โœจZodia Cityโœจ[Zodiac story]

By SpicyCaramel11

24.2K 548 491

In The city of Zodia ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜บ, in the chaos filled mess of class 11. You'll fin... More

โœจThe Signsโœจ
Interesting First Day...
Wonderful Injury
An Enjoyable Remedy
Lost &... Alone?
Class Fights
Mr Orion
Grab Your Roomies & Keys!
Journey To The Dorms!
End of a LONG Day
Mornings Suck
A Deal With The Ram
Part-Time Problem Solver
An (ALMOST) Perfect Day
!The Cleanup Crew!
The Cheer King!!
Game time
The Best Kind Of Stress Relief
A Bar Or Arcarde?
Just Let It BURN!
!A Therapy Sleepover!
War Zone
Another One???
๐ŸŽƒHalloween Special ๐ŸŽƒ*Part 1*
๐ŸŽƒ Halloween Special๐ŸŽƒ *Part2*
P.E & P.H
Seasonal Sickness
Experimental cooking
โœจHoliday Specialโœจ Part 1
โค๏ธ Love me, Love me not ๐Ÿ’”
A ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ punishment
๐˜Š๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ 's a bitch
Vow of ๐˜š๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ
โœจ1 year anniversaryโœจ+ ๐ŸŽ
๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜‹๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ...
Going out in ๐˜š๐˜ต๐˜บ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ~
Victims of Circumstance
Fate's ๐““๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ฆ๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ
No witnesses...

Run & ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜บ They Don't seek

380 16 5
By SpicyCaramel11

(Long title, I know, it's not one of my best works...)

Pisces's POV

"Dear ducking god we finally lost him..."
I gasped, letting myself slide down against the brick wall and down to the ground.

"Just say 'Fucking' Pisces, you aren't five" Sagittarius hissed at me, as she practically threw herself on a near by bench.

Should have probably looked around a little before choosing the floor...

"It's called mannerisms. Sagittarius" I spat back, not in the mood whatsoever to take her moquerie.

She just rolled her eyes at me, as Libra finally caught up to us.

"How on EARTH can you two run that fast??"
She asked in between violent pants, nearly falling over.
Luckily, she managed to quickly cling onto a near by tree and keep herself stable.

"I see Pie's not the only unathletic one here" Sagittarius scoffed, looking at the both of us.

"Let me just remind you that you're skipping PE too" Libra sassed, leaning against the tree trunk.

"And let me just remind you that making it through are PE classes is damn near impossible EVEN IF you're athletic"

Sagittarius explained while laying down on the bench.

"Great, then we've found common ground" I cheered lazily.

"And now we've got to find away to survive the next hour" Sagittarius sighed.

I forgot about that part...
I let out a whine as the memories of last years's PE ditching came rushing back.

"Hold up, I thought the whole point of skipping Gym Class was so you didn't have to survive it"
Libra asked, to which me and Sagittarius responded with a hearty laugh.

"That's the intention most people, including me, Aquarius and Capricorn have while skipping" I started.

"But for the psychopaths of are classroom. Like, Scorpio, Aries and Sagittarius" I pointed towards the flattered girl.

"It's an Olympic level sport, with the grand prize of complete bragging rights and Five bucks from each loser" I finished.

Libra simply took in a deep sigh and facepalmed.
"I don't think it's necessary for me to inform you about this, but I won't be participating in this activity"

"Oh you poor poor girl~" Sagittarius let out a low and menacing chuckle, as she got up.

"This isn't a game anymore and hiding isn't exactly an option either..." I continued hesitantly.

"Look guys, Halloween's already passed so quit being creepy and ominous and just cut to the chase" Libra urged us.

At that Sagittarius's grin got wider while I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Let's just say~ that my darling sister Saturn is the human equivalent to a bloodhound"

"Yes we are VERY much aware" Libra added.

"... And~ I might have tempted her to hunt us down with a little bet"

"OH COME ON!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air.

"Hold up I thought you knew!" She looked surprised by my reaction.

"I know it's bloody pain to try and escape her! NOT THAT YOU GAVE HER MOTIVE!!" I hissed.

"This, THIS is why I don't try and escape my fate!" Libra groaned standing straight.

"We would've been better off getting hospitalized by seniors... Let's just go back and-"
I continued only to be smack straight across the face and shaken violently.

"How DARE You utter such blasphemy!" Sagittarius glared daggers into my soul.

I'm starting to prefer Cancer's intensity to Sagi's... I thought as Libra pulled her away from me.

"How about you save that energy for something a little more... useful " Libra glared back at Sagittarius.
"Like, keeping the people you dragged into your death game out of detention!" She proposed,
Tho it didn't really feel like a suggestion.

"It's cute how you think me in detention is the price I offered my sister " Sag let out a laugh before it slowly died off when she noticed are faces.

"What in the actual fuck is that supposed to mean..." I asked feeling my remaining sanity scream.

"Before I answer, can I at least get a round of applause for making Pie cus?-"


"FINE!! God you're all so dramatic!" She sighed.

Virgo's POV

Alright, so my idea of fun isn't exactly looking around in bushes for a giant, diseased, rodent but it still beat running laps so here I am doing it...
I reminded myself with a sigh, as I spread another batch of leaves aside to look.

"Any luck over there!" I heard Cancer ask from behind.

"Nope" I answered, secretly hoping this meant we could stop looking and have an early lunch.

The witch however, took my bored expression as a signe to tease and yelled, "Try harder then!"

I kindly responded with a middle finger in her direction before continuing to search.

"I looked around by the benches and no signe of cute raccoons" Aries sighed, clearly disappointed as she and a sad Gemini walked on over to us.

"Are you sure this was the last place you saw him?" Gem asked Cancer only to be met by a glare.

"Of course it is! It's not as if he's exactly easy to miss!" She insisted.

"He is just a random raccoon that you saw while running." I reminded, earning a glare of my very own.

"He's also a chunky boi, so you'll know when you see him" Cancer added with a pout.

At this point we'd been looking for about a good 10 minutes and I apparently wasn't the only one getting a little frustrated from all the lack of outcome, (specifically the lack of a certain raccoon) we all were.

Which is why when we all saw the furry bastard up a tree, (for whatever fucking reason) we agreed to Cancer's following idea...

A TERRIBLE idea might I add...

"BE CARFUL FOR FUCK SAKE!" Aries scolded, as I finished giving Cece a quick boost up the tree.

"I don't like this plan. What if it doesn't like her and bites??" Aquarius worried as I rolled my eyes.

"A bit late to be adding that after 10 minutes, don't you think?" I sassed, looking up at girl and the trash bear.

"At least he doesn't look like he's got rabies" Aries mentioned.

"Yeah, but I'd be a bit more concerned about her falling" Gemini joined in.

"Do you all mind keeping your murderous theories to yourself's!"
Cancer yelled, looking a little panicked, while she trying to balance herself to sit on a branch.

"Sorry" We all apologized in unison.

"No but, what do we if it doesn't like her- and~ it just went to cuddle on her lap" I trailed off as the rest of them aww'ed.

Cancer flashed us a quick tumbles up as I facepalmed.

"Bold of you all to assume the worst, Cancer's like an animal magnet" I heard an extra voice mention from besides me.

"When the hell did you get here Tuna?" Aries asked as we all turned to look.

"A second ago, Libra and Sagittarius should join us in a moment too" He added before pointing up at Cancer.

"So how do you plan on getting her down now?" He raised a brow, which had us all go quiet.


"Look how cute he is! ... Guys?" Cece said holding up Gus all the while we all silently stared.

"Hey Cancer! Quick question, how heavy are you?"
Gemini asked blatantly, earning a punch on each arm, from both Aquarius & Aries.

As well as a light smack to the head from me.

Pisces on the other hand answered simply.
"Lighter than Taurus heavier than Aqua"

That got him a hard kick to the shins from the gentle lady known as Taurus.

"I Come here to help save you cunts and I hear you calling me FAT!"
She hissed, as she, a five foot, five potato, towered over a wounded Pisces.

"I am now open to us getting back together" I offered only to be met by Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo's killer stares.

If that girl doesn't start a mafia one day I would truly be surprised...

" I'm a little bit more interested in what exactly you plan to save us from?" Aries asked seemingly amused.

"Miss Saturn disappeared, we assume it's to hunt you all down" Capricorn answered coldly.

"And you all came to help us, pretty sure that's called true friendship"
Gemini added with a smirk and a wiggle of the eyebrows, which had Aries giggling sadistically and made Capricorn flush red and then flip Gem and Ari off.

"Well you can believe whatever the hell you want, but you've got to be delusional if you think I came here out of my platonic love for you"
Scorpio scoffed pointing at Gemini.

"Yeah, I'd assume you came here for Sagittarius' " Leo teased earning a high five from Taurus.

"Well I, came here to hide from Saturn but I guess I chose the wrong spot..." Libra groaned as she looked around the now crowded alley.

Only seconds later we had a tired Sagittarius with us as well.

"What took you so long?" Tuna asked in a tone that almost felt smug.

"My bitch of a sister set traps... That's why she's my favorite" She chuckled in between heavy breaths.

"Traps you could have warned us about..." Libra muttered angrily from beside me.

"Oh please, everyone knows about those silly things" Aries huffed a laugh.

"You shouldn't have waited so long to play your first 'Run & Pray They Don't Seek' " Scorpio added with a shrug making Libra roll her eyes.

"Won't somebody just change that ridiculous name already" Taurus groaned.

"Great idea! How about you do that ONCE I'M DOWN THIS DUCKING TREE!!" We all looked up at a now furious Cancer.

Why on earth is she covering the raccoon ears...

"Yeah, Probably..." I sighed, realizing that the process would probably involve her jumping.

"Well, you heard the girl Tuna, go catch her" Sagittarius patted the fish on the back as he got up.

"I'd love to, only somebody tried to go all mafia on me and break my fucking legs." He sassed, pointing at his now bruised leg.

"Cap tells me to only do that when someone lies about you and or owes you money. You check off both those things"
Taurus answered as we all turned to glare at a very proud Capricorn.

"Even so, I doubt Tuna could even carry something bigger than a backpack without collapsing"
I teased earning an arched eyebrow from him instead of a middle finger.

"And you could do better?" He scoffed.

"Better than those noodle arms" I answered which had him gesturing towards the tree.

"I'll stand next to you just in case" Cap said as I walked underneath the branch.

"I really appreciate the volunteering but as long as me and Gus aren't dead I'm fine with whomever!"
Cancer said holding the raccoon closer to her.

"Great, so on three you drop, DONT jump!" I clarified putting my hands out, She nodded.

"Either one of you fails to catch her or Gus and me & Aries will feed your dicks to pigeons" Aquarius threatened the both of us and made me shudder.

I heavily doubt that witch would pass up the opportunity to go through with it...

"Ok ready? One, Two... THREE!"
And she jumped.

And that's when we all jumped too.

Are beloved coach Miss Saturn had chosen NOW of all times to finally find us and her first choice of action was tackling a surprised Sagittarius.

Sadly I didn't get to see that wonderful scene because I found myself with Cancer in my arms.

This isn't exactly a bad view either...

However she was wrapped around me like a bloody Python which had me choking a little, but soon let go once she realized she'd made it down in one piece.

"Oh thank goodness I'm not a bloody pancake" Cece breath a sigh of relief.

"Oh! And thanks a million Virgo" She added in nervously with a chuckle.

And a hint of pink on her cheeks.

"No problem" I reassured her with a flustered attitude of my own.

"HOLY SHIT ITS SO CUTE!" I heard Aries squealed and turned my head to see.

"I do not regret getting stung by a bee looking for him" Gemini cooed petting the raccoon in Capricorn's arms along with Ari and Aquarius.

"Wait, when did you get stung??" Aquarius asked now a little worried.

"Like twenty minutes ago" He answered calmly, as I started noticed the puffiness in his face.

"I should probably go get Gus away from Gem so he doesn't end up dying on the street"
Cancer said and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to get how I should probably put her down.

Once I did she quickly hurried off towards them.

"You're blushing" I jumped again at the sudden comment.

"I am not!" I lied, earning a smug shrug from Libra.

"Sure, now how about we go meet that famous Gus everyone's been blabbing about too" She offered.

I just nodded and we both turned to go see the raccoon who was glaring daggers at me for whatever reason...

Long chapter Hurray!!
Now for the important stuff, I present to you...


Quick Gus POV:

I found myself staring into the soulless eyes of my mothers captor.

"( YOU MAY NOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!) Rawr! " I ferociously yelp at him.

"(Aww that means he likes you) *human noises* !" My newly appointed mother cooed in clear agreement with me.

"( It doesn't really sound like it) *human noises* " He answered in obvious fear.

Good, let him fear, LEY THEM ALL FEA-

Oooo belly rubs~ I certainly do prefer the Strawberry haired humans.

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