The Tale Of A Mismatched Marr...

By Yagna13

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1. Oops!
3.The Solution
The Unexpected
5. A Plan Backfired!
6.The Bickering!
The Advise
Travel Along!
A Little Tipsy?
The Newcomers!
The Trouble!
The Surveillance!
Understanding Her Heart!
Rowdy Mama!

2. The Lightning

538 81 20
By Yagna13

Author’s PoV

Varun landed in Coimbatore airport mid-day. Since it was December, the weather was so pleasing and windy. He covered his face with a hat and his bodyguard was holding him tight to avoid any fans touching him. Even though he tried to hide his identity, people recognized him. Soon he was surrounded by a swarm of people asking for selfies and autographs. Varun was not in the mood for this today. He was worried about his granny! His beloved granny. When his mom called him in the morning about her health, he felt scared in the stomach. Something was not right and he felt it in his bones. He canceled his shooting and other commitments for the week and flew to his home. 

“Please, make way. Not now!” his bodyguard tried to pull him out of the crowd. The airport security helped him get to his car safely. 

“Huh, big star! He is so full of himself.”

“Not even posed for a picture. He is so rude.”

“His success has reached his head. That is why he is showing this attitude.” 

People spoke behind him and he let out a mild smile thinking of these people. How easy it is for them to make a judgment of him without knowing anything just because he is into public life. 

“Sir, are you alright?” His bodyguard Dhilip asked him. He heard the comments too and it always makes him mad.

“It’s been years I became numb to these comments, Dhilip. I am worried about my granny!”

“She will be fine, sir. This is not the first time we have come running to see her.”

“True, but something is telling me that this trip is not going to be like other trips. She should be fine.”

“Take some rest, sir.” He told Varun as his house is located in RS puram and it would take almost an hour to reach there in the traffic. The government is building fly-overs everywhere in coimbatore and it has made the traffic into a nightmare. All the roads have been changed to one way and for people coming in after a long time, it would be like a maze.

“Why didn't you take Ammachi (granny- mom’s mother) to hospital? How is she?” He asked his mother who came out to receive him, as soon as he got down from his car.

“You know her. She refused to come to the hospital.” Lakshmi said.

“But ma, you said the doctor said her pulse rate is down. It is not time to heed to her requests or adamant meaningless rants.”

“You go and talk to her.” She left her son on the doorstep of his granny’s room.

As he entered the room, he saw Lavanya sitting on the chair, holding her head in her hands. She looked very sad. His granny was laying on the bed with her eyes closed. Her rhythmic ups and downs of her chest told him that she was sleeping. When Lavanya realized his presence, she looked at him with fire in her eyes. He could not understand her anger towards him.  He disregarded her and walked towards his granny.

“One minute!” She called him, standing up from her chair. She was raging in anger. 

“Pch, what?”

“Intha kelaviku arivu malungi pochu. Ammachi solluchu, Amma sonnanga nu thalai ya aatuna, aprom nan chumma iruka maten. (This old lady has no brain. If you nod your head stating granny said or mommy said, then I will not remain calm!)” She told him and stormed out of the room leaving him in a complete state of confusion. Her disrespectful talk made him angry as usual but he was to blame for it. She was calling him ‘athaan’ and it was him who asked her not to call him that. 

“Ammachi!” He sat near her gently stroking her hair.

“Varun!” She opened her eyes, straining. 

“Why are you so adamant, Ammachi? Come, let's go to the hospital.”

“The doctor said my heart is weak. He wants me to undergo an operation to clear the blocks. I don't want any operation, Varun. The success rate is very minimal.”

“Ammachi, don't be scared. It is a very small operation. Nothing big. You have a block in the valve and it is not even an open heart surgery. Just that operation and you will be perfectly alright.”

“Varun, this age is not suitable for operations.”

“Pch, Ammachi you are just 70years old. Don't be so dramatic.”

“Alright! I will agree to the operation on one condition.” his granny told him. Varun shrunk his eyebrows looking at his granny. He knew this didn't sound right. Painfully, Lavanya’s angry face came into his eyes. No! 

“What is it?”

“You should marry!”

“Pch, don't play, Ammachi. You know there is no one in my life now.”

“I know. Enough of your trial and error you took in your life. We don't want a heroine, we want a good, lovely girl to be your life partner.”

“Please dont just say that the good, lovely girl you are talking about is Lavanya.” He said.

“Of course she is!” his granny said with a glow in her face. 

“Ammachi, she is a little girl. We have a 9 years age gap. She is not my type. This will not workout in any way.” He said frustrated.

“Haha, these are the exact same words Vani said. Nothing more, nothing less. Trust me, Varun. This will workout. She is the one for you. You don't know what you want. We let you search for what you want for so long and you did try to find your type of a girl. Nothing worked out, did it? Now trust us.” She said.

“You take a rest, Ammachi. I will come later.”

“Just think about what I said.” She told him as he left her room. 

Everyone was sitting in the hall and no one was ready to talk. Sankaran, Mahalingam and Chakravarthi were sitting on the couch while Lakshmi and Vasuki sat on the step near the pillar in their hall. Lavanya was sitting near her grandpa’s foot leaning her head on his lap.

“Appa, you know this will not workout, don't you?” Varun asked his dad, breaking the awkward silence.

“Why not, Varun?” Sankaran asked him.

“Thatha (grandpa), she doesn't like me. She always leads to fights between us. She never has any respect or love for me. She insults and hurts me in all the opportunities she gets. We are not even in talking terms now. How could you all imagine a marriage between us? Above all, she is 9 years younger than me. Don't tell me the age gaps in your marriage because that is not the case now.” Varun talked his heart out in a very polite way. He wanted to be sure that he doesn’t hurt his family by doing this. But instead of frowns and sad faces, everyone’s face was brightened up. 

Puzzled by their reactions, Varun looked down at Lavanya and she was throwing daggers with her eyes in his direction. She slapped her head hard. She stood up from the floor and looked up to him.

“Have you placed any cameras in the house? How did you tell the exact same thing I just told them all before you came here? Idiot, you just ruined a very little chance by opening your stupid mouth. Now they will say that we are meant for each other. And what did you say? I start the fights with you? You were the one that started every fight between us. You have hated me from the moment I was born. You have no love for me and you never treat me like your relative. You are the one that insulted me in front of my friends. And above all, I wanted to respect you but you are the one that didn't want anything to do with me. How dare you turn everything on me?” Lavanya asked him rather angrily. 

“Vani, behave yourself.” Vasuki tried to shush her daughter. She doesn't like it one bit that her daughter is disrespecting Varun. Everyone in the house loves Varun for his soft nature. He is a very soft spoken man and a man with little words. He is very respectful to the elders and loves his family so much that he would do anything for them. 

“Vani, I know there have been silly fights between you two. You are not a child anymore. Just think and act like a big girl. You will know that these are nothing. Granny is not feeling well and this time the doctor strictly said no more delay in the operation. But she is very stubborn that she will not go to the hospital before seeing your wedding. We are not forcing it upon you but just suggesting what is good for you both. The decision is yours.” Her grandpa told her. “Don't talk to them about this wedding anymore. They are grown adults and they know what is best for them. Let them decide.” He added looking at his family.

Everyone went back to their work leaving Lavanya and Varun in the hall. Varun never expected such a lightning to strike his life. Lavanya was confused by his silence. Now thinking back, she finds all her reasons to be childish and immature. She also knew that Varun is too soft to ignore his family’s request. She knew that the ball was in her court and she decided to talk to her mom to stop this damn talk. 

“Amma, I want to talk to you.” She went into the kitchen and told her mom. Vasuki looked at Lakshmi with an apologetic look and excused herself to go along with her daughter. 

“Vani, your behavior is not nice. You are very rude and I don't like it one bit.”

“Pch, Amma, this is my life. You want me to talk shit about Varun in front of Athai (aunt), his mom?”

“Shut up. First, you will address him as ‘athaan’ in a respectful way. Next, you will not bad mouth him because there is nothing for you to talk shit.” Her mom corrected her.

“Amma, please. I know you all like him. He is a very good son. He is very respectful and lovable. But that doesn't make him a good man. Amma, he is a cinema actor. He had three flings that we know of. God knows how many girls are there in his life. He lives far away from us, Amma. Who knows if he had not been in a living together relationship? Have you not been hearing news about him on youtube channels? He is a playboy. He is characterless…”

Lavanya was stopped by her mother’s hard slap across her cheek. She never expected it. Amidst all the love she got from her family that spoiled her, her mother is the only soul that kept her in check by scolding her often. But that too only on a small scale. Everytime her mother goes a little hard on her, her father or Chakravarthi or Lakshmi or her granny and grandpa would stop Vasuki in support of Lavanya. She has never been hit all her life. 

“One more word on his character, I will kill you. You are a girl and you asked us to liberate you for a year to find the right person for you after your studies. We agreed. We agreed because we have faith in our upbringing and you. He is a man. A well accomplished man. He has done the same. If he is characterless for doing something that you asked for, then what does it make you?” Her mom asked her that kill her conscience.

“You know what? You are right. This wedding should not happen. You are not the right fit for him. You will spoil his life. Don't worry, I will talk to your grandpa about not proceeding with this talk. Remember, I am doing this to save his life.” Her mother left her alone in the corridor.

When the pain on her cheek was transforming into anger on Varun, she heard her dad from her behind.

“You are so wrong to have talked like that about Varun, Vani.” He said. Lavanya could not believe that her father was here all along and he didn't stop her mother from hitting her or at least scold her mother for hitting her.

“But Appa, is it so wrong to expect a man for whom I should be the first love?” She asked him with teary eyes. 

“Please, don't cry, dear. Being someone’s first love is not important. Being their last love is important. I will be happy if you get married to Varun. But like grandpa said, I am not forcing you. Think and decide which is best for everyone including you.” Her dad told her and left.

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