Wizards: Tales Of Arcadia

By PhoenixSweet

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(I will admit in full that this is very self indulgent.) Douxie always had people in his life. Archie, Merlin... More

Singing Lessons
Notes of Discomfort
No More Magic
Band Practice
A/N Character design
Christmas Break
Let Me Have A Little Mistletoe
Bad Influence
Fear Can Make You Stronger... Albeit Unintentionally
An Indoor Snowstorm- Really Jack?
A Baby-What?
You're Familiar To Me
Detention's Never Been So Fun
Distractions Make Life Easier
Extra Bitter Coffee Changes A Person, As Does Getting Possessed By A Witch
It's My Birthday.... Again?
Battle At The Bonfire
Merlin's Tomb
The Lies We Tell
A Mind Divided
Where's Waldo/Jim/Angel?
Eternal Night
The End Begins
Season 2: Meet The Akkiridians
Who Is In Control?
The Exorcism Of Angelia Sweet
Boys/Girls Night
Sorry, but this has to happen
The Things We Do To Pass The Time
If I Had A Nickel...
Learning A Lot Of Things
A Thousand Years
How Many Times Is The World Gonna End?
A Christmas Story (NOT CANNON!!)
If I Surrender
Safe And Sound
A/N Reader's Choice


74 0 1
By PhoenixSweet

The first bit of the lesson with Archie was just a rehash of something she knew already. That repeat sleep spells could cause sever memory loss of the caster and anyone associated with them. And the idea that other similar spells could have the same consequences as well.

She finally got excited when he continued on to a topic she'd been waiting for for awhile.

"Spell circles," Archie started, walking on his hind legs on the coffee table in front of a whiteboard. It had different circles with runes and symbols. Douxie had set it all up before he went to work, his handwriting perfect. She could never be that neat. "Like incantations, specifically the Tenebris excelium incantation, can enhance a spell."

"How do I- you're about to get to that, aren't you?" Angel muttered excitedly at first, then nervously at Archie's glare. That and he might still be mad that she had been the reason for him getting woken up by ten air horns the other day. How was she supposed to know the boys, not Douxie as he was well asleep at the time, would retaliate like that?

"Yes, I am. But first you must learn the different types and what they help with specifically. Now then, the long ones that look like roads are to help uncover and make hidden sigils, or to simply make the spell stronger. However, those are the hardest to manifest and take years of practice.

"So, what you are to focus on are these-" he pointed to the regular circle ones with a square in the middle and four spaces around that- "they are beginners, but also very powerful and versatile. You can add any combination of runes to it, so they can fit any-"

"Hey, I did it!" Angel exclaimed, moving her hand around experimentally. Archie looked back in both curiosity and annoyance, immediately ducking down upon seeing the rune that was in all four spots.

"Yes you did- now undo it!" Archie yelled. Angel tilted her head in confusion as she held her hand up, pointing towards the ceiling.

"Why do I need to- shit!" Angel hadn't noticed that it was glowing brighter and brighter until the beam of red shot up and she felt rush of lightning go down her arm. The circle disappeared as bits of the ceiling started falling on her head. "Ow! God damnit! I'm guessing that's why. Ow..." Angel knocked the dust off of her head and looked up. It was dripping slightly, due to a surprise rainstorm yesterday.

"Flux runes are meant to be added strength, not used by themselves."

"I gathered that." Angel rubbed her arm, the pain replaced by a tingling sensation. "I should probably study runes next, huh?"

"Very good idea, only rivaled by the one that you should go to the roof and fix it."

"Yeah, yeah," Angel muttered as she teleported up there, thankful that one of the spells she'd been practicing for five years was a repair one. Just as she was about to put the final touches on the repairs, a shout from beside her startled her. Aja had somehow gotten right next to her, nearly falling on her. "Oh, hey Aja."

"Princess Aja, you must pay attention to your surroundings," Zadra ordered her charge as she landed next to her.

"What's going on?" Angel asked standing up and leaving her repair project alone.

"We're training right now," Aja explained, then smiled brightly. "Do you wish to join us? I hear you talking about how you want different teachers and perspectives in your own. Also, Zadra might go easier on me if you're around." The last part was whispered behind one of her hands.

"I heard that," Zadra said making Angel chuckle and Aja elbow her for her troubles. "And if she joins us in our training, I will not go easy on her either."

"Don't expect ya too," Angel answered with a smirk, earning one back from the Akkiridians. She quickly teleported back inside to tell Arch where she was going and change her shoes into a better suited pair for the task at hand.

. . .

"Ugh, can we stop with the running and get to the cannon blasting part of my training?" Aja asked as she knelt down, taking a moment to breath. Angel landed next to her, stumbling forward until she nearly fell. Zadra caught her and set her upright fluidly. She let go and turned away like nothing happened.

"I do not trust that the traitor Varvatos trained you properly," Zadra said as she did a running jump off the building. "We must start with the basics!" Zadra said as she ran and jumped off the roof and flipping in the air and sliding onto another. "After you've mastered that-" her red boot barely touched the other side, "then we can move to advanced tactics."

"That was amazin!" Angel exclaimed with a jump. She couldn't tell if Zadra was smirking or just smiling, but Aja was definitely smirking overconfidently as she stood up.

"I'm a fast learner, and swift as a larvox!" Aja yelled as she began running. Angel quickly followed, her combat boots, gifted to her by Anna, were glowing maroon.

"Me too!" Whatever a larvox was. Angel jumped just as Aja did, the magic giving her more of a boost to go as far as she needed, since the other buildings were close enough she didn't need much. In that one second, as she reached the highest point, she felt her entire body rise. Sure, her stomach did a somersault, but it was an amazing feeling in a way.

Time seemed to slow when she was up there. She could see the cafe lights turning off for the night, possibly Barbara and Strickler walking down the street, a cop car speeding after another car. She let out a whoop and a laugh. It was like she was flying and she never wanted to stop.

But she did.

Angel began falling instead of flying, whimpering instead of cheering. Aja had apparently already realized that she wasn't going to make it and started flailing around for a moment, trying to grab onto the side. Angel noticed her trajectory was different from hers and tried to keep a good position for landing.

As Aja clung for dear life with the two hands that could reach the raised side of the roof. Angel's feet landed on that same thing and she thought she was in the clear for a moment, sighed in relief.

"Crap!" Angel yelled as she fell backwards, her lack of balance kicking her for leaning back too far. Before she fell too low, Aja grabbed her with a free hand to pull her close. Angel latched onto to her waist, Aja keeping an arm around her to keep her from slipping. "That happened."

"You were right," Aja groaned as let herself be pulled up by Zadra. Angel grabbed onto the side of the roof when she was close enough so Aja could fully be pulled up, then was helped up herself.

"In battle, a warrior must be prepared to save herself," Zadra lectured. "Your compatriots may betray you, and you're left to fight alone." Aja and Angel shared a glance, the latter more preturbed than the other.

"We ain't talking about the battle field, are we?" Angel asked. Zadra crossed her arms and didn't say anything else. Suddenly, the power went out across town, a bright blue light following it.

"Seklos and Galen..."

"It's only a power failure," Aja offered.

"Happens a lot during the summer," Angel added, following the blue light with her eyes. "Though, that's a bit unusual."

"That looked like an electro thermal lifeform," Zadra said as the blue light moved through the power lines.

"What's that?"

"They can manipulate electricity, travel through it. The Taylon Phalanx fought one once. An entire battalion was turned into burned bread?"

"You mean toast," Aja said, turning around and catching Angel's equally worried eye.

"We've gotta stop it-" Angel started.

"Before someone gets hurt!"

"Negative," Zadra said as she turned around and began walking away. "Your friend shall go home and you and I shall return to ours and ensure the Mothership is secure- Princess Aja!" Angel had been focused on Zadra, about to push back on going back to her own home, but once Zadra said that, she whipped around to see nothing.

"Sweet cheese and crackers, she's fast!"

"Yes. She always did excel at running away." Angel sighed and told Zadra to warn the others while she went after Aja.

. . .

Douxie got off early that night due to a power outage. He hated losing the money, but figured it would be a good time to go on patrol. And surprise Zoe.

"What's a lovely thing like you doing out at night like this?" Douxie asked from behind the pink haired girl as she locked the front door. She had tensed for a moment before glancing back and seeing who it was.

"I'm about to punch you for scaring the crap out of me," Zoe said as she put the keys in her bag and started walking away. Douxie fell into step next to her with a smirk. She hid her own. "That's what I'm doing out here."

"Hmm, yeah a little thing like you could never take me, the big strong man." The last bit was a horribly done american accent, having Zoe laughing how she always did when he did that, shoving him slightly like she always did, making him laugh in turn. It was unspoken that they would start on patrol together. Granted, it was set up for a couple nights from now and added Anna to the mix, but seeing as their shifts ended early due to no power, they had time to just talk.

First, they talked about their days and the customers they'd had. Douxie had gotten a party of 12 at the cafe that was mostly rude, but said someone left him a 20 dollar tip. Better than Zoe's day; she'd gotten a thirty year old who didn't understand anything she said about her phone problems and didn't seem to want to understand, just wanted her to fix it and fix it fast.

The talk about when the next band practice ended with them agreeing on the Saturday after next. And Douxie casually mentioning that Angel joined her own band.

"Wait, wait, wait-" Zoe interrupted him, stopping them midway down the alley. "What band?"

"Uh, remember the band Claire was in?" Zoe snorted.

"How could I forget? They weren't very good."

"You have to remember, it was literally before the end of the world and they were trying to make sense of what Claire was saying."

"Whatever." Zoe was quietly laughing to herself, especially at his defense at the obviously bad band but soon remembered that it was what he answered her original question with. Zoe gave Douxie an incredulous look. He returned it with a sheepish smile.

"So, how's she doing?" Zoe sighed, shaking her head and leaving that bit of information alone for now, as they started walking again. "With the whole possession thing, I mean. If she's joining a band, and one that needs a lot, and I mean a lot-"

"Ok! You've made your point," Douxie sighed, then sighed and hesitated a moment before answering. "She's been alright. She just-"

"Hasn't mentioned it at all?" Zoe finished with a raised brow.

"No, no, she has- just in the context that we needed a break. And now she's just focused on practicing..." Zoe glared at him before shaking her head, shutting his thought down right away. They stopped at a semi dead end as it split off left and right.

"She needs to deal with this."

"I know."

"And you need to get her to. She listens to you and Archie more."

"I know she does. She just-"

"And you do too," Zoe nearly whispered, but it was stern enough that Douxie gave her a glance before looking down at the ground. He'd refused to even think about that moment, that key moment when Angel was first possessed.

Be careful, Hisirdoux. One day, one of your mistakes will kill someone else.

It was from before he ever met Merlin, ever met Archie, ever found himself in Camelot, ever found himself on the streets at seven years old...

"I know that look, Hiz. And you've had it for almost a week now. You need-" a bright blue illuminating them cut off Zoe's train of thought. It disappeared just as quickly, leaving them feeling electrified and stunned. That wasn't a normal power outage.

They wordlessly split up, since they hadn't seen where it went, Zoe taking the left and Douxie taking the right, finding himself at the museum just as the blue light disappeared.

. . .

"This place is creepy at night," Angel muttered as she resisted the urge to shine a magical light as her and Aja tiptoed through the dark place. "Toby was right."

"Would you be quiet?" Aja whispered as she glared over her shoulder at the girl. "For being able to turn invisible, you are not very stealthy."

"I'm whispering, aren't I?" Angel glared despite the chills going down her spine and hairs on the back of her neck standing up.

"Whispering is not stealthy."

"Oh, would you rather I yell?"

Aja jumped at a sound off to the side, using her serrator sword as both flashlight and defense. She and Angel backed up, the latters bracers lighting up red. The same color magic danced at her fingertips.

Aja suddenly yelled and her serrator connected with something metal as she whipped around. Angel followed suit, letting go of her battle stance for a relaxed one.

"Toby?" She said with a confused smile. Aja didn't seem to share the sentiment.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling her serrator away from him and trying to walk off to look for the reason they were in here. "There's a bounty hunter on the loose."

"I know, and you would have too if you hadn't blocked my calls," Toby answered, a bit peeved. Angel couldn't blame him. "I figured as the sworn protect-" Aja tuned him out in favor of focusing on the monster looming behind him and ignoring Angel's relived smile as she shoved them back.

"Toby, Angel, run!" She shouted. Arrrgh seemed to think she was a threat as well considering his body and eyes lit up bright green. Angel ran up to calm the troll while Toby tried to explain to Aja. Even if the bright green on him unnerved her.

"Stop; this is Arrrgh!" Aja again pulled him back, not realizing that he wasn't screaming.

"No need to scream, Toby."

"I'm not screaming. His name is Arrrgh!"

"I protect Wingman and Angel!"

"Woah, big guy," Angel soothed, putting her hands on his chest and willing herself not to run. "She's Aja and she's a friend. Not a threat-" Aja cleared her throat and Angel rolled her eyes as she added, "to us, anyway. She'll help protect Toby." Arrrgh seemed to calm at this, his glow leaving his body and eyes. Angel sighed, letting loose a breath she didn't know she had held.

"Ok, everyone stop protecting me!" Toby yelled as he shoved past the three. "I am a protector! I am a PROTECTOR!"

"Oh, ok: Sorry for almost killing you." Aja apologized, putting away her serrator and stepping towards Arrrgh. The troll curiously lifted her hair and sniffed it. Aja's smile turned soft and curious. Angel ducked out of the way so the two could get aquatinted. "Arrrgh, is it?"

"With three r's," Arrrgh said.

"I'm Aja Tarron. Just two r's." Aja took his face in her top two hands. "You are one magnificent creature."

"Thank you."

"Ok, good intros," Toby said as Angel walked to the middle of the room.

"Now that we're not tryin to kill each other anymore-" Angel stopped as she felt something in the air, some kind of energy. She lit up her bracers, a flux rune appearing on both of them.

"Tarron!" A voice yelled before electricity shot around the room, some form visible for only a short amount of time, finally landing behind Toby. He jumped forward as it roared, falling to the ground.

"Maybe we can try to kill that!"

Angel let her hands dawn claws and immediately ran to jump and slash at the creature, her boots glowing red. He was too fast with his counter attack, shooting her back in a burst of electricity. It seemed like enough to kill her, equivalent to ten lightning strikes. Except she didn't feel hurt at all.

The fight before Angel passed at nearly a million miles a minute, true. But that was just because she was dazed by the attack. The creature dashed behind Aja and Arrrgh after she said something to him, then crawled carefully over to her with her own answer. Arrrgh stepped in front of them all defensively.

"And I'm hear to help!" Toby's voice was too loud for some reason. Even if Aja was being stubborn, there was no need to yell like that. "We gotta take him-" Toby began as Angel stood up, her senses came back, seemingly clearer than ever. Her magic felt stronger than ever. Unfortunately, Aja simply used Arrrgh as a launchpad and went in for an attack.

The creature growled and sent a burst of electricity from it's mouth towards her. It knocked her into the back wall, her face screwed up with pain. Angel yelled to Toby so he could catch her before putting a shield in-between her and the electricity, causing her to drop.

"Protect new friend!" Arrrgh shouted as he advanced on the alien, the electricity doing nothing to stop him. With a roar of rage, Arrrgh shut it's mouth and tried to hit it. The alien wrapped it's tail around his neck and seemingly teleporting behind him.

The alien then jumped and tried to pound Arrrgh into the ground, but the troll was quick and rolled out of the way. He launched his own counter attack. The alien dodged it again, running to kick him in the face. It did nothing and Arrrgh stopped the next attack by grabbing both of the aliens fists.

"What are you?" It asked.

"Made of stone!" Arrrgh shouted before he immediately began slamming the alien on the ground. Much like Hulk did to Loki (and Thor in Ragnarok), Angel noted.

"Oh my gosh!" Toby gushed, pulling out his phone. "An alien fighting a troll! AWESOMESAUCE! I gotta call Jimbo!"

"Toby, look out!" Douxie yelled as he ran to them. Angel whipped her head to him, confused and worried as the alien became full electricity lightning and shot from him to Toby's phone to the nearest outlet. She immediately teleported next to him despite him now being only a couple feet away now.

"You ok?" Arrrgh asked Toby. Angel put her hand on his shoulder only to feel a spark shock her.

"No! That was like my seventh phone! Who was that creep?"

"Are you ok, Doux?" Angel asked, his expression turning confused.

"I'm fine, love," he answered with a small smile that was supposed to be calming but did nothing to do so. "Really. It was just a bit of lightning."

"Just a bit of- are you crazy?!" She immediately let go of his shoulder to slap it.

"You seemed to recover pretty fast from your own shock," Aja said, finally standing up, albeit shakily. "You only took half a mecron." Angel let go of her anger and disbelief that he would just play off a lightning strike as nothing. She glanced sideways to Douxie with a sheepish expression.

"Let me guess- wizard thing?" Douxie nodded and she facepalmed. It didn't help that he chuckled.

. . .

"He is Tronos Madu, an electrothermal lifeform from the planet Voltar," Mother explained as she showed a hologram of the afformentioned alien.

"Voltar?" Zadra asked curiously. "That planet still exists?"

"Barely. It's been mostly reduced to rubble after a keltons long war."

"No wonder he's a bounty hunter," Angel muttered as the hologram switched from Tronos to the destruction of his planet. Barely anything was left. "He has no one... At all.."

"I saw this guy at the moon outpost," Krel said once Mother switched back to the bounty hunter's picture, seeming to have not heard Angel at all. Aja and Douxie only gave her a worried glance before Krel continued. "He was drinking, gambling, and killing Foo-Foos. No class."

"Your valiant rescue of commander Varvatos would explain how this bounty hunter tracked us here," Mother suggested.

"Forgive me for not thinking it was worth it," Zadra said as she glared at Varvatos. He was pointedly avoiding her gaze.

"Perhaps now would be a good time to work together," Mother suggested. "Tronos is a dangerous predator-"

"I agree," Douxie interrupted, earning a computerized sigh that he ignored. "He seems travel through electricity."

"Hence the power failure's," Angel continued, even though she still hadn't gotten a full explanation as to why Tronos'electricity didn't harm her and Douxie.

"He's no doubt using the power lines to infiltrate the grid," Varvatos said matter of factly, to which Zadra scoffed.

"I came to the same conclusion myself- Significantly earlier," Zadra smirked. Angel rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as Varvatos growled.

"Perhaps you should have shared this earlier insight with your allies."

"Oh. Now the traitor is chastising me for withholding information."

"Varvatos should decore your body with a dull spoon!" Varvatos had stomped over to Zadra, clearly trying to hold back from delivering on his threat.

"Ok, ok, chill out, lads!" Douxie said as he rushed in between the two, Arrrgh holding onto their shoulders to keep the from attacking.

"Yeah, we're all on the same team here," Toby said with a nervous smile.

"Right? Come on, this is starting to hurt." Suddenly, a red glow covered the both of them, forcing them to opposite sides of the room like they were children.

"Take a god damn chill pill and focus on the bigger picture," Angel said, annoyed at the two being worse than one year olds.

"We have to stop Tronos," Aja ordered, glaring at the two. It made both of them stop glaring at each other and look to her, only a glimmer of shame crossing both their faces.

"How?" Krel asked. "He's lightning fast making him impossible to stop." Suddenly, Toby gasped making everyone look to him with raised brows and utter confusion.

. . .

They all divided and attempted to concquer. Douxie and Angel found an abandoned storage building in the middle of town and brought in as many lights as possible, including the ones from the sleepover a couple days ago. Aja shut down the power to everywhere in Arcadia except that building as Krel and Toby worked on the Lightning-bottle-blaster-thingy (Douxie 'wondered' who came up with that name.)

Zadra and Angel were watching from above for any signs of Tronos. It was quiet as they each took two corners to survey, almost painfully so. After almost an hour of not talking, it grew to be too much for the girl.

"What happened with Varvatos and you to make hate him so much?" She asked. Angel didn't need to look at her to know she was scowling.

"None of your concern," was her quick and short answer.

"Oh come on. We're about to fight a Voltarian together. We should have brought him. From what I've heard-"

"The royals didn't tell you everything if you still trust him. Varvatos Vex is a traitor and a sorry excuse for a warrior."

"So he hurt you. I know what that's like." It was quiet again, the silence being horrible. Did I just ruin it again? Angel thought, her body stiffening as a cold breeze passed through. I made it about myself, a stupidly selfish move. I just wanted-

"It wasn't just me he hurt." Angel's body relaxed but she didn't talk as Zadra sighed. She just let she tell her what she wished. "At my Royals coronation, General Morrando was able to attack because a traitor lowered the shields. That traitor was Varvatos Vex.

"Because of him, the king and queen are in stasis and my royals are far from their home and are being persued by the most vile bounty hunters alive- and above all that, the royals still seem to have forgiven him. It's- it doesn't make any more sense than a larvox eating a Cintradite."

"Actually, I don't find it unreasonable at all," Angel offered after a moment, feeling Zadra's glare train on her back. Still, she didn't back down. "True, I haven't been around him as much as the others but as far as I've seen and the way Krel and Aja talk about him. And he... Helped Douxie with my possession."

"I understand that he seems to have changed but once a traitor always a traitor." Silence spaced between them for a few minutes. Then-

"That's not always true," Angel said, though it was so quiet Zadra wondered if she was hearing things. It took a moment before Angel was able to continue herself. "My step-father, he was sorta a bad guy. He constantly got drunk and fought with my mother, sometimes even... me and my little sisters would constantly be woken up and have to hide.

"I'll spare you the details, but stuff like that only happened when he was drunk. After a certain night that led to him being in jail, it ended up being reality check for him. And he changed.

"So when he got out, I forgave him and reco-" Angel cut herself off, swiping at her eyes and sniffing. Zadra was looking at her again, probably because she felt sorry for her or something. Might be mad at her, actually. "Anyway, I'm not saying you should forgive Varvatos. Just to see that he isn't all bad- it's hardly ever that simple."

"Angel-" Zadra started but Angel didn't want to hear how badly she messed up. She'd done that enough these past few months. So she muttered something about going in and used the parkour skills she learned that night to get to the other building, albeit nearly falling again, saving herself with a teleport that made Zadra wonder why she didn't do that in the first place.

But she went in through a skylight, and made her way carefully down to a rafter and watching the others getting set up.

. . .

Angel kicked her legs back and forth and was obviously sitting in a position that required her full attention so she didn't fall. Douxie sighed and tore his eyes away from her.

"Is she alright?" Aja asked as she joined him in watching Angel. Her eyes were shut and she seemed to be muttering to herself. Douxie recognized it as a technique to calm herself. Despite what she said, he had seen her almost panic attacks many times.

"I don't think so," was all he could get out before Zadra came running in.

"Target approaching!" She yelled, everyone hiding as Krel handed off the gun to Aja quickly. Angel turning invisible from her place on the rafters to be ready to attack if needed. The lights blinked out very quickly, the hairs on the back of the humans necks rising as Tronos appeared in the middle of the now dark room. He was the only source of light now, the eery blue light a shadow.

"What is this place?" Tronos asked, carefully moving around, trying to find out whatever this place held. He seemed to sense something, looking up to where Angel was in the rafters to where Douxie was hiding and back. As if deciding which one to investigate.

"Aja, now!" Zadra yelled, causing the royal in question to run out and pull in Tronos. It was difficult and she was pulled forward. Douxie ran out to help her, but the lights came back on and Tronos was captured.

Everyone began celebrating and jumping with joy. Angel could be heard sighing and Douxie looked up just as she became visible again. Beside him, a lightbulb flicked, taking his attention as he looked at it curiously; Krel walked to investigate the strange flickering. The minute Krel tapped it, the lights went out again and Tronos' yell echoed.

The lightning bottle shook and shuddered, causing Aja to drop it. Tronos burst out of the bottle, speeding around the room. As he passed the rafters a few times, the only reason Angel hadn't fallen was because she used her rope to latch onto them.

"He's everywhere and somehow nowhere!"

"He's beyond physics!"

Douxie tried shoot him down, to paralize him at least, but he couldn't get a direct shot. Or when he could, he risked hitting someone else. Suddenly he appeared behind Toby and Aja, thrusting them forward, the latter more agile in her recovery. Toby tried to attack Tronos, but made contact with nothing but the floor. Tronos grabbed Aja and Krel and threw them.

Zadra, Toby, and Arrrgh tried their best to take him down, but the all had different levels of failure. And just when Zadra thought she was done for, Varvatos Vex himself dealt a blow that threw Tronos across the building.

"Vex? What are you doing here?" Zadra asked as the big blue man helped her up.

"Varvatos already lost one family- he isn't prepared to loose another!" After that declaration and the defensive stance, he and Zadra got blasted backwards. And the lightning flashed once more before Aja and Krel were gone. Douxie ran to help Toby up and check for whatever wounds he might have had. Just a couple electrical burns. Varvatos had already gotten up and was making some speech about getting the three back from Tronos' grasp.

"Three?" Douxie asked, taking stock of who was there. Arrrgh and Toby were accounted for, as were Zadra and Varvatos obviously. Krel and Aja were the ones kidnapped and Angel should be in the rafters still-

He looked up to see a red mist fade, indicating that the spell had recently been stopped. And stopped suddenly.

. . .

Angel didn't know whether she had simply fallen onto Tronos or if she had made a concicious decision to attach onto his back. Regardless, she was there now and from the way he glanced back at her, he was waiting for the right moment to attack same as her.

Suddenly, they were thrown out of whatever they were traveling in and away from him. After making sure Krel and Aja were ok and unharmed, Angel took a second to glance at her surroundings. Military transport trucks and spotlights surrounded them and Tronos. The military and people in hazmat suits shot Tronos with blasts of green, incapacitating him quickly.

"If only we'd had that a bit ago," Angel muttered before being shushed by both siblings. They pulled her behind a truck and transformed into their human forms quickly.

"Play along," Aja told Angel before hiding behind Krel. Angel held onto her arm in fake fear just as a woman turned the corner. "You saved us! That- that thing-!"

"It attacked us," Krel continued, hugging himself as Angel was. She didn't trust herself enough to speak, so she played the role of too terrified to speak and simply nodded with wide eyes. Angel did try to make her lip quiver.

The woman eyed them suspiciously for a moment before sighing and turning to look back someone. Angel took that moment to grab the siblings, turn them invisible with her, and teleport them back to the group.

"Costous, we have some civilians to-" the woman turned back to the trio only to see they were gone. She narrowed her eyes at the empty space. "Process..."

Later that night, when the Alien Tronos was in custody, Kubritz found out that two of the three civilians that mysteriously disappeared were the ones who broke into her base. As for the third one, according to the prisoners description, was still a creature of this earth- but not human enough to be considered safe by her standards.

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