Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Ag...

By Secretstarr101

49.6K 1.5K 1.8K

(Name) (Last Name) is just an average rebel with a hunger for fun and a thirst for trouble. Nothing could eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

790 27 26
By Secretstarr101

Author: IMPORTANT NOTE! I've actually updated 2 chapters.

This chapter and chapter 15 is different. Chapter 15 isn't necessarily an important chapter. It's just a short chapter I wrote out for the fun of it and didn't have the heart to scrap it. Feel free to go back and read it you want to. 🙂

Also I'm officially started a YouTube channel! I will be doing Miraculous reactions and gaming videos and etc starting tomorrow! Please feel free to subscribe to the link below:

Anyway, enjoy!


It was a bright Saturday morning and for once you were up early.

"Good morning, (name). What are you doing?" Your kwami asked curiously. "Hey, Purrsia. I'm about to video chat with my friends back in (hometown). Which reminds me, you might want to find a place to hide for the time being." You told her. "Don't worry, kwamis cannot physically appear on camera. So they will not be able to see me." She informed. "So kinda like vampires? Hmm, that's pretty convenient."

"Don't forget that we have to go to the statue unveiling ceremony in the park later." Purrsia reminded you. "Right! The statue is in honor of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Cheetu! I'm so excited about it! Don't worry, I'll be finished before then!" You gleefully assured before a call popped up on your computer. After a couple of rings, you answered revealing your two friends.

"Hey, (name)!" They all cheerfully greeted.

"We haven't heard from you since you moved! We started to think you forgot about us!"

"How's Paris? You haven't burned it down yet, have you?"

"Burned it down?! Jeez, guys! You guys make me sound like some kind of ruthless tyrant."

"Well, you are the person who caused our last principal to have a mental breakdown and quit." Your friend pointed out, making you chuckle. "Heh, guilty as charged. I'm sure he needed a vacation anyway."

"So, what have you been up to since you moved to Paris?" Your mind became flooded with events of the past couple of weeks consisting of you becoming a Parisian superhero and saving Paris from Hawkmoth's akumas alongside Ladybug and Chat Noir. Not to mention, your recent infatuation with a certain feline hero.

"Nothing much."


Everyone gathered in the park anxiously waiting for the statue of their beloved heroes to be unveiled. A certain feline vigilante arrived on the scene, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers and whistles.

"Good to see you, Chat Noir! Where are Ladybug and Cheetu?" The mayor questioned. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be here least I hope so..." Chat Noir mumbled that last part, reminiscing Ladybug's track record with timing.

Within a few minutes, Ladybug rushes in, causing all the fans to go wild with excitement. "Glad you could make it, M'lady! Fashionably late, as always." Chat Noir greeted with a bow. "Oh hush, kitty! Where's Cheetu? She's not here yet?" Ladybug questioned, looking around for her female feline partner. "No, not yet." Chat answered with a shrug. "Hmm... hopefully she'll be here soon." The heroine said, wondering what could be holding up her partner.

~Time Skip~

Time passed as everyone waited for the third hero to arrive. To kill time, Ladybug took it upon herself to keep the fans entertained by signing autographs and taking selfies with the fans.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir shared a conversation with the artist of the sculpture, known as Theo.

"I can't wait for Cheetu to see this! I hope she makes it soon!" Theo said voice laced with anticipation. "Cheetu?" Chat questioned, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah! She's so caring and sweet, and she always gives her best. She's such an inspiration to me." He responded admiringly. Chat eyed the artist skeptically as he gazed at a picture of Cheetu that he seemed to have cut out of a newspaper. Something about the dreamy expression in his eyes did not sit well with Chat Noir. A devious smirk played on the hero's lips as he threw an arm around Theo's shoulder.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but Cheetu and I are pretty close." He boasted cheekily. Stunned, Theo blinked at him owlishly. "Wha- Really?"

"Yup! We're practically inseparable." Chat exaggerated, his smirk never leaving his face. Irritated, Theo shoved the hero off him before storming away.

"What does Cheetu even see in him?!"

~Time Skip~

"So (name). Have any hot guys got your attention yet?" Your friends asked curiously. You bit your lip as you thought of the blonde-haired feline vigilante that make your head. "Well..."

You then glanced above your monitor to see Purrsia holding up your phone to show you the time. Seeing the time, your eyes nearly popped out of your head.

"Uh-um...S-sorry guys! I gotta go! I'll call again later! Bye!" You hurried up and ended the call before your friends could respond.

"Crap! I completely forgot about the ceremony! Purrsia, time to dash!"


Adrien had de-transformed once he arrived in his room.

"What was that about, Adrien?"

"What do you mean, Plagg?" He questioned, giving the little black kwami a slice of Camembert cheese. "The thing about you and Cheetu being 'inseparable.' Since when did that happen?" He pressed before gulping the cheese in one bite. "Oh, that? I only told Theo that to protect Cheetu... and to tease him a little bit." Adrien admitted nonchalantly, causing Plagg to look at him strangely.

"I didn't raise you to be a sadist!"

~Time Skip~

"I can't believe this! Someone actually builds a statue of me in my honor and I miss the unveiling ceremony! I've gotta be the worst superhero ever..." You complain to yourself as you stood in the middle of the now-empty park.

"I can't believe that's really me up there..." You mumbled in bewilderment as you stared up at the towering statue consisting of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Cheetu. You found it hard to believe how you've come to this point. Just a few weeks ago, you were a typical delinquent wreaking havoc in (hometown). Now, you're a miraculous superhero protecting Paris. A part of you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. Although deep down, another part of you felt as though you didn't deserve to be up there.

Suddenly, the sound of helicopters flew over your head followed by police cars racing by. "What the heck's going on?" You pulled out your nunchucks and checked the news on your built-in screen.

"This is Nadja Shammock with breaking news! Chat Noir has stolen the Mona Lisa from the Louvre!"

"What?! No way! Chat Noir is too much of a goody-two-shoes to do something like that!"

Springing into action, you jumped onto the rooftops and headed towards the Louvre. You used the built-in communicator within your nunchucks to call Ladybug, who answered almost immediately.

"Ladybug! Did you see the news about Chat Noir?"

"Yes, I did! I don't know what's going on but I'm calling him right now." After a moment, the feline answered the call.

"Chat! What's going on?"

"You two know I'm innocent! Right, Kitten and Bugaboo?"

"Stop playing around! This is serious! Tell us what's going on!" Ladybug scolded.

"I found my copycat!"

"Copycat? What are you talking about?" You asked, confused. "Well, if you were at the ceremony earlier then you would understand." You winced, feeling guilty for being a no-show. "I was there and I don't even know what you're talking about." Ladybug stated, making you glad that you weren't the only one who was left clueless.

"I'll explain later. Gotta go."

"Chat, wait!" Ladybug yelled but the call ended abruptly. She quickly opened the built-in GPS on her yoyo.

"I've tracked his location. He's at a warehouse on the east side of town." She informed you, to which you nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, I'll meet you there."

~Time Skip~

You arrived at the warehouse before Ladybug did. You heard Chat Noir grunting as if he was struggling to fight someone inside. Immediately, you jumped through the window to provide backup for your feline partner.

"Hey, Chat Noir! I'm h- Woah!" You halted in your tracks to see Chat Noir straddling...Chat Noir.

"Cha...Chat Noir...?" You stammered as the two of them stared back at you. Heat instantly began to rise to your cheeks at the sight. 'Stop it, (name)! Save the dirty thoughts for later!' You mentally scolded yourself as you tried to focus.

Just then, Ladybug arrives on the scene. "Uhh...What's going on? There are two Chat Noirs?"

"It looks like it but which one is the real one?" You asked, confused.

"I'm the real one! I've already caught the copycat!" The one on top stated. "No, don't listen that faker! I'm the real Chat Noir!" The one on the bottom argued.

"Faker? I think you're the fake Chat Noir here!" (Author: Please don't hate me for this reference lol...)

"He's trying to trick you! Here, the akuma is in his ring!" The one on top stated, holding up the other Chat Noir's hand which had the ring.

Ladybug crouched down and examined the ring. It beeped as one of the five paw print pads disappeared, signaling he was about to de-transform soon. "He even has the same power as you..." Ladybug murmured before she slowly began sliding the ring off his finger.

"Wait!" You shouted, catching the attention of Ladybug and the two Chat Noirs. "How do we know that you're not lying to us and you're not the copycat?" You pressed as you grew close to the 'real' Chat Noir. A blush tinted his cheeks before giving you a sweet smile. "I promise I'm the real Chat Noir. I would never lie to you, M'lady." A smile graced your lips as you felt your heart skip a beat from his words. Unfortunately for him, your parents didn't raise a fool.

"Wrong! Chat Noir calls Ladybug 'M'lady.' But he always calls me 'Kitten.' Copycat!" Being found out, Copycat growled angrily. "I love you, Cheetu! I'm ten times better than this mangy alley cat!" He ranted, nearly causing your eyes to bulge out of your head. "Y-you what?!"

"Oh, please! Chat Noir may be annoying but he can never be replaced." Ladybug dismissed, practically responding for you. "Thanks, M'lady...I think." Chat Noir said before kicking the Copycat off of him.


Copycat grinned evilly after activating 'his' power. "We need to hurry! I've already used my cataclysm so we don't have much time!" Chat informed urgently to which you and Ladybug nodded.

"Then we better wrap this up quick!"

~One de-evilized akuma later~


Ladybug tossed the spoon in the air, causing the magical ladybugs to return everything to normal.

"Pound it!"

Ladybug picked up the repaired photo and handed it to you. "Here, Cheetu. You might want to talk with him." She suggested, gesturing towards Theo. You nodded before stalking over to the disoriented artist.

"Hi there," You greeted. Theo looked at you with wide eyes. "Ch-cheetu?" You smiled at him guiltily. "I'm really sorry that I missed the ceremony earlier today. But the statue was amazing! You are very talented!" You told him before autographing the photo and handing it to him. "Thank you, Cheetu! That means a lot coming from you! And don't worry, I understand how close you and Chat Noir are." He said, causing you to tilt your head in confusion. Before you could question it any further, Theo was already gone.

'What was that about?'

Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Glad you were able to figure out the real me, Kitten." Chat Noir praised, thankfully. "Oh! Heh...n-no problem!" You stammered, bashfully playing with one of your twin braids. "Unlike a certain someone, I know." He said, shooting Ladybug a playful glare. "Oh, please! That guy was just as annoying and obnoxious as you." She retorted.

"That's harsh, but it's okay. I will always love you, M'lady." Chat Noir said before kissing Ladybug on her hand making her roll her eyes but smiled back at him. Your (eye color) eyes widen in shock as you witness the scene right in front of you. A feeling of hurt and jealousy began to bubble inside you.

Chat Noir's ring beeped once again, signaling that he was dangerously close to transforming back. "I better head out! See you two later!" He dismissed before heading out. "We better get going too. See you next time, Cheetu. Bug out!" The two heroes set off for home leaving you alone in the empty warehouse with your thoughts.

'...Chat Noir loves Ladybug...?'

~Time Skip~

"Purrsia, time to break..." You de-transformed after entering your room. "Are you okay, (name)?" The kwami asked, sensing your dejection. You slumped down on the edge of the bed before handing her a piece of jerky from your jacket pocket. Famished, the kwami immediately chowed down on the snack.

"Turns out Chat Noir loves Ladybug. Of course! I should have known... They've known each other for a long time. Meanwhile, I'm just the third wheel who's trying to play a hero... I mean, who wouldn't love Ladybug? She's cute, heroic, selfless, and well... perfect! In other words, she's everything I'm not...What was I thinking?"

"That's not true, (name)! You are really pretty, nice, brave, talented, and my favorite person in the whole world!" She explained cheerfully, making you giggle a bit. "Thanks, Purrsia." You said, gently wiping some leftover crumbs from the kwami's cheek.

"Don't give up, (name)! I'm sure Chat Noir will have a change of heart over time."

"You really think so?" You asked to which the kwami nodded her head cheerfully.

" that case, I won't give up."

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