsu put the small box away.

"Hi" Uzui said as the door opened

"Hi, is Zenitsu here?" Tanjiro asked

Zenitsu hid somewhere so Tanjiro wouldn't see him.

"No sorry"

"I have a good sense of smell, he's here hiding" Tanjiro said

Zenitsu had forgotten about Tanjiro's great sense of smell. He stood up from his hiding spot and was about to open his mouth to talk when Uzui did it first.

"You do know its harassment if you keep doing this to Zenitsu right? He doesn't want to speak to you right now so I suggest you leave"

"I wasn't here to speak to you, so your opinion doesn't matter in this situation"

"He's right..." Zenitsu spoke up, "I told you I wanted some space and that I would return to talk to you when I was ready. You've been 'harassing me into speaking to you when I don't want to"

"I'm just worried!"

"There's nothing for you to be worried about. At all. I have a place to stay and I'm safe there so I'm doing fine. You need to stop, I'll go talk to you when I'm ready" Zenitsu said, "I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but I just need some space and I told you that"

Tanjiro looked away, "Ok then, have it your way. See you around"

Tanjiro left and Uzui closed the door. Zenitsu let out a sigh of relief. Uzui walked over to Zenitsu and grabbed him by the waist. Zenitsu wrapped his arms around Uzui's neck. Uzui then picked Zenitsu up and sat him on the desk. Zenitsu was a little shocked at the sudden move. Zenitsu moved his hands from Uzui's neck and Uzui rested his head on Zenitsu's shoulder. After some minutes Zenitsu lifted Uzui's head and Uzui looked at him confused. Zenitsu put his arms back around Uzui's neck and pulled him for a kiss. Uzui kissed Zenitsu back despite being shocked about Zenitsu doing that.

They started making out and Uzui waited for the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue inside Zenitsu's mouth. (L o L) Uzui's hand began to wander up Zenitsu's shirt. They were interrupted by someone going on in the intercom.

"Hello everyone and sorry for the quick interruption, I need Professor Uzui to come to the front office" the intercom turned off and they pulled away from the kiss

Uzui groaned and pulled his hand out of under Zenitsu's shirt, "Welp, I have to go"

Uzui left and Zenitsu looked at the time. He had about 20 minutes before his next class started. He started to walk around the school and saw Kanao heading his way.

"Zenitsu! Can you help me out with something?" Kanao asked

"Depends on what it is" Zenitsu said

"Well, the girls and I wanted to practice the dance for the talent show we are in but none of our partners are available and you are also going to participate in something else while at the event we thought that maybe you could help us" Kanao explained

"When and do I have to dance with everyone?"

"Right now because the girls and I have it free, and yeah but it's just a small part, it won't be the whole dance"

"Oh, my class is actually starting in about 10 minutes"

"Aw, well then that's ok, we'll just have to practice with our partners in the afternoon"

"Wait, why don't you guys dance with each other, I mean, it's just practice so it shouldn't matter who you practice with as long as you do it" Zenistu suggested

"That's true! Thanks for the help Zenitsu" Kanao waved goodbye and disappeared

Zenitsu headed to his class because by the time he got there class was probably about to start. He gets to class and sits down.

"Hey, feeling better I see" Zenitsu looked to where the voice was coming from and it was the guy who woke him up.

"Oh yeah" Zenitsu smiled

"I'm glad you were able to solve things" He smiled and sat down next to Zenitsu

The teacher came in, gave his lecture, and then he gave them the assignment. Zenitsu and the guy talked while they did the assignment. They finished it and talked until class was over. Zenitsu went to his next class which was Shinobu. She took them outside to do a nature activity. After they went back inside they had to record some things in their notes and then they were done. After class Zenitsu went to Shinobu to speak to her.

"Mrs. Shinobu, I have something to tell you"

"What is it Zenitsu?"

"Well I found a place to stay"

"Oh well, can I know who it is?"

"I would rather on say, but I'll be ok"

"Well, if something were to happen with this person you can always email me and I'll try to help"

"Thank you, Mrs. Shinobu. Well, I have to get going" Zenitsu waved goodbye and left

Shinobu was still worried about Zenitsu but she wasn't supposed to get into the student's business so she couldn't do anything.

After the day was over Zenitsu went to Uzui's classroom and waited for him to be done so they could go home. When they got home Zenitsu put his things down close to the couch and then went up to the room. Uzui went up to the room and put his stuff down and went shower. Since Uzui was showering Zenitsu was just waiting until he was done. When Uzui came out Zenitsu went into the bathroom to shower. After Zenitsu finished showering he looked at Uzui who was laying in bed. Zenitsu decided to tease Uzui a little and sat on top of him. Uzui put his phone away and looked at Zenitsu.

"What are you doing?" Uzui asked

"Nothing" Zenitsu smiled and then moved his hips a little gaining a groan out of Uzui

"Zen, we just showered"

"I'm not doing anything though, I was just a little uncomfortable so I moved to fix that" Zenitsu said

Zenitsu kept teasing Uzui in different ways. He would move his hips and start kissing him. Uzui had had enough so he grabbed Zenitsu by the waist and turned him around. Now Zenitsu was the one on the bed and Uzui was on top of him.

Uzui leaned in close to Zenitsu's ear and whispered, "Do you really wanna fuck that bad, love?"

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