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Varians POV:

Quickly me and Eugene rode to the tower on Maximus this wasn't how it was all cloudy and dark

Eugene: Rapunzel let down your hair!

Me: Eugene..!

He started climbing the wall and Rapunzel's hair was let down

Me wait-! What if it's a trap..?

Eugene: we still need to help them...

I nodded and we climbed up her hair I saw her and Kerrigan chained up

Me: kerri-!

Soon my stomach was stabbed and so was Eugene's I started crying and Kerrigan was trying to reach for me as she thrashed the chains against the pillar she freed them and started dragging them somewhere

Mother Gothel: let's go you two..!

Rapunzel: please let us heal them! Let Kerrigan hold hin one last time you can chain them up and they won't follow us just please..!

Kerrigan: please mother we love them...

She chained us up and Kerrigan held me as I bled out

Kerrigan: your gonna be ok..!

She placed her hair on my wound ready to sing the song

Me: Kerrigan don't go...

Kerrigan: I have to-.. Just hold on a little longer please..!

I watched as Eugene grab a shard mirror glass I knew the plan as soon as he cut Rapunzel's hair making me smile I grabbed a dagger from my tool belt and cut kerrigan's hair I was weaker so I cut it a different length but I still did the same

Rapunzel: Eugene-!

Mother Gothel: no, No, NO! what have you done...?! what have you done?!?

Mother Gothel started to freak out making me smirk as she fell out of the window of the tower

Kerrigan's POV:

As I watched her fall I looked at varian as he laid still next to Eugene I sobbed into his shirt as Rapunzel tried to redo the incantation I saw a tear fall from Eugene and varian's eye I decided to sing for them one last time

Me(-power of the moon~.. Gift me with your light~ shine into the dark... Restore my fading sight~..-)

She sung with me but her version

Me: (-all under the dawn... Beautiful star of night~ wash away the strife... And let my hope shine~-) let hope shine-..

Rapunzel: (-Change the fates' design... Save what has been lost..! Bring back what once was mine-..-) What once was mine..!

We both cried looking at their bodies just then a glow formed around the four of us one gold one silver I looked at his stab wound to see it was gone I looked at his face with hope in my eyes as his eyes fluttered open

Varian: starshine...

Me: varian..?

Varian: did I ever tell you that you look like an angel with brown hair...

Me: varian!

I hugged him tightly and Rapunzel hugged Eugene then we looked at each other he was smiling

varian x mainOC(tangled movie AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat