Rose petals

By Cotton_Candy_Fantasy

51 1 3

This is a story about a girl, Rose, she was born with powers. But she knew something that her family didn't k... More

~Chapter 1~ Rose's birth
~Chapter 2~ Unknown man
~Chapter 3~ Niece and nephew
~Chapter 4~ Miss perfect
~Chapter 5~ Just a normal day
~Chapter 6~ A relation ship?
~Chapter 7~ The painting
~Chapter 8~ The leave
~Chapter 9~ Unboxing
~Chapter 10~ I'm tired, 'Sis'...
~Chapter 12~ Sister, aunt or niece?
~Chapter 13~ Bandages
~Chapter 14~ Gone...
~Chapter 15~ Quiet
~Chapter 16~ Announcement and chapter
~Chapter 17~ Wraping
~Chapter 18~ Miranda's cake
~Chapter 19~ Miranda! Wake up!
~Chapter 20~ Why?
A couple words.

~Chapter 11~ Bed time

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By Cotton_Candy_Fantasy

-Wait were already on chapter 11!? How!?-

POV: Rose

Hans was so tired. He had bags under his eyes, and was talking slowly. Not to mention his were almost shut.

I picked him up and brought him to bed.

'Will you tell a story now?' Miranda asked.
'Yes Miranda.' I said putting Hans in bed.

'Max was taken to his aunt by the cops and he had already packed his bag before anyone knew that his parents would die.
His aunt opened the door when Max had knocked 5 times.
'What do you need?' She said irritated.
'Oh it's you, come in.'
Max walked in and said: 'Thank you.'
'Where is my room?'
'The basement silly!' Aunt said.
'But I can't sleep there!' Max replied schocked.
'It' a joke idiot. Else the government will take you away, and I won't get any money.' Aunt said.

Aunt brought Max to his room so that he could unpack and left him alone for a bit.
'Maybe she wasn't that bad as max's mom and dad had said she was?'
Max's parents had always said that this aunt was an awfull witch, so that's what Max beleived. But it seemed like his mom and dad where the witch's!'

I stood up halfly knowing Miranda would be asleep, and she was. Hans was already asleep when I started the story. I quietly walked out off the room and walled trough the hallway to my room.

When I entered i shut the door behind me and walked to the bathroom.

I changed my bandage and took a shower without. I never really felt pain. If i tripped I would just feel a fall. So this didn't sting.

I washed my hair and everything and when I got out of the shower I smelled like rose's.

I put on my clothes, not my actual clothes but pajama's and underwear.
I brushed my theeth and went to bed.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to read.
I was so caught up in the book that I didn't notice I had pulled an all nighter.

I saw light from my window and checked the time.
Sh!t, I had pulled an all nighter.

I got out off bed and put on my clothes. Brushed my theeth and did my hair.

I grabbed my earings and switched them.
Fot a necklace and some bracelets. I didn't wear a crown because there heavy.

I walked out off my room to Miranda and Hans's room to wake them up.

'Wake up sleepy heads.' I said walking in their room, to my delight they were playing with their toys.
They had also put on their clothes and brushed their theeth, Miranda also had brushed her hair.

'When did you guys learn this?' I asked them.
'Well, mommy sometimes went to a club she said, and then we would be alone for a few days.' Miranda answered.

These kids were alone for days!?

Aunt really was a witch.

We walked down stairs and I made waffles.
I had told Mickey to take a day off and sleep in our guest house. He agreed saying that a little break might do good.

I put wipped-cream on the waffels and some sprinkles.

'Breakfast is serveeld!' I said giving the kids their waffles.
'Thank you!' they said at the same time before digging in the food I had brought them. 

We ate and I had to make a few more but that didn't bother me.

I cleaned the dishes so that Hans could watch paw patrol.
Miranda decided she wanted to watch that with him so they where sitting on the couch watching paw patrol.

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