Shadowhunter: Two twins: A ne...

By Abbigael_Fairchild

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What if Jocelyn had two twins, Clary and Abbigael had a basic life until the meet Jace, Alec and Isabelle l... More

Introduction character!
Chapter ONE
Chapter 13
Chapter 18


191 8 0
By Abbigael_Fairchild

Abby was sleeping, she was feeling very tired since her sister entered the silent city, she had just managed to get out of the infirmary where she had glimpsed Alec sneaking out, probably to save Simon, Abbigaël had decided to trust him and help him get out without anyone seeing him. She had spoken for five minutes with Hodge who had asked her what had happened, why she was feeling so bad, or if she had seen the faces of the two members of the circle. She answered the questions with a little hesitation, during their conversations Abbigaël always had the feeling that he was trying to manipulate her which she did not like because despite the situation she was beginning to feel safe at the institute. She went to bed in her sisters room being the closest and most knowledgeable that it is where Clary and Simon will go on the way home and so she could find them there, she fell asleep the moment she laid her head on her cousin.                                                                                              She dreamed, or relived memories rather: 

Abbigael and Clary were sitting on a couch, they were seven years old, this was the second time they visited Magnus. Clary was calm, sitting down drawing for Abby, always moving. Magnus had his hands full making juice. He must have already told Abby not to jump on the couch repeatedly. When Magnus came back to the living room, Clary was sleeping, he placed a little green blanket on her so she wouldnt get cold. Abbigael came up behind Magnus and grabbed his leg. She asked him where her mother was.

-Why, she left us with you, and why I dont remember the last time we met before we met again today. She always had to put her hair back on. 

-Your moms with Luke.

-They're kissing I knew it.

-Dont say that, after your mother will think I taught you that. She laught.

-When I grow up I want someone like Luke.

-A prince, asked Magnus. 

-Heu gross, no, I dont want a prince, I want someone who fights for what they want. And that person will have blue eyes.

-Blue why, blue

-Because I like blue. Abby stood in front of Magnus to look him in the eye, he was so tall compared to her. 

-You can do to me the same as your eyes.

-I dont think your mother agrees with that.

-Please, I want glitter in my eyes too, just like you. After promised Magnus shed be calmer if he put the glitter on her eyes. He took Abby in his arms and put her on the table so that they had their heads at the same height, she closed her eyes while he applied her red and blue glitter. After finishing, Magnus made an ice cream appear and gave it to her. Abbigael sat on the ground in front of her twin and started the ice cream, then after eating half she woke up her sister and gave her the end of the ice cream. Some time later Jocelyn arrived, she was so young, it was strange to see her like that again. Magnus took Clary putting her on a chair with a rope to hold her in place, Jocelyn and Magnus paying attention to Clary as Abbigael watched. Magnus waved his hands and a dark blue mist came out, he did something to Clary, she knew that after finishing with her sister he would do it with her too. She left quietly so that he would not notice her. Why her mother let him do this. Clary had to wait outside the door. It was Abbys turn, she was struggling. Magnus did the same as with her sister. And she remembered nothing, she liked to spend time with Magnus the more they grew less they saw him. Magnus was funny and not like the others, he treated them like his own little sisters. He taught them so much over the years, how to do makeup, how to do hair, how to make someone fall in love.

When she woke up, she was sad to have forgotten all that, she knew that she loved this strange man, why as soon as she woke up she could not remember his name. The barrier in her head was falling, she didnt know how to explain it but something was getting weaker in her head, or she was getting stronger.                                                                                                                                               When she opened her eyes, to face reality, Simon was sitting a few inches away from her, he had seen her agitated and had come to see if everything was okay, he had probably fallen asleep in the room, and Clary had probably slept in Abbys room.

-Yeah are you oke Clary, asked Simon.

-Yeah, I was having a dream with a man, a Mac warlock, Marc, I cant remember his name.

-Magnus, exclaimed Simon.

-Yeah, how do you know?

-Camille talked about it yesterday.

-Oh oke, well go to bed Ill tell Jace tomorrow, finished by saying Abby a little surprised 

-Jace ? asked Simon, a little frustrated.

-Yeah Jace, he can help us, you should go to bed and well take care tomorrow."

Simon nodded and went back to sleep in a few seconds Abbigaël found Simons reaction strange when she talked about Jace. Without making too much noise she got out of bed and left her best friend all alone to head to the library since all the events she had no time to read and inquire. She arrived in the library, which was the only room she had not yet visited. The library was very large, vast and very high, one could recognize the architecture of a church, everything was old, the walls were made of stone, with in its center an immense table, on which was spread piles of books and cards open and folded, There were also chairs in the corners. To Abbigaëls surprise there was also a piano, she would never have thought that a shadow hunter could do anything other than kill demons. After a few minutes of research Bi realized that she would not find a science fiction book or any other fiction book. After having looked through the various shelves of the room, she took a book entitled 'The History of Shadowhunters' another called the 'Codex' which was more general to her and a book for each great category of supernatural creature. She took a pen and a notepad from the table and began to read and take notes of everything she thought was important.

Jonathan Shadowhunter, his older sister and their dearest friend David were on their way to Constantinople, when they were attacked by a horde of demons, one of them attacked Jonathan and seriously injured him as they realized how serious the situation was. After several days of driving, they arrived at the edge of a huge lake, Lynn Lake. They were attacked once more but this time the demons were more numerous. The demons had taken over, they drowned the three young people. Jonathan to despair prayed for someone to come and save them. The earth under the water began to shake, as if something was coming out of it, the water warmed up, a golden glow was created and an angelic being came out, the angel Raziel, which drove away the demons. Raziel offered Jonathan a sword that would reveal the hidden truth, a mirror whose meaning remains unknown to this day and a cup, and he put a little water mixed with his blood and made Jonathan, Abbigael and David drink. Since that day the people of shadowhunters have continued to evolve to kill demons and protect the mundains. The angel Raziel and represented by a statue holding in one hand the cup and the other Maellartach, on all the frescoes it is represented coming out of the lake whose drops can be seen.

It was already two good hours that Abbigaël was reading the books of the library noting that seemed important to her and unanswered questions when suddenly a voice called her, Jace was right in front of her, sitting quietly, wearing a gray jogging with a black t-shirt.

-What are you doing here at this hour?

-I am studying, and you, it is two o'clock in the morning, you do not sleep.

Jace took a few seconds before answering Bis voice was softer than usual as if she finally trusted the institute.

-I am not someone who likes to sleep a lot, you are better since the silent city.

-Yeah, a really big nights sleep and Im better, but I slept too much and I need to do something. Thank you, she made a slight pose before continuing, to have saved Simon while he was under my responsibility.

-Why? Asked Jace looking her straight in the eyes.

-Why thank you, it wasnt your job to save him, and I know and understand that it upsets Alec.

-No, why do you think that Simon and Clary are under your responsibility, according to Clary you are the youngest of the three?

-its a few minutes with Clary, twelve actually.

-that doesnt answer my question, why youre so overprotected.

-I dont overprotect them that much, I was the one who wanted to go to the Pandemonium, so I take the consequences.

-I dont like Simon, youre going to kill me for saying that, said Jace, with a big smile on his face.

-If you explain your opinion to me and its based on something, no, but if you dont like him just because you dont, then this case... Abby didnt have time to finish her sentence that Jace explained to her:

-I think Simon doesnt deserve your protection, I find him very insolent, he thinks youd be able to take drugs, its kind of mean to someone who claims to be your best childhood friend, and you may not see it but he treats you and Clary differently for no good reason.

-Because you treat me and my sister the same, asked Abby, smiling,

"probably the first time she smiled," thought Jace.

-No, but I am not your best childhood friend.

Jace and Abby stayed in the library until the morning to talk about everything and anything, with a little time Abby realized that Jace had a lot of culture even though he knew nothing about the world of mundain' he wanted to learn more and more. He also read a lot, Abby had promised to show him her literary favourites.

In the morning they all had breakfast together Clary and Simon retired a little. After breakfast Abby told Jace about the discussion she had with Simon last night and the famous Magnus.

Abbigael explained to everyone her dream and that she was sure that the warlock who had erased her memory was Magnus Bane. Hodges ended up saying that if that were really the case it would complicate everything. Magnus had been absent for months, he was one of the most powerful and helpful sorcerers to the Clave before the insurrection. And since the rumors of Valentines return surfaced, he had retreated.

-We cant find Magnus if he doesnt want to be found and besides, he probably has to hide other creatures with him, he would never endanger them.

-And it would be dangerous to try, asked Abby, not ready to stupidly endanger the group for nothing or worse.

-Hes known for making the biggest parties if hes not the one whos still having the biggest party of the month if not the year for downloader so I think hell be there, the hardest thing is to find something to offer him, He erased your memories and Jocelyn had to pay for his services and youll probably have to pay to find them.

-Paying to find our memories, Clary indignantly said, but its not fair we didnt even choose to lose them, its not up to us to pay him, and our mother probably had nothing to offer him, Clary couldnt stay in her chair without moving.

-She is not really wrong, continued Abbigaël, while her sister was in her room.

-We dont say otherwise, but Magnus is a warlock very well placed in the world if he doesnt like you, your reputation goes down, explained Hodge.

-What could he possibly want, and where we can find this thing.

Hodges went to the room where he trains, he used his stele to open a mini cabinet that came out on the ground.

He explained that several centuries ago Magnus had offered his great love Camille a necklace that could detect demons, and that he wanted to recover it and that it should do the trick.

-Magnus loves everything that is visible, glitters, extravagant party and all that, it will be enough for him. Abby didnt really like the way Hodge described Magnus, but she didnt make a comment, he was already helping her, she wasnt going to complain.

Abby went to check on her sister, who was taking a bath, and explained the plan to her twin sister. They were going to go to the party together and ask Magnus to return their memories in exchange for the necklace, Magnus wanted to get back and then they could through her memories find their mother Clary wasnt too thrilled about having to go to a party. But decided to go with her sister. Clary felt guilty about often about retreat and letting Abby handle it, only to get rid of her guilt she thought she could handle it better than she or Simon

Abby and Clary went to Isabelles room to find out more about how the mission was going to go, being a party Isabelle dressed the two twins who had only dressed in jeans with a neutral t-shirt. Izzi opted for a dark black corset top that showed the collarbones of Abbigael and a trousers with holes to break the elegant look with heels with pale pink platform for Abbigael that highlighted her, She made a small braid with two three strands of hair and left the rest untied and for Clary she opted for a long black dress with a small neckline and mini openings on the hips accompanied by black Doc Martin. Clary was less comfortable with the outfit than her sister. Jace arrived in the room when Izzi left the room to help Clary with all the weapons. Jace gave a seraphic dagger to Abbigaël without being able to leave her eyes, he wanted to know every little detail of her body. Except at the Pandemonium, he had never seen her prepare like today. He found her prettier than ever. Abby watched him wearing a little black shirt slightly unbuttoned on the top buttons. He gave her several small knives that she could hide and store in a belt made to keep weapons of all kinds that Izzi had just offered her.

Isabelle had taken Clary to the weapons room right next to the training room. Clary had never entered this room, the room was not very large, even though it was adorning it. On the walls there were weapons, mainly daggers and daggers, large and small, Izzi took a small dagger with decorations on the handle, She stood gently behind Clary and took her wrists and put the dagger in Clarys right hand and showed her how to use it properly to hurt her enemy.

-We will always be in a group, except Alec who will stay on the side to make sure everything goes as planned, I will stay close to you and it'll probably be Jace who will talk to Magnus Bane.

-If you think so.

-What do you mean, Jace know waht to do.

-You never saw how Abby led the boys on her fingertips when we were still in Hight school.

-I dont think Magnus is just a boy in Higt school, but she can always try, its true that she knows how to be listened to. Even Alec runs out of arguments sometimes, which impresses me.

-Why, your brother doesnt like us, I tell you I can understand that change is scary, but we have nothing to do with it.

-It is not a question of whether he likes you or not you are new, we have never had any new members of the Institute, it is worth him time to trust and when he has not given it he may seem cold, it is a lovely person when we know him.

-Jace knows that.

-That Alec can be adorable.

-No, Alec is gay.

-I dont know we dont talk about that kind of stuff.

-In your family or in the Enclave.


-Why, its illegal.

-I dont think theres a law about loving another man, but its not a good idea, shadowhunters have to kill demons to protect the earthlings and create offspring, thats our job.

Clary didnt ask any more questions she felt that meant the discussion was over. The more she learned about this world, the less she wanted to be a part of it. She did not want a world where people could not love who they wanted, she thought directly to her sister, if it was frowned upon as he would see her. A young woman, who says what she thinks and how she thinks who is not afraid to say who she loves no matter what the consequences, one would think that Abbigael was not afraid of anything and that would frighten Clary. If the shadowhunters didnt see LGBT relationships well, why Jocelyn and Luke reacted so well when Abby told them she wasnt straight.


It was a Tuesday afternoon, the two twins had been off for their last class of the day because of a sick teacher. All the students knew that the teacher had recently started taking drugs to escape the reality of her life. No one knew it was Abbigael who talked about it with the director. She and Clary knew that this teacher would probably never come back to school. Luke was at the police station working, he was about to take his break, and as Abby had a late afternoon lesson, she decided to buy him a croisant and took a chocolate loaf for her and joined him at the station, while Clary stayed at the shop to help her mother and Doth with the new arrivals. Objects of all kinds, Clary quickly got tired of the storage, she put herself in a small corner in the room and drew for several hours. Jocelyn and Doth whispered a lot as if they didnt want Clary to hear. Clary forced herself to think that they were planning a surprise birthday party even though she knew it wasnt that kind of secrecy.

Abby joined Luke at the station and ate in the bakery across the street with her dad. She liked to spend time with him, he was always very calm. She had a hard head sometimes needed to be calm and someone who kept her head cool. They were sitting outside because the weather allowed, Luke did not take long to notice that his daughter kept something for her and that she seemed to be afraid to say it.

-Yeah, Kiddo, talk to me.

-How far I have to go so that you and Mom wont love me anymore.

-What do you mean, were your parents well always love you.

-Always kind of endless forever and theres nothing that can change that.

-Nothing, its because of who youre attracted to that you ask me that, all we want is for you and your sister to be happy no matter with who oke.

-How do you know.

-I know my daughter, thats why you asked questions because you like girls?

-And boys, I think, like, everybody.

-I hope that means youll find someone easier.

-What about Mom?

-She guessed too, we probably do it long before you.

-Come on, its the end of the break. Luke left a little kiss on her forheard.

Abby and Luke practiced that both that day, she didnt know why, but Abby had always had a better way to talk to Luke than to her mother. It was like Jocelyn was lying to herself all the time.

That night, Abby and her mother made dinner together, it was rare that Jocelyn cooked it usually was Luke he was better than Jocelyn for all the food, Abbigael took the opportunity to tell her mother what she had said to her dad this afternoon. Jocelyn asked her a thousand questions, first in view of the worried area she had when she announced it if anyone had harassed her about it, then she asked her if her daughter had a crush or even a girlfriend, all excited to know her daughters life. Abby had no one in particular, but she realized that she didnt see women and men differently, and that led her to ask herself a few questions.


WORD: 3631

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