One direction Sick&Hurt fics

By LisanneOorthuis

53.6K 777 226

Sorry for any grammer mistakes, english is not my main language. ;) requests are temporarily closed! -- The... More

Louis Fainted
Harry Backpain - Request
Harry hides stomach bug - Request
Niall Nerves
Larry parents stomach bug - Request
Larry parents stomach bug part 2
Harry Chestpain - Request
Liam Migraine
Harry stomach pain during concert - Request
Louis Food poisoning
Harry Sick but others think he is faking
Lilo parents Harry food poisoning - Request
Niall Overworked
Harry tore his ACL - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up part 2
Lilo parents Niall ear infection
Harry Concussion
Louis Spiked drink
Louis Spiked drink part 2
Larry parents dentist appointment - Request
Lilo parents Niall knee surgery - Request
Harry Heatstroke
Louis try's to hide being sick
Harry cold
Niall Fainted
Harry and Liam drowning
Louis Jetlag
Harry faking sick
Harry allergy reaction
Niall Throwing up and Fainting
Harry Strep throat
Louis Hurt his back during rehearsal
Harry Sick at school
Harry Stomach bug
Harry Stomach bug part 2
Harry Stomach bug part 3
Louis Hypothermia
Niall Flu
Harry choking
Louis Appendicitis
Harry Sick but feels left out - Request
Harry Backpain #2 - Request
Harry Fainted
Harry fainted part 2
Harry Sick during class
Niall Stomach bug
Louis Toothache (Larry) - Request
Louis Choking - Request
Louis Sick during class - Request
Zayn Sick but others think he is faking - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident part 2
Louis Seizure
Niall and Zayn Stomach Flu - Request
Louis Fainting and sick

Zayn Homesick

610 9 4
By LisanneOorthuis

a/n can you believe that this is my first time writing a zayn story??

I could never think of worthy ideas for him (same with Liam) so I just gave this a shot!
So if you have any ideas, send them. I am in need ;)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day btw


3rd person POV

We were on the road for some time now. Touring to be exact. It had the good parts, the parts about seeing the fans. The concerts, where you could just be yourself and make the day of peoples lives.

Yeah the job was truly wonderful for most part. Sadly with touring and a busy schedule, it leaves you with almost no time for seeing your family. You are mostly somewhere far away across the world from them.

And that's what happening right this second. They were touring in Australia. The country was wonderful and beautiful. But Zayn couldn't help but miss his family back home. Back home where life was still so simply.

Back home where he wasn't asked to do interviews every second of the day. Back home where he wasn't forced to constantly meet new people. Back home where his sisters were. Back home where his mother would wait for him.

Zayn never ever felt homesick. So he found it very weird when it hit him. He didn't think that it would affect him that much. Unfortunately he was wrong.

Zayn had trouble sleeping for some time but he would just out it off on the schedule and the constant going from places to places. For the fact that he could never settle somewhere for more then two days before he was on the bus again, going to their next stop.

Everyone around him seemed to sleep fine.

Once again Zayn woke up in the middle of the night. Or rather he blinked his eyes open again after a  thousands attempt to fall asleep. He groaned silently to himself, blinking up ate ceiling. He couldn't help but think about home.

Liam POV (haven't don't any changes in povs for some time. This is about to get weird for me)

I woke up from the sound of my alarm ringing. The sound echoed throughout the bus. "Shut it off Liam." I heard Louis groan. "Already on it." I answered. Sitting up in a daze. We had plenty of time to wake up seeing as I set the alarm earlier.

Everyone was mostly pissed when I woke them up. No one is really moving to getting out of bed.

I heard a sniffle when I got to Zayn his bunk. That is weird. Opening the black curtain. Zayn was laying on his side facing me. Tears were glistening in his eyes. Threatening to spill over.

"Z what's wrong?" I asked concerned. Crouching down on his eye see level. He shrugged his shoulders in response. "You don't know?" I said questionably. He nodded, another sniffle.

"You maybe feel sick? You think your coming down with something?" I asked, feeling his forehead. It didn't necessarily felt warm.

"A bit." He said back. "Like you are going to throw up or ..?"
"Dunno" he answered. "Well I am afraid that I can't do much with those answers mate. Let's just eat something first. How does that sound?"
Zayn nodded his head ever so slightly. But it was just enough for me to see and to know that he would try.

Zayn came walking in not much later, taking place beside me. He was eyeing the food like it was going to bite and eat him alive. "Should I make you some toast?" I asked. He nodded back.

The other lads came walking in right that second. "This smells good li." "You Don't even wanna know how hungry I am." "Me too" they all talked while they were taking place in their usual spots around the table.

I noticed that during breakfast, Zayn barely touched his toast. They were nibbled on a bit but not much more. I noticed how he was not really here or maybe he was?

"Z you good mate?" I finally asked. Making the whole table ho silent. All looking between me and Zayn.
Zayn shook his head and looked down. "What is wrong with him Liam?" Niall asked. "Do you honestly think that if I would have known, that I would have asked it him?" I said, looking at Niall. I hurt a short from Louis coming beside me.

Harry placed a comforting hand on Zayn his shoulder. Zayn lent into the touch and laid his head on Harry his shoulder. "Maybe he is sick?" Niall spoke up.

"Already asked him that this morning. He said that he doesn't really know, besides he doesn't has a temperature." I stated, going over the facts that I got so far.

"Homesick." Louis suddenly spoke up. "What mate?" Niall asked. "Well he must be homesick, I mean look at him." He said.

It did make sense if he was. We were away from England for months now.

"Z you Miss Home?" Harry asked softly. He gave the smallest of nod back. "Why didn't you just tell us that you were missing home?"
"It's embarrassing" he muttered quietly.
"I want you to know that it is never embarrassing okay. Everyone is homesick once in a while. It doesn't make you a kid." I said, eyes soft.

"Do you think that it would maybe help if we have your mum a call?" Harry asked to him.
Zayn nodded his head, looking up again from his lap. His eyes were teary. "Aww mate."

Niall quickly grabbed his phone who was left at his bunk and dialed Tricia. She picked up on the third ring. Her soft voice echoed throughout the room.
"Hi mum" Zayn said quietly, biting his lip.

This was for us a clue to leave the room for a bit. It was best to just leave him alone and in peace when he was making the phone call.
A few king minutes later, we walked back. Seeing him still sitting on the same chair with his legs pulled up to his chest. Now he really looked like a little kid.

We all went for a little cuddle before heading to our first planned interview of the day. We all helped him throughout the day and there for the next few days. In order for him to get back on track. He called his mother almost non stop during this time. But we were happy to see when he walked in on breakfast much happier a few days later.

Later we learnt that was because Paul had arranged that we could have a small break in between the shows from Australia and South America. So only a week till we could all see our family for a bit.


Ugh I hate this. Don't come at me. Wrote this at 2am :(

I have never been homesick before. So I just made some stuff up I think?

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