Phakade Lami (My Forever)

By Tubalole

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Two Separate Worlds, Both Close And Distant To Each Other In Terms Of Class, Love And Wealth Are Brought Toge... More

Characters Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Character Introduction.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Enter Harriet)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 In Violence We Stand
Chapter 18
New Character ✌️✌️
Chapter 19.... Nokubonga.
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 (Nomashenge)
Chapter 21 (Part 2) The Continuation
Chapter 22 (Again)
New Characters Coming Soon.
Chapter 23 (Betrayal Of The Highest Order)
Chapter 24 (Supper)
Chapter 25 (The Underwear)
Chapter 26 "Misplaced Glory"
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Is this what you want)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 His Love
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
We are coming back.
Chapter 38 (It's Him)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"
Chapter 44 (I wish it was a lie)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Bipolar)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Zimkhita)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (This Is My Confession)
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'
Chapter 60 'I am staying'
Chapter 61 - House Of Masilo.
Author's Note
Hi *Financial* Plea

Chapter 21 (The Beginning Of The End) Part 1

180 20 9
By Tubalole

It’s all dark and gloomy in the early hours of the 4th day in the first month of 2008, and The Dlaminis’ are driving through the highway and they have been on the road for exactly 60 to 80 minutes, when they see a sign board taking them to Sandton.
It’s actually very weird seeing a lot of them, inside a taxi that only came with 5 people at first and what’s worse, they’re so distanced to each other, most especially Zimele and Hector, as Zimele can’t take his eyes off him and as for Hector, he is sitting with Nathi on his laps and Prince leaning on his shoulder and let’s not talk about Harriet, she is in her whole as she chews the bubble gum whilst playing that blocks game on her Motorola.

As they follow, that lined road that has those beautiful houses and tall tree, they arrive outside a magnificent down house that looks well maintained and so grand that it amazes Harriet and Hector including the boys.
Mabutho enters into the yard and parks the car, after which they all exit the car.
It’s a five bedroom house and also apart from that, it has a pool area and many things that amaze Hector, who looks around like those mothers from Nigerian movies that are brought to visit their sons houses in the city.
He turns to them and immediately they know the look on his face and it’s not because the house is beautiful or big but it’s very expensive for "ordinary at the bottom taxi drivers" like them, well he knows that they stole 45 Million in cash but not even that money can secure for them a house like this one.
Hector doesn’t ask and that’s because he knows that he won’t get the answer that his body and ears will want to hear.

“This is ‘your’ house, our house”, Nganono says with a smile. I always say that this man is  a teddy bear stuck in the body of a lion, all tough but sweet and comfy.

“It’s more of a family home and it was purchased for your sake and for the sake of the family... don’t worry it has been fully furnished with pots and pans and whatever”, he says with a smile before letting out a heavy sigh
“This house is our own sweat... me and my brothers sweat, we even bought it without Nkosi’s knowledge”, Mabutho says with that “I am laughing but not joking face” of his.

Hector smiles and that’s when his eyes fall to the lady at the back, still stuck at the entrance of the house and he slowly moves to the person and pulls the person forward, to face the three men standing in front of them, as the boys have escaped to only God knows where.
“We will take care of this house and protect your ‘sweat’, after all (he looks at Harriet) this is our family and as such we must protect it... it is what they say “The moment you marry a man and take his surname, you also take his success and problems” (he looks at Zimele), Exactly like what Aunt Nokubonga said.
So my dear brothers, we would love to be excused”, he says quickly pulling Harriet to the direction that the boys took, leaving all of the brothers looking at Zimele.

Meanwhile somewhere at the taxi rank in the JHB CBD, one can see a man moving through the taxi as a cleaner and he is cleaning and removing the dirty under the taxi, from plastic bottles to cans and etc.
He arrives at the ones that have the sticker of Dlamini Taxi Association on them in colour green and slowly under them, he puts something that has beeping sound but nobody can actually hear it, as jokes aside, Johannesburg taxi rank is very noisy for my ears.
He moves to other taxis, as it can be about twenty-five taxis in total, after which he slowly leaves the place whistling like someone who hasn’t done anything.

As for Nkosi, he looks like a former shadow of himself and what’s worse, he looks dehydrated as he sits in this very cold room that carries weird handwriting on the wall and a plastic cup that hasn’t been touched by anyone as one can see the water 💧 still standing strong.
He looks at the wall, as if his answers were just staring at him and that’s when he remembers  what the traditional mediator were he found him and brought him inside the hut, and told him to remove his clothes and remain naked.
He removed all of his clothes and remained naked, and watched as the traditional mediator placed them on the mat whilst saying some weird incantations that he couldn’t understand.

“I see a snake was planted in you by the woman that you harbour in your house, by the woman that you keep as a partner in that house”, he says as he closes his eyes whilst shaking.

“What type of snake 🐍 is this and how can I ride of it”, he says.

“The snake that was planted with ‘forced love' began to lose it’s own power, when it met with poisonous food”, he says, pouring further confusion on him.

“What type of poisonous food”, he asks with confusion clearly written on his face.

“Food prepared by Hector, became poison for the snake that was planted in you”, he says leaving Nkosi surprised.

“So is it out completely”, he says.

He looks at the clothes and as he twists them another angle, more of his left side, he immediately let’s out a scream making Nkosi to quickly lose the toughness and begin to shiver with fear.
“I will tell you the remedy but I tell you now that this woman is beyond evil... She killed people to be with you and these people were or are important to the people that you love”, he says.

Immediately Nkosi comes out of his thoughts as the doors to this interrogation room are opened and the tall and very handsome for my liking, Mr Hugo enters with a plastic cup in his hand and a newspaper under his left armpit.

“You still haven’t changed or decided to cooperate with us, we have strong evidence against you concerning the heist that brought Johannesburg to a stand still and a good eye witness”, he says as he places the cup on the floor and sits on the metal table, facing him.

“And I don’t see you or any your brothers that will soon follow you suit, coming out of this one”, he says with a smile that I could easily slap off.

“Well, Mr Hugo or whatever they call you, I remember telling you and God knows that I have been telling you for the past four days that I can’t say anything without my lawyer, after all it is within my right as a citizen of this country and I have a right to remain silent”, he says looking straight at him with anger in his eyes, slowly unleashing the Nkosi that we know.

“That’s the problem, with you ‘people’, money... simple rands that have animals on it, makes you guys go mad and that’s how you end up destroying a once beautiful and peaceful country that was managed well, because of your black ways... you guys deserve to be led and not to lead... you are better suited to be the garden boys and security guards at the local supermarkets as your fathers were”, he says with a smile, man I miss the hold Nkosi, he would have given this man a Fist and think later about the consequences.

“Well, they is no need for that and like I said I will only say a word to you or anything about the case, when my lawyer is present other than that I hate to inform you on one thing though... This continent... This country belongs to us... the garden boys (he breathes heavily as he remembers something that should have stayed in the past) and the security guards including the maids, and the street cleaners... it belongs to us as our home and our heritage... but you on the other hand has no absolute idea of where he came from, you move up in someone’s continent claiming to be from there and trying to act all caring with your racist tongue, I don’t want to give you a speech, God knows that I wasn’t very good in your non African language, so you take your LAPD out of here and wait for my lawyer, neh mlungu, he says with that charming smile that the old Nkosi has.

Before a fuming Jamie can say anything, the doors open as the Bollywood lawyer, Mr Pravin Naidoo strolls in.

“Well, Mr Hugo... I’m pretty sure it’s not a norm in your people to listen to instructions or obey the limits given to them... you can’t question someone’s client without the presence of their lawyer”, he says making Jamie to quickly leave the interrogation with his newspaper that has Nkosi's face on it and that’s when Pravin moves to him and sits on the opposite him.

“The last time this case was here, it was here with your younger brother, Zimele and now it’s here with you, and based on my knowledge you framed your brother for it”, he says looking at him.

“I do not know what to do, please you have to help me and my brothers, we can’t go to jail... find a way to gain access to the evidence and the mysterious witness that they keep on mentioning”, he says.

“What witness are you talking about”, he says with confusion.

“I don’t know but all I know is that by finding the witness and the evidence, you will be saving us a lot and what’s worse I can’t stay here anymore... So here is the thing... I want you to find Mukuna and the rest will be history, he says whispering to Pravin.

Zimele on the other side is moving up and down the house and the rooms looking for Hector, and that’s when he decides to go outside to the backyard and check for him in this huge garden but, he still doesn’t find him there.
He moves to the front and that’s when he finds that the small gate has been opened with the key left inside and that’s when it hits him that Hector has ran away.
Flashback to about an hour ago, Hector is with Harriet in the kitchen as he prepares the food that they were supposed to eat, as the brothers said that they won’t be eating anything unless it’s prepared by him, lest it be spiked and they find themselves in their graves.

“I have always admired your energy and strength.... and it’s very rare to find someone so... so forgiving like you”, she says.

“Well, it’s love my dear and nothing else, when you love someone and want to be with that someone, you must sacrifice something important to you, to make them happy and I am not saying that I support you being here but if you will bring joy and happiness to this family, then nothing will stand in your path... not even me or Zimele... and like Aunt Nokubonga said it's my responsibility to ensure peace and fairness at all cost”, he says as he moves to place a cover on the pot that is boiling with rice inside, and then takes his leave.

“What will happen if I get pregnant, will you love the child as your own, since you can’t have children”, she says making Hector to stop as he takes a deep breath and turns to face her.

“Children are gifts from the Almighty and what’s given to you, as a gift you must treasure it and take good care of it because it’s a gift, so to answer your question... your child is my chid.. the same with Prince and Nathi, he says with a smile and takes his leave.

He arrives in his bedroom, taking a deep breath, only for him to find Zimele sitting on the bed, facing him.

“What are you doing in here”, he says.

“I came here to ask how is Kedibone and Morena, and I had to come and see my love, he says with a joking smile as he stands and moves towards him, making Hector to quickly flee from his arms that are already yearning for his embrace.

“You have a phone... call them and find out for yourself, and besides Zimele you have no right to be here, I am not in the mood to entertain any love nonsense, I’m feeling weak and tired... I want to sleep”, he says.

“But sometimes you amaze me you know, I am trying to be the man that you want me to be... honest and loving but you are here giving me a cold shoulder”, he says with a concerned look.

“I never asked for anything, all I wanted was to love you and for you to love me but now... my love for you has changed me... I was never like this when you first met me at the taxi rank... I was a normal high school boy with a life and a family to take care of but now, I live my life like one who is stuck in a war... which for me is more like an unwanted or forced marriage...”, he says as he wipes those liquids that are escaping his eyes.

“I am so sorry... I will make amends and... build us again... you are my forever after all”, he says moving forward, making Hector to run for the door and opening it.

“Zimele, I want to sleep... can we continue this later, when... everything has been settled”, he says whilst holding on to the door handle.

“Fine... I will leave but I bet you... that if you are not for me... then you won’t be for anyone else... my love on the other hand for you is an obsession”, he says as he immediately takes his leave and Hector closes the door behind him.

Hector quickly closes the door and moves to fetch the gun that he placed under the bed, and let’s out a heavy sigh as he looks at it with anger clearly written on his face.
Back to the present, Mabutho is with Nganono in the study, as they quickly look through certain documents and one must say that the study looks grand and so majestically with the study desk and the beautiful decoration.

Immediately the doors open, startling them and it’s Zimele, he slowly approaches them With Nganono slowly standing up.
“I think Ma has run away”, he says and as he gets blank stares from them, it only takes 2 seconds before everything goes haywire as Nganono and Mabutho try their best to check the CCTV footage, whilst making calls to I don’t know who.
Nganono sees that Hector, stole or took the keys from the table and opened the small gate but what amazes them, is the Gun in his hand and the person picking him up, is from none other than Malume, the one that used to run errands for him and fetch his siblings.
“I think I know where he is going”, Nganono says looking at them.
“I can’t think of any place, except... Baba (father), Mabutho says looking at his brothers, who are shocked and terrified by that thought.

Meanwhile a young man arrives at the police station and he walks slowly, moving through the corridor as he places one hand in the pocket, and another closed in a bandage.
He enters in the toilet, and quickly enters to poo as in you know what people do in the toilet.
As he sits in the toilet, he hears someone whistling and as the person pass his door, it’s as if the whistle is meant for him and only for him.
He holds his breathe and slowly breathes heavily as the whistling slowly dies down.
He opens the door and brings out, his head to look around and he doesn’t see anyone, he then moves to the taps to wash his heads, and as he washes his hands, the doors to the toilet, immediately get shut.
He turns around to see Mukuna with a smile and is in military outfit and immediately he tries to run to the door but Mukuna grabs hold of him, pushes him to the wall sending pain to his arm.

“I would advice you that running is not an option, but if you will cooperate with me and listen to me... you will live to tell the tale”, he says as he holds him.

“Listen... I don’t have money and I’m a very poor man... but you can take my phone and wrist watch”, he says with one hand up and crying from the pain that is being inflicted on his arm by Mukuna, who is holding it.

“I don’t want phones that come from poor people, they bring nothing but poverty and problems”, he says as he let’s go of him, moving to the mirror, whilst leaving him to nurse for his arm.

He turns to face him with a gun in his hand, making the young man to kneel down and start begging for mercy.
“Listen here, you idiot... you are here to testify or rather point out the man that was involved in the heist that caused you to have a bandage around your hand , you don’t have shame but I do love one thing about you and that is the stupidity to go up against a force... a family that you know that nothing about, all because Police Mlungu promised you a job... (the man looks at him with a face that reads like how do you know) I know everything”, he says as he points the gun to his head.

“I’m sorry sir... he approached me... I never went to look for him or anyone for that matter... I promise that I leave immediately”, he says with tears pouring down like a river.

“No... no... I don’t want you to leave, after all you paid transport to come... so we can’t let that money go unnoticed or unattended too”, he says smiling.

“What do you want from me”, he says.

“I will tell you what I want from you and failure to comply, you and your small family will die... painful deaths...”, Mukuna says with a smile.

Anyways later on, about twenty minutes later, Mukuna is in the corridors, coming out of the police station whilst on a phone call with Mr Bollywood, who looks like his making himself comfortable.
“I have done all that you said that I should have done, now it’s up to you... let’s get away with this”, he says going down the stairs.

“Noted my friend”, he says with an Indian smile.

Jamie is in a room that has been painted grey with the young man that was manhandled by Mukuna earlier on in the toilet and a few other detectives.
In front of them is pictures of five different suspects, along with Nkosi in those five.
“I would like you to point out the person that you saw at the bank on the day of the heist and show everyone the person that you saw”, Jamie says.

The young man looks at the pictures and slowly shakes his head, “I don’t know anyone on those pictures”, he says leaving everyone in the room shocked as they look at each other.

“No... no... no... look at these pictures very well, remember you told me that you know the person... Now point out the person”, Jamie says pointing to the pictures.

“I am serious Sir... I don’t know anyone and I am sorry... please excuse me”, and immediately he takes his leave, leaving everyone in the room with a surprised look.

He arrives outside and slowly catches his breathe as if one that was from a marathon and as he looks on to his right side, he sees Mukuna, giving him a nod whilst removing his cap with a smile, as a sign of appreciation.

Meanwhile Jamie enters in his office and quickly shuts the door in anger, talk about a face with a red tomato 🍅, and he is not prepared to meet with Mr Bollywood, who is actually sitting in his chair with an Indian smile.
“Mr... Mr Hugo.... the famous detective that escaped the shackles and the beauty of Los Angeles, Just to come and bother us...”, he says as he smiles at him.

“What do you want in my office and who gave you the right to sit in my chair, like some Indian boss”, he says as he moves forward.

“The right was given, when you decided to come after a family... a powerful family that could easily bury you alive and not literally because they can do that... I’m talking about... “Burial With Evidence”....”, he says with a deceptive smile.

“What are you talking about”, he says with an angry yet confused face.

Pravin looks at his laps and brings out a brown envelope and throws it to him, and immediately everything that is inside, falls out as it hits the flower.
Jamie looks at the floor and begins to pick up the pictures, and immediately nude images fall out and in those pictures they’re pictures of him and young children.
“I heard child pornography is rife and a booming business in the United States of America, you never left the police force in the US because you were retired or intelligent or the fact that you were putting the interests of your country first... you left because you were afraid of being caught” he says with a smile, they is surely a brain behind that curly Indian hair.

“What do you want from me”, he says shaking as he looks at the pictures.

“No one, whether coloured, Indian, Asian even Latinos goes against that family and lives to tell the tale... They’re more dangerous than electricity itself, even Eskom can’t handle them”, he says with a smile.

“I ask again what do you want from me”, he says with a serious face.

“Exchange... that’s what I want from you... and failure to give me the evidence... you can kiss your pink penis... goodbye and I am warning you... you will kiss it literally... just like your boyfriend... Alex Morgan”, he says with a smile, immediately making Jamie very angry.

“Fine... I will back off and not bother you again,” he says trying to calm himself down.

Pravin stands up and fixes his suit, and moves towards the door, passing him and upon his arrival at the door, he turns around and smiles.
“Before I forget.... children have nothing to offer for a grown gay man that takes advantage of their trust and feelings... I hope this is the last time that I meet you... regarding the Dlamini Family and I will be passing by the reception to get my hands on my client, without paying bail, excuse me Mr Pervert,” and he quickly leaves the office.

Half of the taxis that belong to the Dlamini Taxi Association are moving through the highway and the busy roads of the JHB CBD, with Bombs.
Meanwhile on the road that leads to a well known house that belongs to a dethroned villain, Zimele and his brothers are shaking with fear as they quickly drive through the busy road with Nganono trying to call Malume but his number is not passing through, and as for Hector, he sits in the passenger’s seat with Malume, who can’t hear his phone ringing because it’s on silent.

The mood reminds me of a song that sings like 🎶 Here we stand, world’s apart heart broken in two... two.. two.. what we once shared... has brought us down to this... But one thing that’s for sure... true love won’t desert you and I know it will not and though we went and sort out separate ways... we will always come back🎶.
The car drops him right in front of BabDlamini’s house 🏠, which doesn’t have even have a single guard on it and as he moves forward to open the gate that slowly pushes open, he knows that Today Is The Day.
He brings out a gun and slowly moves inside taking deep breathes.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba.


See You Next Week 💜💜💜

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