Omega and the beast

By AmenRocks1

85K 4.2K 1.2K

The Hookhill Chronicles, p:1 You know when people say how it's like love at first sight when seeing their lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Teaser 1 - the sequel

Chapter 5

2.1K 104 16
By AmenRocks1

To slave for a rich twat to pay off a debt that isn't really mine from the beginning may seem crazy. But something that might seem even weirder is to like it.

Now there are parts of my whole new life situation that maybe isn't all beer and skittles. To work hard without pay for example. Or how my new slave driver, despite his beautiful appearance and good smell, is an odd fellow of a twat.

But I found myself enjoying not having an annoying boss who hover over me like a hawk, watching every mistake I happened to make to point them out. Reed isn't bossy that way even if he likes to hover over me for his own strange and incomprehensible reasons.

Now I have the freedom to plan my workdays myself. I can organize, clean and sort at my own pace. For the only one who suffers if I take it easy one day, am myself. I must work off the debt and the library are huge.

But there is something certain about coming to Hookhill's estate and knowing that my day would look the same as the day before, how I could work within a safe environment and avoid nagging about how I am such a failure. And how I wouldn't risk to hurt anybody else.

Don't get me wrong though. These past weeks under Reed hasn't only been a walk in the park. Reed may not be a derogatory boss like my previous bosses, like Mr. Petersen. But he's so incredibly overbearing, unnecessarily overprotective and thinks he can just control and do as he please!

I may be his slave... okay just there, he hates when I call myself his slave! But I am because I work without pay. Anyway, he thinks he can rule over me however he wants.

Already on my second day here he scolded me for bringing my own lunch. OWN LUNCH! He nagged on me how he had told me how I didn't need to bring food. He wanted me to eat HIS food, as if it were better because he's rich and can buy better ingredients. But hey, a heated pan pizza at least satisfies me.

Another thing is how Reed doesn't like when I curse, which may be logical since he grew up in the upper class where even a fart is considered a curse.

And he doesn't let me drive through the woods! He doesn't understand what that gas costs me! I've been able to help Mrs. Smith several times to afford the fuel. And I had some left from my mother's magazines. But the long detour home costs me both more money and takes precious time from me. Time I could spend on other things.

Mike moved in with me last week and it has made things a bit better. He helps me buy food and he has paid for me the few times I've been able to accompany him in fun activities.

Because I must admit, I'm tired in the evenings when I get home. And on the weekends I mostly want to chill or meet my family.

But if I'm to continue to drive that far roundabout and still do what I love on the weekends, I must get another income, or an income. Maybe a parttime job would be something?

For the most part, Reed stays locked up in his office during the day. I see him briefly and once we meet; he examines me with that scrutinizing look of his. It's like he observes my very move.

I first thought he kept his distance out of dismay, but he mostly seems puzzled. Despite his extremely handsome, good-looking, and almost intimidatingly proud demeanour, I must dare to say that he sometimes appears paranoid but tries not to show it.

One day when I was crawling around on the floor to collect some sheets that had fallen out of a book and he came into the library, he shouted after me in what seemed like worry, as if I were gone.

When he saw me, he tried to gather and pretend like nothing, saying that there was lunch prepared. Did he think I had bailed? I dunno. If so, he would easily find me and put charges against me.

There's something weird with him. He can be grumpy and apathetic one second, staying away... to try to be polite in the next and ask me questions like what I like to do in my spare time or if I have any pets.

Soon he will ask about my dating life, I'm sure of it! And then I can tell him how it's dead. A good thing when my life now turned upside down.

Reed is a proud rich dickhead who thinks he has the right to know everything, but also own everything and everyone.

If I try to say no to him when we don't agree on something, it's like if his inner twat just has to state how he's in lead! He doesn't take no for an answer.

And his incredibly outrageous taste when it comes to books?! Gosh! It's so bad! He has no classics in his sea of ​​books. Not Harry Potter, no fun book!

The most pathetic, or maybe cute if I'm being honest, is how he texts me each night to see if I've come home properly. And if I don't answer within a few minutes he calls me.

Mike claims he's possessive, how he sees the value in cheap labour. He profits from it. But I don't know.

Reed had gotten me a computer to work with, and a brand new one! Enthusiastically, I was given free rein to organize his huge book collection in a digital register.

As soon as I cleaned away all the chaos and restored the library to its former self when the new shelves arrived, I was able to begin the heavy task.

Those old register books he had brought me helped a lot, and I sent my former librarian predecessors a sympathetic thought for how they had to toil for hand back then.

Reed was amazed at how diligent I was with the cleaning part of the first section on the first floor. The dust in the rest of the room couldn't be helped but I had to take it as I went on sorting shelf from shelf.

But before I started registering the books, I had checked all the shelves to see if there was any form of organization. And to my delight, each aisle was categorized.

Fantasy books in one section, scientific facts in one. But they were also sorted by century, which surprised me.

With the help of the manual register my work would be facilitated and I saw the allure of the challenge. I live for books, and even though Reed has a lousy taste, there are books that pique my interest and during my breaks I usually grab one.


I looked up from the desk I was sitting at with a pile of books next to me. I had dragged one of the desks that stood in a corner so that it was in the middle of the floor where the sunlight from the windows fell over me.

I had pulled a splice cord there for the computer and had built up a wall of books around me on the floor as well. It was books from the Victorian era, from one of the shelf sections that were demolished before I came here.

"Oh, hey Mr. Sparkles!"

A few days after I came here to the estate, a cat began to appear among the bookshelves. At first I thought I was imagining sounds from above and had taken a ladder that was leaning against a shelf to kill the rat I thought it was with a book.

But then the cat jumped forward, and to my delight I realized that from that day on I had some form of company during my days.

When Reed came into the library for his daily observation, that twat, I had happily pointed out the cat that was lying and squinting at us from a shelf. He had barely given it a smile and said how he lived there, but nothing about his name.

Since the sun fell over the shelf the day the cat chose to introduce himself to me and it looked like he was glistening from all the dust in his fur, I chose to call him Mr. Sparkles.

He had a smooth and black coat and most resembled a purebred cat. After googling around I concluded that he could be an Oriental cat, with his angular face and big ears.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since before the weekend!" Mr. Sparkles jumped up on the desk and strolled up to me to pull his tail under my nose. I giggled before patting him. "The Victorian era isn't my favourite, I must tell you!" He yawned in response and sat down in the middle of the book I was registering. "Neither yours, it seems!"

Since they were old books they had no barcodes or such so I wrote in a reg number in each book I put into the system. There was something certain about doing it by hand, like signing each book with my personal signature.

That day, I had chosen a button-up shirt in a pastel green shade with grey slim jeans. I used to try to wear purple sweaters since it for some reason made me believe how Reed appreciated it. His gaze got warmer somehow, and it made me... I can't describe it.

It was just slightly after lunch, and I had just sat down to continue with my afternoon duties. I listened to 80s hits and hummed along to all the songs.

When the door opened and Reed entered the room, I peeked over the edge of books and couldn't help but smile. No matter how sassy that man may be, I get strangely happy every time I see him. He came up to me and scowled at the cat staring back at his master.

"Hey Reed!" I sang to the tune of Madonna's Material girl. "What makes my noble slave driver come to my humble prison this time of day? You usually come by in the morning and you were already here earlier!" He rolled his eyes at me, but his expression was divided. "What is it?"

"Today I have to go to town for work."

"Okay." He looked down at me and I chose to try fishing out the book from under Mr. Sparkles. He just stared at me, and I waved at him like I swatted at a fly. "Shoo, away with you!"

"Cat!" Reed burst with his eyes fixed on Mr. Sparkles, who just glared back before lying down across the book, purring. "I swear that cat can't obey."

"Dah; it's a cat, Reed!" I snickered. "They are free spirits, you know? So, you're going into town?" I rose from my chair and grabbed a pile of finished books to carry them back to their shelf. I crouched to place them on the lowest shelf.

"Yes, I'll be gone for a few hours."

"So, I have the whole estate for myself then?" I smirked. "What a freedom!" He sighed but crossed his arms.

"I don't want you to wander around unnecessarily."

"If I need to pee then?"

"You know where the restroom is."

"What are you going to do for fun?"

"Like I said, work."

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Nothing of your concern."


"But I want... I..." He took a deep breath. "Does it feel okay for you to manage yourself for a while?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"As if I haven't done so this far, Reed. We may have been inside the same walls, but we're hardly hanging out."

"No, um... right." Why did he sound disappointed over that?

"Why this nervous?" I straightened up and headed back for new books to put back.

"I'm not nervous."

"Uh-hu." I grabbed the next pile of books. "Are you afraid I will get lost in this maze of rooms? Or maybe steal something?"

"I just want to make sure you'll be... okay, that's all."

"Well, I'll survive. I have plenty of books and him as company!" I nodded at Mr. Sparkles. "I wish you good luck with your work."


"Seriously?" I stopped and turned to him with a raised eyebrow. He took another trembling breath. Why was he so divided about leaving me? It almost made me feel uneasy as well "Reed..."

"Don't do anything stupid, don't wander off in the estate and try to behave."

"Who, me?!" I held a hand to my heart before snickering. "You don't have to worry. I'm busy with the Victorian age for the rest of the day."

"Good. See you later."

"If you're not home before I quit, I see you tomorrow."

"You won't leave until I return!"

"I won't leave until you return!" What the fuck? I frowned. His gaze shone again; I swear it did in that cocky way of his! "Stop that smug smile of yours!"

I had maybe been working for almost two hours from that Reed left when I suddenly thought I could hear dull voices. It was like a murmur where I couldn't make out the words or how many they were.

At first I thought there was something in the background of the music, but when it fell silent and I still heard it, I raised my head from the computer, looking around.

"Hello?" I shouted, feeling a tingle up my spine. "Is anyone there?" The voices died away immediately.

I got up and walked towards the door since I knew no one could come from behind me. If they didn't go through a door on the second floor or something. I put my ear to the door and listened, but nothing.

"Meow!" I flinched when Mr. Sparkles came rushing past me, jumping up in one of the armchairs.

"Stop surprising me!" I laughed, breathing out in relief. "It must have been something from the computer, right?" Mr. Sparkles ignored me as he curled up into a ball. "Well, since I'm standing here I can take a break. I need to grab a snack!"

Somehow the estate felt desolate now that I knew I was all alone. It didn't seem to be any cleaners or other staff working here and I considered if Reed actually lived here by himself.

But where was his family? His siblings? I knew he had some. It is unreasonable how he lives here all alone!

When I got down to the kitchen I grabbed an apple before opening the kitchen door to the back and sitting on the top step while looking out over the forest.

It looked huge, but almost magical. The trees were tall and majestic with large treetops. They made me think of the trees in The Lord of the Rings, in the magical forest of elves. Though not as huge. But they were beautiful, they were.

Carefully I got up and glanced over my shoulder. Reed said I shouldn't wander around the estate. But technically, the forest is outside the estate. It doesn't hurt to take a peek, right?

I needed some fresh air, and the sun was shining. It was a beautiful day! It would be dark when I got home so I needed the little amount of sun I could get.

I thought the park in front of the estate was large, but the one behind it was even bigger, though rectangular and went along the estate.

The gravel crackled under my shoes as I followed a path before turning off over a large grass area in front of the forest.

I hesitated at the edge of it. How likely was it that I would run into a wolf? They didn't stay this close to buildings, did they? I decided that the chance was small and strutted with happy steps into the forest.

The air among the trees was almost moist but fresh and I took a deep breath to smell all the bushes I passed. I understand that Reed's family wants to protect their nature reserve. It was truly amazing!

I could see a squirrel climbing up a tree trunk and hurrying away along a branch. And I saw a bird looking for berries in a bush.

"This is amazing!" I giggled. "I have to bring Mike here; he loves the outdoors, I'm sure of it!"

While eating my apple I went off road, climbing over fallen trees and large rocks I came by. I hurried down a slope and cursed myself for it. I would probably have stains of grass on my ass from it. But I thought I heard the sound of rushing water and wanted to see if there was a stream nearby.

When I reached a stream that calmly meandered away between the huge tree trunks, I stopped and just enjoyed the nature. I should get out more during the days to gather some energy.

For some reason, the forest felt so inviting, as if it were there to give me energy to deal with everything. To deal with life. I crouched down and let one hand play in the water. It was cool, but not icy cold.

Although the Hook family allowed people to visit parts of their nature reserve, they should show this part. But maybe it was this beautiful just because no people disturbed the nature unnecessarily?

Here the nature could flourish, and the animals thrive. Were there bears here? Did bears and wolves live close to each other?

When I heard a branch crack behind me I straightened up and looked around. And suddenly the feeling of being watched began to creep in. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, not like when you walk alone along a dark street at night in town and see someone else walking a bit behind you.

It was more like I felt I wasn't alone. I squinted to see better but couldn't make out anyone. And who would even be out here in the first place? Unless a ranger or something that Reed had hired. It was probably an animal.

"Is anybody there?" No answer. "Wolf or ranger!" I snickered, then shaking my head. "If you're a wolf, please sweet wolf; don 't eat me. I'm just on my way home to granny with some cookies and buns." I cooed in a mock girl voice. "I may not have a red hood, but I have stains of grass on my ass!" I laughed before I sat down on a rock. I probably just imagined things.

Maybe you go crazy from being alone this much? Maybe that's how it started for Reed? He lives here alone like a loner and gets weirder with each passing day!

Luckily he set out on an adventure to experience reality sometimes, like today. It meant I could experience this dream for a while as well. I smiled up at the treetops, feeling relaxed and at peace.

Who cares if I get mad from working for Reed, being alone most of the time? I am pretty weird anyway! But I am proud of it!

I have this forest to turn to when needed, even though I can't take it being alone for too long in terms of having no one. But I have my family, Mike... Reed.

But it feels like the forest and the books gives me all the company I need during my workdays, together with Mr. Sparkles. I closed my eyes and let the sounds from my surroundings consume me.


"...Look, look..."


"...What's wrong...?"





"What?" I looked up confused and almost a little startled.

I sat with my knees raised to my chest and my arms around them, resting on my cheek. For a second I was confused about where I was until I remembered, the forest.

I straightened up and grimaced at my stiff back as I crawled to my feet. I must have fallen asleep. But why? I wasn't even tired.

But it was just so relaxing to sit here next to the stream and hear the cool water and the birdsong.

A quick glance at my wristwatch made me hurry back the way I came from. I had been out here for over an hour! I ran between the trees, feeling stressed as fuck.

What if Reed had come home and actually thought I had bailed from my duties?! I don't want to disappoint him. On the other hand, he already is disappointed since I destroyed his car.

I climbed the slope and ran as fast as I could back to the estate. When I came out into the open field, I slowed down and held a hand to the side, panting breathlessly.

Not even I can say that I have the condition for something like this! I glanced back towards the forest as I found my way back to the gravel path through the park, and finally back to the kitchen door.

I hurried through the kitchen and out into the hall before heading up the stairs. I got the feeling how Reed would be back at any second.

I felt all sweaty and messy from my leap march and my fringe irritated my eyes since it was stuck in my forehead. Gosh, not a fresh sight!

When I reached the second floor I could hear the front door open and in a yelp I rushed back towards the library.

Why did it feel like I was doing something prohibited? I didn't break any rules even though I took a slightly unnecessarily long break. Reed hasn't mentioned how long breaks I'm allowed to have.

I threw myself thru the door and down on the chair behind the desk as I tried to straighten my shirt and then my hairstyle before grabbing a book.

I flinched when the door opened, and I hunched behind the stacks of books while blushing. I heard him come in, calmly walking across the floor. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He would look thru me! He would use his powers of twatiness on me!

Just as Reed reached the desk, I looked up over the books, pasting a huge smile on my face while snickering nervously.

"Hi Reed! Already home?!"

I don't know what to expect. If he was mad at me or not. But he hasn't even been home and thus couldn't know I was outside! So why did I freak out all of a sudden? Relax Ryan. I took a deep breath.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yep!" I nodded frantically, waving the book in my hand in front of me. "A lot to do. But I love it, so much sir! Um, Reed! But I cannot say I love Victorian literature!" Reed frowned and I swallowed hard. "Not for me..." He glanced away at the shelves I filled in the afternoon. "But I... uh, I'm going to try to step up a bit, feeling quite slow today."

"You're doing a great job. You don't have to stress."

"But the faster I finish, the faster you get rid of me, right?" I snickered again.

I looked down at the computer and cursed myself for being this nervous. Reed must suspect something! I felt how he watched me.

I glanced up at him to find his golden eyes examining me as he held his nose high. I looked down quickly again, glad that the stains on my pants didn't reveal me when I sat down.

"You are allowed to take breaks."

"What?" I gasped. "I know! But I don't need any break right now."

I took a new book to write down a number in before I typed it into the computer, putting it aside to my left.

"Why bring that up? Do you think I overdo it?"

Reed didn't answer at first but walked slowly around the desk. My heart rate increased as I hunched over.

"It's rather the books that may need a break from me," I tried to laugh. But not even my humour could dissuade me from feeling insecure and nervous.

I shook my leg stressed under the desk while trying to control my pounding heart and anxiety. Would he be angry? But why? He doesn't know that I've been out and I haven't done anything wrong.

He asked me not to wander around the estate and I didn't! I went outside. I can't let his demeanour affect me.

"The forest is nice, Ryan. But I beg you to be careful."


I stared at him in shock. He knew! But how?! Did he have some fucking surveillance cameras?! Pull yourself together, Ryan! I leaned back with crossed arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been here, not wandered around the estate."

"To wander around applies to outdoors as well, Ryan. And you're not a good liar."

"I'm not lying!" I burst. "How do you even know I was in the woods in the first place?!" Fuck, I admitted it! "Are you spying on me?"

When Reed held out a hand to me, I closed my eyes. But when he with light fingers pulled a leaf from the hair in my neck, it went like a shiverer, a fucking tingle, through me.

Reed took a step back, and I turned my gaze away with a blush. Even though I hid my ass, he found out I was outside. But now I at least knew he wasn't a mind reader or having any cameras. He just saw the fucking leaf!

"If you need some air, I want you to stick to the park area."

"What's wrong with the forest?"

"I don't want you to get lost." I glared at him.

"Shouldn't I find my way back? I'm born with a well-developed intellect, Reed," I then snickered, relaxing when I realized that he didn't seem angry after all. "And as such, I'm born with a superior sense of orientation!"

"Indeed." I huffed but turned to the books again. "Promise not to walk in the woods alone."

"Yeah, yeah."


Reed turned his back on me but didn't leave the room. Instead, he went to the windows and stared outside.

I tried to focus all my attention on the books and not him, feeling kind of irritated at myself how I reacted the way I did. I did nothing wrong! So why does it feel like that?

We both jerked when my phone rang, and I looked between it and Reed before quickly tearing it to me.


"Hi, Ryan." I breathed out in a sigh.

"Hi Becca, how are you?"

"I... How are you?" She sounded worried.

"Just fine. I'm sitting here with a mountain of books, keeping myself occupied."

"I... sorry, for what you have to go through."

"Nah, it's okay. Better that than prison, right? I get to spend my days among books I love, working on books I love..." I could see Reed pretending not to try to eavesdrop. I smiled a smug smile. "And meet the slave driver I SO love!" I grinned at him, and he frowned back. Becca laughed.

"Mom doesn't seem to know yet how you,"

"No!" I cut her off. "I haven't come up with a good explanation."

"Can't you lie? Just tell her you got a new job."

"Yeah but..." I lowered my voice so Reed wouldn't hear. "Working for a Hook must mean a high income and I cannot lie about that!"

"Yeah, right. Anyway, I was just wondering what time you're coming?"


"It's Wednesday."


"So?! You promised to come and see us at the battle of the bands."

"Fuck, is that tonight?!"

"Yes! Don't say you forgot about it."

"I don't know if I'll have time to get there."

"What time do you usually quit?"

"When my eyes cross with fatigue."


I glanced at Reed who was still looking at me. I rose from my chair, turning my back at him before wandering off deeper into the library, glancing back to make sure he wasn't following to listen.

"I'm doing this for you! I cannot just quit earlier!"

"I know! But what time do you think?"

"I'm probably done here and on my way around... 7:30pm?"

"Then maybe you'll have time to hear us! We'll be up among the last!"

"I drive past your school and see. Are mom and dad coming?"

"They have parent meetings all night."

"Okay. Whether I miss you or not, I'll come and get you to take you out on dinner."

"Oh, can you afford it?"

"Yeah, I have some of my last salary left!"

"Good! I miss you."

"I miss you too."

When I returned to the desk, Reed was gone. I thought he would stand there and question me or nag on me about me being to the forest. But he had left. To my relief, I want to add.

It was both embarrassing how he saw me with leaves in my hair, but also how I couldn't keep my poker face.

Mr. Sparkles who was still lying in a ball in the armchair looked up at me and I smiled at him as he jumped down and came up to the desk. He sat down at my feet.

"He's a little scary, your master. Isn't he?" Mr. Sparkles meowed lowly. "Hadn't I had leaves in my hair, he would never have known I was out!" But... not even I believed that lie.

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