varian x mainOC(tangled movie...

By Hamada-brother403

343 12 0

starring... Eugene Rapunzel Varian Kerrigan Fredrick Arianna Pascal Maximus Gainey hookhand Bignose Vladimir ... More

the beginning.../751\
full story /11990\


31 1 0
By Hamada-brother403

Varians POV:

As we ran through the woods I noticed Eugenes face on a wanted poster not paying any attention to it until I see him panicking about it

Eugene: oh no... No no no no no! This is bad this is really bad this is really really bad..!

Me: what's wrong?!

Eugene: they just can't get my nose right!

I snickered and patted his shoulder

Sideburns: who cares..?

Eugene: well it's easy for you to say! You guys look amazing even you Var..!

Me: well thanks Eugene!

He rolled his eyes just then we heard a loud neigh and looked behind us

Me: go..! Go!

Eugene: I know!

Then we ran Infront of a wall

Me: god it's to tall..!

Eugene: alright I boost varian then you give me a boost and I'll pull you up!

Patchy: give us the satchel first..!

Eugene: wha-?! I just-.. I can't believe after all we've been through you don't trust me..?

They looked at him with a neutral face I looked up at him with a "seriously Eugene?" Kind of face sometimes even I knew I couldn't trust him

Eugene: ouch...

He handed them the satchel and he pushed me up over the ledge then I helped him up

Sideburns: there now help us up pretty boys..!

He pulled me to his side making me cough

Eugene: sorry fellas... My hands are full..!

I looked at the satchel and he dragged me along as we started running

Me: Flynn I don't think that was a good idea!!

Eugene: come on if we sell the gems ourselves we can be rich!

I groaned as three guards and horses chased us I heard loud neighing we jumped over and slid under branches just then he grabbed me and a vine we landed right on the white stallion and after a bit it immediately stopped

Eugene: come on flee bag forward..!

After a bit he nipped at the bag making Eugene pull it away it went on for a bit until we were thrown off they fought over getting to the satchel while I just climbed on the branch and got it


Eugene: way to go var!!

They looked at each other and I tossed him the satchel just as the branch broke me and Eugene were sent another way from the horse but definitely not to far as I could hear neighing close by just then he pulled me behind some vines and we saw a purple tower ahead

Me: woah...

Eugene: don't see that everyday..!

Me: huh-uh!

Kerrigan's POV:

Up the tower

A brunette haired man and a raven-ette boy climbed up our tower once inside the brunette said

Eugene: alone at last...

We silently but quickly approached and I slammed a frying pan against the back of the raven-ettes head as Rapunzel did the same with the brunettes apparently we had the same idea just then Rapunzel yelped as they fell making me join her behind our dress mannequin I peeked out first then Rapunzel did I walked closer to them and Pascal looked at the painting mother made on the floor then gestured fangs with his claws while turning red and had an angry expression I looked as most the hair covered his upper face I pulled his lower lip down with the handle of my frying pan Rapunzel doing the same then she flipped some of the brunette hair out of the taller man's face I looked away before looking at his face then looked at the raven-ette boy I gently flipped the hair out of his face then covered my own eventually peeking at him my eyes widened then softened into a fond gaze as I stepped closer to the boy 'he's so cute... And the dots on his face looked like little stars..!' I stepped even closer just then Rapunzel hits the brunette haired man again making me do the same to the raven-ette

After struggling to get them into the closet

Rapunzel: ok... We've got people in our closet..! We've got people in our closet... We've got people in our closet!

Rapunzel said at our reflection making me smile then giggle

Me: to weak to handle ourselves out there mother..?

Rapunzel: well tell that to our frying pans! Ow-..

I started giggling again as she accidentally hit herself just then we both spot something in the mirror from the bag the brunette had on we stepped closer and Rapunzel pulled out a beautiful diamond and ruby crown there was another one slightly smaller one that I pulled at it had what looked to be sapphires and amethysts in it Rapunzel and I put our arms through it then Pascal shook his head in disapproval we looked through the biggest gems and he shook his head again we looked into the mirror then tried them on our heads

Me: raps..! You look pretty!

Rapunzel: you to-!

I smiled at her just then

Mother Gothel: Rapunzel, Kerrigan let down your hair~!

Rapunzel: uh one moment mother..!

We put the crowns back in the satchel and hid them in the flower pot then lowered Rapunzel's hair

Mother Gothel: I have big surprise!

Rapunzel: uh we do to-!

Mother Gothel: oh~ I bet my surprise is bigger..!

I mumbled as me and Rapunzel lifted her up the tower

Me: I seriously doubt it...

Rapunzel snorted making me smile just as mother was inside she said-

Mother Gothel: I brought back ham and parsnips I'm going to make ham sandwiches and hazel nut soup for dinner your favorites surprise..!

Kerrigan: heh so mother you know about our request to see the lights?

Mother Gothel: yes and I thought we dropped that discussion..!

Rapunzel: well you think we're not strong enough to handle ourselves out there...

Mother Gothel: oh darlings I know you aren't strong enough to handle yourselves out there..!

Rapunzel had her hand on the knob of the closet as she spoke

Me: but if you just-!

Gothel: girls...

Rapunzel: well if you just see-

Mother Gothel: Rapunzel!

Rapunzel: oh come on-..!


She shouted making me flinch and Rapunzel take her hand off of the nob so she could hold me close

Mother Gothel: great now I'm the bad guy...

Me: we're sorry mother..! But we know what we want instead of the lights was what we were going to say... More books and new paint from the art shows Rapunzel liked and maybe some books on alchemy for me..?

Mother Gothel: but dear that trip will take 4 days time the max

Me: well we know we're safe as long as we're here...

Rapunzel: we love you mother..!

Mother Gothel: I love you most!

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