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3rd person POV:

Varian: come're starshine..!

He then smacked his lips against hers she kissed back seconds later

Varian: Rapunzel I think there's something me and Eugene need to tell you and Kerrigan...

He looked between the two

Rapunzel: we're the lost princesses..? I think we kinda figured that out ourselves...

Hours later at the castle

Kerrigan's POV:

We were waiting on the balcony for the king and queen

Rapunzel: you nervous?

Me: to be honest-.. A little bit..!

Varian wrapped his arms around me making me smile

Varian: it's ok starshine I'm sure they'll love both of you...

Me: thanks varian..!

Just then the door opened suddenly the queen slowly approached me and Rapunzel looking straight into our eyes she started to cry then hugged us both it took no time at all for Rapunzel to respond while... I was still hesitant but hugged back king Frederick joined in the hug I pulled varian and Eugene in myself and varian nuzzled me the whole time

3rd person POV:

Eugene: well you can only imagined what happened next the kingdom had rejoiced for their lost princesses and the lost boy had returned

Kerrigan: the party lasted an entire week and these two don't remember any of it ehm varian and Eugene!

Varian: eh heh... but..! Dreams came true all over the place and hookhand became the most famous concert pianist in the world!

Rapunzel: and big nose he had finally found true love...

Eugene: and as for ufa well we assume he's happy he hasn't told us other wise..! Thanks to Maximus all crime disappeared almost over night-!

Kerrigan: as of most of the apples... Pascal never changed me and varian have our own friend a raccoon named rudigger!

Rapunzel: but at last me and Kerrigan were home we finally had our real family..!

Varian: they were beloved by all and lead the kingdom together with grace and wisdom as their parents did before them!

Eugene: as for me I went by Eugene again stopped thieving and turned everything around..!

Varian: and I became the royal alchemist of corona my dad is really proud of me I still never found out what happened to my mom though but I guess right now it's for the best

Kerrigan: and we know what the big question is did Rapunzel and Eugene ever get married well we're pleased to tell you-!

Eugene: that's after years and years of asking and asking-.. I finally said yes..!

Rapunzel and Kerrigan: Eugene...

Eugene: alright I asked her!

Varian and Kerrigan: and we're all living happily ever after..!

varian x mainOC(tangled movie AU)Where stories live. Discover now