When Fire Meets Coffee

By AnAuthorForChristina

88.4K 2.1K 141

Ever wondered, "What happen when a fire fighter goes to a café?" No? Well neither did I. Until I saw her come... More

Chelsea I
Jordyn III
Chelsea IV
Jordyn V
Chelsea VI
Chelsea VII
Jordyn VIII PT. I
Arizona VIII PT. 2
Chelsea IX
Chelsea X
Chelsea XI
Jordyn XII
Jordyn XIII
Jordyn XIV
Chelsea XV
Chelsea XVI
Jordyn XVII
Jordyn XVIII
Chelsea XIX
Jordyn XX
Christina XXI
Jordyn XXII
Jordyn XXIII
Chelsea XXIV
Jordyn XXV
Jordyn XXVI
Chelsea XXVII
Chelsea XXVIII
Jaydyn XXIX
Chelsea XXX
Chelsea XXXI
Chelsea XXXII
Chelsea XXXIV
Chelsea XXXV
Jordyn XXXVI
Chelsea XXXVII
Chelsea XXXIX
Chelsea XL
Chelsea XLI
Jordyn XLII
Chelsea XLIII
Chelsea XLIV
Chelsea XLV
Chelsea XLVI
Chelsea XLVII
The Goddess Of My Heart
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Epilogue IV

Chelsea II

4K 94 22
By AnAuthorForChristina

Sunday has arrived and I'm currently whizzing around my room to get ready for work. Today, I was determined to get to know her. I'm going sit with her and talk to her. Maybe get her number? Perhaps that's too far.

I pull my hair up into a ponytail and thread it through my barista hat. I grabbed my stuff and walked to work, as I only live five minutes away.

I get in and say my hello to Alley and got behind the counter to set up the computers and till.

I serve customers and Miss Price, of course. Now it was quiet, which was when she came in. I anxiously watch the door, but as the minutes went by, the more disappointed I got.

"Waiting for your woman?" Alley asked. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. Besides, she has at least one Sunday off a month. She'll come in later." Alley continued.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" I mock her.

"I'm a barista, Chelsea. Of course it doesn't." she said.

"You've got a big enough ego. You'll barely get through the door with that big head." I joke.

She looks to the door, "She's here," she sang in a creepy voice.

I rolled my eyes again and looked to the door. Sure enough, she was here. Today was the day that I would talk to her. I was hella nervous.

She smiled at me. That smile will be the death of me, sooner or later. She was wearing normal clothes, which consisted of a plain blue t-shirt, with a grey hoodie, unzipped, over the top, black jeans and black and white high top converse. It was a fit, if you ask me.

"Hey, can I get a lattè with milk to stay please? Again." she chuckled and I swear I began to malfunction because Alley had to step in,

"Sure, coming right up." she said giving me a glare, but I didn't care. I had a chance right now. And it wasn't busy today, as predicted.

Alley made her coffee while she went to go sit down on her usual table by the window.

Her coffee was ready and I thanked Alley before taking it to her.

As I step closer to her, my heart beats faster. She looks at me and smiles, excitement and gratitude in her luscious brown eyes. I love those eyes.

"Thank you so much. I never got your name." she said. I was confused, my name was written on my name tag.

"Chelsea." I say, pointing to the pin on my shirt.

"Jordyn." she held her hand out for me to shake. I took it and almost melted at her touch.

"May I sit with you?" I asked, my voice shaking a little.

She nodded and I let out a mental sigh of relief.

"What're you up to these days?" she asked me, and I am silently kicking myself for not noticing a slight British accent earlier.

"I got to college. I study English as a Foreign Language as well as a few other languages. I want to help new arrivals in America that don't speak English. Other than that I work here part time. What about you, apart from being a fire fighter?"

"Well, I'm in a band with my sisters. I play bass guitar. I don't really have much spare time but when I do, I'm here or at my parents house. I like to spend time with them. I know it's weird but I was raised to love my mothers no matter what."

My eyebrows shot up at the last part.

"You have two moms? That's cool. What're they like?" I question.

"They are two of the most amazing people I know. They are so kind and compassionate and funny. Incredibly smart and they're both beautiful. They turn heads, all genders and ages. They're like two goddesses."

I nodded, "Would that make you a goddess then?"

She blushed. Blushed.

"No, I'm not as good as them. I never will be." she said, with a sad look in her eyes.

"I'm sure that's not true. You definitely turn heads. I've seen it happen, with my own eyes."

She shook her head. I sensed that she might want to change the subject as she look around the room with her eyes. But as her eyes became quicker at darting around the room, I got a little worried.

"Are you okay?" I ask, placing my hand in her arm that was in the table. Her eye movements stopped and she looked back at me, but not directly in my eyes.

"Yeah, I do that sometimes." she looked away from me. I took my arm away and she looked back at her arm, seeing that my hand wasn't there.

"How come?"

"I'm autistic. It happens sometimes." I nodded. Jordyn looked back into my eyes and took a big breath in.

"Can you put your hand back, please?" she requested. I responded by putting my hand back. I felt her relax and to be honest, so did I.

"Is it a comfort thing? Sometimes I feel comfortable when I hug someone or hold their hand." I suggest.

She nodded, "Yeah, I do love a good cwtch. My Mama gives me kisses and I loves them, I do." she said, but nothing in that sentence made sense to me because she had slipped into a different accent. Not to mention the strange word she used. I guess she saw the confusion because she continued,

"Sorry, my Mama is Welsh and when we're feeling a strong emotion, our accents thicken. And, cwtch means a hug that feels like a safe haven."

Adorable, absolutely adorable.

"Oh, that makes sense." I say.

"Can I have your number?" Jordan asked out of nowhere. But I'm not protesting.

"Yes, you can."

She gave me her phone and I rang myself and saved my own and her contact. Gave her phone back to her and she set it down, just for it to ring again.

She answered, "Captain. Uh, yeah sure. It's no problem. I'll need a minute to get back to my apartment. Okay. Thank you, bye." she hung up her phone. She stood up and so did I. She got money out and handed it to me.

"Thank you, for everything. I'll talk to you later?"

"Absolutely, yeah."

"Good luck in school next week, and have a great day. See you around!" she said as she left. I made my way back to the counter with her cup and Alley was just staring at me.

"Shut up." I said, smiling.

"I said nothing." she threw her hands up in defense.

"But you weren't thinking nothing, we're you?" I shoot back.

"True. I'm pretty sure she's single, and ready to mingle. My sister is friends with hers. She always says how her 'stupid firefighter sister won't get with someone'. All of her sisters are great." Alley chuckled.

"You've met them all? How many are there?"

"Yeah, she has ten sisters. Her mom wanted to have as many kids as possible. They're not all individual, though. There are three sets of twins, a set of triplets and two that don't have any twins or triplets."

"Does Jordyn have a twin?" I ask.

"Nope, it's her and her older sister, Bennie, that don't have any. Bennie's lovely. She teaches art at the high school down the road."

I nodded, feeling very thoughtful and quite happy, to be honest. I talked to her. I actually talked to her. I can't wait to see where this goes, but at the same time I'm hella nervous.

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