One direction Sick&Hurt fics

By LisanneOorthuis

53.5K 777 226

Sorry for any grammer mistakes, english is not my main language. ;) requests are temporarily closed! -- The... More

Louis Fainted
Harry Backpain - Request
Harry hides stomach bug - Request
Niall Nerves
Larry parents stomach bug - Request
Larry parents stomach bug part 2
Harry Chestpain - Request
Liam Migraine
Harry stomach pain during concert - Request
Louis Food poisoning
Harry Sick but others think he is faking
Lilo parents Harry food poisoning - Request
Niall Overworked
Harry tore his ACL - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up - Request
Louis Fever and throwing up part 2
Lilo parents Niall ear infection
Harry Concussion
Louis Spiked drink
Louis Spiked drink part 2
Larry parents dentist appointment - Request
Lilo parents Niall knee surgery - Request
Harry Heatstroke
Louis try's to hide being sick
Harry cold
Niall Fainted
Harry and Liam drowning
Louis Jetlag
Harry faking sick
Harry allergy reaction
Niall Throwing up and Fainting
Harry Strep throat
Louis Hurt his back during rehearsal
Harry Sick at school
Harry Stomach bug
Harry Stomach bug part 2
Harry Stomach bug part 3
Louis Hypothermia
Niall Flu
Harry choking
Louis Appendicitis
Zayn Homesick
Harry Backpain #2 - Request
Harry Fainted
Harry fainted part 2
Harry Sick during class
Niall Stomach bug
Louis Toothache (Larry) - Request
Louis Choking - Request
Louis Sick during class - Request
Zayn Sick but others think he is faking - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident - Request
Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident part 2
Louis Seizure
Niall and Zayn Stomach Flu - Request
Louis Fainting and sick

Harry Sick but feels left out - Request

1.1K 25 2
By LisanneOorthuis

a/n this lovely idea was from SyupeoBWanna

I am so sorry for the long wait!!!
Anyways it turned out longer then I expected, hope you like it. :) got a bit carried away at one point oops

I am currently plotting two new story ideas since I finished 'broken soul' its first draft.
(One new one direction one since I don't really like the idea of the Larry one I started a while back.
And a sequel to 'broken soul'.)


3rd person POV

It was the year 2014 en were currently touring their new world tour. They were happy or at least they thought they were. Maybe it was the busy schedule from doing shows almost every day combined with the interviews. Or maybe it was something whole different.

Niall recently had his knee surgery. And it left him in pain during long and exhausting busy scheduled days. The attention shifted within the group.

"You good ni?" A worried Liam asked Niall who was sitting on one of the prompts on stage during one of the final rehearsals before there big show this year
"Yeah I am, just hurts a little, nothing new." Niall said shrugging his shoulders.
You see Harry was beginning to feel sick. His stomach begun to hurt and cramp. It honestly hurt a lot, they treated Niall as their youngest. But sometimes Harry wanted that role to shift. His role was a more mature one now. He wasn't really looked over anymore when he was sick like in the X factor days. The roles had shifted.

He hated it though, he knew that if he would say something about his stomach ache that they would just brush him off, especially with Niall his given recent surgery. It made him feel almost left out, like they didn't care so much about him anymore.

"I'll go grab some pain meds ni!" Zayn said, hurrying off backstage. "Good idea" Liam muttered, his eyes still on Niall who was now watching down on his knee, eyeing it. "Again guys I just need to rest it for a while, I'll be fine" Niall said, attempting to get everyone of his back for just a second.

Harry watched the whole scene unfold in front of him. A dulling ache in his stomach re appears and he laid his hand on top of it. Trying to soothe it. Nobody even noticed, about the posture change in him. "Maybe we should just call it a day? Tomorrow is the big day and I am sure we all practiced enough." Louis suggested. Zayn came walking back with some pain relief meds and a bottle of water.
"Here mate" Zayn said, handling the stuff to Niall. Niall shot him a grateful smile back. Swallowing the pills with a big gulp of water.

"I'll go talk to Paul about that idea mate." Liam said. He walked over to Paul to explain. And of course he agreed to call it a day for the boys. Management doesn't need to know about this one slip up. They can manage one slip up.


They were all on the bus, Niall was in the center of the couch, his knee elevated and out stretched in front of him. They were all squeezed up on the couch together. An episode of friends was playing on the television. Harry was on the far end of everyone. With was odd, he was normally the one in the center so he could cuddle up.

He was glad though that he was on the far end. His stomach ache turned into a nauseous feeling. He couldn't just tune it out anymore.
He stood up feeling a wave of dizziness going over him. He stood stil for a few seconds waiting for the spinning to stop or slow down. None of the other lads even watched him. He walked away without anybody commenting on it. They were all to invested in their episode and in the conversation that was going with Niall. They were talking about the rehabilitation process en what the next steps are in recovery.

Harry came to the bathroom and sunk down on his knees in front of the toilet. He coughed a few times but nothing was coming up yet. His lips were parted and he was breathing heavily above it. A knock on the door made him leave his little trance.
Louis his voice rang "you almost done yet? Need to use the restroom in peace mate?"
"Yeah.. I am done" Harry said, taking a deep breath before pushing himself up from the toilet. He openend the door and was met with a very annoyed looking Louis. "You took ages in their made, might wanna hurry up next time." He said.

Harry shook his head and walked back to the other lads. Zayn and Niall were cuddled up on the couch. Both almost sleeping. Liam was sat wide awake beside them, scrolling on his phone. Probably Twitter. Harry made his way where he previously sat. Sitting down very quietly. Making no noise. It startled Liam when Harry said something. "I might just go for a early night."
"Yeah sure, oh haz look at those two-" Liam said gesturing to Niall and Zayn. "I already snapped a picture of it." He continued to say.

Harry nodded and walked out of there. It hurt that Liam just brushed him over like that. Like his feelings and problems didn't matter.


The next day went worse then the previous day. It was the day of the big concert. Everyone was caring for Niall, making sure that he would take enough breaks in between the song to sit down en rest his knee a bit.

Beside the stomach ache and the nauseas feeling that Harry had felt. Turned out that now also a headache completed the list. Harry didn't sleep a bit. He kept tossing and turning.

Liam went to wake everyone up and stopped by Niall
His curtain a little longer to help him stand up and help taking the first few steps of the day. Louis was already up and making breakfast ready. And of course Zayn was still waking up. So that left Harry alone.

They ate in peace and were interrupted by Paul telling them that a recent interview came up and that management scheduled it in half a hour. "Seriously Paul, we would have all day by us self till the concert." Louis groaned. "I am sorry, management orders" Paul answered.

Allot of the questions were directed at Niall during the interview. They wanted to know every detail about the surgery. Harry his headache seems to worsen. And was now a constant ache that wouldn't stop.
Someone nudged Harry his shoulder, when he looked over he saw that it was Zayn. He looked confused before Liam spoke up, "she asked you a question."

Harry his eyes met the eyes of the interviewster and apologized for ignoring her. "That's alright, I was just asking what your favorite part about touring is?" She said. "I think the shows. They are always just amazing." He answered. She nodded and went to another question. Asking somebody else this time.

Harry spent the rest of the day by himself in his bunk, trying to catch some sleep that he missed. Liam came and got him just in time before the concert would start.

He was currently sitting by Lou who was doing his hair. "You okay?" She asked, her eyebrows crinkled in concern. "Yeah I am" Harry said, sighing softly. His headache was a little less than that morning. He swallowed some pills just before they got in the van bringing them here. Nobody even noticed.
"I don't believe you for a second dear. Your pale and you look overall just sick." She stated. "Just a little stomach ache I am okay" he admitted. "Do the other lads know?" She asked. "No.. they are focusing on Niall." He said back. She stiffly nodded, going back doing his hair.


We were about halfway trough the concert when That nauseous feeling came back stronger. Harry looked at the other lads. Louis and Niall were sitting down a ramp, talking. Liam and Zayn were more in front, talking to some fans.

His stomach rolled around. Harry figured that it was probably best to get off stage now before he would vomit all over the place in front of everyone. It was a small break in between the songs anyway. Harry jogged off stage, getting word looks from the others. Nonetheless they ignored it and went back to what they were doing.

Harry ran inside the make up and hair room, stumbling. Louise was standing their with a mixture of shock on her face till Harry clamped a hand over his mouth. She quickly shove a trash can underneath him that was previously standing in the corner of the room.

Harry immediately coughed over it. He was shaking and couldn't feel any worse. Finally he gagged and vomited everything up that he ate. Louise was rubbing a comforting hand over his back, trying to calm his ragged breathing down so he could drink a bit.

The other lads seemed to worry now, Harry was still not back on stage when the next song started. They sung the song but their heart wasn't with it. They were concerned as in why he hadn't returned. This was something Harry wouldn't do.

They signed to Paul where Harry was, he held his hand up and motioned for them to finish the last three songs. So they did. They all rushed backstage searching for their missing band member.

They found Harry bask stage, sitting down on the ground. His head was in hands. They were greeted with the smell of vomit. Their eyes met with Louise.
"What happend?" Liam asked firstly. "He was sick all day, probably yesterday too." She answered. "But that can't be, we were with him the whole time!" Louis said, watching down on Harry.

"You didn't care" Harry weakly muttered. "What do you mean, we didn't care?"
"You lot were busy with Niall. I understand with his recent surgery and all but you didn't even seem to notice me going to bed earlier or anything. You didn't even ask question or pretended to care." Harry said, looking up. Wincing at light hitting his eyes.

"What is bothering you?" Zayn asked, kneeling down beside Harry. "My head and my stomach hurt. Just threw up." He admitted. "Aww mate, Lets het you comfy on the bus shall we." Zayn said. Supporting Harry when he stood up.

"I didn't mean to." A voice came. Harry looked at the direction of the voice and saw Niall there standing with tears in his eyes. "What?" Harry asked confused. "I didn't mean to. I am sorry my knee is just fucked up but we just ignored you and that was wrong. And I know that I need a lot attention with the recovery and stuff but I don't want to keep the attention on me. You needed us and we failed you." He said.

"Don't worry ni, I forgive you. I forgive you all." Harry said softly. "How can you just forgive us so easily?" Niall wondered. "my emotions are all over the place because I am sick ni. And besides I can't stay mad at you all. I am in need for cuddles and that requires more people." Harry answered, smiling weakly.

So that's how they ended on the couch of the bus, all cuddled up together. Watching the notebook for the hundredth time for Harry. :)

Non edited - not looked over

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