Family is Everything! (D.Y.L...

By CrazyPlatinum1899

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It all started when a young 10-year-old, (Y/N) Oosuki, was a little brother to Masato Oosuki. Their mother, M... More

Chapter 1: An Online Isekai?!
Chapter 2: Family Conflict
Chapter 3: Kingdom of Mommalia
Chapter 4: Recruiting Members!
Chapter 5: Going on a Quest!
Chapter 6: To the Maman Village!
Chapter 7: Empress of Night!
Chapter 8: Back to School!
Chapter 9: Mom at School!
Chapter 10: Cooking Classes!
Chapter 11: Pool and Running Games!
Chapter 12: A School Festival!
Chapter 13: Make Things Right!
Chapter 14: The Dungeon Tower!
Chapter 15: The Egg Hatches!
Chapter 16: Mysterious Assassinations and (Y/N)'s Diary...
Final Chapter: Stopping the Wish!

Chapter 17: Returning the Bonds!

476 7 0
By CrazyPlatinum1899

-No One's P.O.V-

Masato: Sheesh...We're finally inside the tower.

Wise: Yep. Besides, I don't feel tired anymore with all of the unlimited MP to teleport all of those moms back to their homes and the entrance to the dungeon.

Coco: Are you gonna thank (Y/N) for that?

Wise: Oh, right. Thank you (Y/N) for affecting me with Heaven's Door.

(Y/N): Don't mention it.

Mamako: Okay, let's all follow Ma-kun and get to the top of the tower!

All Moms: Okay!

Eventually, all of you start moving forwards to continue raiding the dungeon. However, there was a pile of debris in front of you all, leaving a large hole above.

Masato: It collapsed.

Mamako: Did something happen?

Kokkoro: Maybe Amante must've done an accident while she was trying to take us out.

Medhi: If she was, then sucks to be her. She came prepared and failed miserably.

Medhi says with black spiral eyes.

Shiraase: That could be possible. So now, I infoorm you that this rubble is perfect for climbing to the next floor.

Medhi: But it seems a bit dangerous...

Porta: Leave it to me! I'll show you a safe path!

Porta says as she easily runs up the pile of rubble towards the hole.

(Y/N): As expected of her.

Mamako: Ehehe, if Porta-chan says it's fine, it must be fine.

Wise: Okay, let's get going, you guys.

Eventually, all of you safely walked up the rubble.

Unknown to you all, we see Amante under the rubble and removed all of the rocks on her.

Amante: I thought I was done for! *Looks at the hole* When did they get up there? I must follow them! Oh, I'm pretty sure somewhere around here....

Amante removes the pebbles and sees the green warp tile.

Amante: There we go! I'll use this warp tile to get ahead of them.

Amante then steps onto the warp tile and her body disappears, indicating that she teleported ahead of everyone.

-With You-

So right now, all of you arrived at the 20th Floor and no monsters were in sight.

Wise: We've come pretty high up.

Porta: Nothing's slowed us down!

Kokkoro: So it seems, but I find it odd that there were no monsters on each floor we climbed on.

Medhi: Yes, but we shouldn't let our guard. We could be attacked by monsters at any moment from here on.

Masato: Let's stay sharp.

However, everyone turned to see all of the mothers resting on the floor.

Pocchi's Mother: I'm so tired.

Modern Mother: My back hurts!

Blue Hat Mother: The sweat's washing away my makeup!

Masato: Um, what are you doing?

(Y/N): Isn't that obvious, Onii-chan?

Shiraase: Everyone's looking a little tired.

Mamako: Let's take a small break.

Masato: Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you for a moment?

(Y/N): Sure.

Coco: Oh? Where are you two going?

(Y/N): Onii-chan and I are going to talk alone for a bit. You should do your own thing, Coco.

Coco: Alright then.

Both you and Masato went off to talk somewhere without everyone hearing the conversation.

(Y/N): So, what is it?

Masato: I found your diary and your plan about Heaven. Mind if you explain yourself?

(Y/N): Oh that? I just made it up for shits and giggles.

Masato: Are you sure?

(Y/N): Yeah. Remember back when Shiraase touched our mom and I start to do the 14 phrases? I wasn't gonna start resetting the universe because of that until you, Kokkoro, and Wise tell me not to do it.

Masato lets out a sigh of relief.

Masato: When I read that whole thing, I was really worried. Please, don't do that again.

(Y/N): I won't.

-With Amante-

Back to Amante, she was on the 21st Floor and was making a plan...

Amante: I've got a secret! I hid a clever trap on this floor!

Above Amante, we see that looks like a chandelier, but it's not.

Amante: Whenever someone raises a metal weapon, they'll be struck by lightning! This time, Oosuki Mamako and her friends are done for! Ehehe! But they're awfully late.

Amante then grabs a glass cup and uses it to hear through under the floor where Mamako and the others currently doing.

Amante: What are they doing?

Amante questions until she hears fast footsteps as she turned to see a large komodo dragon.

Amante: A monster?!

Amante raises her sword out and held it in the air, but unfortunately for her, the trap activates and Amante was shocked by lightning.

-Back to the 20th Floor-

On the 20th floor, we see everyone sitting on two large rectangular carpets with a couple of plates and food.

Pocchi's Mother: Oh, this is so good!

Blue Hat Mother: I picked up some leftovers when we teleported back! It reminds me of my son's sports day!

Pocchi's Mother: My son was so good during the races!

Mamako: Ma-kun ran in the relay. Oh, Porta-chan, do you have any more plates?

Porta: *Pulls out a plate from her bag* Here!

Medhi: You're certainly taking it easy.

Wise: Yep, and I'm starting to feel better.

Masato: Well, we do need to rest, but we should be a little more on edge. Do they really want to clear the tower?

Coco: You do have point there, buddy. However, resting and eating go first!

Mamako: Coco's right. All of us mommies are ready when it counts, so don't worry.

Masato: Can I believe that?

Mamako: Of course. Believe in me and the other mommies. *Winks* I promise!

Masato: Okay. I'll believe in you.

Mamako: Yup, yup!

(Y/N): Patience has its way, I suppose.

Mamako: Alright! We had a nice rest, so let's wash the dishes!

Masato: Eh?

Mamako: Everybody, bring me your dirty plates.

All Mothers: Okay!


Eventually, all of the mothers including the children gathered all of the dirty plates to wash them.

Mamako: We're ready when it counts!

Masato: What are you doing, mom?

???: What are you doing?!

Everyone turned to the familiar voice and someone tripping down the stairs.

We see Amante on the ground and her yellow hair is all burnt up from the lightning trap.

Coco: You again?

Mamako: Oh, Amante-chan!

Kokkoro: Are you doing okay? I'll heal you.

Amante: I don't need it! I set a trap for you, messed up, and got hit with it myself, but I'm not telling you that. It doesn't hurt at all.

(Y/N): Thanks for the info, friend.

Masato: Sorry to hear that...

Porta: Sorry you got hurt!

Amante: Anyway, what's with all those mothers in your party? Is this some kind of joke?

Masato: You think so, right?

Amante: And you're taking forever going up the tower.

Coco: That's because all of the moms were tired including us, so we had to take a break.

Amante: Are you for real?

Mamako: That's right!

Amante: You gotta be kidding me! Sheesh! Mothers here! Mothers there! It's always mothers who make me suffer, who make me so miserable. Knock it the hell off! I mean it!

Amante says out of a tantrum and stomping on the floor while also approaching the group.

(Y/N): Calm down, you maiden-less behavior.

Amante: Shut it, kid!

Mamako: Amante-chan, we'll be up as soon as I've washed the dishes. Give us just a little more time, okay?

Amante: I'm sick of waiting! If it's come to this, let's settle it here and now, Mamako Oosuki! I challenge you to a washing competition!

All of the kids were surprised to hear that.

-Time Skip brought to you by the Chibi Wise, Kokkoro, Porta, Coco, and Medhi carrying the dirty plates-

(Y/N): Good noon, everybody! Sorry to keep you all waiting! Here, we have a competition between two ladies! On the blue table, we have a mother who can kill monsters in two hits with her multi-hit attacks, say hello to Mamako Oosuki!!

Mamako: Hi everyone!

(Y/N): And in the red table, we have the maidenless bratty Amante herself!!

Amante: Hey you, kid! Don't call me such a weird name!

Kokkoro: I believe my lord found that phrase on Twitter if you don't know.

Medhi: Hehe, I really love that side of (Y/N).

Wise: Same. I mean, for a 10-year-old himself, he knows how to be sassy.

Medhi: Just like some children would do.

Coco: Miss Mamako vs. The sensitive girl who gets humiliated and can't take an L is about to begin!

Amante: You too, dragon!

(Y/N) & Coco: Start!

The audience clapped in excitement as Amante and Mamako started to wash the dishes.

Amante: Here I go!

Amante starts washing the dishes at a fast pace which she followed like any other normal human being.

Mom 1: Look, she began washing the least dirty dishes first! It's the first rule of washing dishes, but kids these days don't know that!

Amante: Actually, I'm good at all kinds of chores. I have the skills to get by without a mother. Now, Mamako Oosuki, admit defeat!

As Amante was looking at Mamako in front of her, she sees Mamako holding Altura and the dishwashing liquid.

Mamako: Okay, time to get started!

Amante: Wait, what's with the sword?

Mamako then sprays the dishwashing liquid at the edge of Altura's blade. Altura's blade starts to glow blue and sprayed in the mixture of dishwashing liquid and water onto the dirty plates making them all instantly shiny and clean.

Mamako: Okay! All done!

Amante: Ehhh?!?!

Mamako: The guild building's pipes are broken, and it was tough to wash anything, so I asked my sword for help!

Amante: That's cheating! No fair!

(Y/N): Yo Judges, do your verdict, please!

At the judging table, we see Shiraase, Porta, Kokkoro, and Masato who were holding a small sign that says "Mamako" indicating that Mamako won.

Shiraase: You may wash dishes however you like. However, I infoorm you that what's important is speed and cleanliness.

Coco: Therefore, the winner is Miss Mamako!

All of the mothers clapped to Mamako while Amante had a defeated look on her face.

Mamako: Oh my! I won!

Porta: Amazing! I'm so impressed!

Kokkoro: *Nods* Mm. Using Altera as water and then mixing it using the dishwashing liquid to clean up the plates instantly is a big brain.

Amante: I-I was just getting warmed up! Next time is for real. Now get me something to wash!

Mamako: There's nothing left to wash...Oh, I know! How about we do clothes next?

Masato: Hey, my shirts!

(Y/N): There's mine in them as well.

Mamako: We've been running around all day, right? So I didn't have time to wash them.

Amante: Sounds good. Very well, then.

Wise: Okay, on to the next round. Mamako vs. Loser-mante.

Amante: Hey!

Medhi: Mamako vs. The girl who should really wash her own shirt, since it smells all salty and has gotten moldy from seawater, in a shirt-washing competition!

Amante: *Sniffs her clothes* It doesn't smell salty, and it's not moldy!

Coco: Stop the cap!

Wise & Medhi: Start!

Mamako: Mommy will give her all and make my sons' shirts whiter and brighter than anybody else's!

Porta: Mama-san is serious!

(Y/N): Do your best!

Amante uses the washboard and starts to roughly scrub it.

Amante: I've basically been homeless living in the tower, so I'll show you what I've learned!

Masato: A washboard, huh?

Masato mutters, but Wise misheard what he said, referring to her chest.

Wise: Spara la Magia pel mirale...Morte!

Masato: I didn't say it was your washboard!

Amante: Well? I got those tough stains out!

Amante says proudly until Mamako comes in and said...

Mamako: Amante-chan, if you scrub it that hard, you'll damage (Y/N)-kun's shirt!

Amante: Eh?

Mamako: *Raises Altura* Go!

Water spurts out of the blade of Altura, creating g large bubble of water, and spins like a washing machine.

Mamako then carefully places Masato's shirt onto the water bubble.

Mamako: Delicate wash mode, okay?

The water bubble obeys her command. Masato white shirt starts to spin around inside the water bubble, instantly removing all of the dirt and stains.

Wise: Judges?

Masato, Kokkoro, Porta, and Shiraase raised their signs and it was Mamako who won the verdict as the audience start clapping for Mamako.

Medhi: Yet again, the winner is Mamako-san!

Mamako: A mommy's love makes anything possible!

Porta: I knew it, Mama-san is an amazing mom!

Coco: As expected of her, once again.

Mamako: I won't let anybody else be my children's number one!

Masato: My mom's my number one? That's hell! Where did that come from, anyway!

(Y/N): Keep your expectations high, Onii-chan. You won't get embarrassed if you do.

Masato: Probably.

Amante: Grr....I refuse to lose to a mother! That's right! I haven't lost yet!

And just like that, Amante runs off and climbs up the green stairs.

Amante: Don't forget! Next time we meet, we'll finish this!

Amante says in an echoed voice, above the floors.

Masato: What was that about, anyway?

-Mini Time Skip brought to you by the Oosuki party members climbing up every floor to floor with Mamako slashing every monster on the way-

Time passed for a bit and everyone arrived at the 81st floor.

Masato: We made it to floor 81, huh?

(Y/N): Yup. It feels like an hour passing by.

Upon entering the area, everyone sees a blue armor tile on the floor.

Masato: This tile is...

Medhi: It's Wise's time to shine! Go on! Go on!

Medhi says as she starts to forcefully push Wise onto the blue armor tile without knowing what effects it could be.

And with a final push, Wise stepped on the blue armor tile. She panics for a bit but felt relaxed.

Wise: My body feels lighter!

Porta: You're right!

Masato was up next. He was skeptical about stepping on it, but he eventually steps on it. He felt his body more relaxed upon stepping on the blue armor tile.

Masato: This is nice!

Mamako: Kokkoro-chan, (Y/N)-kun, Coco-chan, you three should step on that tile.

(Y/N): Uh no, we'll pass.

Coco: Same.

Kokkoro: Me too.

Masato: That sucks.

(Y/N): Yeah...

You said with a not-amused expression while Kokkoro and Coco darted their eyes away.

-3 Floors Later-

The Oosuki party members reached the 83rd floor as Masato stepped on another blue armor tile.

Masato: Looks like...This has the effect of getting rid of your late-afternoon fatigue.

Shiraase: No, I'm afraid that's incorrect.

Coco: (Yeah...definitely incorrect, indeed).

-6 Floors Later aka the 89th Floor-

Masato was about to step another floor tile until Shiraase spoke up.

Shiraase: I infoorm you that this is a trap that removes equipment.

Masato: Huh?! *Covers himself* So that's why my body feels lighter! Why didn't you inform us sooner!?

Shiraase: I thought it might lighten up the mood of what's turning into a rather boring dungeon run. Though the lack of defense resulting from having no armor is a bit of a problem.

Masato: It's not a bit of a problem, it's a huge problem.

(Y/N): Pfft...!

Masato: Hey, you two! Don't even try to laugh!

Both you and Coco trying to hold onto her laughter, while Kokkoro was face-palming out of shame.

(Y/N): You fail to realize the feeling of your clothes were missing because you were being a moron for stepping on the trap and relaxing. It's not an everyday day off now, is it?

Masato: You son of a...

Kokkoro: However, this game also fails to add a system of trap icons indicating if it is safe or not on every quest and dungeon raid should have so the players wouldn't have a difficult time stepping a random tile that they don't know of which is my criticism.

Coco: That's right. For example, when you see a sword icon on a tile that has an arrow that points upwards, which means you get a buff from it! When the arrow points downwards, which means you get a debuff!

Masato: Thanks for the explanation, Captain Obvious.

Coco: You're welcome, Sergeant Moron.

Masato: But right now, there's something to be more afraid of.

Mamako: Hey, Ma-kun, what's wrong? Why'd you stop?

Masato's heart drops upon hearing Mamako's words as he slowly turns around to see Mamako wearing only her pink bra and panties.

Mamako: I wondered why it was suddenly breezy. I guess all my clothes disappeared! Oh, so did Ma-kun's! You and mommy both!

Masato: I knew this was coming.

(Y/N): (The ironic thing is that we also took a group naked bath.)

Mamako: Oh no.*Kneels on the floor* Ma-kun, does your stomach hurt? Let me rub it! *Rubs Masato's stomach*

Masato: Don't lean forward like that!

Shiraase: By the way, Mamako-san, I informed the other mothers not to step on that tile.

Shiraase says while also wearing a purple bra and panties as well due to stepping on the trap as well.

Masato: Let's keep the messing around to a minimum, okay? If we run into a monster like this...

Masato says until all of you hear the sound of monsters growling on the door in front of you all.

Masato: Those are monsters...Lots of monsters!

Shiraase: We're on the 90th floor, close to the top, so you'll need to be careful.

Masato: It's frustrating to hear that from the person who's messing around more than anybody.

Masato: But get ready to fight!

Mamako: That's right! Mommy will fight with you!

(Y/N): I'll join in as well!

You then summoned out Star Platinum with his fist ready to punch monsters.

Coco: Yup! Time to beat some monsters with my flames!

Coco says as she summons out a small fireball on her right palm.

Kokkoro: Let us commence forth!

Wise: You didn't forget about us, right?

Masato turns around to see Medhi, Porta, and Wise wearing their undergarments on.

Wise: You can count on my Super Sage powers!

Medhi: I'm here for healing, buffing, and smashing things! Leave it to me!

Porta: It's dangerous, so please get back!

Masato: Okay, we're all ready to go! But would it kill you to be a little embarrassed? That reaction is important! Don't mess it up!

(Y/N): Yeah, we get it! Now, open those doors!

You said in a commanding tone and everyone sees the doors slowly opening by themselves.

Masato: But if we're all in our underwear, it means our defense is nearly zero.

Kokkoro: Except for us.

Masato: And it's also bad news for us, right?

Coco: Well, there can be some people who survive without their equipment on, so the chances of surviving without equipment are low-key average.

Masato: I see.

Once the doors open, we see also a familiar yellow-haired lady.

Masato: Amante? You again?

Amante: Fufu~! You've done well to make it this far. My compliments.

Masato: What happened to your clothes?

(Y/N): Did you also step on the trap too, sis?

Amante: What trap? What are you two-

Amante looks down and realizes she was wearing her undergarments.

Amante: Wh-What's going on? I was in such a hurry to get up the tower that I stepped on a trap, didn't I?

Kokkoro: I mean, you did.

Amante: How foolish of me!

Masato: Notice before you make your big entrance. Points for reacting like you're supposed to, but you're no better than the others, are you?

Amante: Sh-Shut up! Anyway, I'm finishing this as promised! I'll use our full might to crush you! *Turns around* Come on out!

Amante says as everyone looks behind her and sees multiple glowing red eyes in the darkness.

(Y/N): Well, about time they showed up.

Wise: They look pretty tough, huh?

Medhi: And there are many of them. Which means we need Mamako-san to handle it.

Mamako: Hehe! No matter how many enemies there are, I'm fine!

Masato: Okay, let's start with Mom's two-hit multi-target attacks!

Amante: Oh, you're attacking, huh? Good! Go ahead, attack! Go right on ahead!

Pocchi's Mother: Um, can I say something?

Coco: What is it?

Pocchi's Mother: I think I recognize the thing on that monster's head.

The mother of Pocchi says as everyone looks at the ape with a familiar mohawk haircut.

Masato: That mohawk...

Mamako: Is that...Pocchi-kun?

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

Amante: I think that was the name of this adventurer. There was a dummy who used a warp tile to come up here while you were messing around.

Masato: Pocchi came to the tower?

Kokkoro:I guess that's the reason why he said he's got business to attend to earlier ago.

Amante: Then, that dummy tried to get the other adventurers to rise up against me, so I changed them into more fitting forms. All of them.

All of the mothers gasped in shocked.

Amante: But I'm not telling you any of that! It'll be more fun to have you fight without your knowing! Fufu~!

(Y/N): You just leaked out the information, and I'm not surprised.

Masato: I see! You've got guts pulling a stunt like that!

Pocchi's Mother: P-Please, don't hurt Pocchi! He's a good boy at heart!

Turtleneck Mother: Don't attack my sons!

Jacket Mother: Mine either! Please!

Mamako: Hey, Ma-kun, (Y/N)-kun...Mommy can't attack Pocchi-kun and his friends.

Masato: Of course! This is really bad!

Coco: But there must be some way we could return to their normal states!

Amante: You won't attack? Then I will! Right, everyone! Destroy Oosuki Mamako, her party, and the mothers you hate!

All the monsters roared, but they all dropped their weapons upon seeing their mothers.

Pocchi (Ape): M-Mommy...Help! Help me!

Pocchi the Ape cried out to his mother as he takes a few steps towards his mother while the other monsters also cried out to their mothers.

Masato: They're asking their mothers for help?

Kokkoro: That means Pocchi and the others are still in there!

(Y/N): Which also means we have a way to change them back!

Amante: What are you doing? I thought you hated your mothers! Forget it!

Amante pulls out a purple gem from her left yellow bra and throws it in the air, creating a purple pentagram, and unleashing drops of purple goo onto the monsters.

The Purple Goo starts to speak in the minds of the monsters.

Purple Goo: (You're so mad! So angry! So pissed! It makes you so mad just being around her! All she ever does is complain and lecture! Do this! Do that! You're sick of it! Who is it who makes you so mad? Yes, it's her! She is pure evil! A creature that steals freedom and peace from children. And so...)

Pocchi and his friends were all influenced by the purple goo as they all picked up their weapons and were ready to strike down at you and the others.

Masato: Be careful, everyone!

Masato says, but the monsters ignored the Oosuki party members and went to their own mothers instead.

Masato: They're not after us!

Coco: They're after their own moms!

Amante: Ahahaha! That's right! That's what I want! Get them! Now, I'm off to put on some clothes and fulfill my goal.

Masato: Maybe Mom can attack them and slow them down...No, a stray shot might hit the other mothers! Damn it! What do I do?

Medhi: Spara la Magia pel mirale! Barieila! (Barrier!)

Medhi casts a barrier spell between the mothers and the monsters.

Wise: Also...Forti Bento! (Violent Wind!)

Wise cast the Violent Wind spell towards the monsters and they all start floating in the air.

Wise: And more...

Wise & Medhi: Spara la Magia pel mirale! Cheko! (Blindness!)

Both Medhi and Wise put the Blindness spell onto the monsters.

Wise: Fufu! What do you think of our magical girl combination?

Medhi: It won't do much but buy time, but now you can do something!

Masato: Nice one, you two!

Porta: Amazing!

Kokkoro: I'll add up a bit of duration to your combining spells! Let the wind lead!

Kokkoro says as a green aura surrounds her and pointed the staff at the combined spells of Wise and Medhi.

Kokkoro: immobilized!

Kokkoro raised her staff until a bunch of purple glowing chains appeared on the ground and tied up the monsters who were blind.

Wise: A binding spell? Not bad!

Medhi: I wish to have those too!

Mamako: Wise-chan, Medhi-chan, Kokkoro-chan, thank you! Now, it's Mommy's turn!

Coco: Do you have a plan, Miss Mamako?

Mamako: Yes, remember what I said? Moms are ready when it counts. *Approaches the mothers* Everybody, you still can't believe it, right? That your children have turned into monsters and are attacking you. But what's happening is real.

Pocchi's Mother: B-But it's because that Amante girl did something, right?

Modern Mother: That's right! It's her fault! My child would never hurt his parent!

Mamako: I don't think that's everything. I think there's something in your children, maybe not hatred, but a feeling of unhappiness...

All of the mothers gasped in surprise.

Mamako: Of course, it's the same for me and my firstborn, Ma-kun. I can always feel the same feeling within him...

Masato nodded in confirmation.

Mamako: Just as parents have feelings, so do children. Sometimes that unhappiness swells up, and they can attack like monsters. But that's part of who your child is, too! So...We must accept it.

Modern Mother: Do you mean accept it, and talk with them?

Blue Hat Mother: Y-You're right. That seems like a good way, but...

Mamako: It's okay, You can do it. Because mothers can use incredible power!

Mamako says until a large red glowing light appears in her chest as it recreates her adventurer outfit.

Mamako then throws the three red glowing balls onto the purple pentagram and destroyed it, dropping the purple gem that Amante used.

One of the red glowing balls reached over to Pocchi's mother and her body starts to glow, revealing a full armor set, along with the other mothers who are also wearing the same full armor set.

(Y/N): Whoa...!

Wise: Wh-What's that?

Masato: Full armor?

Porta: No, it's Full Mom-or!

Shiraase: Indeed. An indestructible armor that can endure any attack from her child, I infoorm you that this is Full Mom-or!

Coco: Now that's freaking amazing!

Pocchi's Mother: So this is a mother's power? Our power! With this power, perhaps...I can accept my son!

Mamako: You can! Because you're Full Mom-or Mommy!

That's when Kokkkoro's binding spell starts to break along with Medhi and Wise's blind spell, releasing all of the monsters.

Kokkoro: They're set free! Be careful!

Kokkoro tells the mothers.

Pocchi the Ape approaches his own mother who is hesitant for a moment until she spoke up to him.

Pocchi's Mother: Pocchi, your mom understands! Because I'm your mom!

Pocchi the Ape raises his Club in the air, ready to strike. However, Pocchi's Mother blocked the attack using her right arm which destroyed the Club weapon.

Pocchi the Ape goes for more strike attacks, but his mom blocked all of his attacks.

Pocchi's Mother: Your attacks don't hurt at all!

Pocchi's Mother made eye contact with her son, which snapped him back to his senses for a moment until Pocchi's Mother start to give him a bear hug giving him all of the love and affection.

And in a flash of bright pink light, we see Pocchi return back to his normal human form from his mother's hug.

Pocchi: What?

Pocchi's Mother: Mom understands. There are many things about me you're upset about, right?

Pocchi: No, I'm most upset about what's happening right now!

Pocchi's Mother: *Hugs him a little tight* Mom will hear you out. She'll listen.

Pocchi: I get it! I'll never do it again! So please let go!

Eventually, all of the children returned to their normal human forms by their own mothers.

Mamako: Everybody's so close to their mommies, huh?

Wise: Their power to love is incredible!

(Y/N): Man, I can't help but smile at this wholesomeness.

Kokkoro: *Nods* Mm. It's really wonderful.

Porta: Their power of love is amazing! I'm so moved!

Coco: Hehe! I'm happy they got back to how they were again!

Masato: Looks like a scene from hell, to me...

(Y/N): Come on, Onii-chan. It may be cringe, but you gotta appreciate the sweetness.

Masato: Yeah, you're right.

Mamako: Alright!

That's when Mamako grabs both you and Masato for a hug.

Mamako: I'll hug you both tight, my sons, since you two love me so much!

(Y/N): H-Hey, take it easy now!

Masato: W-Whoa!!

-To the 90th Floor-

Pocchi: Phew...Our moms finally let us go.

Masato: I didn't think you'd be here.

Wise: Were you trying to take down Amante or something?

Pocchi: Yeah, I felt like I had to try, you know? To atone for what I did. Do you know what wish Amante is trying to have granted at the top of the tower?

Masato: No, we don't.

Kokkoro: What kind of wish?

Pocchi: Then I'll tell you. This is that idiot's wish...She wants to erase all mothers from the world.

All of you were all shocked to hear that.

(Y/N): Say what now?!


(A/N: That's that! Stay tuned for the final chapter/s!)

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