
By LifeBlood93

9K 140 17

Thomas Morgan has been single for about a year since he got out of a relationship where his trust and faith i... More

Character Info
Chapter 2: Father And Son Bonding Time
Chapter 3: A Night Out Interrupted
Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues
Chapter 5 Part 1: Takeover
Chapter 5 Part 2: Titles and Hearts
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News
Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine
Chapter 7 Part 3: "I Love You"
Chapter 8: The Tour
Chapter 9: Ablaze
Chapter 10: The Aftermath
Chapter 11: Leaving The Hospital
Chapter 12: Outside Fisiticuffs
Chapter 13: The Day After
Chapter 14: Appreciating Her
Chapter 15: The New Place
Chapter 16: Workplace Visit

Chapter 1: Coming Around

1.1K 10 0
By LifeBlood93

Thomas Morgan was just locking up the metal venue that he is the owner of and he got a text message from his older brother, Josh who wanted to ask him a question and so he read it.

Josh: hey bro, I've got something i want to talk to you about, call me when you get home.

Thomas put his phone back in his pocket and he started walking to where he parked his car.

Thomas arrived at his parking spot and he unlocked and got inside his car which is a black 2017 Mercedes AMG C63s Coupé.

Thomas started driving home and as he was driving, in his mind he was thinking about what it could possibly be that his brother wants to talk to him about.

Thomas eventually gave up thinking about it and he continued driving until he arrived back home.

When he arrived back home, he parked his Mercedes inside his garage and then went inside to be greeted by his pitull named Cairo.

Thomas: hey boy, there you are !

Cairo barked excitedly at Thomas who crouched down in front of him and he started licking his face which made his chuckle a bit.
Thomas then got up and walked over to the tin that he keeps the dog treats in and grabs one and then he asks Cairo to sit.

Thomas: sit, paw, good boy.

Thomas gave Cairo the dog treat and then he grabbed himself a beer from the fridge and then he sat down at the kitchen island.
Thomas took a sip of the beer from the bottle and then he set it down and then got his phone out of his pocket and he called his brother who answered almost immediately.

Thomas: hey it's me, you texted me asking me to call you when I got back home.

Josh: hey bro, I just wanted to talk to you because I've got something that i want to ask you.

Thomas: fire away brother, I'm all ears.

Josh: so, you know how there's an NXT show happening next week ?

Thomas: yeah, you're on the show aren't you ?

Josh: yeah, Taylor is as well and she thought that what I'm about to ask you is a good idea as well because she wants to meet you.

Thomas: okay.

Josh: so as there is an NXT show next week, I was wondering if you'd like to come to said show.

Thomas: I don't know.

Josh: come on bro, i know that you haven't really gone anywhere since you left your ex and you threw yourself into your work, but i think that you'd enjoy the show and I think it'd do you some good meeting some new people.
At least come to a show once and see how you feel.

Thomas knew that his brother had a point, but ever since he broke up with his ex who made his life a misery when they were together by stopping him from being able to see his friends and by manipulating him into thinking that they hated him which wasn't the case.
She would also have to go with him even if it was to be with his family and she would show up at his workplace "out of the kindness of her heart to bring him home" when it was really because she wanted to watch his every move as she didn't trust him.
This happened often until one day, Thomas had enough and packed everything that belonged to her while she was out with her friends and he left her things at the front door of her parents place and knocked on their door before quickly heading back home because he knew that they hated him and he wasn't going to give them a chance to say anything to him.
He had also left a note that said "fuck you and your daughter".

It was then that Thomas had decided that he wasn't going to let the past rule his life and so he agreed to go to the NXT show.

Thomas: you've got a point... you know what ? I will come to the show.

Josh: are you sure ? Because once i get a hold of a backstage pass for you, there's no going back.

Thomas: yes I'm certain alright ?

Josh: okay, and now that i know that you want to come, i figure that you should probably know that I've already talked with your friends, Michael, Daniel and Andrea about it and they are going to hold it down at Stage Eight for a few days so you can have some time off because you've not had any time off for a while.

Thomas: you sneaky bastard haha, I'll visit dad the day after the show then.

Josh: so I'll see you at the show ?

Thomas: yeah, see you then.

Thomas ended the call with his brother and after he finished his beer, Thomas went to sleep and he would be lying to himself if he said out loud that he wasn't looking forward to the NXT show.

Six days later......

Thomas was at work and he was in his office and he had just got off the phone and he had booked a show that had a bunch of local bands playing at the venue a couple of days from now and as he finished the phone call, he left his office and shut the door behind him and he decided to check on his friends Michael, Daniel and Andrea who also work with him.

He went into the main area where the stage is and he saw his friends talking to each other as they were waiting for the venue to open up for the bands to start practicing before the show.




Thomas: hey guys, there you are.

His friends looked over and they greeted him.

Michael, Daniel, Andrea: hey.

Thomas: so what's going on over here ?

Daniel: we're just waiting around for opening time.

Andrea: hey Tom, we heard you're going to an NXT show tomorrow.

Thomas: I do know that he talked to you about it before.

Michael then jokingly acted like he didn't know what Thomas was talking about.

Michael: I don't know what you are talking about Tom, what ever do you mean ?

Thomas rolled his eyes and chuckled with his friends who asked him about the NXT show.

Daniel: so do you know what matches are on the show at all ?

Thomas: well my brother definitely has a match against Tony D'Angelo.

Michael: that's going to be good.

Andrea: doesn't Josh's girl have a match as well ?

Thomas: I don't know, he didn't tell me but i think she's in a trio or something from what he's told me about her.

Daniel: you'll probably find out when you get there.

Thomas then thanked his friends for holding things down at the venue for the next few days.

Thomas: so guys, I've got to thank you for doing this for me by the way, Josh told me that you guys are going to be holding it down here for a few days.

Michael: ah don't mention it dude.

Andrea: yeah, you'd do the same for us.

Daniel: yeah, no need to thank us man, we're friends.

Thomas: yeah, I just wanted to let you know, that's all.

Andrea looked at her watch and saw that it was opening time at the venue and so she told the guys.

Andrea: hey guys, it's opening time

Thomas: oh shit, let's get going guys, it looks like it's going to be a busy day.

The show for tonight was a rowdy one as the bands performed onstage really well and the crowd were loud and energetic and there were mosh pits and circle pits going on and people stage diving back into the crowd.

Then, at the end of the night, Thomas was locking up  the venue and then he said goodbye to his friends.
He then drove home in his Mercedes and went to sleep, curious as to what other matches were going to be happening at tomorrow's NXT show.

The next day......

Thomas had just woken up and after he had a shower, he got changed into some clothes that he picked out for the day.

Thomas grabbed everything that he needed and went downstairs and left a spare key with his neighbour who kindly offered to look after Cairo while Thomas was away at the NXT show.

He then got in his Mercedes and started driving to the show.
On the way there, he was still wondering about what the matches on the card were going to be like as his brother hadn't really said much about it.
Thomas only really watched it when his brother was on the show and he hadn't really watched a lot of it fully for a few years now.
He had been meaning to get back into watching it and perhaps going to watch NXT live would be the show that does it for him.

Thomas eventually arrived at the show and went inside after he parked his car.
He went to the merch stand and had a look and got his brother's merch shirt and put it in his drawstring bag and then he put his backstage pass on before he went up to a security guard who let him backstage.

He then started walking backstage until he saw his brother and so he walked over to him and got his attention by patting Josh on the back which made him turn around.
When Josh saw that his brother was here, he smiled at him and greeted him with a hug.

Josh: oh hey, you could've texted me and I could've met you out there, I wanted to introduce you to my friends.

Thomas: well you can still do that though.

Josh: true, but we'll have to wait for a little bit because some of them are getting ready for their matches and one of them is first on the card.

Thomas: okay, so what shall we do in the meantime ?

Josh: well Taylor wants to meet you because obviously I've told her about you.

Thomas: okay, where is she ?

Josh: well she's on her way because she's involved in an in ring segment with the rest of the trio she's apart of.

Thomas: what's the trio's name again ?

Josh: Toxic Attraction.

Thomas: oh okay.

Then, as Thomas was talking with his brother, he sees a woman walking up behind him and placing her hand on Josh's back.
Josh turned around to see that it was his girlfriend, Taylor.

Josh: there you are.

Taylor: hey babe.

Taylor kissed Josh and hugged him.

Josh: how are you ?

Taylor: I'm good, me and the girls are getting ready to do that in ring segment I told you about.

Josh: you'll do great.

Taylor: thanks babe.

Taylor then smiled at Thomas as josh introduced her to him.

Josh: so babe, this is my brother, Tom.

Thomas: nice to meet you Taylor, I've heard a lot about you.

Taylor: all good things I hope haha.

Thomas: yeah, of course haha.

Taylor: are you looking forward to the show ?

Thomas: I am, I'm looking forward to Josh's match, that's all I know about because to be honest i haven't been up to date with NXT or any wwe programs for a few years now.

Taylor: well hopefully, this'll get you back into watching it huh ?

Thomas: that's the goal.

Taylor: well it's going to be a great show Tom, you'll love it.

Thomas: alright.

Taylor then turned to Josh.

Taylor: so I'm going to get ready for the in ring segment with the girls and our match later.

Josh: I didn't know you're having a match tonight.

Taylor: yeah, I forgot to tell you that me and Priscilla have a tag team match later and our in ring segment will be to set the match up.

Josh: oh, well good luck in your match then.

Taylor: thanks, good luck in yours babe.

Taylor then turned to Thomas.

Taylor: it was great meeting you Tom.

Thomas: it was great meeting you too Taylor.

Taylor went to get ready and Josh turned back to his brother and asked him what he thought of Taylor.

Josh: so, what do you think ?

Thomas: of Taylor ?

Josh: yeah.

Thomas: she's nice, I can tell that you love her by the way that you look at her.

Josh: I do love her yeah.

Then, as the show was about to officially start, Thomas went to his seat in the front row.

The show started with with the North American champion, Carmelo Hayes who was accompanied by Trick Williams and Carmelo talked about how he is the greatest North American champion ever but was interrupted by JD McDonagh who challenged him to a match for his title at the next takeover that is a couple of months away.
Hayes accepted the challenge and was then head butted by McDonagh who was chased away by Trick.

The match that was up next, was Josh's and his opponent for tonight's match made his entrance first and the crowd booed as his entrance theme began.

Then, his brother's theme started to play as the crowd cheered for him.

Josh made his entrance and when he reached the ringside area, he saw Thomas and went over to him and high fives him before getting in the ring.

Meanwhile, Taylor was backstage with the other two members of Toxic Attraction, Priscilla and Mandy and they were watching the match on a screen and they had just seen Josh go over to Thomas to greet him and Priscilla saw Thomas and thought that he was really attractive.

Priscilla: who's that ?

Taylor: oh that's Josh's brother, Thomas.

Mandy: I didn't know that he had a brother.

Taylor: oh yeah, he's been trying to get him to an NXT show because Tom hadn't been watching it regularly for a while.

Priscilla: it looks like he's enjoying the show so far.

Priscilla was wondering if he would be coming backstage later so she could see him in person.

Meanwhile, Thomas had been watching his brother's match and he was liking every second of it, the match didn't last much longer when it looked like his brother had the match won, until D'Angelo's henchmen came to his rescue by distracting the ref as D'Angelo grabbed some brass knuckles and attempted to hit Josh with them but Josh dodged and did a suicide dive to take out the henchmen.
Josh went back in the ring to be met by a chair shot from D'Angelo, giving Josh the win by disqualification.

Later on in the show, and Thomas was now backstage with his brother as Josh had asked for him to be brought backstage.
They were now watching the rest of the show on a tv screen and it was now time for Josh's girlfriend and the rest of Toxic Attraction to do their in ring segment.

Toxic Attraction made their way to the ring as their entrance theme began.

Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne were stood at the top of the ramp before they made their way to the ring.

Meanwhile, Thomas was watching with his brother and he had all of a sudden had his eyes on Priscilla and he thought that she was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen, it also helped that Tom has always had a soft spot for red heads.
Even though it had been a while since he ended things with his ex, he has been shy around women that were flirty with him and he would later come to find out that Priscilla would enjoy making him blush.

He realised that his brother was sat next to him and so he looked at the corner of his eye to see if he was being watched.
Luckily for him, Josh didn't catch him staring and so he breathed a sigh of relief because if his brother did catch him staring, then Thomas wouldn't hear the end of it.
Thomas then continued watching what was happening on the screen.

Mandy, Gigi and Jacy were now stood in the middle of the ring and they were looking at the camera while they were addressing the NXT universe about how they plan on making an example of the women's locker room and that they were going to claim what they believe to be already theirs and that's the NXT women's championship and the NXT women's tag team championships.

Mandy: we will be taking what is rightfully ours and Toxic Attraction will be holding all the gold.
Whether it's a just a few of them, or it's all of the broads in the back, we don't care who we have to step on to do it.

Then, they were interrupted by Alba Fyre, Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons who took issue with what Toxic Attraction had just said.

Alba Fyre: that's all very well and good girls, but you've forgotten one thing, you're not short of a few enemies in the back and they will do anything to make sure that you three don't get your hands on that gold.

Nikkita Lyons: that's right and if you have a problem with that, then we will be only too happy to prove it to you.

Zoey Stark: and we're going to do that by marching down the ramp and into that ring and we will be only too happy to beat you three to the back of the line.

Alba Fyre: you know what ? Why don't we just do that anyway ?

The crowd cheered as Alba, Nikkita and Zoey made their way to the ring but Toxic Attraction quickly exited the ring and made their way backstage as the crowd booed and it was then that a match would be made later by the NXT general manager where Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne who will be accompanied by Mandy Rose will go against Nikkita Lyons and Zoey stark who will be accompanied by Alba Fyre.

The camera then switched to a backstage segment involving Joe Gacy who was talking about the revealing of Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid who were going to help make NXT more all inclusive and that involved going after all the gold they can get.

Meanwhile, Thomas was talking with his brother about the show so far, and suddenly, he saw that Mandy, Taylor and also Priscilla were backstage after their in ring segment and Thomas was trying not to look at Priscilla so that he wouldn't get caught.

Taylor called Josh over who then called Thomas over to introduce him to Priscilla and Mandy.

Josh: hey Tom, come over here.

Thomas went over to where his brother was with Taylor, Priscilla and Mandy and Josh then introduced them to Thomas.

Josh: Mandy, Priscilla, this is my brother, Tom.

Thomas: hi, good to meet you both.

Thomas shook Mandy's hand first as she introduced herself to Tom.

Mandy: hey Tom, nice to meet you, Josh just told us a little bit about you.

Thomas: oh really ?

Mandy: yeah, don't worry it's all good things haha.

Thomas: oh good haha.

Then, Thomas turned to face Priscilla who was looking at him with a flirty smile on her face that every one except Josh seemed to notice as Taylor and Mandy looked at each other as if to say "look at this girl, she likes him already".

Priscilla: hi, I'm Priscilla.

Thomas: I'm Tom, good to meet you.

Thomas shook Priscilla's hand while she smiled at him flirtatiously which made him a little bit shy.

Priscilla: it's good to meet you too Tom, how about we talk some more after the tag match ?

Thomas: uh, y-yeah sure, I'd love to.

Priscilla: great, I'll see you then Tommy.

Thomas: y-yeah.

Priscilla followed Mandy and Taylor and she looked Thomas up and down as she walked past him.

Thomas then followed his brother and sat down near a tv screen and watched the rest of the show.

A little bit later into the show and it was time for Priscilla and Taylor's tag team match and Thomas was watching the match with his brother on a tv screen.

It was now the second to last match of the night and it was Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark accompanied to the ring by Alba Fyre vs Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne accompanied to the ring by Mandy Rose.

Toxic Attraction were the first to make their way to the ring as their theme song started.

They made their way down to the ring and as they reached ringside, Gigi pointed her black rose at the camera and then got into the ring with Mandy and Jacy and then they all stood in the middle of the ring awaiting their opponents.

Nikkita Lyons and her tag partner Zoey Stark made their way to the ring accompanied by Alba Fyre and they went into the ring and had a stare down with Toxic Attraction as the referee signalled for the bell to ring starting the match and Alba and Mandy exited the ring and stood ringside in support for their teams.

15 minutes later......

The end of the match was near and as it looked like the team of Lyons and Stark had the match won, they got distracted by Mandy Rose who ran over to Alba Fyre and attacked her at ringside.
Seeing their opportunity while the referee was also distracted, Gigi and Jacy both got in the ring and dealt with Zoey Stark and then they hit their tag team finisher on Nikkita Lyons and then Gigi who was the legal member of the team went for the pin and the referee counted 1, 2, 3.

Mandy Rose got into the ring and celebrated Gigi and Jacy's victory before they went backstage.

Meanwhile, Thomas was sat backstage with his brother and Josh asked Thomas what he thought of the match.

Josh: what did you think of that ?

Thomas: it was good, they did great didn't they ?

Josh: yeah, they did.

While he was watching the match while it was still going on, Thomas found himself focusing on Priscilla more than anyone else in the match and he was wondering to himself why even though it was obvious to him that Priscilla was very attractive.

Then, as Thomas was talking to Josh, some of his brother's friends had spotted him and called him over.

??????: hey Josh, come here.

Josh went over to them and he spoke with them for a little bit before he called Thomas over to introduce him to them and so Thomas walked over to his brother.

Thomas: what's up ?

Josh: I want to introduce you to some friends of mine, this is Christian (Carmelo Hayes), this is Trevor (Cameron Grimes) and this is Joseph (Joe Gacy).

Thomas: hey guys, good to meet you.

Christian, Trevor, Joseph: hey Tom.

Joseph: just to let you know, there is another friend of your brother's who is also called Joseph so you can just me Joe to differentiate.

Thomas: okay, good to know.

Christian: there's three others that you'll meet soon enough.

Trevor: yeah, they're called Sam (Dexter Lumis) , Daniel (Xyon Quinn), and Joseph (Solo Sikoa).

Thomas: okay.

Joseph: so what have you thought of the show so far ? I hear that this is your first wrestling show in a long time.

Thomas: it's pretty great, I like it.

Thomas talked with his brother and his friends for a little bit longer until they left and Trevor had to get into his ring gear as he was in the main event of the night against the NXT champion Bron Breakker without the title on the line.

Thomas: your friends seem alright.

Josh: yeah they are, they might end up being friends with you soon.

Thomas: shall we watch the rest of the show ?

Josh: yeah, come on.

Meanwhile, Priscilla had left her locker room and met up with Taylor and Mandy and before they headed back over to where Thomas and Josh were, Priscilla asked Taylor about Josh's brother.

Priscilla: hey Taylor, what's the deal with Josh's brother ?

Taylor: what do you mean ?

Priscilla: what do you think I mean huh ? Haha.

Taylor: oh you mean whether he's single or not.

Priscilla: yeah.

Taylor: I don't know to be honest, that's something you're going to have to ask him.

Mandy: do you like him ?

Priscilla: I think I do yeah haha.

Taylor: you do know we both saw the way you were looking at him.

Mandy: that's true, you were looking at him like he was a damn snack.

Priscilla: oh come on, you can't stand there and disagree with me.

Mandy: well he is a handsome guy but i don't like him like that, I'm with Tino.

Taylor turned towards Priscilla.

Taylor: so are you going to ask Tom if he's single at all ?

Priscilla: well not right away, i don't want to scare him off, although i can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun teasing him haha.

Taylor: come on, let's go back over to them and then you can get to know him more before you start getting your hands on him.

Priscilla, Mandy and Taylor: hahaha.

Meanwhile, Thomas sat back down with his brother and while they were watching the rest of the show, Thomas' attention was suddenly turned to Priscilla who had come around the corner with Taylor and Mandy.

Priscilla saw that he was looking over at her and so she smiled at him and when they reached them, Taylor sat down next to Josh, Mandy sat down next to Taylor and of course, Priscilla sat right down next to Thomas and she greeted Tom.

Priscilla: hi Tommy.

Thomas: h-hey Priscilla.

Taylor then greeted Josh.

Taylor: hey baby.

Josh: hey babe.

Mandy then asked them about the show so far

Mandy: so how's the show been ?

Josh: it's been great hasn't it Tom ?

Thomas: yeah, it really was.

Thomas agreed with his brother and then complimented Priscilla, Taylor and Mandy on a great match and they thanked him.

Thomas: that was a great match you guys had by the way.

Priscilla: thanks Tommy.

Taylor: yeah, thanks Tom.

Mandy: glad you liked it.

Then, Taylor and Josh both had to go to the GM's office because the GM Wished to speak to them for whatever reason and Mandy went to call her fiancé which left Thomas alone with Priscilla who wanted to get to know him more so she started to ask him questions.

Priscilla: so Tommy, would it be okay if i could get to know you more ?

Thomas: y-yeah sure.

Priscilla: okay, so do you have any pets at all ?

Thomas: yeah, i have a blue nosed pit bull called Cairo.

Thomas showed her a recent photo of Cairo.

Priscilla: that's a cute dog you have.

Thomas then showed her a photo of Cairo when he was a puppy.

Thomas: thanks, here's a photo of him when he was a puppy.

Priscilla: oh i have to meet him someday, if you don't mind.

Thomas: yeah if you want to, he likes the attention.

Priscilla: haha, so what do you do ?

Thomas: for a living ?

Priscilla: yeah.

Thomas: i own a venue that metal bands come and do shows at, it's called Stage Eight.

Priscilla replied as she rested her chin on one of her hands and she smiled at Thomas.

Priscilla: oh that sounds cool.

Thomas: thanks.

Meanwhile, Josh and Taylor were walking back over to where Thomas and Priscilla were and Josh was stopped in his tracks by Taylor who pointed over to Priscilla who was touching Thomas' arm and laughing at something he said.

Taylor: she's definitely flirting with him.

Josh: does she actually like him.

Taylor: I think so, if she didn't like him like that, she would have lost interest already.

Josh: it'd be best if she eased into asking him out because it's been a while since he's had a girlfriend and that wasn't exactly the best relationship even from the outside looking in so he gets a bit shy whenever a girl flirts with him.

Taylor: yeah, she does like him, because honestly I've never seen her be like this with someone before.

Taylor saw Priscilla laugh and touch his arm once again and Thomas was blushing.

Taylor: come on, let's go over there haha.

Josh: haha his face is practically the same colour as a tomato.

Taylor: haha.

Josh and Taylor rejoined Thomas and Priscilla and then a little bit later, Mandy also rejoined them and watched the main event of the night together, which came to a no contest as Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid interfered and attacked Bron Breakker after he defeated Cameron Grimes and the show ended with Joe holding the NXT title in the air with his trademark creepy smile.

The show was now over and Josh asked Thomas if he would come again to another NXT show.

Josh: so Tom, what did you think ?

Thomas: it was a great show.

Josh: would you come to another one ?

Thomas: you know what ? I would, it really was a great show and I'd love to come to another one if I'm being honest.

Taylor: that's great Tom, we're glad that you've had a great time here.

Priscilla: yeah, I'd love to see you here again.

Thomas: oh, thanks.

Priscilla: you're welcome Tommy.

Priscilla smiled at Thomas and Mandy nudged Taylor and nodded towards Priscilla who was still looking at Thomas which made him shy when she looked at him a certain way.

It was then time for everyone to get going as they had to travel to the next town for the next show and so Thomas said goodbye to everyone including Priscilla who hugged him which made him blush again and she giggled when she saw it.

Thomas got in his car and headed home and as Priscilla got in Mandy's car with Taylor, she was thinking to herself "he's so damn cute, the way he gets so shy makes me want to make him shy even more".

Then, when she was in Mandy's car, Taylor was sat in the passenger seat and she looked in the rear view mirror at Priscilla who had a crafty smile on her face and she asked her what she was thinking about even though she already had a good idea.

Taylor: what are you thinking about back there Priscilla ?

Priscilla pretended to act oblivious but then giggled.

Priscilla: what ever do you mean Taylor ? Haha.

Mandy: you're thinking about Tom aren't you ?

Priscilla: yeah, it's just so cute how shy he gets, it makes me want to find out what else would make him shy haha.

Taylor: oh my god, he'd better brace himself around you then huh ?

Priscilla: yep.

Mandy: poor guy.

Priscilla, Taylor and Mandy: hahaha !

Meanwhile, It was night time and Thomas had just arrived back home and he went inside after he parked his car and locked the garage door.

He was then greeted by Cairo who was happy to see him and Thomas crouched down to pet him.

Thomas: hey boy, did you miss me ?

Cairo barked happily and spun in a circle while wagging his tail.

Thomas: haha, good boy.

Thomas decided to chill for a moment before going to bed and his brother had texted him about going to another NXT show.

Josh: hey Tom, since you enjoyed the show so much, I was wondering when you would like to come to another one, maybe a takeover ?

Thomas: maybe not next time, what about another one of the weekly shows first ?

Josh: sure, okay then.

Thomas: when do you think would be a good time to come to one ?

Josh: whenever you can get some time off, just let me know as soon as you can.

Thomas: will do brother, I'll see you soon.

Josh: see you soon mate.

After talking with his brother via text, Thomas went upstairs and got some sleep.

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